From: "Manoj"
Subject: Solution of Nightmares
PS Intro: Here Baba is describing what happens in the severe summer season. It can also be equated with bad or difficult times in one's spiritual life. When the sadhaka is feeling out of their devotional flow then the mind is dry like a desert. The softness and fulfillment of the mind withers away. Everything becomes drab and lifeless. The sadhaka's heart of that dark time is reflected in this song. Here summer season means that state of mind devoid of devotion.
Prabhata Samgiita #3003
A'mra vaner madhu jhare ja'----y
Vasanteri haoa' digante ha'-ra'y
Vasanteri haoa' digante ha'-ra'y
Vasanteri haoa' digante ha'-ra'y
Nida'gher ta'pe a'j kokil bhuleche ga'n
Nida'gher ta'pe a'j kokil bhuleche ga'n
Nida'gher ta'pe a'j kokil bhuleche ga'n
Nida'gher ta'pe a'j kokil bhuleche ga'n
Shya'malima' ha'-ra'no ven'u vane nei ta'n
Ba'dal meghe na' dekhe mayuro nis'pra'n'
Na' phot'a' mukul a'tape shuka'----y
Amra vaner madhu jhare ja'----y
Harit trin'e legeche haridra'- cha'--p
Harit trin'e legeche haridra'- cha'--p
Harit trin'e legeche haridra'- cha'--p
Harit trin'e legeche haridra'- cha'--p
Jeno se baye ja'y dustar anuta'p
Cepe ra'kha' marmer jata chilo santa'p
Us'n'a ma'rava a'nkhite mila'----y
A'mra vaner madhu jhare ja'----y
The nectar of the mango grove has dried up. The vernal breeze has gotten lost in the horizon. The nectar of the mango grove has dried up.
The burning heat of summer makes the cuckoo bird forget its song. It has stopped singing. In the greenless flute groves, there is no resonance. Not seeing the monsoon clouds, the peacock is half-dead and lifeless. The unbloomed flower buds have withered away in summer's scorching heat. The nectar of the mango grove has dried up.
Because of the intense summer heat, the green grass has become yellow - as if it is facing a terrible ordeal. Whatever suppressed and painful feeling was in the heart became one with the hot desert storm. The nectar of the mango grove has dried up...
Summer season has come. The nectar of the mango grove has dried up. The unrelenting sun is baking and cracking the earth. The vernal breeze has gotten lost in the horizon. The hot summer wind is blowing.
The nectar of the mango grove has dried up.
The burning heat of summer makes the cuckoo bird forget its song. It has stopped singing. The world has lost its beauty. In the greenless flute groves [1], there is no resonance. The lush vegetation has lost its vitality. Not seeing the monsoon clouds, the peacock is half-dead and lifeless. The unbloomed flower buds have withered away in summer's scorching heat. Everyone wishes for the arrival of cool, refreshing rain. O' Parama Purusa, devotees long for the showering of Your grace and devotion in their melancholic heart.
The nectar of the mango grove has dried up and the hot wind is blowing.
Because of the intense summer heat, the green grass has become yellow - as if it is facing a terrible ordeal. Whatever suppressed and painful feeling was in the heart became one with the hot desert storm. This entire scene of the floar and fauna in the summer season is similar to all the agonies and pain of the heart which was unexpressed in my mind. Now it is taking form by this summer storm. Inside and outside are same. O' Lord the suffering and pain of not getting You is expressed by this summer storm.
Baba I want You...
[1] The flute is made from the cane plant, that is why cane plants are also known as flute groves.
End Note: One key point to be aware of in this ongoing translation work is the danger of being overly literal. For instance, in Bengali it is said, "jal kha'bo" literally meaning "Will eat water"; whereas the better translation is "I will drink water." Whenever and wherever possible, a good translation will aim for the spirit of what is being said, and not the bare, literal meaning.
Here is one of Baba's key teachings for sadhaka life.
Baba says, "You may ask, "How can I do pun'yam while sleeping? In the wakeful state, I may do Pun´yam. But while sleeping, how can I do Pun'yam? Can you? Yes, you can. What's the difference between habit and nature? When habit becomes one with your existence, it is called nature...By constant practice or under pressure of circumstances, one becomes habituated, and by encouraging this habituation, it finally becomes nature."
"This is auto-suggestion. "Now it is time for my meditation", what is it? You are trying to habituate yourself. But when you cannot live without puja, then it has become your nature. Try to make it what - habit or nature? Nature. I never take
a drop of water without doing puja. Why? It has become my nature. And I want that all of you should make it your nature also."
"When auto-suggestion will become your nature, what will happen? While sleeping you will be repeating that japa (repetition of mantra) in your unconscious mind. You are sleeping, so conscious mind is not active. You are not having any dream, so your sub-conscious mind is also not active. But unconscious mind is there. Automatically there will be japa. 24 hours you are doing Pun´ya. While you are sleeping, you will be engaged in doing japa and using your incantation. Kuru pun'yam Ahora'tram." (Ananda Vacanamrtam, Part 14)
In this materialistic era, people suffer from so many psychic problems such as nightmares etc. The difficult issues one encounters during the day get turned in nightmares during sleep by the untrained mind.
For example one might dream that their business went bankrupt, or one might dream of quarreling with a friend, or one might dream of being scared about unknown events in the future. All these types of disturbing ideas may take place in the mind during sleep. Even worse is that when one wakes up then they feel depressed and worried because of such types of crude dreams and nightmares.
In His above teaching Baba carefully describes to us that if we train our minds to repeat our ista mantra during the daytime then the same will happen at night. In which case all our dreams will be sweet and blissful - ever floating in His divine vibration.