Subject: Two Types of Drunkards
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 20:29:35 +0000
"Prabhu toma'ri liila' tumi bojha'o..." (P.S. 271)
Baba, O' Prabhu, Your liila is beyond my understanding, please make me understand. You are hiding in the deep core of my heart, yet You do not want to be held. This is the divine play of Your hide and seek.
Baba, when I see Your sweet charming smile, and listen to Your heart-rendering, attractive flute, then my mind floats in some divine world. Baba, please pull me more close, please grace me by pulling me closer.
O my Lord, my mind always thinks about You - again and again. In the absence of getting You, I suffer in the pain of Your longing. Even I want to forget about You, but that is impossible - I cannot forget. Instead I go on thinking about You and tears roll down from my eyes.
Baba, why have You tied me in the bond of Your love. What do You want, please tell me. Baba, I want to get You more close. Baba, please grace me by coming closer...
Here is one of Baba's stories about drunkards.
Baba says, "Once a few drunkards were sauntering along the road towards Krishnanagar railway station from Gori at midnight. Some policemen appeared all of a sudden. The drunkards, after deliberating how to escape, stood in a line along the drain beside the road. The policemen came up and shook them, asking, 'Why are you loitering here so late at night?' They replied, 'Why are you disturbing us, young men? We are innocent creatures. Are you blind? Can't you see, we are lampposts! We never meddle in anyone's affairs. Can't you see the lights shining above our heads?'-- The drunkards were holding torches over their heads." (Sarkar's English Grammar)
'Getting drunk' is of two types. One get physically drunk due to the over-consumption of liquor / alcohol. Then the mind ceases to function properly. That is what has happened in the above story.
A similar type of drunkenness happens in the psychic sphere. Abhiman is that type of psychic disease where one suffers from extreme vanity - where one is drunk on their own ego. This second type of drunkenness - i.e. psychic drunkenness - results in the same type of problem as in the above story: Where such drunkards lose their conscience or thinking capacity. That is why in our AM scripture, vanity (abhiman) is equated with sura'pa'n (drinking liquor).
Baba's teaching is very meaningful for everyone. We see how those suffering from vanity behave just like one drunkard. This is all due to their extreme superiority complex. Such types of people have created innumerable problems in this world. We should be careful about this in our individual and collective life.
Altogether, such a state of mind is similar to drinking wine. That is why in this below shloka the term sura'pa'n (drinking liquor) has been used and Baba explains that vanity is like sura'pa'n.
Baba says, "Abhima'na has been compared with drinking: anyone who indulges in it loses his discriminating judgment, just as a drunkard does. A human is different from an animal only because he possesses viveka [faculty of discrimination] and buddhi [intellect]. And just as a drunkard gradually loses these priceless faculties, an abhima'nii also becomes bereft of them." (Ananda Vacanamrtam -23)
Baba says, "Abhima'na is no better than drinking wine" (Subhasita Samgraha - 10)
Satyajiita Deva