From: "Gurucharan Deva"
Subject: PP "On Sale"
== PP "ON SALE" ==
As we know on 25 - 27 March 2011, certain people with various intentions - both very good and very bad - are poised to appoint Kinshuk as "temporary PP". Here are some thoughts on this matter:
1. As we know, Baba has designated the post of Purodha Pramukha as a lifelong position.
Baba says, "The purodhá pramukha will hold his post for life." (Caryacarya Part 1, "Táttvika, Ácárya/á, Purodhá and Their Concerned Boards")
2. If Kinshuk was going to be appointed as PP for his whole life then - at least on this aspect - that would be in concert with Caryacarya. Of course, whether he is actually qualified or not, we should should decide collectively about this. That is a separate matter. Here we are focusing on the point that PP is a lifelong position and Kinshuk is being appointed on a temporary basis.
3. If anyone is openly disobeying Baba's order and Caryacarya by appointing a "temporary" PP then that is "pramatta" - i.e. when the beginning is bad then the middle and end will also be bad. A temporary PP directly contravenes Baba's mandate. In that case multiple parties are at fault: Those appointing this temporary PP, those accepting this temporary PP, and the designated PP himself.
Here I am not blaming those silent spectators who are hoping for the best, rather the above words are aimed towards the players of this episode. At the same time, any and all spectators must have vivek; I do not understand how good, kind-hearted people can remain silent on this very matter.
4. Hence to appoint Kinshuk as a temporary PP runs directly contrary to Baba's teaching. There is no justification for this wrongdoing. All involved are going explicitly against Baba's guideline.
5. In conclusion, calling a meeting to announce Kinshuk as the temporary PP is bogus because the PP post is not a temporary position. It is a permanent one.
6. Some opportunists desire that Kinshuk should be a temporary PP as it serves their selfish purpose. But we are to stand on Baba's ideological principles.
7. If we allow a temporary PP this time, then who knows what might happen in future. To bring name and fame to the Marga, certain politicians, famous movie stars, sports heroes, filmy singers etc may all be appointed temporarily as PP in order to heighten the status of AM. Some might claim this would generate public interest and impress teenagers.
8. There are many organisations who do like this. With big pomp and show they invite many pseudo-culture icons to be part of their board as they think this will increase their image in society. This is a totally negative trend and we must not do like this.
9. Our Ananda Marga is a way of life - it is not based on pomp and show; it is based on dharmic conduct. If one is truly qualified based on their strict adherence to 16 Pts to become PP, then they should commit their entire life to this endeavour. That is the only way as that is Baba's strict mandate.
Baba says, "The purodhá pramukha will hold his post for life." (Caryacarya Part 1, "Táttvika, Ácárya/á, Purodhá and Their Concerned Boards")
10. Every aspect of our AM way of life demands a lifelong commitment. In the public or private sectors people do their jobs for a short time. But in AM most everything is permanent. Becoming a wholetimer is a lifelong commitment; one must immerse oneself in that flow for the whole life, not just 1 month or 20 weeks etc. It is a lifelong decision; if any avadhuta leaves they will be punished and they have to go through specific processes to come back.
Same is the case with PP. If he does not commit to the post for his whole life and he leaves after a short time, then he is to be treated in the same manner as a fallen Wt. There is no difference in this regard.
Baba says that in AM no one is above rules of Caryacarya. So this case is very delicate. If Kinshuk leaves the post prematurely he must be dealt just like we deal with those Wts who leave.
Why? Because our Marga is a way of life that demands commitment.
Even anyone who becomes a margii must make permanent lifestyle changes. Their whole way of living becomes changed forever: diet, fasting, sadhana, asanas etc.
So our Marga is a way of life, not a political party - a strong lifelong commitment is needed. Having a temporary PP is wholly against our AM ideals. The PP post is permanent as per Baba's mandate.
11. In substance, following are the key points:
a) The post of PP is a permanent position that is lifelong. There cannot be any compromise in this regard.
b) If anyone leaves the post of PP prematurely, then they are to be treated as fallen a WT, i.e disqualified. And they must go through all the lengthy procedures to be reinstated.
12. Here below Baba guides us how to respond to those who are going against Baba's teaching and contravening Caryacarya by appointing Kinshuk as a temporary PP. We have to keep in mind that disobeying the word and spirit of Caryacarya is itself abusive to our organisation (AMPS) and ideology (Ananda Marga).
Baba says, "If anybody offers abusive language against our organisation or ideology our worker is not to be drifted away by opposite views. He is to stand on the ideological fundamentals even if the opposition come from a respectable Ananda Margii. The worker is to pay a deaf ear to such things. He is not to pay credence to anything that goes ultravarious to our ideology." (37 Workers Rules, pt #34)
Anything that is available in the market at a very cheap, discounted price is "on sale". The post of Purodha Pramukhs is a very dignifeid post in our Marga. It is a lifelong commitment and only those fully dedicated and have no other desire than to serve humanity should consider this post. Then and only then can they be selected as Purodha Pramukha - otherwise not. The PP post is an invaluable position and one must dedicate their entire life to this task. There is no other way. So when some are appointing a temporary PP, then we can say it is cheap and that the post of PP is being offered at a discount, i.e. "on sale".
If anyone wishes to read further on this topic, please see this posting: