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Dharma Raks'ati Raks'itah

Date: 01 Jun 2009 23:49:05 -0000 From: "Manoj Shaha" To: Subject: Dharma Raks'ati Raks'itah Baba "Tumi bhul pathe cale esecho..." (P.S. 2007) Purport: Baba, by mistake, anyhow You have lost the path and come to my home. I do not believe in fate or fortune. And this I also know that I do not have any wealth or virtue. Your auspicious arrival is simply due to Your grace. You graced me by coming to my home-- Your arrival has nothing to do with my quality. You have come here to change the burning desert into the greenery. To revitalise dried-up, half-dead plants and transform them into blossoming flowers and luscious fruits. Baba, with Your arrival, everyone has gotten new life. Those who were depressed and hopeless, You brought a smile to their face and placed a song in their throat. By this way You decorated them with a garland of jewels. Baba, now I understand that only You are mine; I do not have anyone else. Except You there is none that I can say is mine. What I have and what belongs to me, everything is Your causeless grace. I think You thought all these things and You deliberately made a mistake in order to come here to my little hut. You did this mistake knowingly and with full awareness. Baba, You have come to my place; You have graced me. It is due to nothing else than Your causeless grace that You have come...
Namaskar Our Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji has taught us to follow dharma at any cost. That is why in His discourses He says, 'Dharma raks'ati raks'itah', those who follow dharma, dharma saves them.
But nowadays dharma is quite controversial. In India people think that their religion is dharma and in AMPS groupists think that their team's agenda is dharma. That is why groupist people challenge that, 'Come on my side, dharma will be victorious'; 'Neutrality is not good'; 'Follow dharma'. And like this these groupists go on, but their "dharma" is just their own narrow-minded agenda. One day while I was walking on the road I heard one butcher talking with another butcher. And he told that 'it is my dharma to kill 5 goats every day with my hand'. When I heard this then I thought that what type of misguided dogma is related with the term dharma. See how much this term is abused and misused.
Without going into a more lengthy discussion, in a very brief way anyone can conclude that in our Ananda Marga Baba has taught the true dharma. Following dharma means strictly adhering to 16 Points. Because 16 Points is the cream of all those guidelines which Baba has taught for practicing in regular life. And in 16 Points one point is upavasa, fasting.
We know that Baba has designated 4 days for fasting per month; and these are mandatory for WTs. And He has designated 2 mandatory days for family people. That is ekadashii. But according to His teaching if one practices 4 times fasting per month then that is very good. But at least 2 upavasa in any month, everyone will have to do. In the case of senior citizens though, Baba has relaxed this rule. That means seniors have to do upavasa but they need not do fasting without water. Fasting without water is for healthy persons only. Anyway, on this point all the margiis know the significance of fasting, its definition, when to do, how to do, and how to conclude it. That means how to observe fasting and how to break the fast. But there is a special teaching related with upavasa which often enough many of us are not following. So that needs constant reminding.
So here are the following Baba's teachings: Baba says, "These fastings are called upavasa in Samskrta...`Upa' means `proximity'. And `Vasa' means `to live', `to reside'. The word `upavasa' means then, `to live near the Lord'. `Upavasa' - one these days of fasting, what are all spiritual aspirants to do? Mentally they should live near their Lord. On all other days they are to remain balanced between objective adjustment and subjective approach. On these days of fasting, however, on these days of upavasa, one remains in closer proximity to the Lord than to one's mundane duties. That is why these days are known as `upavasa'. The word `fasting' does not represent the proper sense or proper spirit. The Samskrta term for going without food is `anashana' - `ana' means not, `ashana' means eating - not `upavasa'. But these ekadashii, amavasya and purnima days are days of upavasa." (AV-6) And here again Baba is guiding us that on days of upavasa one should introvert the mind and focus upon Him. Baba says, "Upavasa in the sense of fasting is also useless...if one does real upavasa that can do a lot. The scriptural meaning of uspavasa is-by derivation-- upa which means "near", and va'sa, which means "to stay". Upa'vasa therefore means "to make the mind stay near Parama'tma'". In other words, it means to withdraw the mind from thoughts of physicalities and keep it near Parama'tama'. The sanskrit word for fasting as such is anashana [remaining hungry / starving]." (AV-23, p. 36-7) Below is another golden teaching about upavasa. Baba says, "These fixed days are called upavasa since during these days people keeping their minds engaged in spiritual matters, 'live closer' to God, and any possibility of mental degradation is averted: their humanity is not endangered by the lengthening shadows of annihilation." (NSS, p.188) And in this following teaching Baba is giving the point that those who think about food on fasting day are not up to the mark. Baba says, "Upavasa (fasting) means living nearer to God. `Upa' means near and `vasa' means living. During ekadashii upavasa the mind of a devotionless person will be in the stomach and not with Parama Purusa." (AV-5)
Living constantly with Him that is the beauty of upavasa. So the conclusion is that those who follow dharma, they will be victorious. And dharma is nothing but 16 points. And indeed it is really beautiful that if one follows 16 Points then Baba's grace is always showering on that person. That is why Baba says be strict in 16 points. Baba says, "...In order to march ahead on the road of human welfare, we will have to strengthen ourselves in all the arena of life. The complete seeds of welfare in all the spheres – physical, mental, moral, social and spiritual – are embedded in the sixteen points. Hence be firm on the sixteen points." (A'nanda Va'nii #45) Namaskar, Manoj Note: Human life is for sadhana. Everyday sadhana should be done but especially on upavasa days sadhana is better. Because one's whole energy is pointed in a single direction. Those who have deeper experience they realize this otherwise the common feeling is that on fasting days the body gets tired. And physical, psychic, and spiritual work are all difficult-- people say like this. But those who are sincere in sadhana, they realize that fasting is the best day for meditation. Because upavasa is interlinked with pointed sadhana. That is why this letter has been written.
*************************************** Remarkable Future
Parama Purusa BABA says, "As life becomes increasingly easy, there will be greater opportunities for intellectual pursuits. A day will come when there will be hardly any need for human beings to work. This may sound strange today and perhaps we might not like to hear such a thing, but that day will surely come. Physicality will be transformed into more and more intellectuality, and intellectuality will be transformed into the culminating point of spirituality." (PNS-17, p. 36)

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