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Real Commentary on Ananda Sutram? II
Date: 09 May 2007 23:46:28 -0000
From: "Acintya Deva"
Subject: Real Commentary on Ananda Sutram? II
"A'lote cha'ya'te dukha-sukhate ket'eche janam kato..." (PS 1128)
O' Baba, in search of You I have passed so many lives in pleasure and
pain, in effulgence and darkness. My days have passed in good and bad,
virtue and vice, bliss and misery. Over and over again, countless times, I
have come onto this earth. Baba, in this relative world, whatever I have
gained, I have lost. Everything in this material world is transitory:
Nothing is stationary; nothing is permanent. Baba, whatever came to me has
gone away. Even then by Your grace the lamp of my hope remains lit to get
Baba, the cyclone of my life has come making a loud, bustling sound and
it has turned my existence upside down. Baba, in this difficult situation,
I have received Your grace and I want for my mind to be fully satiated in
Your divine love. Even then I have lost the path and am moving in a
downward direction. I do not understand what is right and what is wrong--
what is virtue and what is vice. Baba, please save me from this miserable
situation, from this cyclone of my life.
O' my Dearmost, by Your boundless compassion I have regained the path: I
am adhering to Your teachings and I am slowly moving towards You. Baba, by
Your grace today I understand You. I have learned how to move with Your
divine effulgence. Baba, after wiping away the darkness, please grace me
with more and more of Your effulgence so that I can become one with You.
Baba, without Your grace nothing can happen. Please keep me under Your
shelter and accept my total surrender...
Everyone knows that one particular person has made one "Commentary" on
Ananda Sutram. Once again we should see how far this piece accurately
depicts Sadguru's divine teachings or not.
In Ananda Marga there is a uniqueness that makes it quite different from
the dogmatic religions.
The various religions, have their various types of dogmas related with their
limited ritualistic worship. Muslims pray to God five times a day;
Christians have their special one day on Sunday to go to church; and,
Hindus typically go on Sunday and Monday, or some on ekadashi. And still
some Hindus have their special festivals.
Regardless of which religion, and regardless of on which day they make
their religious observation, the main point is that on other days, one need
not to bother about their prayer rituals. Because these are dogmatic
religions and the follow a rigid approach where one only prays in the
church or temple or mosque at only particular times.
In contrast, in Ananda Marga, we have our practice 24 hours a day. That's
why Baba has given the dharmic guideline: 'Kuru pun'yamahora'tram',
meaning, 'Do virtuous deeds day and night'.
So the dogmatic religions do their rituals once in a week, once in a month,
once in a life, or on certain days which are fixed. Each dogmatic religion has
their certain way of observation-- whether Christians, Jews, Muslims,
Hindus, et.
Whereas in Ananda Marga, Baba has given "Kuru pun'yamahora'tram'". The
sense is, to practice dharma 24 hours per day.
And Baba has given this very teaching of practicing dharma 24hrs in Ananda
Sutram, sutra 2-7:
Tasma'ddharmah Sada'ka'ryah
Meaning: Dharma should always be practiced
So Baba has graciously given this sutra and explained it Himself, with His
own purport in Ananda Sutram. And then He has given hundreds and hundreds
of discourses, to amplify the point so it will be clear to all.
This very sutra--Tasma'ddharmah Sada'ka'ryah-- has a special importance for
all Ananda Margiis. And indeed, Baba has explained it in so many discourses.
Including the very discourses on "Kuru pun'yam ahoratram"-- Do Virtuous
Deeds Day and Night. And the same very idea has been expressed in various
ways in other discourses as well. And the proof is that in AM, everyone
knows that dharma must always be practiced. There is no time or day that we
need not follow dharma. Such a thing does not exist in AM.
In order to best understand this sutra 2-7-- Tasma'ddharmah Sada'ka'ryah--
more deeply, one needs to understand what Baba has written in the prior part of
Ananda Sutram. So let us all take a look.
In Ananda Sutram, the central idea of the prior sutra no. 2-6 is that when
human beings are running toward their Goal-- Brahma, Supreme
Consciousness-- that special "running", that special type of
psycho-spiritual movement is called 'dharma'. This we all know.
Or in other words we can say, Sutra no 2-6 reveals that running
psycho-spiritually in our mental flow is dharma.
Yet Baba's teachings do not end here. Baba further explains that this
psycho-spiritual run toward Brahma is not done for only few seconds,
minutes or few hours only. It must be done 24 hours and that is our main
work in life: To always follow dharma.
And if anybody is not running all the 24 hours toward Brahma, then they are
not following dharma 100%.
And to make this point very clear, Baba has given Sutra number 2-7. The
meaning is that we have to follow dharma 24 hours. We should imbibe the
meaning of that ideation with every breath. No single breath should be wasted.
We Ananda Margiis are not like the dogmatic Muslim followers who remember
God Allah 5 times a day. And in that course, they practice Nama'j or
prayer. And one day is a spiritual day for Muslim people. And that is Friday.
In Christianity it is also limited. For example, they do their dogmatic
prayer once in a week. And the Christian spiritual day is Sunday. And on
the other six days, they are not so committed to God. In their language,
only Sunday is the day of the Lord.
In the Hindu religion also, they adhere to a restricted program. In the
morning and evening they attend temple and do bath in Ganges etc, but,
during the whole day they are not very mindful about God.
So in the Muslim, Christian, and Hindu religions and in all sorts of other
religions, it is not taught that dharma should be practiced 24 hours. In no
religion is it taught that dharma should be practiced every moment.
Only in the spiritual movement of our Anand Marga is it taught that dharma
must be practiced every second and fraction of a second, throughout all the
24 hours.
So Ananda Marga is unique. There is no comparison with any of the dogmatic
religions. Our approach is not just to remember God during the morning and
evening prayer only etc.
By Baba's grace we aim to remember Him all the 24 hours: In each and every
breath. And this very special idea Baba has beautifully expressed in Sutra
Tasma'ddharmah Sada'ka'ryah.
And the meaning of this Sutra is: Dharma must be practiced always.
And surely all Ananda Margiis are aware about this guideline, so this just
serves as a reminder.
Unfortunately one person's "Commentary" on Ananda Sutram has a totally
different way of explaining sutra 2-7: Tasma'ddharmah Sada'ka'ryah.
If we look at the so-called "A Commentary of Ananda Sutram", on page 97,
the 2nd paragraph of the 1998 Edition, there is a dogmatic story used to
"explain" the meaning of Baba's dharmic sutra.
In that story in the so-called Commentary, it is written that there was one
farmer who was remembering God in the morning once for a few seconds while
going oiut to his fields. And then again in the evening, the farmer would
remember God's name for a few seconds. In total the farmer would remember
God twice a day-- each time for a matter of seconds. And by recounting
this crude story, the so-called Commentary book is supposedly explaining
the meaning of Sutra no. 2-7.
But we know this is totally false and crooked, because Baba's explicit
guideline is that dharma should always be practiced 24hrs a day. Not just a
few seconds twice a day like this farmer is doing.
Here then the critical point is that according to Baba's teaching in Ananda
Sutram is to follow dharma always-- remember God each and every moment
through our Ista mantra, every breath.
However the so-called Commentary book has radically confused this point on
page number 97 by writing that one only remember God twice a day for a few
seconds. That is the teaching of the farmer story and the "Commentary" book
employs this farmer story as the main way to elucidate sutra 2-7. Yet the
whole explanation is totally wrong.
Because in that very sutra (2-7), Baba is clearly teaching us that dharma
must be practiced during every breath of all the 24 hours each day. However the
so-called Commentary book uses the Hindu dogmatic story of one village
farmer to wrongly explain Baba's dharmic guideline.
This type of so-called analogy is similar to showing one red piece of meat
and telling others, "Taste this, it is a tomato." When in reality, only the
superficial similarity of color is there between that piece of meat and the
Here the idea is that the two objects are not at all similar as tomato is
not at all representative of meat.
In the same way, the "Commentary" missed the point completely about Sutra
no. 2-7. The fake Commentary books says this is the explanation of sutra
2-7, but their dogmatic explanation has nothing to do with Baba's dharmic
So in reality that two have nothing in common-- just as the piece of meat
has nothing in common with the ripe tomato.
Similarly the "Commentary" book is basically useless as it has nothing to
do with the sutra, 2-7: Tasma'ddharmah Sada'ka'ryah.
The bottom line here is, that AM ideology is unparalleled. It has no
comparison with any dogmatic philosophy or religion. And anybody tries to
give any example from a dogmatic religion, then unfortunately they just
give a spoiled explanation only that in no way resembles Baba's dharmic
guideline. And that is what has happened in the case of Didi Ananda Mitra's
book, "Commentary on Ananda Sutram".
The so-called "Commentary" book compared AM with the dogmatic Hindu
religion, using one Hindu story to try to explain Baba's teaching in Sutra
2-7, "Tasmaddharmah Sadakaryah". As if these were the same thing. But to
say like this, is misguided.
Because Ananda Marga is unique. It is not at all a religion, but it is
dharma itself.
Baba says, "Ananda Marga alone is dharma and all the rest are sectisms."
(SS-1, p. 63)
And that dharma-- the dharma of AM-- is to be practiced all the 24 hours.
That is what sutra 2-7 states.
But the "Commentary" book by this Didi falters miserably in this regard.
And not just on this point but from cover to cover the so-called commentary
makes one pitfall after another. Those who have been through her
"Commentary" book understand well that it has nothing to do with Ananda
Sutram. Innumerable points are wrongly done.
In that case, we should seriously consider if this so-called Commentary
book should allowed to be circulated around the planet-- spreading its
dogma. Rather it should be recalled and evaluated by our AM scholars, or
tossed out entirely
By Baba's divine grace He has blessed us with an incomparable ideology and
the heart and soul of that is Ananda Sutram. So we should not let any
tainted Commentary book mislead others on this point.
Baba says, "Never before in the entire history of this world or the
universe, if it could be known to mortals, has a system of life fully
embracing the economic, social, mental and spiritual spheres ever been
correlated in such closely knit society as in Ananda Marga." (AFPS-7)
Some new margiis may wonder how it can be possible. In order to practice
dharma all the 24 hours does it mean we have to leave all our worldly and
mundane duties? One may well ask, 'How is it possible to practice dharma
all 24 hours?'
However in truth we Margis know that there is not even a question of what
is possible or impossible. Every Ananda Margii is doing this very 24 hour
practice. We are doing sadhana 2 times per day-- all the lessons. Plus
before each and every work we repeat our Guru Mantra. And it is a common
fact that human beings breathe in and out around 20-22,000 times per day.
And during each and every respiration we are trying to practice our Ista
Mantra. And that is Ardh Iishvara Pranidhan or Half meditation. And by
practicing all this during the day then naturally it happens automatically
at night. Hence 24hrs.
The real Commentary of Ananda Sutram is Baba's entire AM ideology. The
entire gamut of His divine discourses stand as the real elaboration of His
Ananda Sutram. So if one desires to learn Ananda Sutram then the best way
is to study Baba's original teachings-- not via some so-called Commentary
book by you know who. That will not yield any fruit only confusion. Here
the whole point is that Baba has already provided us with the real
commentary of Ananda Sutram, and that is His AM ideology in the form of all
His recorded and printed discourses. That is the only way to understand
Ananda Sutram.
Ideal Life
Baba says, "Human beings come onto this earth for a very short period, and
within this short period they are required to complete everything. So there
is a great deal of work to be done, but the time is very short. Thus
intelligent people make the best use of every moment of their time -
wasting one's time is the height of foolishness. Why? Because no human
being will remain on this earth for long, and the very goal of human life
is to attain Parama Purusa, the Supreme Stance. Human beings, while moving
forward towards that Goal which is fixed before their minds, will have to
perform many worldly duties. That is why it is said, 'Keep one hand on the
feet of Parama Purus'a, and with the other hand do your mundane duties'."
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