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Proof of Outrightly Disobeying Baba

Subject: Proof of Outrightly Disobeying Baba
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 10:22:45 +0530




As we all know, Ba’ba’ has given the system of observing Vijaya Dashamii as part of Sháradotsava from Śaśt́hii to Dashamii in Carya’carya. And we are to follow His social code.

Baba says, "In a word, Ananda Marga’s social code fulfils all the conditions of an ideal social code – it is universal, rational and psychological. It is eminently suited to the development of a dynamic social structure in this rapidly-changing world. As it has been formulated in conformity with the physical, psychic and social needs of human beings, people from all walks of life fully support it and are enthusiastically engaged in its implementation." (Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 4)

The social code of Ananda Marga is ideal in all respects and, every Ananda Margii knows that Caryacarya is our social treatise. As stated above, in Caryacarya it is given that we are to observe and celebrate (a) Children’s Day (Śaśt́hii), (b) Public Day (Saptamii), (c) Fine Arts Day (Aśt́amii), (d) Music Day (Navamii), and (e) Victory Day (Dashamii) or Vijayotsava. These are our Ananda Marga festivals as given by Baba as part of Sháradotsava. (Reference Caryacarya Part 1, Social Functions and Festivals)

And this year (2012), these five days of festival arrived on 20 Oct to 24th October.

Unfortunately, instead of observing the A’nanda Festivals related with Sháradotsava, from Śaśt́hii to Viyaha Dashamii, from 20th Oct to 24th Oct, some persons observed the dogmatic function of so-called mahaprayan in Tiljala from 21st to 24th October. And on the 20th they either prepared for so-called mahaprayan observances or they used it as a travel day get to Tiljala etc. In so doing, they went against Sadguru’s instruction of celebrating the five festival dates of Sháradotsava.

Ba’ba’ taught us to follow - Mantramu’lam Gururva’kyam - but some of our brothers & sisters are going against His instruction. Really it is quite regrettable.



If we follow Ba’ba’s instructions there won’t be differences among us.

Third Front / EC joined Kalikata administration after Kinshuk da’da’ was made PP. Some had the hope that by this approach there would be a way of unifying other factions. But "unifying" various groups around a particular agenda is not unity. That never works.

The key point is that we have to bring ideological unity by following His instructions / guidelines given in black & white - not by following any groupist agenda like so-called mahaprayan. We are to abide by all His instructions.

Thus no one should fall prey to observing the dogmatic occasion of so-called mahaprayan. After all, so-called mahaprayan was prescribed by a few human beings, i.e. avadhu’tas / purodhas; whereas Vijaya Dashamii and the 5 festival dates of Sháradotsava was given by Mahasambhuti Baba Himself. On this ideological issue, I condemn the Kolkata faction.

I request one & all of our brothers / sisters to observe the festivals given in Carya’carya by Beloved Ba’ba’ & discard / reject the so-called commemoration invented by human beings like the members of the then central committee in the year 1990/91. Kindly scrap that appendix – "Mahaprayan Divas" - from Carya’carya without ifs & buts.

The solution is to follow Baba including His given festival dates, not the dogmatic programs like so-called mahaprayan invented by human beings.


Those who have devotion towards Guru will follow Him; they will do what He says. When our Ananda Marga festival of Victory Day, Vijaya Otsava (Dashamii) - and the other dates of Sháradotsava from Śaśt́hii to Dashamii - occurs during the same time as so-called mahaprayan, then one has to choose to either follow Guru or some obsolete groupists. Either one has to follow the dharma of Ananda Marga or the dogma of one group. True bhaktas will surely follow Baba and His eternal dharma.

And indeed, this issue will come up year after year as Vijaya Otsava (Dashamii) and the so-called mahaprayan program are going to coincide again and again. And not only Vijaya Otsava, but Diipavali too. On some years, the so-called mahaprayan program coincides with Baba's given celebration of Diipavali. So that is another key point.

Those who follow the real teachings of Ananda Marga will celebrate Vijaya Otsava & Diipavali whereas those who blindly cling to the skeletons of dogma will fall in the mahaprayan category. Obviously, best is to follow Guru and His shining ideals and that is what most in Ananda Marga are doing.

All bhaktas will always follow Baba and celebrate His given festivals like Vijaya Dashamii & Diipavali.


I close this letter with these guidelines from Sadguru Baba:

[A] Baba says, "Ananda Marga wants to build up an ideal society such as this [moral society]. There should be a congenial environment where people will get the opportunity to enhance their physical, psychic and spiritual progress, and advance rhythmically and in unison towards Parama Puruśa. Hence, Ananda Marga has formulated a social treatise for the establishment of a congenial social structure." (Prout Nutshell - 16)

[B] "Collective social functions. Many social problems arise due to lack of magnanimity, such as not properly understanding or respecting the views of others. This not only keeps people apart, but also makes them hostile to each other. People come together in different festivals and social functions which foster mutual bonds of unity. When they participate in such activities and remain engaged in the same type of collective action, they develop the feeling of temporary affinity. Ananda Marga encourages these types of social functions. Collective bathing and collective meditation on special occasions are as good as common social functions." (Tattva Kaomudii - 2)

[C] Baba says, "In a word, Ananda Marga’s social code fulfills all the conditions of an ideal social code – it is universal, rational and psychological. It is eminently suited to the development of a dynamic social structure in this rapidly-changing world. As it has been formulated in conformity with the physical, psychic and social needs of human beings, people from all walks of life fully support it and are enthusiastically engaged in its implementation." (Ananda Marga Philosophy in A Nutshell - 4)

[D] Baba says, "Caryacarya contains the guidelines for how an individual can best contribute his efforts to the collective momentum. It also provides guidelines for how the collective body shall foster each individual’s physical and psychic welfare." (Prout Nutshell - 18, Talks on Education – Excerpt A)


Sincere margiis adhere to the code of Caryacarya where it says to follow Vijaya Dashamii as part of Sháradotsava from Śaśt́hii to Dashamii (20 Oct to 24 Oct 2012), not the so-called mahaprayan program invented by human beings. We should follow vijaya dahasamii given by Mahasambhuti. Those supporting so-called mahaprayan should think again: Why are you going against Baba? He is the Guru of all in Ananda Marga and all should follow His guideline.

My personal feeling is that those attending so-called mahaprayan divas have pure intentions; but, even then, according to the laws of prakrti, they will have to face the consequences for their wrongful action. Idol worshipers get turned into stone for adhering to their dogma; similarly, those supporting so-called mahaprayan will face reactions as well. Remember, disobeying Guru is abominable; we all should be vigilant to follow Him.

"We will not deviate an inch from our ideology, nor will we allow others to do so." (Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 2: Disc 14)

Brotherly yours


PS Intro: In this following song the devotee is talking to Baba, and in the second stanza the bhakta is indirectly referring to himself.

"Jeo na', shon'o katha, bojha vytha', abujha hoyo na'..."  (PS 660)


Baba, please be gracious, please do not leave me all alone, please do not go far away; please keep me in Your shelter. Baba, please listen to the tale of my aching heart; please understand my pain and suffering - because of my deep longing for You. Baba, I beg You not to remain aloof about my yearning and crying for You. Baba, You have graced me and have made the flower of devotion blossom in my heart. And these flowers are solely for making one beautiful garland for You - ultimately surrendering them at Your lotus feet. Baba, please do not mercilessly crush those flowers. Baba, please be gracious.

Baba, with Your infinite compassion, please keep me close. Please do not permanently forget about that person who is under Your shelter day and night. Baba, it seems You have removed him from Your memory. Baba, please recall how in the past You loved him deeply up to his heart's content. That time You saturated his mind with bliss and filled his eyes with Your loving gaze. You were so gracious those days. Baba, You know that very person was with You in each and every rhythm of the song, he was also with You in all kinds of works - always remaining by Your side. Baba, please do not forget him.

Baba, by Your grace I never forget this eternal truth that You are everything. You are the effulgence of the day as well as the darkness of the night. Baba, in this life of mine I have loved only You. Baba, You are the heart of my heart. Please shower Your divine grace on me day and night, incessantly. Baba, even if You always remain forgetful of me, that I can tolerate. Only I ask one thing of You. Baba, please do not push me away from Your holy, lotus feet.  

Baba, You are my closest & dearest One. You are my everything. Baba, please keep me in Your shelter...

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