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In Him,


Check Your Log Book

From: wellsley29@markwebmail....
Subject: Check Your Log Book
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 19:04:06 -0700 (PDT)



When a cab driver wants to know how his day went, he checks his log book. Then he is able to review and see where he drove.

When a company needs to calculate their output, they view their log book so they can understand their position.

In that way, each and every person or institution consults their log book (electronic or otherwise) to find out their true status.

As sadhakas, our approach should not be any different. We too should have our "log book" - be it a diary, journal, or psychic memory - so we can understand our course in life.

Here below Baba guides us how to do it.


There are so many beings in this cosmological order and each has their own manner of operation.

Small bugs, beetles, worms, crabs, and lizards just function by their own instinct. They have no higher faculty of mind by which to direct their life. Such beings just walk or slide along engrossed by their own inborn desires.

Baba says, "In certain undeveloped creatures, instinct means only inborn instincts, and in such creatures the psychic waves cannot move beyond the arena of corporality." (YP)

Then there are some higher animals like dogs, monkeys, cows, and horses etc. They are guided by instinct as well as by psychic urge and emotion. Such animals can be tamed and trained & by that way they develop bonding relationships with their masters. Instinct does not totally dominate their life, they also have higher functioning minds that allow them to act according to their psychic or sentimental feeling.

For instance, your dog may not defend your neighbor from an intruder but certainly if you are attacked then your dog will defend you with all its might. That is because your dog is emotionally attached with you - it has that psychic connection.

Likewise your horse or cattle will not respond to others but it will obey your direction. All higher animals have that capacity or psychic urge. They are not exclusively guided by instinct. They are a bit more developed.

Baba says, "Animals who have developed themselves to some extent, mentally, spiritually, just like monkeys, just like dogs, have got some intellect. Although they are also guided by instinct, [but] because of close association with human beings that intellect has been a bit developed. A dog can carry a hurricane lantern like this, can carry a stick like this. It can feel the pains and pleasures of its master." (Ananda Vacanamrtam-14)

So there is a world of difference between undeveloped and developed creatures.

Finally we come to human beings. We have instinct, psychic urge (sentiment and emotion) and ideology. However, we are only to be guided by ideology, not by instinct or emotion. That is Baba's strict directive.

Baba says, "Human life, unlike animal life, is an ideological flow. Where there is no ideological flow, in that case, even if the physical structure is just like a man, he is not a man, but is an animal. So each and every human being must try his best to maintain the special status of humans. It is our first duty. It is our fundamental duty. This ideological flow must be maintained at any cost."


Thus it is our bounden duty to check our log book daily. This human body is a machine. It was not designed for carnal pleasures or sentimental delights. Ours is the path of ideology. Our minds are to be trained in that way and our bodies are to be used for that course of movement - not any other.

So we have to be vigilant and ensure that our every action is according to AM ideology. Failing that we will be involved in misusing our bodies and minds, in which case either in this life or the next, we will get a body that is only usable for more crude pursuits. We will become an animal or even worse.

The situation is serious and the best way to keep abreast of the matter is to consult your log book and review your course of actions. With an unbiased mind, one is to critically analyse their modus operendi in life. We should ask ourselves: Was that action guided by ideology?

If the answer is a "no" or partial no, then that is the degree to which we are going against our human dharma and becoming transformed into a beast.

So multiple times through the course of every day we should consult our log book and see how we are doing. When with co-workers, when with our family, when making decisions, when at the dinner table, and throughout all our movements in life, we should readily consult our logbook and ensure we are heading in the right direction. Because if we are not, then our fate it not good - we will become a beast.

That is the very serious matter at hand. That is one way to think of it.


The other way to think of it is to view this life as an opportunity to reach Parama Purusa. In the former manner we are trying to refrain from being dragged into animality and in this outlook we clearly have our sights set on divinity.

In this approach we are to wholeheartedly embrace ideology and cross the ocean of maya. We are most fortunate to have such an opportunity. That is the proper use of this human machine or human body.

Baba says, "Then who can get Him? They say it is very, very easy. What to do? “O Lord, I am Your creation. I am Yours, I am at Your disposal. This body is a machine. Utilize it.”" (AV-14)

By surrendering one's mind to Him and using this body to do His work, then one is sure to cross the ocean of maya and reach up to Him. That is what happens when one leads a life based on ideology, by His grace.

That is the best use of this human life.


Furthermore, in His discourse, "Utilize All Your Potentialities" (21 April 1969 morning, Manila) Baba clearly tells us that if we have a tractor and a big lot of land then we are foolish and ignorant if we do not use the tractor and just let the land become totally wild and unusable. Our job is to use the tractor to make the land arable - that is the proper use of the tractor. That is what that machine (i.e. tractor) is for.

Similarly, this human body is a tool or a machine for attaining Him.

Yet all too often people misuse their bodies for other crude pursuits. Some get diverted towards sex and others towards all kinds of emotional cum sentimental attachments. In that case not only are they going to degenerate, but they are losing out on a great opportunity to attain godhood and sit on the divine lap of Parama Purusa.

So as sadhakas we should regularly review our code of conduct and ensure we are moving on the path of ideology. We should be swift to use our machine for attaining Him. Just sitting back and letting life go by is not enough. We are to utilise this life for reaching His divine lap, by His grace. And the way to do that is to check your log book. We are to see how far our intentions and actions are ideological or not. Are we doing what we should be doing or not. Then we can ensure our human machine is being used properly - then we will reach the Goal (Baba).


By Baba's grace, He has blessed us with a wonderful opportunity. We should not waste it and degrade back into animal life wherein we are just goaded by crude instincts. Ours is a human life that is meant for the expression of ideology. By consulting out log books on regular basis we can keep ourselves on track. That is the best utilisation of this human life. Then we will cross the noose of maya and get Him.

Baba says, "You have got a human body. Make the best utilization of it. Forget everything of the past from this very moment...Go on working in such a way that you give your proper worth to society, and you bring about the actual evolution of humanity. Be a devotee of humanity as well as a devotee of Parama Purus'a. Let victory be with you." (YP)



This below letter is related with the topic discussed above.


"Tumi na' bale esechile, a'j na' bale cale gele..." (P.S. 1327)


  Baba, without saying anything You came and appeared in my dhya'na, and now today without telling You just left-- disappeared. Baba, I was lying in the dust on the path, but You just lifted me up and put me on Your lap. It is Your grace, O' Parama Purus'a.

  Baba, my dwelling was old and tattered-- broken down. And not only that, I was also without intellect and conscience. Indeed, my condition was so pitiful that I did not have even one morsel to put into my mouth. But, by Your grace, You bestowed everything upon me and You taught me all the things. Baba, I was not understanding the dharma of human life-- what human beings should do, what are the do's and don'ts-- about all these things I was not at all aware. To get You I did not do any sadhana. But even then by Your grace You have taught me sadhana and You have blessed me with perfection to move ahead on the path.

   O' my dearmost Baba, previously in my life I was not even getting the status of a human being. All the teachings I had been given were full of dogma. Baba, by Your grace You have poured the sweetness and given me a voice and lifted me onto Your Divine lap. Baba, You have done everything. Secretly You came and secretly You left-- even then You have arranged everything for me. Baba, Your grace is unforgettable...

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