This entire email is composed of 3 parts:
(1) Posting: Tamasika Akhanda Kiirtana;
(2) Trailder Quote: Way to Bring People into Ananda Marga;
(3) Prabhat Samgiita #1103;
Each section is demarcated by asterisks (***).
This entire letter is related with akhanda kiirtana and its sentient practice.
Under Baba's divine guidance at DMC kiirtana was always done in dharmic fashion and the sanctity and speciality of kiirtana was always strictly maintained, never sacrificed or compromised in any way.
In this regard, in particular, during all the DMC programs, males and females did not sing kiirtana together at the same time. Rather kiirtana was always done separately; and surely everyone who attended DMC remembers this. When the males would sing, the females would practice meditation. And when the females would sing kiirtana, the males would engage in spiritual practice. This arrangement helped ensure that a strong and sentient vibration was created that would allow the mind to easily flow upwards and become more elevated, by Baba's grace.
We have to remember that Baba has arranged life in Ananda Marga where we we maintain our sanctity by adhering to certain codes of conduct, not by compromising with our values. In the realm of male-female relations, our proper standard is separation, not free and sensuous mixing of the sexes.
Baba has mandated that everything in Ananda Marga should be separate: For example WWD, our relief activities (AMURTL), reportings, social service projects, LFT trainings, etc. There are all separate along gender lines.
Here is a more complete list for your review:
1. Jagrtis are not shared between males and females for staying over or for office work.
2. Co-education is not practiced with students above 8 or 10 years of age, i.e. or above the age of puberty.
3. During dharmacakra, seminar, and classes, sadhana is done in distinctly different rows.
4. The organisation itself has an entire separate wing for females, WWD or Women’s Welfare Department.
5. Prout, AMURT, VSS etc also have separate sections for males and females.
6. Reporting is done separately.
7. LFT, Tattvika, and Acarya training is separate for males and females.
8. In-Charges are not mixed. Males are in-charges of males and females of females.
Note: Only in Central Office will the head of WWD be controlled by the General Secretary.
9. During DMS, kaoshikii was also performed separately. And still this practice is maintained for DMS.
10. Females do guard duty for females, and males for males; it is not mixed.
11. Akhanda kiirtana is done in a separate manner.
12. Madhur Sadhana is done according to gender, not with the opposite sex.
13. In any gathering, females & males do not participate together for games and sports.
14. All public processions are organised keeping males and females separate.
15. And there are so many systems in place that ensure strict separation of the sexes.
Furthermore, in Caryacarya Baba guides us that the more separation there is between males and females, the better it is. (1)
Unfortunately what is going on nowadays in akhanda kiirtana sessions at some overseas retreats is just opposite to this. Because at these akhanda kiirtana programs males and females are dancing together. Here 'together' does not merely mean that the females and males are together in the same place.
Rather in reference to overseas akhanda kiirtana, the term 'together' together means that males and females get completely intertwined - even smushed next to each other - where males and females are touching and pressing up against one another. This severely disturbs and compromises the whole experience of singing akhanda kiirtana.
For those who haven't seen it, here is a descriptive account of what happens in a typical overseas-style akhanda kiirtana program.
The females form one circle around the puja table which is placed in the middle of the room. And then directly surrounding the female circle is a circle of males. In this way, dozens and dozens of females and males are dancing extremely close by, right next to each other in an enclosed environment.
At this gender-mixed, akhanda kiirtana program, invariably bumping, rubbing, and brushing occurs between members of the opposite sex. Because there is an inner circle of females and an outer circle of males and everyone is moving round and round, so both circles tend to lose their shape and some females rub up against the brothers circle, and likewise some males brush up into the female circle. In that way various types of physical contact happens. Because initially people try to close their eyes, dance, sing, and walk around the akhanda kiirtana circle - all at the same time. In that approach, members of the opposite sex end up knocking into and rubbing up against one another. This happens commonly in the daytime and even more during the nighttime akhanda kiirtana when the room is darker. In that case varieties of touching is going on between male and females, especially when it is crowded.
The basic idea is that if 2 brothers bump into each other during an akhanda kiirtana session it is pardonable and not quite so detrimental to one's mental flow. The same is the case if two sisters touch. But when males and females touch and inadvertently rub or bump into one another during akhanda kiirtana that is completely disruptive to the flow. That is why a growing number of overseas margiis are feeling suffocated by this type of akhanda kiirtana program. Because the margiis are involved in trying to elevate the mind and prepare the mind for sadhana, yet in our akhanda kiirtana program various types of touching and bumping is going on - as well as other distractions - which degrade the mind.
On the one hand, there is the touching problem between members of the opposite sex and then there are other issues. Because in these akhanda kiirtana sessions if any brother tries to look at Baba's photo they end up seeing so many females. Because in between the puja table and the brother's circle is the unbroken chain of dancers in the female circle. In that case, Baba's photo is virtually blocked by the female line. And if a male tries to see that photo there is a swirling movement of females; and instead of seeing Baba that male will lay their eyes on the faces of so many females.
A similar type of distraction occurs for those females who wish to exit the akhanda kiirtana circle in order to do sadhana. Here also a problem occurs because they are surrounded by males. And when the akhanda kiirtana is very energetic, females will try to find an opening whereby they can sneak through the male circle. But often one accident or near accident occurs where the members of the opposite sex collide.
Other associated difficulties also arise. But whatever the nature or specific details of the problem, the result is the same. Due to a flawed approach of akhanda kiirtana, one's ideation and concentration get affected and in that way the mind is not able to get purified - rather it is degraded by persistent contact with the opposite sex etc.
When both genders are dancing side by side in akhanda kiirtana and they are taking great care not to bump one another, then they are not ideating on Parama Parama. Rather they are thinking, "Do no bump the opposite sex, do not bump the opposite sex." After all, mind is one so the person doing kiirtana cannot simultaneously think of "not bumping the opposite sex" and ideate on Parama Purusa. It is not possible. Only when the akhanda kiirtan is gender separated can sadhakas focus exclusively on Parama Purusa because then they need not think about "not bumping the opposite sex."
For this reason, the mixed gender akhanda kiirtan degrades the mind and one cannot concentrate fully on Parama Purusa. That is why it is tamasika. Because most of the time, in one way or another, one is forced to think about the opposite sex, not Parama Purusa.
Here we should bear in mind that the dogma brought into overseas akhanda kiirtana is not just of a single type. Rather it ebbs and flows according to the so-called creativity and energy of the injector of dogma.
For instance, at one New Year's akhanda kiirtana at Ananda Kanan (NY), a senior male member physically linked together with many young 14 to 20 year old females in tow behind him. That means in the akhanda kiirtana itself he formed one 'train'. This senior male created one line where all the males and females alternately held onto the shoulders, or waist, or hips, or hair of the person in front. In that way, one male-female train was formed right in the middle of the kiirtana hall. Like this, various off-shoots can occur.
So in our current overseas style of doing akhanda kiirtana, the purpose is not solved - rather the sentient practice of akhanda kiirtana is severely compromised. Because the main idea of akhanda kiirtana is to go close to Parama Purusa, but our current format of overseas-style akhanda kiirtana undermines this great endeavor. Because one has to be aware about not bumping into someone from the opposite sex and other related problems - in which case ideating on Parama Purusa cannot be done.
When the mind is distracted and not focused then true japa cannot be performed.
Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The mere repetition of mantra will not serve any purpose unless there is a rhythmic parallelism between incantative flow (the flow of the mantra) and the mental flow (the flow of the mind). To perform japakriya' while harbouring harmful thoughts is futile. One can only attain success in japakriya' if all the psychic propensities are diverted towards the deep spirit of the mantra." (2)
"The mind runs in one direction towards its object of fascination; its object of ideation lies in another direction...In the midst of such choas ideation on Parama Purus'a is impossible, even in billions of kalpas [ages]." (3)
By these guidelines, it is clear that we should take care in the way in which we organize our akhanda kiirtana programs so that the environment is most conducive toward focusing on Ista. Unfortunately, the way things are now, one's mind gets rerouted towards sensual thoughts. Even if one does not wish this to happen, that is the practical result when males and females are bumping into one another. Then there is no question of having proper ideation on the kiirtana mantra.
All in all, the overseas style of akhanda kiirtana is artificial culture, or pseudo-culture, or fake culture. Because according to Baba, proper culture means raising the mind to higher values - not towards the baser propensities. When talking about culture Baba says that culture means that expression which motivates the mind toward subtler aspects, introversial. Tragically, this does not happen in our overseas-style, akhanda kiirtana programs.
Hence at our overseas sectorial retreats etc, a proper solution is needed. And the best example to follow is Baba's. Here we have the opportunity to advance ahead by following the exact same approach which Baba Himself has approved. Namely, when males are dancing and singing kiirtana, then females can sit at a moderate distance and do sadhana. Thereafter, we can switch. Females will sing and dance kiirtana, and the males will be do sadhana.
On multiple accounts - i.e. for many reasons - alternating sadhana and kiirtana between males and females is in concert with Baba's system. The main reason being that Baba Himself has guided us that we should do like this. And in His presence it was done in this very fashion, separately between males and females. And by that way the whole sanctity of the DMC was maintained - sentient and pure.
Thus, during our akhanda kiirtana program at sectorial retreats etc, then males and females can sing kiirtana separately or alternately, as described above. Then the problem of bumping into or touching members of the opposite sex will be eradicated.
Overall males and females can still participate in the same program in the same hall, but kiirtana would be sung and performed separately. In that way it would be consistent with the spirit of what was done during DMC and our other Ananda Marga programs.
It is sometimes seen that some margiis & Wts skip their sadhana during this type of overseas-style akhanda kiirtana. Because just they were moving around the circle with members of the opposite sex, and after a while someone might leave the akhanda kiirtana - without doing sadhana. Just they casually walk away. They may go outside the hall and gossip, or attend to mundane activities, or go for sports or music rehearsal, or get food or have some snack. So after kiirtana they fail to do sadhana. And they miss out on all the benefits and the overall environment gets disturbed.
Any sadhaka more established in sixteen points etc does not do like this. But some few others haphazardly depart from the akhanda kiirtana circle and skip their sadhana.
So by adopting the sentient kiirtana system that is approved by Baba, then this problem of skipping meditation will be easily resolved since in the sentient style of kiirtana, sadhana is always done afterwards. That is Baba's method.
Taken altogether, at our overseas akhanda kiirtana programs we should seriously consider refining our approach from rajasik to sentient. That will act as a special boon for one and all.
For all these reasons discussed above, it is clear that mixed gender akhanda kiirtana is tamasika because in so many various ways it degrades the mind.
According to Baba, kiirtana plays one special role. It often happens that when one sits for sadhana the mind does not like to initially move in that direction. Some build-up is needed. It is just like if you want to climb the steps or drive your motorcycle then must progress systematically - immediately you cannot reach up to the 10th step and immediately you cannot put the motorcycle in the top gear. Rather one must proceed incrementally.
The same approach Baba has created with our spiritual practices. Because when the mind is involved in worldly things then starting sadhana instantaneously is not easy. So Baba has given different steps: bhajan, kiirtana, sadhana etc.
After singing bhajans the mind gets a little pointed and thereafter kiirtana is done. During bhajans people usually sit, but in kiirtana everyone stands up and dances; one's whole existence becomes involved. The basic guideline is that during kiirtana all the organs are engaged. Aspirants are chanting the kiirtana mantra with their mouth, seeing Baba's photo with their eyes, hearing the Baba-Nam-Kevalam mantra with their ears, plus the arms are raised in the air in surrenders and one's feet are dancing according to the system to awaken and energise the sahasrara cakra.
In this way, all the limbs and organs are involved: the ears, mouth, hands, eyes etc. In this condition the mind has no scope to run away - and if it tries then it gets redirected and again focuses on the Goal. That is the specialty of kiirtana.
So if kiirtana is done independently or according to the system as practiced in India then fine, but in collective overseas kiirtana certain obstacles are created that hinder the entire kiirtana practice.
One other great benefit is that by doing kiirtana before sadhana, then sadhana will be greatly improved. In this way Baba guides us that after kiirtana sadhana should always be done. Because kiirtana is one special way to prepare the mind for sadhana.
"I have already said, and I repeat it again, that now the time has come to manifest the glory of kiirtana. And I also want to say further that those who wish to attain spiritual progress in their sadhana will have to do more and more kiirtana. By kiirtana, the mind becomes pure, and with this pure mind, one can do sadhana." (4)
"kiirtana [is] the most essential aid for sadhana." (5)
"If the mind is made pure even for five minutes by kiirtana, then if you do sadhana for only five minutes, your sadhana will be very good - you will surely attain spiritual progress." (6)
By this, anyone can see that kiirtana is one special practice and if done properly then the mind gets purified; but if done incorrectly then that purification process does not occur. And one will also miss out on improving their sadhana - that will not occur.
When our entire Ananda Marga way of life is separated along gender lines, it is shameful that today we are allowing the free and sensuous mixing of the sexes on the stage during our RAWA cultural programs. This sets a bad example for those young dancers and thrusts them into the world of pseudo-culture. Plus it is degrading for the audience to watch. It is a negative scene from all directions.
And like this in all aspects of life in Ananda Marga, wherever we look or examine the situation it is clear that the activities and dealings is distinctly separate with regards to males and females.
When people do something just because it "feels good" then often they have divorced themselves from higher ideals. Because only they do that thing because it "feels good" - they do not use their logic or rationality. But they continue ahead in their ways regardless. This may be the case with why in overseas sectors this mixed akhanda kiirtana between members of the opposite sex is going on.
"Whatever human beings do, motivated by A'tma-Sukha Tattva, is for the sake of pleasure. This principle of selfish pleasure rests on dogma...They observe that these dogmas are based on A'tma-Sukha Tattva; but they think, "I don't care whether it does good or harm to others, because at last I have enjoyed some pleasure!" Being motivated by this idea, they enslave themselves to dogmas. In the civilized world, even educated people knowingly follow dogmas because they have a desire in the back of their minds to attain some mundane pleasure." (7)
Those who follow atma-sukha tattva can never lead or serve the society.
"Kiirtana is not only helpful in the realm of spirituality, but also in all spheres of life; it banishes physical troubles and tribulations as well. Kiirtana fights against all mundane difficulties and finally one becomes victorious." (8)
"He has given you your organs. Utilize them for Him. With your voice sing His name, His praise, His kiirtana. With your mind think of Him. One who does not do this wastes one’s life. And where people have only human frame but not human mind tell them this message." (Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, You Live According to God's Desire)
"The mind will have to be made one-pointed through sadhana, and the best means for achieving one-pointedness is kiirtana. Kiirtaniiyá sadá harih. Human beings should always do the kiirtana of the Lord. When one does kiirtana the mind becomes one-pointed within a short time. Then one sits for sadhana and while sitting there is progress, the mind becomes spotless, everything is gained. The human being will have to rush towards Parama Puruśa. Nobody can become a jinánii by reading books. A person earns real knowledge by rushing towards Parama Puruśa and coming into his close proximity, and one who earns this real knowledge attains liberation or salvation. For this, one who does not know their abc’s will make it, and one who has an MA in 700 languages will not make it. This is a different world, a different matter altogether. An intelligent person, therefore, will move forward single-mindedly on the path of sadhana, and in order to prepare his mind for sadhana that person will certainly do a little kiirtana. I have said this before in several places and I am saying it again: kiirtaniiyah sadá harih, that is, one must do the kiirtana of the Lord, the kiirtana of Parama Puruśa. And why must one do the kiirtana of Parama Puruśa? Because one of his names is Hari. Hari means: harati pápaḿ ityarthe harih, that is, he who steals the sins of the unit being is Hari." (9)
"When kiirtana was first invented, the psycho-philosophy behind it was this: at the time of kiirtana, the vocal cord sings, the ears hear, and the hands and feet dance, and thus all the organs are kept preoccupied with the divine. They are not allowed to move wherever they want but are kept engaged. There is a popular Indian superstition that when ghosts are not kept busy they break the necks of their prey. Similarly, if the sensory and motor organs are not kept engaged in the attainment of the divine, they may lead one astray. Kiirtana is therefore most beneficial as it keeps all the organs fully engaged in a spiritual pursuit. However, while doing kiirtan, if one listens to anything else, the mind will be diverted. Suppose, while doing kiirtana, one lady asks another, “Well sister, what did you cook today?” This will also be heard by the practitioners of kiirtana. To prevent these undesirable sounds from being heard, it is advisable to play some instrument during kiirtana. A mrdauṋga [a kind of drum] or some similar instrument should be used, but one should not play any heavy-sounding instrument like a d́hák [a large drum played with sticks], a d́hol [a loud drum] or a gong. The mind prefers to hear a sweet sound, like that of the mrdauṋga, than a harsh sound. Some time ago I mentioned that Bhola Mayra said that when the cookawing of crows and the beating of drums stop, human ears get some relief. People do not like to hear such harsh, unpleasant sounds. The sound of the mrdauṋga may not be perfect, but it has one quality: it is very sweet. Thus, whenever a distracted mind hears the sweet music of a mrdauṋga, it returns to the proper place. A remarkable science lies in kiirtana." (10)
"What do you gain by doing kiirtana? Several sense organs become engaged. The tongue is occupied. So during that time you won’t have thoughts like, “I will eat this, eat that;” no kind of greed will remain. The sense of taste and taste buds are obstructed. The ears are busy hearing the kiirtana, so they have no scope to go elsewhere. The mind is always thinking of that, so it also has no scope to go elsewhere. And if kiirtana is combined with dance then one’s attention is directed to the rhythm of the dance. As a result of the dance, hormones are secreted from the glands. So under no circumstances can the mind degenerate. There is no way for it to go down. This is the way of the wise." (11)
"Kiirtaniiyah sadáharih one should always sing the glory of the Lord. It is the frailty of human beings that when a few of them group together, they indulge in criticizing or mudslinging others. This leads to psychic degradation. In fact people should perform such actions which will lead to psychic elevation, actions which give the mind no scope for degeneration. The easiest way to do this is to sing the glories of the Supreme Entity whose very thought automatically elevates the mind. Chanting the name of Parama Puruśa aloud is called kiirtana; For, the vibration created in the atmosphere by kiirtana will influence others also. But if one’s mental ideation is conveyed only to Parama Puruśa without affecting other human beings, this is called bhajana. So bhajana is purely personal; it has no collective aspect. Kiirtana is more beneficial than bhajana, and hence it is said kiirtaniiyah sadá harih: whenever you find time, do kiirtana loudly and you will never become degenerated because by chanting the Lord’s holy name the mind remains elevated. Mudslinging and criticizing is thereby stopped forever, and hence kiirtana averts the degradation of the human mind. You should always remember that in every sphere of life – social, political, economic, psychic, and spiritual – you should always follow the principle of “taking the opposite stance”: there is no exception to this rule. Victory will surely be yours." (12)
We should not follow the aforementioned tamasika akhanda kiirtana style but rather a sentient gender-separated manner of doing akhanda kiirtana.
in Him,
1. Reference: CC part 1, Chapter 24
2. Discourses on Tantra - 2
3. Discourses on Tantra - 2
4. NHNS-2
5. Bliss of Kiirtana, p.5
6. NHNS-2
7. NH-LOI, '87, p.37
8. Bliss of Kiirtana, p.8
9. Ananda Vacnamrtam - 9, Discrimination in Rights
10. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, Sádhaná, Abhidhyána and Kiirtana
11. AV-10, The Supreme Entity – the Non-Doer
12. AMIWL-11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.
Way to Bring People into Ananda Marga
"Ánanda Márgiis should never compel people to follow Ánanda Márga philosophy. Rather, they should always inspire people along the path of spirituality by encouraging selfless service, sacrifice, good conduct, spiritual practices, the development of all-round knowledge, etc. Ananda Marga is a comprehensive mode of living based on spirituality, and in Ananda Marga sádhaná, dhyana and japa are Atmic or Dharmic jiivika." (Prout in Nutshell - 16, Three Types of Occupation)
Note: In Ananda Marga, we do not subscribe to the policy of forced conversions; whereas, this approach is prevalent in many of the religions where they convert their prey under the pressure of the sword or by brute force. This is especially true of the Semitic religions. They did this in the past and they are doing at present also. In Ananda Marga, we do not support that modus operendii. Rather people come to accept Ananda Marga by their own free will and desire after understanding and learning the fundamentals. A similar approach should be taken with one's own kids also. Do not force them to participate, rather logically convince them, little by little.
Prabhat Samgiita 1103
PS Intro: Throughout Baba's vast collection of Prabhat Samgiita, in most songs the devotee and Parama Purusa are communicating with one another. In some of the songs the style of conversation is direct while others are indirect. When the style of expression is indirect, no one should conclude that the sadhaka is having a conversation with another sadaka. That is not at all the case. Rather, the bhakta is communicating with Parama Purusa - using indirect language.
In the below song, in the first two stanzas the sadhaka is indirectly talking to Parama Purusa. The sadhaka is expressing his feelings and referring to Parama Purusa in the third person - yet all along he understands that Parama Purusa is there - listening. It is only in the third stanza, the sadaka is addressing all of creation, with the knowledge that Parama Purusa is also listening.
"Dharmo a'ma'ri sa'thii, dharmo a'ma'ri pra'n'..." (PS 1103)
Dharma is my eternal companion; dharma is my very life. I only accept and follow Parama Purusa Himself because I am His gift. He alone has graciously blessed me with human life. He alone has granted me my existence. It is His grace.
Since the first dawn of my life, He has been with me each and every step - in my every breath, watching, guiding, and protecting me. And only He will remain along with me until the final moment of my life. I always follow His path - His teachings - never forgetting His blessing.
O' inhabitants of the three worlds - wherever you may be - go on singing and dancing, immersed in His divine name. Remain ensconced in His ideation - in His sweet flow, and go on singing His divine songs, i.e. singing His glory.
O' Parama Purusa, O' Baba, You are my eternal companion. You are always with me. Baba, I love You...
Note: In the above song, dharma means Parama Purusa. They are one and the same. Parama Purusa has countless names to reflect His infinite qualities and attributions - one of which is Dharma itself.