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The Case for A'nanda Va'niis

Date: 15 Dec 2008 23:07:46 -0000 From: "Bhavanath Rajpal" To: Subject: The Case for A'nanda Va'niis Baba "Toma'r liila' tumii bojha, a'ro keu ta'ha' bujhite ki pa're..." (P.S. 722) Purport: Baba, You are so loving and unique. Only You can understand Your divine liila. No one except You can know the way You are playing liila. Who can understand Your liila? Before understanding the liila of Liilamaya (Liila Personified), I will have to realise You, the Liilamaya. In order to understand the divine play I will have to realise You, the Controller. Baba, You are my Heart of hearts. Why does the sun rise in the east. And why does it always set in the west. And why does it make a purple coloured sunset. Why do all these things happen? Baba only You know. And why only one moon is floating in the sky, yet by that way the night becomes effulgent with the moonlight. Why do such things occur? Who arranges all these affairs? Why this liila? Who is behind these things? Baba, only You know. To know Your liila is impossible. Why snow forms on the high peaks of the mountains; and why the color of the sky is blue; and why pearls have a brilliant white colour. Why each and everything has its own inherent qualities. Who can understand all this-- only You Baba. Baba, please grace me to understand and realise You. Baba to understand Your liila is very difficult. That is why I have only one desire-- to understand You. And without Your grace it is not possible. Please grace me, O' Liilamaya....
Namaskar, Of all Baba's divine teachings, Ananda Vaniis are some of the most rare. His discourses number in the thousands; His talks on dharma number in the hundreds; even His sutras of Ananda Sutram top the century mark being 125 in total. However in this universe there are only 74 original and true Ananda Vaniis. So they are something quite unique-- yet also a bit overlooked. Here below are some important points about the great significance of Ananda Vaniis. And in particular why we should be vigilant to get the purports of these magnificent and eternal guidelines. Already the Fake Ananda Vaniis created by groupists are getting rejected by margiis all over, the below writing further substantiates the view that only Baba's original and true A'nanda Va'niis should be accepted.
All along it was has been the standard practice for Baba's discourses to be translated into as many languages as possible-- but never was further explanation given about a particular discourse by Baba Himself. Classes may have been offered later on by this or that acarya, but Baba never would deliver a discourse and then directly afterwards give further explanation about that very discourse. This was not done. Reason being that His discourses are already explanatory in nature and contain numerous stories, analogies, and descriptions in order to make the matter perfectly clear and understandable. In contrast, with His Ananda Vaniis the case is totally different. They are pointed, distilled teachings given in concentrated form-- hence they demand further elaboration and explanation. For this reason Baba Himself was delivering purports for His Ananda Vaniis during DMC itself. As many are aware, Baba's Ananda Vaniis are only a few lines in length and Baba Himself would write it down in His own handwriting. And then that very Vanii was read aloud at DMC in all the languages. Directly afterwards Baba Himself would give a line by line explanation of the Ananda Vanii. This would happen for half-an-hour or more. So you can imagine how much He used to say. So He Himself would give the initial explanation and thereafter others were invited to speak and share their understanding of the Vanii-- and during that period Baba would often interject in order to lovingly guide the Margii speaker. But always the system was that first the Vaniis would be read in the various languages; second Baba would provide His own explanation or purport; and then others were also called up to comment and say something. This was the regular pattern. All done in this fashion because Baba's Ananda Vaniis are so dense and intensely concise. Altogether His Ananda Vaniis are similar to the Samgacchadhvam mantra, Guru Puja, etc in that a discourse is needed to provide the meaning of the mantra. Likewise Baba was giving extended purports of His Ananda Vaniis to provide further insight about their meaning. So by this way we can understand that Baba's original and true Ananda Vaniis are very concentrated and very pointed. Treating them as ordinary discourses is not at alll appropriate since Baba used to give explanations or purports for those very Ananda Vaniis. Overall Baba's Ananda Vaniis are similar to the case of Prabhat Samgiita and Ananda Sutram in that Baba has given purports for each of these three genres. Baba's original Ananda Vaniis are about inspiration and moving ahead whereas Prabhat Samgiita comes within the scope of aesthetic & supra-aesthetic science and Ananda Sutram is our philosophical treatise. But all three are similar in that they all fall in the same unique category-- as they all demand further explanation such that Baba Himself has given purports for all these three teachings. In contrast this quality or concentrated approach is not there in the quotes of His regular discourses. Hence when groupist leaders take a few lines from one of the standard discourses and falsely present that as an Ananda Vanii then that is terribly degrading. Rather that is nothing but a Fake Ananda Vanii. And those doing this are culprits since they are degrading the real status of Baba's true Ananda Vanii. Finally when the Author-- BABA-- has given a title of a particular discourse then by altering the title and by bringing in quotes from regular style discourses but calling it as an Ananda Vanii. This is all non-sense as one cannot give a quote as Ananda Vanii. Because Ananda Vanii's are in a totally different league. Plus call them as Ananda Vaniis is against Baba's system-- and against Baba's desire.
Baba is Parama Purusa and all He has given is apta vakya-- eternal truth, so why should some things be discarded or marked as being outdated or be replaced by something entirely Fake. Rather we should celebrate the dharmic quality and everlasting value of Baba's original Ananda Vanii.
Baba says, "If you think that you are the child of Parama Purusa and have come to this world to accomplish the job assigned by Parama Purusa, that you are never alone and that you are a small baby always sitting on the lap of Parama Purusa, why should you be afraid of anything? There is no reason to be afraid of anything." (PNS-7, p.63) Namaskar, Bhavanath
With Baba's original and true Ananda Vaniis it is important to read them several times in order to get the full meaning and value. Because they are concentrated teachings of pure dharma. In contrast the present day fake Ananda Vaniis are of a different breed since they were just "borrowed" from an existing discourse. But Baba's true Ananda Vaniis are special messages that are different from His teachings in the discourses. Main thing being that they are very dense and full of unseen wisdom. That is why without proper explanation many may not properly understand Baba's true Ananda Vaniis.
All know that Baba has given purports for Ananda Sutram & Prabhat Samgiita-- as those purports have made it into book form. But nowadays the purports of Ananda Vaniis are not at all being recognised. Some got recorded and some not. But none are being recognised or referred to. When surely many years worth of Baba's purports of Ananda Vaniis were recorded and heard by one and all in the DMC pandal itself. So these explanations should be accepted as discourses. A call then must be put forth to recover and print those pristine purports which Baba has given for Ananda Vaniis.
As Ananda Margiis, we know that Baba has always utilized each and every day to bestow upon us innumerable new teachings and countless special guidelines. Often that has come in the form of a discourse or Prabhat Samgiita or field walk etc. In that way each and every discourse or Prabhat Samgiita song is dated and marked where it has been given. Of course, though, every bhakta clearly understands that the given discourse or Prabhat Samgiita song has eternal and permanent value. No one thinks that the discourse was only useful on that particular day when it was given and that thereafter it has no relevance. None think in this manner. Rather we all consider that the discourse which Baba has given is a universal teaching that transcends time, space, and person-- and that the attached date is for record purposes only. In that way all Baba's divine teachings can be organised in chronological fashion yet retain their own original integrity timeless quality. Hence the matter is straightforward & clear. Unfortunately, though, Baba's original and true Ananda Vaniis are not getting treated in that same dharmic fashion. Because although Ananda Vaniis are eternal in nature and universal in application, some persons are limiting the relevance of a given Ananda Vanii to a particular date and year. They think that every Ananda Vanii is of January 1 of such-&-such year or of Ananda Purnima of such-and-such year and that now it is outdated. This is their misguided outlook. So in that way Baba's divine and timeless Ananda Vaniis are not getting their duly deserved eternal status. Yet just as Ananda Sutram is of a universal and timeless value, same is that case with our Ananda Vaniis. They can be referred to and studied again and again just like various sutras, but this is not being done. Means Ananda Vaniis are not respected as being an eternal guidelines; rather some off the mark people wrongly consider Ananda Vaniis to be limited to a particular time and place. Yet just as the sutras of Ananda Sutram are treated as key points of AM philosophy, in the same way all the inspirational guidelines which Baba has given as Ananda Vaniis deserve that same sanctified status. But instead they are often treated as or reduced to something temporary or passing. As if the Vanii of 1st January 1961 no longer applies to today's world and that that Vanii itself is just a point of history-- nothing more. When true devotees know that all Baba's Ananda Vaniis are eternal guidelines, applicable to numerous situations. So that injustice has been done to our Ananda Vaniis. Overall then we must work to restore the proper sanctity and reverence of Ananda Vanii. Nobody tries to relegate Prabhat Samgiita or Baba's discourses to a specific place or person or date-- thinking that they are antiquated. Similarly we cannot blame that Baba's original Ananda Vaniis have gotten old like one outdated crusty newspaper. But some are doing like that-- so that should be corrected.
************************************************* Fight Against Death
Baba says, "The inner motivation of ta'n'd'ava is the following: 'Destruction is inevitable, but I will continue to fight against destruction through struggle'. So there is a skull in one hand and a dagger in the other. The skull represents destruction, and the dagger represents fight. The underlying feeling is 'I will not surrender to destruction or death. I will continue the struggle with this dagger'." (9 Nov 1978 Calcutta) 1. In the aforesaid guideline, Baba is teaching the inner spirit of tandava. 2. Usually in this materialistic world, people fear death immensely. Tandava is the solution. 3. During the daytime tandava must always be done with a skull and dagger, as they are visible then. 4. But when it is dark, then a lit fire torch or flame (masha'la) should be used. And the spirit of tandava should be remembered so that fear of death will be eliminated from the mind. 5. This tandava dance is the only physical exercise of the brain.

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