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Optimal Period for Sleep

Date: Sat, 23 May 2009 23:16:38 -0000 To: From: Subject: Optimal Period for Sleep Baba "A'ma're dekhe calecho prabhu more pu'n'ya phale..." (PS 4477) Purport: Baba, because of the virtue of having Your grace, I can feel that You are so close and that You are looking at me all the time. Baba, You are with me each and every moment, in the brilliant effulgence and in the cimmerian darkness-- constantly, all the 24hrs. In my good days and bad days always You are and will remain along with me. Baba, You are so gracious. Baba, when I am surrounded by the fog of hopelessness and despair, & when my life becomes burdened, then it is very difficult for me to move ahead-- all my inspiration is lost. And when I cry in pain and the tears are rolling down my cheeks like a river, and when I am drowned in pessimism, then I think that this life is useless and that this whole world is poisonous. In that case I feel it is better just to die. When I am in such a crisis, then with a very pleasant and sonorous voice, Someone appears in my mental abode and in a very sweet & intimate way He whispers, 'Do not worry, I love you'. Baba, the effulgence of Your divine love never gets extinguished; Your love is eternal and never fades or ends. In this mundane world, everything comes and goes. Baba only You are eternal and infinite. You are the sweetest Entity. You are that force that never stops. You are that magnificent bliss that never diminishes-- always that bliss is growing and growing. Baba, You are my everything: The be-all and end-all of the life. By Your grace I am under Your shelter. Baba, in the deep core of my heart the only request I have is that: Please do not forget that I am sheltering myself in You, at Your lotus feet. Baba, by Your infinite grace-compassion You are remaining by my side always...
Namaskar, One thing that is common to each and every human being on this planet is sleep. And in our Marga sleep has a distinct role. However, because some are not familiar with Baba's guidelines that is why it has become quite common to see people (a) sleep AFTER paincajanya, (b) stay awake late into the night watching old movies etc, (c) or other types of unhealthy sleeping patterns. But all such ways are to be avoided. As we all know, Baba guides us in various places that sleep plays a highly unique role in the life of each and every being of this universe. Sleep is not just a waste of time-- but rather satisfies a very special function for the body & mind. By Baba's grace He has provided us with all the do's and don'ts regarding sleep as well as how it benefits human existence.
As a general health rule that pertains to every human being, Baba specifically states that human beings should sleep during the night-- not during the day. Baba says, "Sleeping during the day and staying awake at night are to be avoided." (CC-3, 'General Health Rules', pt#9)
In Senior Acarya Diary, Baba clearly explains how and why nighttime sleeping is beneficial for human beings. His main point being that the pattern of keeping awake in the daytime and sleeping at night helps the body restore and revitalise itself. By this way the blood cells, nerves, and glands of the human body get restored and charged. Because sunlight has a generating effect on the human body and moonlight makes one feel more tired. And other biological and natural effects are also linked with maintaining this type of sleep cycle (Reference: 'Pranayama' Chapter). That is why human beings feel fresh and revitalised in the morning. Because sleeping at night helps humans regain their energy level-- both mentally and physically. In the same chapter of Senior Acarya Diary, Baba reveals that there are various animals who derive benefits by following an opposite approach to sleeping and living. These are nocturnal beings-- but for humans this approach is not good.
A proper sleep cycle-- i.e. sleeping at night-- also plays an important role in the curing and treatments of various diseases such as: Acidity, Indigestion, Heart Disease, White Leprosy, and Cancer etc. In His book, Yogic Treatment, under the 'Do's and Don'ts' section Baba warns patients not to adopt a reverse sleeping pattern. Baba says, "Sleeping during the day, staying awake at night... are to be strictly avoided." (YT, 'Cancer Chapter') So not in one place but in numerous instances throughout the book Baba issues this same warning-- otherwise the disease cannot be cured, nor prevented. So following an improper sleep pattern is hazardous to one's health. '
At the same time, sleeping excess amounts during the night is not good for the human existence. So people-- especially sadhakas-- should be very attentive to how much sleep they are getting, i.e. we should all be careful not to oversleep.
Baba says, "The ancient people believed that excessive sleep is good for health, but this is not the case. Rather, too much sleep not only impairs the health, but has an adverse effect on the mind." (AV-8, 'Bad Habits...')
To maximize human longevity, Baba has given a short list of very important guidelines. And two of those are related with our sleep-awake cycle. Hence there are numerous benefits to maintaining a proper sleep schedule-- one of which is longevity of life. In His secrets for a long life, Baba has given these points: (A) "Going to sleep as soon as one feels sleepy." (CC-3, Appendix, point #3) As we can all understand, in the above directive, Baba is guiding us not to force the body to remain awake late at night. This should not become our regular way of living. Sometimes due to pressure of circumstance it may be unavoidable, but that should be minimized. On the opposite end of the spectrum, nor should one lie down in bed before they feel ready to go to sleep. So our standard practice should be to sleep when tiredness overcomes one's existence-- i.e. "when one feels sleepy". And as far as possible, through developing a regular habit, one should sleep each night at the same time, at a proper time that is not too late. That is the basic idea of Baba's teaching. (B) "Getting out of bed in the Bra'hma Muhu'rtta [just prior to sunrise]" (CC-3, Appendix, point #8) In this second directive, as is quite evident, Baba is guiding us to arise before daylight hours. That means getting up for Paincjanaya and then staying awake. All too often we see sadhakas wake up for paincjanya and then go back to sleep for 1, 2, or even 3 hours. Or one might justify to themselves that since they woke up for paincjanya then they can sleep again just after lunch etc. But this is not Baba's system. Arising in the pre-dawn hour means concluding one's sleep at that point and beginning one's spiritual routine of meditation and asanas and bathing and then later taking food and attending to one's allotted daily duties, work, and pracara activities etc. And one should not return back to bed until the end of day after one has completed their evening meal and attended to their evening duties and family affairs etc. Hence following a standard sleep pattern of 'early to bed & early to rise' is an optimal approach for human beings. This will lead to a long and prosperous life.
Baba says, "A person who is given to too much sleep can never aspire to attain the peak of progress in life. Sleep is necessary for health, but many people wrongly think that the more one sleeps, the better it is for health. That is wrong. Human beings go to sleep because they want to work more. While working for long periods the body gets tired, and then only does one take sleep, just to get back fresh energy for work." (AV-31) Namaskar, Mahesh
It is often seen that students in particular adopt an unhealthy sleeping pattern. Often they stay awake late into the night to attend to their studies and then they arise in the mid-morning-- hours after sunrise. Part of the reason for this is that they find it easier to study when it is quiet and the mid hours of the night provide such an environment. This is especially true in India and other so-called third world countries where all family members are living in the same house. And student in overseas areas often remain awake at night either to due extreme busyness in life or due to procrastination. In any event, if at all possible students should adjust their routines according to Baba's guidelines. It is also seen that those attending to a Mon-Fri work week, often like to "sleep-in" on Saturdays and Sundays. Some students also like to do this. But this also is not a healthy practice. Then there are some people who we call "night owls". There are various professors and internet fanatics etc who spend large portions of the night glued to their various endeavours-- and then they sleep far into the day. Unfortunately in this circumstance, often times we see that that human body cannot be maintained for long in this type of backwards routine.
Not all animals follow the same schedule as humans. Here following is a list of those animals that are nocturnal-- i.e. they sleep during the day and remain awake at night:
African hunting dog Amethyst python
Armadillo Aye-aye Badger ' Bandicoot Bat Beaver Bullfrog Bushbaby Cassowary Cat Coyote Deer
Deer mouse Dobsonfly Douroucouli Echidna Fennec Firefly Flying squirrel Red Fox Gecko Gerbil Ghost crab Green Sea Turtle
Hamster Snowshoe hare Harvest mouse Hedgehog Heron Hippopotamus Hyena Kangaroo rat Kiwi Koala Leopard
Loris Lumholtz tree-climbing kangaroo Moth Nightjar Oilbird Okapi Opossum Owl Pangolin Periwinkle
Possum Potto Raccoon Rainforest dingo Rat Red-legged pademelon Rhinoceros Skunk Sugar glider
Tiger Tree frog Weasel Whippoorwill White-tailed uromys Wolf
As noted above, humans are not on the above list as being nocturnal.

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