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Why Do They Embrace Fake A'nanda Va'niis

Date: 15 Nov 2012 20:10:43 -0000
From: ""Kalyan Sundaram "kalyan_s.1970@metro-pc
Subject: Why Do They Embrace Fake A'nanda Va'niis



Baba's original and true A'nanda Va'niis stand as one of the great traditions of Ananda Marga. This we all know.

Twice annually On New Year's & Ananda Purnima Baba would give a spirited message of a few lines that was entirely new in content, complete in expression, and eternal in nature. In that way, each Ananda Vanii is verily a discourse unto itself. So Baba's original and true Ananda Vaniis are really something unique and incomparable.

However, now in this post 1990 era, certain party leaders have taken it upon themselves to invent and issue Fake Ananda Vaniis for their own interests & political ends. These fake Ananda Vaniis are nothing but their own claim for power and legitimacy.

As Ananda Margiis, as disciples of Baba, we should be strict in adhering to Baba's divine system of Ananda Vaniis and use only those original Ananda Vaniis as our guiding light - not any fake version. Thus on the occasions of New Year's & Ananda Purnima, we should select one of Baba's original Ananda Vaniis. Already, this is what so many units are doing around the globe.

As 2013 is a mere 6 weeks away, we should get organised and prepare ourselves accordingly.

Here below is a general discussion of this topic. This is a vast subject so please write in your thoughts and comments. As disciples of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji we are to be vigilant on this matter as it regards the authenticity and sanctity of His divine teachings.


Baba's true Ananda Vanii messages are very precise and pointed like an arrow. They are complete discourses in and of themselves. They are not part of any larger discourse; and they are not just a quote or partial paragraph. Baba's true Ananda Vaniis are 100% full & complete and stand as is. They are unique and new in their own special way.

One of the most recognisable and special attributes of Baba's original Ananda Vaniis is that they infuse prana (positive life-force) into even half-dead persons and give strength and vigor to all sadhakas. Infused with courageous spirit and indomitable nature, Baba's original Ananda Vaniis are 100% unique and stand apart from His other discourses. Only His original and true Ananda Vaniis have that unbridled energy to inspire one and all to move ahead.

History bears testimony that Baba Himself wrote all those Ananda Vaniis in His own handwriting. And He did not just do one like this; but, time after time, for many years Baba continued to write His original Ananda Vaniis with His own hand. All senior margiis are aware about this. In contrast, with other discourses and book chapters, Baba never did like this. Countless discourses He has given and always He was speaking, and devotees were writing. Whereas Ananda Vaniis were written by His hand. This shows the personal and special quality of Ananda Vaniis.

Here is one of His true and eternal Ananda Vaniis.

Baba says, "After millions of animal lives, a created being attains the human form. That is why all the sacred books speak of the rarity of human life. The wise properly utilize all objects and this utilization alone makes the existence of the object worthy. You have achieved the human frame. You must make it meaningful by your sádhaná, service and sacrifice. Engage yourself in such useful pursuits that even your worst enemies have hardly any chance to despise you. Utilize yourself in such a manner so as to satisfy yourself mentally, that you never wasted your time uselessly on this earth." (Ananda Vanii #33)

In all, Baba has blessed us with 74 of these divine guidelines known as Ananda Vaniis. Each with their own inherent beauty; each with their own timeless message. And Baba has Himself specially collected them all together and marked them in His publication: Ananda Vanii Samgraha. These alone stand as those unparalleled and dharmic messages which Baba has so graciously blessed us with during the time of New Year's Day and Ananda Purnima gatherings. These alone are Ananda Vaniis.


However, nowadays various Fake A'nanda Vaniis are being created and passed around by the various groups.

Certainly, most margiis and field workers understand that any so-called Ananda Vanii created by one of the factions is a Fake A'nanda Va'nii.

Even then it is important for us to recognise and review how & why these Fake Ananda Vaniis came into existence so that we can eliminate this dogma permanently.

Baba says, "The despondent humanity, in the monumental task of searching for veracity, sees the beacon leading to the path of effulgence. This immense task makes humanity’s existence resplendent and illumines its path of movement with the blazing tenderness of humanism. You are the blessed travellers on that effulgent path. Let the unique blending of your profound wisdom and intense urge for action rend asunder the mists of sinful deeds and smash to dust the jagged rocks of hypocrisy, and establish you in the realm of supreme fulfilment. This is my wish for you on this auspicious New Year’s day." (Ananda Vanii #71)

in Him,
Kalyan Sundaram


"Tumi eso a'ma'r ghare krpa' kare, vedii sa'ja'yechi toma'r tare..." (P.S. 589)


Baba, please grace me by coming to my home. For You I have decorated the vedii (dais). I have prepared the garland of sweet malati flowers for You.

Baba, I am sitting in meditation and waiting for Your divine arrival. My ears are ready and waiting in anticipation of Your soft footsteps. 

Baba, my mind is not in my control; with the flow of this sweet breeze it is rushing towards You. Everything is vibrating in Your love. Baba please grace me by coming and sitting in my heart in that most intimate & loving way...

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