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"Bengal Is My Land..."

Date: Wed, 04 July 2007 21:26:11 -0000 To: From: Chatterjee_K Subject: "Bengal Is My Land..." Baba PS Intro: This following song preaches the idea that in our social and collective life our journey starts from the various samaj movements and culminates in universalism. That is Baba's teaching. But those whose sadhana is low cannot understand this divine idea. That is why they treat the samaj system as something communal and narrow etc. There is a lot of confusion about this around the globe. For example, we see that there are many communal parties and groups who do and die for their own community- but they are devoid of universality. That is why in result they do enormous harm by breaking society into pieces. When in fact the real spirit and beauty of Baba's samaj system is its inherent universal calling. And that very idea is sweetly expressed in this below Prabhat Samgiita. "Bam'la' a'ma'r desh, ba'm'la'ke bha'loba'si..." (PS 3715) Purport: O' how, Bengal is my land-- my country; I love Bengal. Bengal is my hearth and home; my heart resides in the bosom of Bengal. My body, mind, and soul are completely connected with the earth of Bengal. I cry for the sorrows of Bengal, and I laugh and smile in the happiness of Bengal. When I look around and see the problems and suffering in this great land of Bengal then I am deeply pained and shed many a tear; and when I see the joys and merriment within the boundaries of my Bengal then I am completely pleased and jubilant. O' how I love Bengal. All brothers and sisters of Bengal are my playmates-- my kith and kin. They are all my close family members. We have all grown up together. Every day we go on pouring the love and nectar of our heart for Bengal. We serve and care for all Bengalis and work for their upliftment. We are ready to do and die for our Bengal and its people-- our brothers and sisters. By the smiling hundred petal lotus of the dawn, and by the flowers, fruits, and water of Bengal, and with the compassion and love for one another, the fog and hopelessness which has loomed for ages has been destroyed. All that sadness and depression has been removed-- wiped away. And not good days are reigning in our beloved Bengal. O' Lord, let all the hopes and inspiration of Bengalis and the sweet language of Bengalis be established in the grandeur and magnitude of unified universalism. May the expression of Bengal complement the well-being and upliftment of one and all-- the entire humanity. O' Parama Purusa, may the boys and girls of Bengal be ever-victorious and may the intellect and intuition of Bengalis be successful: May they become one with that vast, divine, Cosmic ideation, O' my Lord...
== "BENGAL IS MY LAND..." ==
Namaskar, We all know in our minds and hearts that Baba has graciously come for the upliftment and liberation of one and all. His each and every thought, word, and deed is aimed towards universal well-being. This eternal truth all A'nanda Ma'rgiis hold dear in their heart. Naturally then all His Prabhat Samgiita compositions move in that same universal approach: Encompassing the spirit of neo-humanism, showering equal love and affection on one and all, and not favouring any particular people or land etc. This entire discussion takes a look at how Baba's above Prabhat Samgiita-- the samaj song "Bam'la' a'ma'r desh... / Bengal is my land..."-- neatly fits in with His perfectly universalistic method. In this open exchange, everyone is encouraged and welcomed to write in with their insights and understanding-- thereby helping all arrive at the proper conclusion.
Since Baba has come for the development and growth of the entire humanity, His chief aim is that all should progress and none should lag behind. Toward this end, one of the great campaigns which Baba has dharmically launched is His samaj system. About this we are well aware. Specifically it is through this samaj system that Baba encourages everyone to rise up and do great things. This is His way of reminding one and all of their inherent qualities immense potential. And as this globe is currently composed of 241 samajas, or regional socio-economic communities, Baba looks upon them all equally and they are all designed to work in a self-supportive and cohesive fashion. Here are some reminders about the principles of Baba's samaj program. Baba says, "The socio-economic movements advocated by PROUT are founded on the ideological base of Neo-humanism." (Prout-13, p.23) So the entire Proutistic movement of the various socio-economic units-- or samajas-- is grounded in the universal feeling of cosmic fraternity. And in His next guideline Baba guides us how the samaj system works for a unified humanity. Baba says, "Those sentiments which are conducive to human unity should be encouraged, rejecting the sentiments which create a rift in human society. This is the approach adopted by PROUT's socio-economic groups." (Prout, p. 21) By His above guideline it is evident that Baba's samaj system is for the whole humanity to move together. Baba furthermore emphasizes that our samaj system must be based on the slogan:
"Universal in spirit but regional in approach" (PNS-13, p.24)
By this way each locale has the capacity to function independently yet be simultaneously linked with that common goal. And here Baba outlines the outcome of His entire samaj program. Baba says, "Human beings will become elevated mentally and spiritually and will consequently be able to render greater and greater service to their own community and to the society at large." (AV-8, p.63)
Consistent with all of this is that the samaj movement is aimed to eliminate any feelings of inferiority. Because exploiters always try to infuse an inferiority complex on their prey-- this is their heinous tactic. And one of the first devices they use to bring down a people is to impose the feeling their mother tongue is lowly etc. And by this way step by step those exploiters attempt to smother an entire community. So Baba's samaj system eliminates this problem by encouraging every samaj to advance and be aware about their inherent talents-- including the speciality of their own language etc. With the result being that there is no question of suffering from any inferiority complex. In that case they will not get exploited and that samaj-- that socio-economic community-- will be inspired to stand up and build a unified humanity. This is the speciality of Baba's samaj system. Keeping all this in mind let us take a look at that wonderful time when Baba first gave the above written Prabhat Samgiita, song # 3715.
On that glorious occasion of 1st September 1986, one special meeting and function was going on in Kolkata at "Madhu Korak", Baba was graciously sitting in front of A'mara' Bengali Margiis-- similar to how He would sit with members of the all the various samajas. So that day Baba was encouraging and inspiring those Bengali Margiis that they have a great history and a bright future, and that they are not a lowly people etc. Rather they have so many wonderful talents and a rich tradition etc. In this supportive way Baba was guiding them and infusing them with the momentum to move ahead. As part of that process, on that very day, Baba first gave the above Prabhat Samgiita-- "Bam'la' a'ma'r desh... / Bengal is my land...". This is song #3715 and it falls in the category of being one of His samaj songs. Certainly then this was a very beautiful scene and everyone present-- i.e. those A'mara' Bengali margiis-- felt completely inspired and ready to move ahead.
At the same time, Baba also gave the special directive that this song was not only for A'mara' Bengali margiis. It was not for them exclusively. Rather the song was universal in application. And then and there Baba issued the precise order that all the samajas can practice this song by instituting the name of their own samaj and taking out the reference to the Bengali samaj. This was Baba's specific mandate that day. And indeed He has repeated this on any number of other occasions including in RDS etc. And when He would visit other samajas they would sing this song in their own way-- in the name of their own samaj, as that was Baba's directive. So in Bhojpur area, the Bhojpuri samaj members can sing the exact same song by taking out the term "Bengal" and putting in the term "Bhojpuri". And around the globe this same thing was ordered to be done per Baba's direction according to each and every samaj. And appended below near the bottom of this email is how the purport of Prabhat Samgiita #3715 would be written for the Maharlika samaj. And in that same manner it works for all the samajas. Because other than the word--"Bengal"-- all the words in the song are universal in meaning and appeal. So by simply switching out the Bengal term-- as Baba told to do-- then the song works equally well in any area. And this is Baba's divine directive: That all should sing this song according to their samaj. Just the song was originally given with the Bengal term for the simple reason that on that day Baba was in Kolkata and meeting with A'mara' Benga'lii samaj members. But all will also recall that Baba's instruction was for all the samajas to use this song for their specific samaj-- thereby by making that Prabhat Samgiita universal in appeal and application. This was discussed multiple times at RDS etc.
Unfortunately, even though Baba has given the clear-cut directive for each samaj to adapt the samaj song "Bam'la' a'ma'r desh... / Bengal is my land..." according to their own area by switching out the Bengal term, still a few tried to take it all in their own direction. So even though the song is actually universal in meaning and application, various members of the A'mara' Bengali samaj-- in their misguided way of thinking-- began spreading the false idea that Baba holds a higher opinion of the Bengali samaj. This was the crooked assessment by some of our Bengali leaders. And by this way a few of our select Bengalis convinced themselves that they are superior and side by side they also imposed an inferiority complex upon other samajas. This all happened because a few Bengali opportunists "railroaded"-- i.e. twisted-- the meaning of Prabhat Samgiita #3715 in their own selfish direction. This negative thing happened to some or more degree in certain areas. When in fact the real directive given by Baba is that the song is universal in appeal and in application and that all samajas can sing the song using the name of their own samaj. That way all samajas can get inspiration from this song and none should think that one samaj is better than another. It is not like that. Rather all should rise up in a mutually beneficial and complementary manner. This is the unique and universal spirit of Baba's samaj system. And Baba's song #3715 is wholly consistent with this.
From the outset it was the job of the publishers to include a note about this Prabhat Samgiita stating that this samaj song is to be sung in various ways-- according to one's own samaj. The publisher's job was to write a note stating that this was Baba's explicit direction. But for reasons best known to them, those publishers failed to do so. For this reason even today some balanced margiis may get confused by seeing the song. Because without any such note stating how the song should be universally sung, those innocent margiis may wrongly think that this is some type of communal song. When in reality this Prabhat Samgiita is completely neo-humanistic-- just like all His divine compositions. And of course such a note clarifying the proper use of the song will also keep certain Bengalis from manipulating the song for their own agenda. Thus any future publication of Baba's divine Prabhat Samgiita books should include His special reference about samaj songs: That they are for all to sing according to one's own samaj etc.
Also by seeing the song, it is evident that the deep beauty of this Prabhat Samgiita-- song #3715-- is that the culmination of the song glorifies the universal nature of humanity. It works in such a way that any samaj singing this song will understand that their samaj is part and parcel of that unified humanity-- not higher and not lower. And that their own samaj is destined to contribute to the well-being of the entire human family. The whole third stanza of the song moves in this way. That is the inherently universal characteristic of this Prabhat Samgiita. So all should remember that this song--"Bam'la' a'ma'r desh... / Bengal is my land..."-- is to be sung using the name of their own samaj. And one also has the option to use the name of any other samaj if they wish-- in the spirit of Cosmic Brotherhood. And then it will give deep inspiration to that local samaj and simultaneously remind them that their samaj and every samaj is part and parcel of the greater, universal humanity.
By Baba's divine grace His samaj songs and His samaj system enables and encourages the growth of the entire humanity. Baba says, "Encourage everyone to build their career in a nice way. Let none get the scope to think that their life has become useless." (A'nanda Va'nii #19) Namaskar, Kalicharan
Per Baba's divine direction, all samajas should sing this song-- Prabhat Samgiita #3715-- in their locale. As an example then, here is how the song would be sung in the great land of Maharlika. And indeed, similarly, the same should be done in all the samajas of this globe-- they should all adapt the song to their area.
"Maharlika' a'ma'r desh, Maharlika bha'loba'si..." (PS 3715)
O' how, Maharlika is my my land-- my country; I love Maharlika. Maharlika is my hearth and home; my heart resides in the bosom of Marharlika. My body, mind, and soul are completely connected with the earth of Maharlika. I cry for the sorrows of Maharlika, and I laugh and smile in the happiness of Maharlika. When I look around and see the problems and suffering in this great land of Maharlika then I am deeply pained and shed many a tear; and when I see the joys and merriment within the boundaries of my Maharlika then I am completely pleased and jubilant. O' how I love Maharlika. All brothers and sisters of Maharlika are my playmates-- my kith and kin. They are all my close family members. We have all grown up together. Every day we go on pouring the love and nectar of our heart for Bengal. We serve and care for all Maharlikans and work for their upliftment. We are ready to do and die for our Bengal and its people-- our brothers and sisters. By the smiling hundred petal lotus of the dawn, and by the flowers, fruits, and water of Bengal, and with the compassion and love for one another, the fog and hopelessness which has loomed for ages has been destroyed. All that sadness and depression has been removed-- wiped away. And not good days are reigning in our beloved Maharlika. O' Lord, let all the hopes and inspiration of Maharlikans and the sweet language of Maharlikans be established in the grandeur and magnitude of unified universalism. May the expression of Maharlika complement the well-being and upliftment of one and all-- the entire humanity. O' Parama Purusa, may the boys and girls of Bengal be ever-victorious and may the intellect and intuition of Maharlikans be successful: May they become one with that vast, divine, Cosmic ideation, O' my Lord...
Here below Baba exposes the negative tactics and strategies of those groups who harm the society by promoting their own selfish and narrow-minded agenda. Baba says, "Self-seeking people do not want the collective intellect of the entire human race to be utilised for the welfare of the entire human race; rather they want to perpetuate divisive tendencies in the society in the name of humanity. Because if they succeed in creating a rift in human society, that will pave the way for their personal benefit or self-aggrandisement. Thus they concoct various so-called scriptures, they formulate all kinds of logic. They maintain to the human race that all the races in this world are not equal. Thus instead of considering the interest of the entire human society, they give preference to the interest of a particular community. This loud propaganda in favour of a particular community, this parading of irrational logic, this sort of fallacious argument, all combine to stifle the spontaneous growth of human intellect. This sort of mentality is called dogma." (AFPS-4, p. 61) So anyone proclaiming that Prabhat Samgiita 3715 is only for our Bengali samaj or that our Bengali samaj is better than other samajas, such misguided people are the same types that Baba is condemning in His above teaching.
Here is Baba's universal teaching which professes the upliftment and unity of all. And all His samaj guidelines work in this same pattern. Baba says, "All the beings of this universe are the kith and kin of one another. No one is despicable. All are equally respectable and entitled to equal love and affection. No problem is to be ignored as an individual or group affair. Every problem is to be considered as the collective problem of universal humanity and is to be resolved collectively and resolved it must be." "Let it be the vocal panorama of the newer world of today -- the continuous musical notes behind the movement of neo-humanism." (A'nanda Va'nii #58)
****************************************** Method to Make Ideal Human Beings
Baba says, "Some people may ask: Why does A'nanda Ma'rga run many kindergarten schools and not many high schools, degree colleges and universities? A kindergarten school is something basic and the mission of making human beings is accomplished here. If one has already become a thief or a criminal, in that case university education for such a person is of no avail. One is to be moulded in one's childhood. If one receives the fundamentals of education in the formative period of one's life, one will keep oneself alright in the teeth of the greatest trials and tribulations in life. A bamboo, when green, can be shaped or bent in any way you like. Once it ripens, any attempt to reshape it will break it. This is why more stress is to be laid on kindergarten schools. Such schools are the first phase of making human beings." (PNS-18 p.37)

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