Subject: Practical Aspect of Mysticism
From: "Ram
"Toma'ke cena' na'hi ja'y..." (P.S. 2089)
Baba, You are so loving and close - even then it is not possible to recognize You. Just when I think that I have recognized You, then my consciousness gets completely enveloped by the Cimmerian darkness. Baba, Your divine Presence shifts from one extreme to the next. On the one side You are so tough and other times You are very soft and sweet.
Baba, sometimes You are vehemently sounding Your sermons by the beating of the marching drum and blowing of the military trumpets; and on other occasions You are smiling sweetly and showering Your causeless grace with the flower pollen. Baba, such is Your beauty. O' Baba, in the end, in the lonely, isolated moment, I see that everything happens by Your grace. What You desire, that is what happens - that is the final truth.
O' Parama Purusa Baba, in Your grand Kingdom, everything belongs to You. I cannot boast that anything is mine; indeed to think that something is mine is a crime. Because everything is created by You - this whole expressed universe is Your mental projection. Then how can I say that anything is mine.
Baba, only You are mine; everyone is Yours. Baba, everyone longs for Your karuna' - divine compassion. Baba, to recognize You is not possible without Your grace. Baba only with the showering of Your grace can one realise You - otherwise not. Baba please grace me...
Baba says, "Mysticism is a never-ending endeavour to find a link between finite and infinite." (Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, p.101)
Note: Here Baba is indirectly giving the guideline that in the realm of devotion one should have a particular personal relation with Parama Purusa. And these relations are known as "bhava" - whether they be sakhya bhava, dasya bhava, madhura bhava etc. So these various bhavas are that very "link between finite and infinite". Because with the help of these relations devotees gradually come in closer and closer proximity with Parama Purusa. Until finally by linking up in this way the sadhaka becomes one with Him.