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In Him,


DMS News #5: Exploitation & Artificial Scarcity

From: "Girish Deva"
Subject: DMS News #5: Exploitation + Artificial Scarcity
Date: Sun, 06 Feb 2011 14:33:10 +0530



Note: This letter is related with the prior posting, Ananda Marga Gatherings: Two Models.

First and foremost, our Marga is a family; all are the sons and daughters of our Divine Father, Baba. Perhaps more than any other point, Baba has emphasized this again and again: We are all brothers and sisters of the same universal family. That is one of the specialties and most beautiful aspects of Ananda Marga.

Unfortunately, one of the ongoing dealings at our DMS functions at Ananda Nagar undermines this family feeling. Specifically, at our DMS functions, rooms in the Prout  Bhavan, Gurukul and Farm House rent for 1200 rupees.

Now you may ask, what does this have to do with our family feeling. Well, frankly speaking, this is an amount that most of our brothers and sisters simply cannot afford to pay.

Many go to AN for various reasons as it is an essential element of our AM way of life. Tragically the greater percentage of margiis cannot afford rooms at Ananda Nagar. The rooms are priced too high, far more than hotels in India of a similar standard. That is the first problem.

Secondly, the margiis who do pay that amount feel that the organisation is "doing business with me." Because the RS 1200 fee is far more than what the room is actually worth, i.e. what it costs to operate the room (electricity, water etc) during the DMS. So the whole ordeal is like getting a room in a hotel; those who pay that amount understand it is a business transaction.

Finally, there are some who wish to get a room but they cannot find an empty space due to the high demand for rooms in the Prout Bhavan. To learn more about this situation, be sure to read note 3 at the bottom of this email.

                              THEY HAVE THEIR OWN JUSTIFICATION

Of course, those charging that exorbitant fee for the Prout Bhavan rooms have their own logic. Their justification is that:  "People are not coming here on a regular basis - they only come for DMS - and I have to maintain this room the whole year. That is why I am charging more."

But the reply is that in order to maintain Ananda Nagar, they are already collecting donations year-round from margiis all around the world. Teams of acaryas collect money from around the globe in order to support Ananda Nagar.

The overall effect of charging RS 1200 during DMS is that our family feeling becomes affected.

The funny thing about this is that certain organisational leaders feel they are making a good profit by renting the rooms at that high price - i.e. above market value. But what they do not understand is that if the rooms were rented at a very nominal fee - just enough to cover costs - or even better if is was done on a donation basis, then margiis would feel sentimentally and personally linked. They would feel that "this is the property of my organisation and this property belongs to all margiis." They would feel emotionally attached.

                                      WHAT OTHER MOVEMENTS DO

Numerous organisations and movements in India take this very same approach. They offer room, lodging, or seminars at no cost to their members. That way a large population of people can attend their gatherings. And instead of charging a fixed rate fee, it is all based on donation. In that case those who donate do so generously with their heart; and those who cannot afford to pay have no complex or ill will. So it is a win-win situation. And that is the feeling which builds a strong society - not petty profits or a business relation. Our DMS programs should started modeling this approach as well.

                                  CULTIVATING A SENSE OF CLOSENESS

For instance, if rooms were offered at a nominal fee affordable to all or on a donation basis, margiis would certainly give their all if any problem arises or if the rooms need maintenance. They would feel that, "Those rooms belong to my Marga and they are my responsibility." That is the mind-set that develops when people feel sentimentally linked.

So if any problem comes, margiis would give plenty of money, time, and support in order to protect what they feel is rightfully theirs. That is the way it works. And that is best for everyone.

And indeed those organisations that understand this fact operate in this way. For instance the Jains have guest houses all over India for their followers. And the rate they charge is very, very minimal - just enough to cover expenses. And by this way they generate a family feeling that is far stronger than any profit margin. But not only that, those Jains who are wealthy generously donate large sums to support those guesthouses.

So in this dharmsala system, there is a very, very low nightly fee; the rooms are affordable to all. The result is that it generates a very sentimental and familial link. And because of this, followers donate generously to the dharmsala system.

There is no reason why this same method cannot be applied to our DMS gatherings.


Here is the way to solve the problem: We should follow donation based system and offer accommodation to all at no charge, or there should be a very nominal fee. In addition, all should help out and work for the upkeep of the rooms and retreat sites if they are physically fit. That brings a sense of closeness. it develops collective spirit.

Please see all further news below on notes 2 & 3.


Note 1:                           ONE OTHER POINT: EQUAL SEATING

As we all know, in Caryacarya part 1, Baba says that at dharmacakra in our jagrtis, all should sit on equal seats, irrespective of their social or economic status. This gives the idea that money is not a measure of one's respect. Islam follows a similar notion; the Indian seminar system also adheres to this standard. But, sorrowfully, in our own DMS gatherings, we are not following this guideline.


(This below report was submitted to me by one senior margii who also attended the DMS.)

- A margii brother paid Rs1200 for 3 days for a 20' x 18' room (with an attached bathroom and toilet) in the Prout Bhavan during the January 2011 DMS. The Prout bhavan offers private rooms on three separate floors. At this DMS all rooms were taken far ahead of time.

- Those who stayed in the common hall and veranda of the Prout Bhavan paid a variable rate based on their personal circumstances. These residents had to use the common bathroom and toilet.

- Another margii paid Rs1200 for 3 days for a comparatively smaller room in the Farm House.

- The Farm House is more run down (decrepit) than the Prout Bhavan as the electrical wiring & water tap in the Farm House look quite old.

- The Farm has two stories and most of the rooms in the Farm remained vacant.

- In the years since two separate DMS's (i.e. H and B) began at Ananda Nagar, the margiis who have been staying in the Prout Bhavan keep their same rooms year after year. As soon as they leave DMS on 2nd January they reserve the rooms for next time; and if for some reason they cannot attend then they authorise their close family friends to stay in those rooms. There is no scope for other general margiis to gain access to those rooms during DMS. A new margii has no chance of renting a room in the Prout Bhavan. In contrast, those margiis who stay in the common hallway of the Prout Bhavan and in the veranda, that population varies from year to year.

- The rooms in the Gurukul are also rented in the aforementioned manner.

- Sometimes margiis who do not regularly attend the January DMS wish to go. Because they know there is a scarcity of rooms, they contact influential margiis close to the avadhutas who run the Prout Bhavan and Gurukul. This is one technique employed to get a room. If on the off chance they get a room, they keep quiet about how much they had to pay.

- Two building managed by the Kolkata faction - The Farm and Upper Hostel - usually have plenty of space, i.e. empty rooms, during the Ranchi DMS. There is not much demand for those rooms. Also, those margiis who stay in the Children's Home pay a variable rate.

- In the AMURT building and the Farm House, there are some margiis stay in the rooms which they themselves constructed prior to 1990. If those margiis do not attend they will arrange for family members or friends to stay in those rooms. If still those rooms remain empty, then avadhutas will rent out those rooms. It is not known who keeps the rent money.


Here is one other critical component to this housing issue at DMS.

On the one side the Prout Bhavan - controlled by Ranchi side - is crowded people cannot get any rooms there as it is totally full and the on the other side the Farm House and Upper Hostel - controlled by B group - have so many empty rooms during DMS.

Why is this happening? Because one group (Ranchi) does not want or allow margiis to stay in buildings controlled by the other group (Kolkata). They (Ranchi) want their DMS attendees to remain under their supervision and not visit the other faction. Because if innocent margiis take shelter in a building controlled by a competing group (Kolkata), then those margiis may become sympathetic to that faction. And no one from Ranchi wants to lose supporters to B group. So this is another drama going on.

Because of all this, in cold weather people stay in open air verandas without proper covering while other good rooms are vacant at the Farm and Upper Hostel. And the Ranchi team is able to raise the rates of the Prout Bhavan as there is an artificial scarcity of rooms. Because it is frowned upon to stay in B group buildings, then that obviously creates a room shortage. Ranchi can then charge a high rate for their rooms.

This is all nothing but a terrible misutilisation of property; this runs contrary to both Prout and neo-humanism. This entire ploy smacks of artificial scarcity.

Here are a few things that Baba has to say about artificial scarcity:

Baba says, "In order to increase the size of their bank balances, the vaeshyas create an artificial scarcity of such items as food, clothing and other essential commodities, and then earn a profit by black marketeering." (Human Society Part 2)

Baba says, "Capitalists hoard essential commodities and create artificial scarcity to extract the maximum profit. As a result consumers pay inflated prices for essential commodities, and sometimes they even find that such goods are not available at all." (Prout in a Nutshell Part 14)

                           PRABHAT SAMGIITA

"Esecho, tumi esecho, bhuvan bhariya' esecho..." (PS 3289)


Baba, by Your divine grace, You have come. You have come, with Your
effulgent presence this world has been filled with bliss. By Your arrival
everyone's pains, agonies and tortures have vanished. You have brought
effulgence along with You. Now, by Your causeless grace, no one will remain
in the dark any longer. You are expressing Yourself through the action,
knowledge, dhyana, and sadhana. You are the ocean of love & compassion.
Baba You are ever-gracious, blessing one and all. Everyone is dancing in
ecstasy. It is Your divine grace. Baba, You have come. The whole world is
getting transformed-- all are floating in Your bliss...

Ananda Marga Gatherings: Two Models

Date: Sat, 05 Feb 2011 16:42:48 -0000
Subject: Ananda Marga Gatherings: Two Models


                    == ANANDA MARGA GATHERINGS: TWO MODELS ==


As we work to create a cohesive, family feeling in our Marga, here is a point that calls for our attention and consideration.

We all want our Marga to grow by reviving those who are less active and by attracting new people. As we all know, any organisation that is not attracting new people is step by step moving towards the cremation ground. And one day it will become extinct.

One very practical way of increasing our numbers is to understand and implement our donation-based seminar system. This differs drastically from our overseas retreat model and from our current DMS format.

Here then is a comparative list that contrasts our donation-based seminar model with our overseas retreat model.

General Note: In the Delhi sector seminar system - which is really meant for the entire globe - attendees come together for a three day program to study specific spiritual and social teachings. The overall aim is to present, learn and study certain aspects of Ananda Marga philosophy which is expounded in the "Seminar Notes" publication. That is the main emphasis. In addition, each and every hour of the day runs according to a schedule that includes dharmacakra, asanas, food, and related programs. The overseas retreats are similar in many respects but are often less intellectually oriented. Generally there is not a rigorous course of study involved as in the seminar system. Instead there might be more akhanda kiirtan or sadhana shivir etc and of course retreats follow a 24hr daily routine.

That said, here below begins a comparative study of these two models with respect to generating family feeling within our Marga community.


1) At our overseas AM retreats, we adhere to a business model where all have to pay a fixed price for registration to enter the retreat and for accommodation and those who cannot afford it either cannot go or are forced to perform all kinds of menial chores in order to "pay their way". More about this is described below. Our DMS functions at Ananda Nagar also follows this fee-based model with regards to accommodation and lodging etc.

                              SEMINARS ARE FREE FOR ALL ATTENDEES


2) In contrast, throughout Delhi sector, the seminar system has long been in vogue. Per Baba's prescribed format given in 1970, our seminars are free for all attendees. During the planning stages of the seminar, the organisers collect donations from long-time committed margiis who can afford to give. That is the main way the seminars are funded; in addition those organisers get food & supplies donations from local markets. By this approach, those who are financially poor or fringe margiis have the option to contribute or not. It is totally voluntary. The aim is to get maximum attendees and that can only be done if it is free for all. Yet all services - i.e. food & accommodation - are the same for all attendees irrespective of the amount of their donation. This is a good formula as all feel comfortable and welcome at the program. This generates family feeling.

3) One point to add here is that seminar attendance is mandatory for all Ananda Margiis. One must attend at least some level of seminar. The seminar cannot be compulsory if a fee is charged; that is another reason why it is open to all. By this wide-spread attendance, many people spend time together and this generates a family feeling. Seminars are looked upon as something special, hence all like to attend. For instance, if in one unit, there are 10 or 15 people who regularly attend dharmacakra, then the seminar for that same unit might attract 500 participants. It is a time for all to come together.

4) Part of the beauty then of Baba's special seminar system is that attendees will not pay anything and the organisers will manage all the expenses by collecting donations ahead of time from committed margiis with financial means and by market contributions. Our seminars started in this manner and by this way the attendance at our seminars became huge. People are not pressured or strained by financial concerns. By this way, so many become more involved in the Marga and children of "fringe margiis" often grow up to become dedicated sadhakas based on their positive  experience at these seminars.

                          OVERSEAS RETREATS ARE FEE BASED                                           

5) The overseas retreat system is quite different. At these retreats, all are charged a fixed registration fee in order to attend and / or stay at the retreat site. This can be quite pricey for some. Unfortunately this fee-based system results in a double-loss. Margii attendees do not become emotionally attached to the community and those wealthy attendees who have more money do not pay their fair share - for them the fee is too low. But since that fixed-fee is what they are asked to pay, that is what they give. Whereas if it was based more on a donation system, those same margiis would give far more financial support.

6) In addition, because of the fixed registration fee at these overseas retreats, some margiis are scared away and do not attend as they do not want to beg for a discount. They feel humiliated. No doubt, at some overseas retreats the organisers may offer a discount if you are poor etc. In that case, you can pay a reduced tuition and / or pay via a "work assignment" by washing dishes in the kitchen. But this is all quite humiliating. The deal may be that if you are financially in need then you can pay less, but the feeling is that you are less respected and that you will have to "pay" in other ways by working long hours in the kitchen while others are in dharmacakra. This approach lacks the open-armed, welcoming feeling. But this does not happen in the seminar system.

7) Another way of looking at this is that in the overseas retreat system, people are penalised for not being able to afford the standard tuition. Whereas in our AM seminar system as given by Baba, there is no standard fee. The whole concept is based on the idea that everyone must attend at least one level of seminar and they need not pay anything to attend, only they must cover their travel expenses. The financial responsibility falls on the organisers and those who have more money. The overall benefit of this donation-based system is that it generates emotional attachment to the community. All attend: young and old, professionals and students, villagers and city folk - everyone. With this great family feeling, naturally the wealthy margii participants will have discreet talks with the organisers to ensure that everything is ok financially. That is the way things work in the seminar system.

                               THE BENEFITS OF MAXIMUM ATTENDANCE

8) Again, in our donation-based seminars, the goal is for maximum margiis to participate. That increases both our overall numbers and heightens our collective sense of family feeling. The overseas business retreat model most often fails to increase our overall numbers and lacks that overall family feeling due to financial constraints and pressures. As we all know, where there is no family feeling then that organisation dies.

                               ANANDA MARGA IS BHAGAVATA DHARMA

9) We have to remember that people come into AM gradually. All have come from animal life and it is not easy for people to leave behind all their bad habits and adhere to 16 Points etc. People do not become great sadhakas overnight and strict adherents of bhagavata dharma. Yet we want all to attend our programs because by this way people will grow and feel more attached to our Marga. If we pressure them for money, then they will not come at all. So our seminar and festival systems - which encourage maximum participation at no cost to anyone - is a great way to increase our numbers and bring people into the fold.

10) Those who are fringe margiis keep linked with AM by attending seminars in their area. DMS is often too far for them to travel and they do not attend DC because of lack of interest. So the seminar becomes one perfect stepping-stone for the entry and growth into the Marga. They come to seminars because of some faint connection with AM and because they believe in Baba. Since those seminars are free and indeed compulsory, that is why seminars our became large gatherings. And those attendees became more active margiis.

11) In this century, what people need most is love. People need to feel that they are a part of something great. And when we can create that welcoming feeling then people will feel attracted to come and attend. That will be a boon for our Marga - and naturally people will be inspired to support the program financially. It is a win-win-win situation: More attendees more funds, and a stronger more vibrant AM community.


12) As far as possible, our DMS programs at Ananda Nagar should follow this donation-based system, especially with regards to accommodations.



In our Ananda Marga, Baba has given a call to duty but unfortunately we have not properly implemented that in our retreat system.

In contrast, the various religious followers like the Sikhs and Muslims feel it is their duty to attend to all kinds of mundane affairs at their retreat functions. Everyone participates in clean-up duty and maintenance work. They feel they acquire virtue by this way. Hence, whether rich or poor, all do this. There is no disparity in their place of worship and congregation halls. So all come; all attend; and participate as one family.

However, at our overseas retreats, many have noticed that some no longer like to attend anymore because if they cannot afford the standard fee, then they are burdened with an onslaught of chores and tasks, which are not asked to be done by those who pay the full amount. In that case those unable to pay the standard fee become indentured servants. This runs directly contrary to our family feeling. In the end, those who cannot afford the fee feel it is better not to attend at all.

Note 2:                    MORE ABOUT THE SEMINAR SYSTEM

The seminar starts on the central level. There is a trainer and attendees. Then those attendees of the central level seminar become trainers for the sectorial level seminars. And the attendees of the sectorial level seminar become the trainers for the regional level seminar. In this way it works all the way down to the district, block and village level. In addition, a publication is issued - "Seminar Notes" - which contains Baba's teachings for that particular seminar. Throughout this entire process, each level of seminar is free to all attendees and is considered mandatory for all workers and margiis. Indeed, participation in the seminar is mandatory in order to attend DMC / DMS. So everyone has to go. This type of cohesive system naturally fosters great family feeling.

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