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In Him,


Baba's Guideline: Celebration of Ananda Purnima



~ Part 1 ~

The auspicious and grand occasion of A’nanda Pu’rn’ima’ is coming soon.

The official day is Saturday, May 25 – though in many units celebrations start before then since A’nanda Pu’rn’ima’ is the most significant social function in our Marga.


Certainly, we all know that the holy occasion of A’nanda Pu’rn’ima’ signifies the day of advent of Taraka Brahma as Mahasambhuti Baba. And that on this wonderful and blissful occasion there is a morning and evening dharmacakra, collective bath, all-round merrymaking, and a sentient feast etc.

Yet there are also other special components to the celebration of Ananda Pu’rn’ima which Baba has outlined. Some of these are listed and described below and other margiis and WT’s are kindly requested to contribute other plans and programs which they know about that are associated with the celebration Ananda Purnima .


Here first though is one of the special ideations linked to the holy festival of A’nanda Pu’rn’ima’.

A’nanda Pu’rn’ima’ signifies the advent of Mahasambhuti who has come to wipe away all the tears and fog from this dusty earth and infuse within all a sense of peace, hope, tranquility and bliss. He has graciously come to establish the lost humanity in divinity – elevating everyone’s standard, and paving the way for the reign of dharma.


Here below are a few of Baba’s many recommendations and guidelines for how to make the occasion of Ananda Purnima an even more memorable, joyful, and charming gathering for one and all.

(A) On the grand festival time of Ananda Purnima, all types of age groups should have their own programs that will be appealing to them. Certainly there will be one central place for the entire gathering, yet at the same time specialised plans and programs for the various age divisions should be organised.

For the younger children there should be games and sports and / or a drama production etc.

For adolescents & teenagers there should be competitions in the various realms from kaoshikii and tandava to music, art, and literature. And their day should also include sporting events etc.

And likewise for adults, there should be a range of activities and programs from the devotional singing of kiirtan to service projects, plus spiritual talks, dance competitions, and general socialising.

(B) In addition, on Ananda Purnima the head of household can utilise this as the time to arrange annual new clothes for all family members. Plus there should be toys for the children and the sharing of sweet treats. By this way one and all will know that something great is happening and that Ananda Purnima is a grand event.

(C) Ananda Purnima can also be made special by offering moderate gifts and presents or cards etc to those around you as a showing of love and affection.

(D) And like that many, many more points and suggestions are there in relation with the grand and blissful celebrations of Ananda Purnima.


The magnificent characteristic of all our Ananda Marga social gatherings is that they welcome one and all irrespective of age, colour, race, profession, educational standard, etc, all types from all places are welcome. Indeed everyone comes together for sadhana, games, a feast, and other celebratory activities and by this way one social flow is formed thus making way for a healthy, unified human society.


In this way social functions and festivals are a time for us all to move together in His divine flow, regardless of one’s standard or status - where one and all gather round in the spirit of unity. And top of all our special duty as devotees is to propagate the greatness and grandeur of Sadguru Baba. In a phrase we can say that this is the key point behind the auspicious occasion of A’nanda Pu’rn’ima’: To highlight Baba’s greatness.

“The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings— That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidya (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamurtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty.” (1)

Here following are some of Baba's special guidelines for our collective social functions and festivals like Ananda Purnima.


"Ánanda Púrńimá: Collective bath with snána mantra, twice collective Iishvara Prańidhána and Varńárghyadána, collective noon and night meals, merry celebrations, spiritual conferences, annual meetings of workers, children’s sports, and procession with táńd́ava dance. (2)


“When people become tired and uninspired, when they can no longer look towards the future with hope, when their colourful dreams are shattered, at that time the sweetness of a festival brings new joy and vigour in life. Thus in individual and collective life, the importance of festivals is tremendous. One should always remember that festivals should be such that all can take part in them without any ostentatious display of wealth, and with an upsurge of their life force. And these festivals should be conducted in such a way that people take part in them from a spontaneous inner urge. I hope that you will make such arrangements so that all are attracted towards your festivals which will be more and more charming – and this will bring about your collective welfare.” (3)



   "Collective social functions: Many of the ills of society develop because people do not care to know other members of society. This may not only mean ignorance of the condition and difficulties of others, but also leads to intolerance and a lack of interest in the affairs of the other members of society. Common social functions bring different members of society together and are therefore a great unifying force. By performing certain functions collectively, all the members are engaged in doing the same thing for some time, and this brings about a feeling of unity and interest in others."
   "In Ananda Marga such common social functions are especially encouraged. Milita snána [collective bathing] and dharmacakra [collective meditation] provide grounds for common social functions in the physical, psychic and spiritual fields. Common participation in such functions is a very great unifying force. The participants in such functions will have no intolerance for each other, and will instead get more united. Such functions are, therefore, a great unifying force." (4)



   "Humans are social beings. So every human being likes utsava. It is the desire of all that they will rejoice unitedly. In Europe Puritanism failed in the end, only because the Puritans failed to care for the desires of the general public. They preached their theory only to a handful of devotees of knowledge."
   "Ananda Marga is for the general public. So, considering the necessity of the general mass, proper importance has to be given to the Utsava in social life. Enthusiasm in a utsava is the greatest in the children, in the tender aged boys, in the youths and last of all in grown ups. In the programmes of a Utsava, therefore, you shall think for the children first. Their sweet stammering noises ensure the success of the Utsava. But whatever arrangements you may make for the children, the youngsters, youths, or for the grown-ups, make that there is no dearth of discipline even to the minutest extent anywhere. Let there be complete harmony..."
   "A grown up man does not like that others should call him grown up. An old man does not like that others should tell him old. Do you know, why they do not like to be said so? The adults or the aged are nearing death. This means that one is drawing nearer death as one grow up and this is why one does not like to be told grown up or old."
   "Taking this for granted regarding human psychology, you shall arrange for two or three items in the programme for the old to enjoy, so that they may think at least for a short time that they are not old, they have sufficient energy still left in them."
   "Take pains to see that all join in the Utsava. Give full opportunity to all the artists to make a display of their talents in art. Remember that taking food together is a special feature in a Utsava, without which half of the pleasure of a Utsava is marred." (5)


“That which renews human existence and makes it full to the brim and overflowing with the joy of living is termed a festival...Inspire all people to live with a new spirit like true human beings. Let it inspire them with the fact that all humanity is an indivisible entity. On this auspicious day this is my inner wish.” (6)

in Him,
Amriteshwar Deva

1. Caryacarya II, p.1
2. Caryacarya - 1, Social Functions & Festivals
3. A Few Problems Solved - 5, p.18
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 2, Social Psychology
5. Táttvika Diipiká (Dvitiiya Parva)
6. Ananda Vanii #48

Baba Story: Homosexuality is Anti-Dharma

Date: 30 Mon Apr 2013 22:45:18 -0000
From: "Yogendra"
Baba Story: Homosexuality is Anti-Dharma


This entire email is composed of 2 parts:

(1) Posting: Baba Story: Homosexuality is Anti-Dharma;
(2) Prabhat Samgiita #5015;

Each section is demarcated by asterisks (***).


The below Baba story clearly depicts how homosexual relations are sinful and against the ethic and code of conduct in Ananda Marga.

Following is a dramatic account how during dharma samiiksa all-knowing Baba revealed the fact how years ago one young male had indulged in homosexual activity.

Already many had come out from dharma samiiksa and told how Baba is aware about every sin and that it is impossible to conceal anything from Him. So the brother was aware that Baba is omniscient and that nothing can be hidden.

Hearing this from others, the young male was terrified to stand before Baba and feeling very repentant for his past sinful dealing.

When he entered for dharma samiiksa, Baba graciously pointed him out, reviewed the case, and consoled him. Baba furthermore warned not to ever do such things again. Baba graciously reassured him that it was done due to keeping bad company.

Here is that story as published by one Dada who witnessed the whole scene.


(The follow is an excerpt from one Dada's book)

Brother G from the USA stood in front of Baba. After some personal talk, Baba said, “Your mind is unnecessarily disturbed about the past. You made some mistakes of a sexual nature.”

G’s face suddenly became very red. “Yeah...yes, Baba,” he mumbled.

“When you were younger you had some misunderstanding about the relationship between men and women.”

He stared at the floor, saying, “Yes, Baba.”

“But it was not your fault. As a little boy you were simply influenced by your environment.”

G looked up at Baba. He sighed deeply, smiled slightly and said, “Thank you, Baba.”

“No need of thanks,” Baba said. “I merely convey to you the unadulterated facts. You were unaware. Unaware.”

G approached me after the session, wanting to get something off his chest.

“I never told anyone, Dada,” he said, “but since you were present today, I want to tell you that...that before joining Ananda Marga, I had...homosexual relations.”

He watched for my reaction. Seeing none, he continued, “Even though I’ve been doing meditation for a number of years, it’s always bothered me; I’ve always felt guilty. But now Baba’s freed my mind. When He said it wasn’t my fault, something let go inside of me. I feel so light now; I wouldn’t be surprised if I started to fly!”

(Who's Afraid of the Tantric Guru by Dada Dharmavedananda)

Note: In the above story, a male had sex with another male - that is the sinful dealing that Baba is pointing uotand this same sin applies to females who have sex another female. So this is a universal teaching that applies go all gays, lesbians, homosexuals etc.

in His Service,

************ Prabhat Samgiita


"Nutan jiivan labhiya'chi mora' nutan us'a'r kiran'e..." (PS 5015)


O' Parama Purusa, by Your divine grace we have all been blessed with new life - in this new light wave of the dawn. The new dawn has come and vibrated the body, mind, and soul.

O' Divine Entity You have graciously shown us the path: The path of bliss, Ananda Marga. By Your grace, we have left all those outdated, rotten, old dogmas. Except Ista, except You, there is no charm in the life. Your love and grace is resonating in our entire existence.

Baba, we all belong to the same gotra, one family. This whole world lies within this same gotra. With the love of our heart we will awaken the entire world, by Your grace.

Baba, You have blessed us with new life in this new dawn. This is nothing but Your causeless grace...

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