From: Ram Sahay Deva
Subject: Baba's Mandate on Margii & Wt Sadhana
We all know Baba places great emphasis on our sadhana practice as it is only by properly doing sadhana that we can grow from crude animality to a human being, and from an ordinary human being to an ideal person, and from an ideal person to a divine being.
Just as an illiterate person can become a doctor, professor, or a lawyer through proper schooling and education, similarly...
...sadhana wholly transforms one's mind and body, making an ordinary person an extraordinary one. The whole personality gets changed by proper sadhana. That is why our Guru has placed a tremendous importance on doing sadhana.
Unfortunately some haven't been able to realise this basic fact in our practical life. As long as we have not realised the depth of sadhana, we should go on doing our meditation with utmost sincerity. Let us not forget that sadhana is a scientific process and by right effort a result must come.
And not only must we practice sadhana, but we must tell those who are obsessed with materialism as well. They must understand that matter is not everything. Their eyes should be opened to the realm of spirituality. This truth must be understood by all.
For all these reasons, sadhana is very important and here is Baba's Procedural Order for all workers and margiis on sadhana.
"(A) 4 Times Sadhana: Doing sadhana 4 times daily is compulsory for all wholetime workers. It will be the duty of all wt workers to maintain the record of their 4 time sadhana routine in their compulsory daily diary. All trade heads are also hereby instructed to see very particularly the sadhana routine of each and every individual worker of their concerning trade. Trade heads must check whether their workers do sadhana 4 times a day or not. DPS will be directly responsible for implementing this system very strictly. DPS is also to create his own method for collecting information every month regarding workers of different trades who do not or did not perform sadhana as per system in a particular month. Such names are to be recorded and immediate steps to be taken by the DPS against the concerning workers and the supervisory worker of that trade. A monthly statement regarding the irregularities in 4 times sadhana by the workers of different trades and disciplinary steps taken by the DPS against the worker must be submitted to the higher authority every month."
"For General Margiis: Doing sadhana 2 times daily is compulsory for all margiis in general. DPS is to keep candour eye through his RDPS and DDPS on each and every margii regarding their performance of individual sadhana 2 times a day. Any slackness in this respect is to be pointed out by the concerning RDPS and DDPS to the margiis concerned and the margii is to be made to understand that by not doing sadhana he is committing sin and that he must be very very strict in 2 times sadhana. RPDS and DDPS are to keep a regular record of the margiis of their respective areas regarding two times sadhana. DPS must keep a regular watch on the records."
"B) Asana and Ekadashii: In order to help in regularity and improvement in sadhana, every worker will have to follow very strictly the rules of asanas (daily compulsory) and ekadashii and they will maintain this record in their daily diary. The DPS will keep very close watch on this and necessary steps must be immediately taken."
"C) In order to improve the sadhana of the WT workers and increase their attachment to it, the 7th lesson (Sahaj Pranayama) may be made available for practice to maximum wt workers. This will immediately increase their inclination towards sadhana."
Most senior Wts have this above Procedural Order but they do not like to share with their junior wts and margiis, otherwise those seniors themselves will be pointed out for not following this order. Or what could be the reason why this order is not made more widely available.
By Baba's grace He has blessed us with this great sadhana practice of Ananda Marga and we should realise this quest in our daily life.
Baba says, "The worship of Brahma should be done scrupulously, or else you will later regret and bemoan the futility of your life with the last drop of your tears at your last hour. You should make your life worthwhile through your sa'dhana'. How much can your worldly friends and relations do for you? After your death your relatives may perhaps ask, “How much money has he left behind?” Your friends may go to the crematorium and indulge in flattering reminiscences about you. Your
husband or wife may cry for you for about ten or twelve days and then regain their normal composure. Your lot will be only a profound sigh – a record of the futility and frustration of your life. So do not waste your time lest you later have to repent...That is why I say that you will have to dedicate yourselves to His feet wholly and unreservedly. You will earn godliness in proportion to the extent that you surrender yourselves, and finally, after merging that acquired godliness of yours in His Entity, you will attain eternal bliss." (Subhasita Samgraha - 3)
Ram Sahay Deva
O' Parama Purusa, O' Baba, You are so gracious You have come and opened all the doors and windows,and inundated this world with Your divine effulgence. On the eastern horizon the crimson dawn is visible. The darkness is fast fading away.
Baba, in the past there was the domination of dogma and groupism all around. Countless superstitions and negative samskaras were doing their naked dance. Now, with the presence of Your divine effulgence, in the blink of an eye those dogmas and negative things have disappeared. The creatures of darkness have dissolved into thin air. I do not know where they have gone - they have vanished.
Baba, O' my Lord, with Your love and punishment You are keeping everyone in Your shelter. Baba, You are graciously caring for everyone...
Remedy Of Disappointment & Frustration
Baba says, "Very often people become victims of disappointment for the sole reason that they forget their goal in life. If they look towards their goal, then their disappointments and frustrations will cease. Whenever a human being is created, they come within the Cosmic Mind. So when the microcosms move towards Macrocosmic Consciousness, Parama Purusa is watching - Parama Purusa is with them holding their hands. It is the humans who do not look towards Him - this is their misfortune." (Subhasita Samgraha - 12, p.5)