Subject: The Brahmana
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 18:32:28
Here is one story which contains one important teaching for
all sadhakas.
One sunny day a man left his house in search of his horse. His mind was
totally filled and burdened with thoughts about his missing horse. In
his long & arduous effort the man searched far and wide as he crossed
many villages, hills, rivers, streams and valleys-- all in search of his
horse. Along the way there were countless wonderful and fascinating
sights, yet in his mind's eye all he could see was his horse-- nothing
else. His mind was consumed with that notion.
When the man finally returned home from his tiring journey his close
friends were amazed by how far he had traveled; and they asked him
numerous questions about what he saw on his fabled and remarkable
journey. They wanted to hear his observations about the vastness of the
earth and the beauty of the sky, as well as all the various other sights
he saw along the way. Yet the man could not comment on any of that; all
he could reply was, 'I could not find my horse'.
As, we can all see, the man in the story got caught up in his own little
burdens. His mind became totally fused with thoughts about his horse to
such an extent that he could not even begin to conceive of anything
else. His whole reality was sunk in that.
Being sadhakas, we must never allow such things to happen to us.
In life so many things happen so if one is not careful then the mind
will just get caught up in that whirlpool of those events. Indeed it is
the common malady that step by step people burden themselves and allow
theirs minds to get preoccupied with family problems, job issues,
financial matters, health concerns etc. But in that troubled state of
mind one cannot move ahead.
The mind will just get burdened and one will be walking around carrying
a heavy load of thoughts or concerns. In which case-- just like in the
above story-- one will not be able to function. The real charm and
beauty of life will pass one by.
That is why Baba guides us that we should make it our strict policy to
keep our mind free from any burdens. We must not carry any burden of the
past, nor any burden of the future, nor any burden of the present. Our
minds must be totally free from these three burdens. That is Baba's
Yassa pure ca paccha ca majjhe ca natthi kincanam';
Akincanam' ana'da'nam' tamaham' vru'mi Bra'hman'am'.
Baba says, "I will call that person a Brahman whose mind does not run
after any colour, who is neither obsessed by colour-laden thoughts of
the past nor influenced by such thoughts of the present...One must free
the mind from the influence of all colours." (NKS, Disc #24)
In His above teaching Baba directs us to keep the mind cleansed of all
past, present, and future problems. That is the first half of his
teaching and the culminating idea of the shloka is that one must only
focus on the Goal-- on Him. Then one will be able to do great things.
This is Baba's eternal guideline.
So as sadhakas, our duty is to keep the mind light-- to keep our mind
focused on Parama Purusa.
Baba says, "When you are to move fast, your mind should be light; if the
mind is heavy it will not be able to move fast." (AV-31)
So Baba's guideline is to keep the mind free, empty, and light. And the
only way to do that is to remember Parama Purusa.
Baba says, "You must always think of the goal. Always look to your
ideal." (AV-1)
Thus in our day to day practical life one must take up the task to keep
the mind fixed on Him-- and not entertain the three burdens of the past,
present, and future.
Baba guides us that if one is careful in this endeavour then little by
little the mind will always wipe away any burdens and move towards Him.
With practice this will become one's habit until finally it becomes one
But if one does not take proper care then things will go in the opposite
direction and the mind will always be burdened.
So in our busy lives whenever we can, during each and every moment, we
should clean the mind. That means we must not get drowned by past,
present, or future events but rather must ensconce oneself in the Goal--
in the thought of the Great. And, amazingly enough, the more we attempt
this grand endeavour the easier it becomes until finally it is just
automatic, and always we feel His divine presence.
By such training and practice, our minds will always be clean, empty,
and free-- i.e. fully absorbed in His thought, in His ideation.
So Baba's grace and by our careful approach our mind will be unburdened
and free. And in that state one will surely become a tremendous asset of
the society-- one will do something great.
Hence, as sadhakas, we should make it our regular habit to routinely
check and cleanse the mind by thinking exclusively about Him. May we
make this our regular endeavour as this is the inner secret for becoming
Baba says, "People who command reverence from society...admit: 'We know
nothing. We only think upon Parama Purus'a and work by His grace'."
(NKS, Disc #23)
Keeping the burdens of the past, present, and future in one's mind
causes their entire existence to malfunction. One loses one's own
abilities because of being overrun by too many useless thoughts and
It is just like when too many programs on a computer are open then the
computer can no longer function at even a basic level. The computer just
gets totally stuck and cross-wired by all those electrical impulses
running in different directions.
Similarly we should never allow such things to happen to us. Always may
we remain focused on the Goal. That is the quality of a real sadhaka.
"A'lo jhariye madhu ks'ariye a'ndha'r sa'riye tumi esecho..." (P.S. 1233)
Baba, You have come and by Your divine advent You are showering
effulgence, exuding nectar, and wiping away all darkness. Baba, You have
come-- making the flowers blossom & graciously spreading happiness and
bliss to one and all. Baba, by Your august arrival everyone's hopes and
longings have been fulfilled.
Baba, living beings were awakened by the deep yearning and pain of
longing in their heart. And with this feeling, in the anticipation &
hope of Your coming, they were awake, watching for Your arrival--
constantly looking towards Your path. Baba, this pain and longing of
devotees resonated in Your heart and You could no longer remain distant.
Baba, You have come and You are graciously pouring the basket of love--
satisfying everyone's heart. The sleeping humanity has gotten new life
by Your grace.
Baba-- that river which dried up and evaporated, and that song which
was lost in the oblivion-- the current of that very river and the tune
of those songs You have graciously brought along with You.*
Baba due to Your august advent You have inundated each and every heart
with the nectar of devotion. This is Your causeless grace...
* The inner idea is that when Parama Purusa comes and He saturates the
heart with deep devotion, then all those feelings of love and which had
dried up start to blossom. In the above song, the river signifies the
flow of devotion and the song and melody refers to that subtler
expression of devotional feeling.
Not Easy To Bring Into Practice
Baba says, "While helping the poor people your vanity may increase. You
may think: 'I have done this, I have done that. I am not an ordinary man.'
This is a psychic disease. Actually, vanity is a psychic disease, a psychic
ailment. But if, while helping a man, a poor man, or a diseased person, you
ascribe Godhood to him, that is, if you think, 'I am not helping a man, I am
helping God in human structure,' then vanity will not be encouraged. What
will be the reaction within the person? 'This body, this mind, this wealth
has been given to me by Parama Purus'a, and Parama Purus'a has come before
me, God has come before me, as a suffering person, and I am paying back
that thing to Him. That is, the actual owner of this body, the actual
owner of this mind is He, and His wealth I am paying back to Him.' So
there will be no vanity." (DKG, p.197-98)
Note: Despite that fact that we are all aware about Baba's above
teaching, nonetheless it is the common human weakness that we forget
about this point. Yet we all know His above guideline has great and
eternal benefits. For that reason we need to be reminded about this
divine guideline again and again. Adherence to this principle helps
establish one in the stance of divinity & immortality.