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Key of Unity

Date: Wed 01 Feb 2012 22:06:36 -0000
From: "Liiladhar Karn"
Subject: Key of Unity


"Toma'r bha'laba'sa' bu'jhe nijeke khunje peyechi..." (P.S. 4504)


Baba You are so gracious. By enabling me to understand Your love I could search for my true self. Earlier I was confused about who I am and I was always feeling sad and pessimistic about my future. But now, by Your grace, in my heart I feel Your love-- I feel that I am under Your shelter at Your lotus feet. Baba, now, by Your grace, I understand where I am; my life has become meaningful.

Baba, You are the polestar of my life. By Your arrival, my whole existence is just moving towards You. It is so blissful. Baba, when I get fatigued & tired by involving in the work, and when negative thoughts ruin my peace and tranquility, and when the clouds of hopelessness come-- in that dark hour I take shelter in Your divine love.

Baba, my mental sky, my air, my breath, my entire existence, my everything is dancing according to Your sweet melody. My hopes get fulfilled by Your samvit (force of awakening). From the divine land, one unknown angel is beckoning me; O' my dearmost Parama Purusa, You are that very apsera' (angel). I have understood this truth in my meditation by Your grace.

Baba, by Your grace, I am completely ensconced in Your love and now I understand that I am completely sheltered in Your lap...


By looking around it is clear that this is the transitional period-- a time of serious change and struggle in our Marga society. And for all of us-- Margiis and many Wts-- it is not easy to decide what to do and what not to do. Because nowadays various Wt groups & sub-groups are raising their ugly head: Declaring new PP's, making claims to power, putting forth their groupist plan etc. And in response some confused margiis/Wts are thinking that they will work independently outside the organisational structure etc, etc. So in various ways groupism and the rush for power are creating a multi-fold, ripple effect.

The answer of course is singular: Creating unity. That is the distinct challenge we face now. That is what we must achieve.


But what we may or may not realise is that this condition is similar to the post-Mahabharata period when all kinds of internal disputes and infighting was going on. And in the end they could hardly do anything concrete for serving humanity. Rather the Yadava dynasty destroyed itself after Lord Krsna left the planet.


As we all know, without unity and the development of one human society, nothing will be achieved. At least we can learn from those capitalists & how they have bonded together-- albeit superficially--to fulfill their negative agenda.

On the other side of the spectrum in a positive spirit Baba has given that our social movement based on coordinated cooperation and that we should unite. So all around unity is needed to progress.

So now samghe shakti, unity is needed. And the best way is to follow Baba.

Following Baba, means forming unity; whereas groupism is the opposite. And of course the Marga which is unified will have more strength & vigour.

Baba says, "Human unity is purely an ideological unity, which means unity in the psychic sphere. Where there is psychic unity, physical unity will also occur. In the realm of unity, unity is always psychic – ideological unity means unity in the subtlest level of the mind. However, psychic or ideological unity may be affected if we encourage the exploitation of one group by another. So to avoid this there should not be any scope for exploitation [groupism] in society." ('Talks on Prout')


Now because of inner clash we have crippled ourselves such that even the wicked exploiters in society are not feeling threatened by us. Earlier, in those pre-1990 days, they were thinking that AM is one fireball and negative persons were very fearful about us. But not now; now they think that AM is doomed to destroy itself. All due to our present-day disintegration because of groupism. And such disintegration leads to more disintegration, splintering and division. That is why the exploiters in the mainline society are not worried about us any longer.

And regarding the point of disintegration, by seeing the history it is clear that this has happened to so many organisations and religions in the past-- where they become one with the dust. This is one negative phase going on. So in our Marga this is the transitional period.

Because all around there is confusion, attachment, and misinformation. Right & wrong news and so many things are floating around; it is hard to know what is correct and what is incorrect. In this condition some people are feeling angry, depressed, frustrated & confused.

And again, the answer lies in unity by adhering to His ideological principles.



Similar was the case in the past in the 1970's when Baba went to jail. That time the conditions were also chaotic. Our Marga was in a complete dilemma about what to do and what not to do.

And then Baba graciously gave margiis the opportunity to visit Him and He guided us about how to proceed. The story goes like this:

When Baba was in jail, in Patna. Then one margii went to see Baba inside the jail. And Baba asked, 'How is it going on?'

The simple margii replied innocently, 'Baba, there is so much negative propaganda. Nobody is listening these days to our call. So pracar is not going on. It is very difficult.'

Then Baba smiled and told the margii, 'Your only duty is to be strict in 16 Points. As much as you will be strict in 16 points, then you will get direct guideline and inner inspiration and strength to move ahead from Parama Purusa. If you are loose or lax in 16 points, then you will lose the inspiration to do pracar. even you will lose the inspiration to do anything, any type of social service. And you may even decide to leave AM.'

Baba continued, 'So the best thing is to be strict in 16 points. And do not think or allow any negativity to enter in your mind. Thinking about negative things, mind will only be more depressed. The duty of sadhakas is to keep the eyes fixed on the goal. The goal is Parama Purusa.'

So in this way Baba has steered everyone's vision toward the path of dharma--
toward the ultimate Goal. Indeed that is the way to remain unified.



Usually when there is a dilemma (dhvidha) or confusion (dhvandva) about what to do and what not to do, initially people get flustered and frustrated. And most of the time what they do goes in the wrong way.

Because the general tendency of the human mind is to run toward the external objects or crude ideas such as money, name & fame, or power etc. This is the natural temptation, because human beings have crossed thousands and thousands of animal lives in which they were only dominated by basic propensities-- animal instincts. So those natural values are animalistic type whereas higher values, in which case veracity and dharmic teachings usually do not reflect in the mind until the mental plate is cleaned. So only when Sixteen Points is practiced more and more, only then does dharma get strengthened and the mind becomes more pinnacled and pointed. Whatever human beings do in that condition is very meaningful and valuable-- or at the very least they will not harm anyone. Whereas if one is not following dharma then they will not only harm others but themselves also. So following Sixteen Points means following dharma and by that way all around benefit happens.



Also in Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Baba guides us that our eyes should be fixed on Parama Purusa. Inviting unnecessary thoughts and filling the mind in that manner is very detrimental. If anyone fails to keep their eyes on the Polestar, then on a dark night that person will certainly lose the path. So the eyes should be fixed on the Goal. And that goal is Parama Purusa-- none else.

BABA says: "Now to materialize any principle or ideology, one requires firmness, especially those who provide leadership to society, those who are the pioneers, the vanguard of a new movement. "We must keep the goal fixed before us, and keep moving towards the goal. We shall never deviate from our goal, whatever the obstacles or hindrances in the way. Once we start moving, we shall never stop or look back." (NSS, p.16)

So Parama Purusa is our Goal. And the only way to keep the eyes fixed on the Goal is by following 16 Points. That is the path of our forward movement. And that is way Baba directs us that we should proceed.

Baba says, "Be firm on sixteen points. Unite all the righteous forces. All the tall talks of the evil forces will be silenced." (Ananda Vanii #44)

So in this organisational crisis and transitional period which we are facing today, our duty is to keep unity by being more and more strict in 16 points. By that way, inner strength will develop. And according to His desire, Baba will guide us how to carry out His mission. Means Baba will make us the medium to execute His work. To materialize His desire and achieve the Goal.



So when our organisation is struggling and stuck during a period of pause, then we should see the situation more again carefully and grab hold of Baba's teachings.

Baba says, "Pause means the gathering of momentum for speed in the subsequent phase. If one closely watches the effect of speed on a particular community or the entire humanity, one sees that generally people eulogize the period of speed. However we cannot afford to ignore the state of pause, because by judging what the previous state of pause was like, we can discern the speed of the next phase." (PNS-7, p.67)

So this pause period does not mean frustration for one and all. Rather big training is going on and society is preparing to move forward in the proper direction.

Baba says, "There are some people who are pessimistic. They say that the society around us is very bleak, that it has no expression of vitality and that is seems that everyone is in deep slumber. Pessimists say this because they have never made any detailed study of human history, nor do they care to. Had they done so, they would certainly be optimistic, because if they had looked carefully at the symptoms of pause, they would have realise that significant preparations were being made for the subsequent phase of speed. So under no circumstances should human beings be pessimistic. That is why I am always an incorrigible optimist, because I know that optimism is life." (PNS-7, p.67)


And about creating unity after such transitional periods Baba guides us in the following way:

Baba says, "In the present day also, you can see for yourself how the social movement is grinding to a halt. When social progress loses its velocity it is called 'yugasandhi' (transitional period) in Sam'skrta. You have all been born in such a transitional period and have assembled here today. In the future, the honest and virtuous people of the society will respond to Your call and will unite. The same polarization is taking place now as occurred in the past: the honest people are with you and will remain with you; the dishonest people will oppose you now and will continue their efforts to block your progress in future. Whenever there is a war between dharma and adharma, you are sure to be victorious. You are not alone-- dharma is with you, the benevolent intellect is with you, and I am also with you." (AV-7, p.63)


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