Watch out! A new fad is lighting up in the west: Marijuana is now being legalised in parts of the the USA in the name of health reasons. In states like Oregon, new marijuana bars and cafes are opening where patients can enter, purchase marijuana and hashish, and smoke as much as they wish. Medical doctors are prescribing and certifying their patients marijuana for pain relief and mental anxiety etc.
This is the new and growing phenomenon. The tricky part is that any new fad that starts in the west then spreads all over the globe. So this is the latest trend - everyone should be careful. Of course as Proutists, our dharmic stand is to oppose as Baba is against the use of such intoxicants (Ref: Prout Nutshell part 21).
Baba saya, "This story took place very long ago. I was extremely young then, about four or five years old. I had a Shiva linga...In those days ordinary people had a rather excessive amount of devotion towards sannya'siis and holy men. A group of sannya'siis would light a fire and sit around it in one of the neighbourhood’s slightly elevated vacant areas. Countless devotees would encircle them singing devotional songs and kiirtana. I used to see this scene all the time. Stories of Lord Shiva’s white radiance, his magnanimity and detachment had attracted my mind a good deal. But I did not at all like these sannya'siis’ greed for all kinds of delicacies, nor their marijuana pipes and tweezers. And so I would harass them by throwing stones from afar or stealing their sumptuous food and fleeing." (Strange Experiences, Chap 2)
So Baba's dharmic stance against marijuana took expression very early in life
Baba says, "The developed sa'dhaka [spiritual aspirant] remains submerged in this beatific condition of intoxication. It is said that Shiva remains overwhelmed under the spell of this very type of intoxication, with His eyes fixed upwards. This is not the intoxication produced by bhang [Indian hemp] or ganja [marijuana], or that of opium, nor that of wine, but is a sort of beatific intoxication brought about by sudha'rasa." (YP)
As Baba points out, it is known in India that the marijuana drug does not lead to an enlightened mind. Every true sadhaka and everyday citizens understand this, either practically or theoretically. But that does not mean that the latest medical marijuana trend in the US will not soon hit the streets in Mumbai and elsewhere. After all, India rejected materialism centuries ago yet now the youth of India are plunged in all kinds of pseudo-culture fashion and materialistic lifestyles - religiously copying the trends in the west. So it may not, nay will not, be long before patients & innocent citizens in India and other countries are also smoking marijuana
"The evidence is overwhelming that marijuana can relieve certain types of pain, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms caused by such illnesses as multiple sclerosis, cancer and AIDS -- or by the harsh drugs sometimes used to treat them. And it can do so with remarkable safety. Indeed, marijuana is less toxic than many of the drugs that physicians prescribe every day."
And indeed there are many medical professionals in the west who advocate the use of marijuana for a wide-range of patients. And now there are at least 13 states in the US where patients can legally purchase and smoke marijuana and hashish in cafes. 400,000 patients in Canada smoke marijuana and in the US the number are exponentially growing into the millions. This trend is spreading fast - it has all happened in the last few months.
Indeed the tobacco industry got away with this for years, and in the last couple decades it is the the prescription drug industry that has most doctors in the pockets. And now today, we see that the marijuana lobby has made its way into the wallets of physicians and the medical establishment. So we have to think a thousand times - and educate the common people about this - how far should doctors be trusted.
Time and again physicians make recommendations that are basically ludicrous: In the 50's and 60's they were advocating that pregnant women smoke cigarettes in order to relax. And more recently medical professionals have advocated the regular consumption of red wine (alcohol) and chocolate for overall health and happiness. So there is no shortage of ridiculous recommendations by the US medical establishment. And now we see that the use of marijuana for patients is just one more scar on this growing list.
Baba says, "It is desirable that people keep themselves free from intoxicants and stimulants and move steadily towards the higher realms of physical, mental and spiritual development through all possible ways." (PNS-21) Baba says, 'Taking hashish, marijuana, opium or wine causes a peculiar change in the mind." (HS-1)
Baba says, "Intoxicated by opium, people sit idle and doze off. Hemp [marijuana] destroys general intelligence and the faculty of understanding. None of these intoxicants are good for human beings." (PNS-21)
Thus it is our duty to oppose this latest trend of marijuana cages advocated by medical professionals and the hemp lobby etc. Because sadly, What they are prescribing for patients today they will be recommending to general citizens tomorrow. That is the unfortunate direction things are headed. It needs a strong push to buck this trend.
Baba says, "For progress in entitative flow, one is to lead a pure life, a moralistic life, a life based on moral principles. Do not do anything bad. What is bad? Bad is that which depraves human existence. Follow a strict code of morality. Live a pure life, a neat and clean life. Be strict in 16 Points. What will happen? Your entitative flow will get purified and will be in parallelism with your psychic wave." (SS-12)