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Another Distortion
From: "Ramlal Sharma"
Subject: Another Distortion
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 23:44:36
"Sundar tumi manohar madhup nikare smita ha's..." (PS 1659)
O' Sundar, O' Most Beautiful One, You are the sweetness behind
everything. O' Baba, You are Manohar, with Your exquisite beauty You have
completely captivated my mind. Baba, because of Your infinite charm, all my
thoughts are running ceaselessly after You. Baba, Your smile is like the
accumulation of infinite sweetness. It satiates my whole existence and
relieves me of all sorts of burdens and makes my life blissful. For You my
heart is satiated; because of Your divine love, I am overjoyed--
overflowing in bliss.
Baba, You are the most loving One. You are the focal point of this
universe. You are the source of all love and beauty. Baba, when I think
about You, my existence becomes inundated in Your bliss. You are like the
warm, loving, touch of the sweet, southern ocean breeze. Baba, because of
Your divine karuna', my mind is calm, sweet, tender, and peaceful. It is
Your grace. Baba, the sky, moon, stars, and nebula are saturated in Your
effulgence, in Your inspiration, and in the grandeur of Your glory. Baba,
each and every entity in this expressed universe has become drenched in
Your nectar.
Baba, the heavenly sweetness from the flower's fragrance is looking
towards the distant blue sky with its eye colured in the attraction of
love. Baba, due to Your love that very flower pollen of my mind goes on
floating & floating-- permeating each and every nook and cranny of this
universe. Baba, there is no scope for its cessation. It is always rushing
towards You. Baba, because of You everything shines and sparkles in this
Baba, O' the most charming One, please be gracious and accept my
surrender at Your alter...
Here in very clear-cut fashion is yet another distortion to Baba's sacred
discourses. Everyone can easily see for themselves how the whole thing got
And really it is quite surprising as all in AM know that jinan is below karma,
even this point got "mixed up" by those involved.
On 18, Feb, 1984 in Agra, at His evening general darshan, Baba clearly has
given this expressed teaching: 'In the realm of spirituality, karma is not
as meaningless as jinan'.
And here below is the exact Hindi which Baba spoke that day.
Baba says, "Dharmic jagat, adhyatmik jagat men jinan kii kiimat jitini, kam
he. Karma kii kiimat utani kam na'hi hai." (18 Feb '84, Agra, EGD)
So in His above teaching-- i.e. In the realm of spirituality, karma is not
as meaningless as jinan-- Baba is clearly stating that on the spiritual
path karma is more valuable than jinan. That is the essence of His
guideline. That anyone and everyone can understand.
Now take a look at what certain editors and publishers did. Instead of
putting forth Baba's original teaching in print, they twisted it in their
own way.
Here below is what those in charge printed in the Ananda Vacanamrtam book.
"Jinan kii jitini dharmic, adhyatmik jagat men kiimat hai,
usase kam kiimat karma kii na'hi hai." (AV-22, '94 Edn (H), p.69)
And the meaning of what they wrote is:
In the realm of spirituality, karma is not less valuable than jinan.
By reading the above it is evident that here those editors are putting
forth their own tainted idea that karma and jinan are of the same standard.
By a quick evaluation then, it is quite apparent that what the publishers
put in print is totally different from what Baba has spoken.
Because on that day Baba has clearly told that 'karma is not as meaningless
as jinan'. That means that He is placing karma above jinan. And indeed in
countless discourses Baba has given this same teaching. He always says that
bhakti is the top, karma is second best, and jinan is the worst. That is
His standard way of evaluating the various paths. In countless discourses
and books Baba has given this guideline. And indeed what Baba has spoken on
that day, 18 Feb '84, is 100% consistent with this.
But in their own way, certain editors saw fit to change this. So they
switched the wording to state that the path of karma and the path of jinan
are equal-- of the same value. This is the concocted way in which they
manipulated Baba's teaching.
Yet in that very same discourse Baba Himself is telling that sadhana is
also a type of karma. All this goes to show that Baba is giving strong
emphasis to the utility and value of karma, and He is clearly placing it
above the path of jinan.
But it seems certain editors did not like hearing this-- so they changed
it. And not only did they put forth the wrong teaching but we have to
remember this was all done in the Lord's name-- in Baba's name. And that
gives the false notion that Baba's teachings are inconsistent, as if
sometimes He tells that karma is higher than jinan and other times not.
This is the crude effect of what those editors did.
Here terrible harm has been done. Because editors set it up in such a way
that Baba has contradicted Himself. Because when new margiis or members of
the general public see Baba's words in print they will get getting two
contradictory messages. One telling that karma is higher than jinan, and
another telling that karma and jinan are the same.
But we know that in cent per cent of the cases, Baba places karma a step
above jinan. This is His regular teaching. And on that day on 18 Feb 1984,
Baba was telling the exact same thing: That karma is above jinan.
But for reasons best known to them, certain editors could not digest this
so they changed it. Because they do not like to accept that jinan has
little or no value in the spiritual realm. This they do not like to admit.
This fact those jinani editors cannot digest. Just like certain wts could
not digest that Baba has given more respect to family margiis in His AM
Revolution discourse, this so they changed it. This is their trustless
When such devious editors and publishers are blatantly manipulating Baba's
original teachings, then how can we trust what they are doing: It is
simple; we cannot.
So our first and foremost duty is to ensure that all the gross errors and
small mistakes committed by those editors get perfectly repaired. This is
our chief duty otherwise we will be passing down a tainted legacy to the
future humanity.
So our chief duty is to fix all these things-- that is the order of the day.
By Baba's grace He has given us all the teaching of spirituality. And those
we must keep pristine forever and ever.
Baba says, "Spiritual progress is the only real progress. Those who deem
mundane or psychic movement to be true progress are misguided and are
wasting their time." (AV-12, p.158)
The main editor/translator of the Hindi edition of AV-22 is none other than
family Acarya Pratapaditya of Gorakhpur. And it is well known that
Pratapadityaji cannot tolerate anything being said against jinan-- because
he himself is of that nature. So when given the opportunity he changed
those words to suit his own liking. That is the way things work these days
in our Publications office. And no supervisor has either the brains or the
courage to correct such mistakes. So in that way the wrong things just get
printed. That is the tragedy. So we should all work together to prevent
such misdeeds from happening in future and fix what certain scoundrels did
in the past.
Wealth and Sin Live Side by Side
Revered Baba guides us, "The person who cannot cheat others cannot become a
millionaire overnight. You know as I told many times the goddess of wealth
is established in sin. Only the person who is a terrible sinner and knows
how to cheat others as quickly as possible, only they can be come a
millionaire. The goddess of wealth is the goddess of sin." (Discourse:
'Introduction of Various local Gods and Goddesses', AV-11 [H] pg 7)
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