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The Way Baba Prepared for Struggle

Date: 09 Sep 2011 21:07:45 -0000
From: "K Lingappa Deva"
Subject: The Way Baba Prepared for Struggle



We know, and Baba has told us again and again, that life is not always smooth. One's progress and movement is systaltic in nature - up and down. So there will always be highs and lows. Everyone will experience such patterns in their life.

This below Baba story is not just the recounting of a very devotional and tantric period in our AM history, but also a practical method for how we are to proceed in day to day life.


Those pre-emergency days in 1971 in Patna, Baba was vigorously preparing everyone for the difficulties that lay ahead. He was teaching so many do's and don'ts and then checking those things as only a Sadguru can. The scene was both riveting and exciting, as well as full of love and bliss.

Baba, of course, did not say openly that the whole world would turn on Ananda Marga and that we would all be persecuted and put in jail. Only He hinted that there will be a time when the number of margiis will be few and Ananda Margiis will not be accepted etc. Baba was also telling margiis to start stocking extra food in the homes, schools, and jagrtis.

Hearing this though, no one was worried. We all knew that Baba was the Parama Purusa and we rightly felt that nothing could harm us. We heard Baba's gentle warnings about the future but at the same time we did not really listen.

It is just like if the weather is perfect outside - the sun is shining, there is a gentle breeze, and there is not a cloud in the sky - then if someone says that a cyclone is coming, few, if any, will take it seriously.

Same was the case with us back in 1971. Baba was there and that was enough. We could not think that such difficult days were coming. Trouble was around no doubt, but so was He and that was enough to satisfy us and think that everything would be fine.


In the Jamalpur days, Baba graciously gave yama and niyama for our conduct and dealing - for our betterment. In that phase He, of course, also delivered so many philosophical gems like Elementary Philosophy, Idea and Ideology, Ananda Sutram, and so much more. Our do's and don'ts in personal life though were essentially limited to yama and niyama.

Around 1971, Baba began systematically giving so many teachings related with our personal dealing and way of living - most notably 16 Points. Prior to that some wholetimers were still drinking tea etc, but in 1971 all that stopped.

No doubt, prior to 1971, some had gotten certain practices from Yogic Treatments so a few were doing fasting on occasion and / or wearing laungota etc. But in 1971, those practices and so many more became pervasive in our Marga and were made mandatory via 16 Points and other codes of conduct.

Many may remember that before 1971, in order to have Baba's darshan, then VSS and in-charges would ensure all had perfectly memorized the Supreme Command. One had to repeat it perfectly either in Hindi, Bengali, or English. Then and only then would they be allowed to enter the darshan hall or room.

But in 1971, that changed. Then everyone had to perfectly recite 16 Points in their exact order. That time Baba also began delivering so many discourses on various aspects of Sixteen Points.


Thus it was in Patna that Baba graciously first checked our Sixteen Points in so many different ways to ensure that we were all moving and growing properly on the path. Reciting the mere list of 16 Points was not all that was expected - we also had to follow.

It went something like this.

In the 2nd half of 1971 after shifting the office from Ranchi to Patna due to extreme social tension and unrest, we would regularly arrive - almost daily - at Baba's Quarters or the jagrti for darshan.

AM was still growing at a good clip, but not at the booming rate as months earlier because the government and newspapers were releasing and printing so much false propaganda about Baba and the Marga.

In that dramatic era, we would all file in to see Baba and when there were 20 or 30 of us, then He would graciously take His seat and we would all be inside the walled Patna compound seated in an open area focused on Him. It was all quite beautiful and charming.

And as I say, those were the days when Baba has strictly checking 16 Points as He was well aware that the Emergency was looming eerily on the horizon.


In His divine manner, Baba would look around at the margiis present and openly ask us about our practices.

But it would be done in a very special way.

Baba would say, "Gopal, show us your shaoca manjusa. You have such a beautiful shaoca manjusa. It is very nice. Show it to us so everyone may see - after all this is one of our 16 Points."

Baba had intentionally called on Gopal because He knew that Gopal did not have a shaoca manjusa.

In response, in the course of this loving liila where Baba was watching out for the welfare of all, Gopal would feel a bit ashamed or humiliated or embarrassed, and internally understood that he would have to be more strict on the point of shaoca manjusa.

And in that way, all the other margiis present understood as well that they would have to be strict, lest they get called on in front of all.

Baba would do the same thing with the point of laungota. If anyone present was not wearing a laungota, then that was the person Baba would call upon.

Baba would say, "Oh, Chandra Mohan, I understand you are very sincere in wearing a laungota every day. Is that not so. Don't you always wear your laungota. Tell us."

Then everyone knew that Chandra Mohan was not wearing a laungota. Plus they all knew that if next time they did not wear one then they would get called on.

Once all the physical aspects were addressed in this way, from food to fasting to taking bath properly etc, Baba raised the standard to the psychic & psycho-spiritual planes. He would check to ensure all repeated Guru Mantra before entering the room and that everyone was doing sadhana - all lessons - as directed.

So by applying pressure, Baba was teaching and ensuring we were actively involved in 16 Points. None wanted to be pointed out so step by step, point by point, all began following. This was the way things were rolling those days. Baba was getting everyone prepared and ready.

And not only that, in His loving liila, Baba would harshly rebuke and scold in-charges and VSS for allowing margiis to enter without following 16 Points. So they in turn began vigilantly checking to ensure all margiis were wearing laungota, carrying shaocamanjusa, doing pracara and properly following all the various element of 16 Points.

By this way everyone became strong Ananda Margiis and could weather the storm that was about to come.


Now in this year of 2011, the same system applies. Sixteen Points will save us from all difficulties and keep us moving in the right direction.

Baba says, "For progress in entitative flow, one is to lead a pure life, a moralistic life, a life based on moral principles. Do not do anything bad. What is bad? Bad is that which depraves human existence. Follow a strict code of morality. Live a pure life, a neat and clean life. Be strict in 16 Points. What will happen? Your entitative flow will get purified and will be in parallelism with your psychic wave." (SS_12)

And here below Baba directly states that our strength and stamina will increase multi-fold by adhering to Sixteen Points.

Baba says, "The more rigidly you follow the 16 Points, the more your mental strength will increase. It will increase so much that it will be more powerful than the collective mental strength of 100,000 people. In a psychic clash they will have to concede victory to you. A person who is physically strong can fight against eight, ten or twenty people at
most, but no more than that. A psychically developed person, however, is able to fight against many more people. So you must endeavour to develop your psychic strength - this is your bounden duty. The more rigidly you follow the 16 Points, the more psychic strength you will acquire. It will not take you long." (AV-7)

Thus in the same way that 16 Points gave Wts and margiis the strength to manage and thrive during the Emergency, today also 16 Points will fortify us in all the ways needed to spread His teachings and gain success.

Let us also not forget that Baba is watching and those who follow His teachings of Sixteen Points will be graced more and more to proceed onwards. That is also His expressed guideline.


By Baba's grace ours is not the path of preya (mundane pleasure), but rather the path of shreya (Supreme benevolence). Sixteen Points is the way forward. Our duty is to follow and make sure other margiis are also following. Then our Marga will be strong, on both the individual and collective level.

Baba says, "...In order to march ahead on the road of human welfare, we will have to strengthen ourselves in all the arena of life. The complete seeds of welfare in all the spheres – physical, mental, moral, social and spiritual – are embedded in the sixteen points. Hence be firm on the sixteen points." (A'nanda Va'nii #45)



Although Sixteen Points was formally given during the above time period in 1970-71, many of those teachings were already present in the form of various worker and margii conduct rules, Yogic Treatments, and other teachings. By giving 16 Points, Baba codified and explicitly listed all these rules and regulations into one concerted list.
"A'va'r ki re a'lo elo dhu'lor e dhara'te..." (P.S. #615)


O' human being, behold! Ajana Pathik has come again on this dusty earth. The flood of effulgence has come. Through the medium of longing, You quench the thirst of the eyes. Look, the Lord of Effulgence has Himself come. All the minds and hearts which were crying in suffering and pain, are now dancing in joy. Because, He has come. He loves one and all, everyone. He has come here to remove the suffering, and establish dharma. Because of His advent, everything changed. The sweet breeze is blowing full of fragrance. On this dusty earth, Ajana Pathik has come...

One Should Always Remember

Baba says, "However little one's capacity might be, if one constantly remembers that Parama Purus'a is always with him, that they are in the closest contact with Parama Purus'a, they will be able to do everything. They are not as small as they think themselves to be. And as long as they remember this closest association with Him, they can do much more than ordinary human beings. When this idea becomes permanently established in their minds, they become great. This is why no one should be disappointed or depressed in any circumstances; let everyone constantly perform great deeds, remembering that the flow of their capacity is coming from Parama Purus'a, and thus they can do everything."  (AFPS-3, p. 62)

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