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Two Essential Ingredients

From: "Geoffrey Young" To: Subject: Two Essential Ingredients Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2009 23:5-46:13 +0000 Baba "Ba'dha' eseche bheunegeche toma'r...hoyeche..." (PS 2647) Purport: Baba, by Your grace all those obstacles which have come on the path are pulverized. They got completely destroyed. Whatever horrifying things were there-- fog, dilemma, confusion-- that all disappeared into thin air. This happened only because of Your grace. The bad days, the foggy weather, wanted to swallow everything in its ghastly attempt. And it wanted to submerge everything into cimmerian darkness. The demons' dance, and the days of hellish creatures and their kingdom-- these are gone forever by Your grace, by Your karuna*. O' Parama Purusa, the Charioteer of the chariot of effulgence, You have come. All the confusion, illusion, and dilemmas have been wiped away from everyone's mind. The bondage of ignorance and staticity and the serpentine noose of maya have been destroyed. With the presence of Your august advent, Your arrival, all the sins have gotten destroyed. Now everything is saturated with divine effulgence. Baba, You are ever-gracious... * Karuna'= When one sees the suffering of anyone feels pain in his heart and the idea also comes that, 'I should help them get rid from the trouble they are facing'. Such type of mentality is karuna (compassion). For example, suppose you saw one beggar who is starving. By seeing his pitiful situation then you felt in your heart that 'I should give him food and help him and remove his suffering-- he should get some help right away'. This very feeling of the heart towards that suffering beggar is the expression of karuna'. When you feel moved by others pain or suffering that is karuna. Hence grace and karuna are two different things.
Namaskar, The question of the hour is: What does our Marga need to do to right itself? That is what everyone wants to know and many have their theories. However, rational margiis are telling that there are two basic qualities or ingredients needed in order to build up that healthy AM society: (1) Unity in ideology, and (2) consciousness raising. Hearing this, one might just take a deep breath and declare, 'I know that'. This can happen to one or two group oriented teamsters: They always feel like they know everything even though the only thing floating in their mental plate is their own unholy agenda. So a pointed analysis is needed to ensure that really one is following unity in ideology and true consciousness raising. And verily many margiis and wts are marching firmly in this direction, even then there are a few pitfalls to be aware of.
Unity in ideology means not supporting any groupist agenda like so & so's rush for power, or this or that DMS, or xyz's peace meeting, or any other plan where one group aims to gain the upper hand. Unfortunately, many get scooped into such things because following a person is easier than following an ideal. That is why good people-- dedicated Ananda Margiis-- may still get swayed into one or another camp. When in reality, Baba's guideline is that unity must not be established around any faction but on ideology-- around His ideals. That means the focal point of our unity is not any camp agenda but the sterling teachings of Ananda Marga.That means: wiping out the fake BP manual, restoring margii rights, tossing aside Fake Ananda Vaniis, printing His discourses "as is", eliminating expulsion as a weapon, and so many other ideological issues that are the need of the day. These burning ideological issues-- not a particular so-called leader's call for power-- are our rallying cry for making true unity in AM.
Building a marble castle cannot be done with mud: proper materials are needed. Likewise, once in AM we come to the firm resolve that really unity in ideology is our pathway-- and not any party agenda of any groupist platform-- then we need the people, personnel, and sadhkas in order to create that unity. In June 1990 DMC, Baba firmly declared that we have a huge number of cadres in our Marga, but the quality is not up to the proper mark. And truth be known, since 1990 we have been living out the reality of Baba's divine proclamation. Now is the time to turn that around and surely it can be done. Because so many in AM want nothing else than to establish His mission. They have no other personal agenda in mind. So then what is holding us back? The required vivek and understanding to know what is ideological and what is not. Hence the need for consciousness raising. That means increasing our inner awareness of Baba's ideals so we have our own internal barometer of what is ideological and what is not. Thus sadhana and study are needed to make us fueled by His ideas and not any other thing. Plus more and more discussion needs to happen on His teachings and not around any groupist plan. Thus all the media & practices are needed: Email, svadhyaya, seminars, blogs, 16 Points, conferencing, cartoons, phone calls, yama & niyama, meetings, poetry, essays, sadhana, human to human contact, surrender and more. All these components-- grounded in the ideal of AM-- will create an ideological cadre in our Marga.
Some may say, 'All these things we are already doing'. And the answer is, 'Well is there still the slightest bit of remnants of groupism in our Marga?' And if in reply to that one says, 'Yes', then it is clear we have not been effective enough in our consciousness raising. Because when done properly, and true ideological consciousness is aroused, then groupism will be obliterated-- gone forever from our Marga. Then we will have cadres who will be vigilant about Baba's teachings in all respects then wherever they are they will be the firm and clear imprint of AM ideology. And this is not some far off dream-- we are right on the cusp. Just one one slight push is needed to get us over the hump. A bit more courage and a bit more pointed understanding, and we will be at the victory point. All are the blessed children of Baba and all want to serve Him and empowered by His teachings and infinite inspiration surely we can bring His heavenly ideals onto this dusty earth.
By Baba's grace we will not just make our Marga-- but rather the entire planetary world-- into a sweet reflection of His divine ideals. Baba says, "You should know that great, or good, people are few in number, they are not many. They do not come within the scope of millions or billions. They are always few in number. And these few, they are the torchbearers of human society, they are the pioneers, they are the vanguards of human society. So it is your duty to save humanity. And those who are unable to shoulder their own bags and baggages – their responsibilities are to be shouldered by you. You should remember that the life of a spiritual aspirant is a mission. One’s entire life is a mission, one’s entire existence is a mission. And your mission is – what? To save humanity from this crisis. I hope you will be successful. And I not only hope, I am sure that you will be successful." (AV-34) Namaskar, Jiivan Mukta
*************************************************** Be Aware of such People
Baba says, "Those intellectuals who have no devotion or love for the Supreme...their relative knowledge pertains to crude materialism. This type of crude material knowledge concerned with the crude materialism has done much harm to human society during the last one century. It has misguided the entire human society, it has converted human beings into animals." - Patna, 13th September, 1978

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