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Wt Beauty Competition

Date: Tue 20 Mar 2012 19:22:37 -0400
From: Dharmendra Deva
Subject: Wt Beauty Competition



These days there is a beauty competition going on amongst certain Dadas and Didis.  Let's see how far this type of thing has been approved by Baba.


The use of cosmetics amongst our wholetime workers has increased exponentially in recent years. Of course, prior to 1990, no worker would dare use cosmetics or perfumes etc. Indeed, no one felt the need to use beauty products as everyone was deeply involved in manifesting Baba's teachings.

Unfortunately, now a number of workers - both Dadas and Didis - are resorting to these beauty products. It seems they have been affected by today's grossly materialistic values.

The question naturally arises: Why do some feel the need to beautify their faces? What is the psychic cause. We will address this question and more in this letter.


Every human being - every human mind - has evolved from animal life and those animalistic samskaras are still present in the human personality, to some or more degree.

The human personality is tri-fold: Physical, psychic and spiritual.

Some fall prey to the psychic ailment known as self-aggrandizement or gaorava. This is when people feel a need to present themselves as being bigger or better than what they truly are.

Baba says, "Gaorava is the second type of aham'ka'ra [ego]. It means “self-aggrandizement”. Puffed up with vanity, a person will want to project his image in an exaggerated manner. Often we hear somebody say, for example, that they have a rose  he size of a balloon in their garden – whereas actually the rose may be the size of a ping-pong ball. Constant indulgence in this type of activity converts the mind into matter."

"We have seen bulls moving about in the streets with an air of arrogance. Such a bull creates a sound expressing the idea that it is big – Ham bar'a'. But when the bull dies and ta'nt [vina string] is made out of its intestines and musicians start playing on it, the sound which is then emitted expresses the idea Tun bar'a' – meaning thereby that the bull realizes that others are big, and realizes that he has arrived at this condition because of his arrogance."

"In fact the inculcation of gaorava leads one to the worst hell. Just as there are six layers, or lokas, of the Cosmic Mind above the crude world, so are there six types of hell, six narakas, below the physical world. The names of these hells are tala, atala, tala'tala, pa'ta'la, atipa'ta'la and rasa'tala. Another term for rasa'tala is raorava naraka – and a person indulging in gaorava will certainly go to raorava [crudest state of mind]." (Ananda Vacanamrtam-23)

Baba says, "The seventh hell is rasa'tala, the very crudest of all stages of existence. Obviously in that state human beings are no longer human beings: their minds, their intellects are reduced to extreme crudity, a stage of no return. Similarly when people start becoming degraded, a stage comes when they can no longer elevate themselves;
rasa'tala is such a state." (Ananda Marga Ideology and Way Life-11)

Why does this happen? This happens when the mind is not focused on Parama Purusa, but on one's own unit ego. Gaorava then is a defect in mind which may express itself physically and psychically.

To take advantage of this mental ailment, capitalists exploit this weakness by marketing more and more beauty products. It is a multi-billion dollar industry. Because of their psychic ailment, people easily get scooped up into this capitalist trap and spend huge money on cosmetics, beauty aids, perfume, cosmetic surgery, etc.

Decades ago it was unheard of for our Wts to get pulled in this direction, but tragically nowadays some of our workers have gotten trapped just like the common public. That is the main problem: Some Wts now use beauty products. Essentially it is a psychic problem that needs to be addressed.


Why do people fall in that trap of gaorava or self-aggrandizement?

The first reason is that all come from animal life and fall prey to certain lower expressions of mind. This has been described up above.

Secondly, the trend of the general society is towards materialism. That means people are involved in their own external beauty and wish to project themselves as being something great, i.e. superior to who they are. This is all due to their materialistic way of living.

When general flow of society is towards materialism then the mass of people fall in that trap. They get caught in things like self-beautification and self-glorification. Then we know they have fallen into gaorava marga (path of hell) and lost their Goal.


Indulging in gaorava (self-aggrandizement) means falling onto the path of negative pratisaincara. Why? Because the person is not focusing their mind towards Ista, i.e. Parama Purusa. Instead they are just involved in their own personal ego. In that case the mind will become smaller and smaller and gradually they will not be a normal human being. They will become degraded.

What to say of mukti and moksa, such a person is sinking deep into the clutches of animal life. Why? Because the goal was just their own unit self - i.e. not Parama Purusa but their own little ego. In that case they are sure to degrade. Hence the path of gaorava is a very dangerous path.


Another reason behind the use of beauty products is the crude, tamasik desire to attract the opposite sex. That is also one of the expressions of gaorava.

If any Wt, either male or female, is doing this they are in the wrong place. They should just throw away their dress and choose a different way of life. They should not pollute our Ananda Marga.

Entering Wt life means focusing on Parama Purusa not the opposite sex. So if any worker is using cosmetics with the goal of attracting the opposite sex, their situation is akin to some drug addict that walked into one of our AM jagrtis.

Hence if any worker has gotten confused or led astray and fallen into this trap they should wake up and realise that this is not the path. The goal of a wt is not the opposite sex - it is Parama Purusa.


It is true that usually our AM competitions occur in seminars and DMS, dharma maha sammelan. At such venues we hold tandava competitions, kaoshikii competitions, and prizes are awarded for the best social service projects also.

So some may be asking where does the Wt beauty competition fit in.

And the answer is that the Wt beauty competition is an unspoken competition. They do not talk openly about it, but in a silent manner many workers are competing and taking note of one another. They apply all kinds of chemicals and tonics to their face and hair to look their best - and hope others notice. Various Didis do this and some Dadas too.

They talk about their beauty secrets with their friends but not openly in public because such things not openly supported in AM. So if you raise the point and say, "Oh Dadaji, you look so stunning and shiny today, what is your secret?", then Dadaji will not tell all the various cosmetics that he is using. He will simply say, "Sixteen Points". But internally he will be thinking that his fake beauty chemicals are very good.

So the only way to know if xyz Didi or Dada is involved in using beauty aids and cosmetics is to check their bags. There you may find an entire case full of their beauty essentials such as: Dyes, creams, and all kinds of superficial beauty things.

Here Baba clearly guides us that this pursuit of physical beauty is nothing but to fall prey to negative microvita - kinnara.

Baba says, "Kinnara microvita is that category of microvita which creates a thirst for beauty – a strong desire for beautification and decoration. The word kinnara means “receptacle of beauty” or “a beautiful and graceful structure”. This category of microvita creates a tendency in the human mind to make the human body as beautiful as the many forms and figures it observes in the external world. This tendency or propensity is called “kinnari vrtti”. If the kinnaras direct the mind towards crude matter instead of leading it towards the subtler layers, they are considered to be enemy microvita or negative microvita." (Microvita in a Nutshell, Crude and Subtle Microvita)



However Baba does not support the use of all these fake beauty ointments etc by our Wts.

Baba says, "...Artificially perfumed things should not be used." (32 Rules for Avadhuta, pt #12)

Baba says, "Perfumed oil should not be used" (32 Rules for Avadhuta, pt #3)

Baba says, "Any medicated soap, but not cosmetic or perfumed, should be used" (32 Rules for Avadhuta, pt #8)

Baba says, "...Avadhuta shall not...use any article which is artificially scented, (32 Rules for Avadhuta, pt #32)

Thus it is quite clear that in various ways Baba wholly condemns the use of fake beauty paraphernalia. No Didi or Dada is to use such beauty aids.

Naturally, since it is detrimental to one's spiritual progress, sincere margiis and devotees do not feel comfortable using cosmetic beauty products because the goal of life is Parama Purusa - not superficial looks.

Finally, we should all keep in mind that females are more prone to use such cosmetics. That is a fact. The proof being that the entire beauty industry is directed towards females. But these days more males have begun this game as well.


Amongst our Wt ranks, such participants want to make their face shine so they look more vibrated and attractive - as if they are on the doorstep of moksa.

Everyone knows that all truly great personalities - those rishis, yogis and true sadhakas - have a glow or psychic lustre (ojah / ojas) because of their high spiritual attainment. Due to their sincerity in sadhana, their face changes and they naturally exude a deep sense of sentient peace and divine love. That is depicted in various images of such great
personalities. Baba has describe this in discourses like, "Pa'rthasa'rathi Krs'n'a and Aesthetic Science".

Some fake Wts want that same lustre for their own prestige. When they understood that they cannot get it naturally because they are not involved in sadhana, they began to arrange it artificially. By this way they could (try and) befool others that they are great.

All the while one should remember: Focusing on oneself, i.e. one's own greatness, leads to degeneration. And that is what happened to some of our workers.


Now it is the duty of every disciple of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji to watch and see if anyone is choosing this wrong path of raorava marga, i.e. seventh hell. We should try to protect them by pointing them out.

Baba says, "All Ananda Margis, when they see other Margis acting against the principles of yama and niyama, must make them shun this habit either by sweet or harsh words or by dealing even more strictly." (A Guide to Human Conduct)

Thus it is our duty to open the eyes of those involved in this fake beauty competition. If we do not wake them from their stupor, they will continue to fall deeper into the dungeon of materialism.

Baba says, "It is the innate characteristic of the human mind to become as it thinks – Ya'drshii bha'vana' yasya siddhirbhavati ta'drshii [“As you think, so you become.”]" (AV-4)

Thus those who are just thinking about their own so-called beauty are bound to fall and ruin themselves. We should help them climb back onto the path of spirituality and think of Baba. Then they will truly become great.

Baba says, "To associate oneself with Parama Purus'a, the Supreme Entity, is the actual sa'dhana'. There is no one greater than Parama Purus'a, and so, when the mind ideates on Him, it expands." (Ananda Vacanamrtam-4)


The concluding idea is that in our AM way of life there is no room for beauty products for physical "enhancement", psychic bragging, or fake spirituality. All these are highly detrimental - especially so when our Wts are involved. That sets a bad example for the society.

By Baba's grace we should all think of Him and not get drowned by the lowly ways of self-aggrandizement and self-beautification etc. We should not become the selected pawns of the capitalist beauty industry.

Baba says, "An inflated ego is like drinking wine, self-aggrandizement leads one into the deepest hell, and social status is like the excrement of a pig. Give up all three of these and only sing the glories of the Lord." (Ananda Vacanamrtam-23)

Dharmendra Deva


In the upcoming letters we will announce the participants and winners of this beauty competition. Then you will know which Wt won.

Of course there are many good Wts who have nothing to do with this. By Baba's grace they have dedicated themselves to self-realisation and service to humanity.
"Jakhani bha'vi kichu cini bujhi, dekhi a'mi kichu ja'ni na'..." (PS 3225)


 When my little ego dominates then I think that I know and understand everything. It is only later that I realize that I do not know anything - I know not. When I try to move on the path with my own strength, then it is difficult for me to decide what I want to do and
what is my goal.

From the origin of which unknown source am I floating and floating, from far to the farthest place, in the search of that unknown divine Entity. Day and night I am searching and wandering; why I wander around I do not understand.

O' karunamaya, what type of divine play do You do with me. What type of liila do You go on playing with this unit entity. How can this divine play between unit and cosmic continue without Your grace. Baba, You are everything, only by Your grace is anything possible...

In Old Age

Baba says, "Over the age of fifty both the body and the mind start their decline. The power of memory diminishes and people start to forget things. This is the rule. But through the practice of vista'ra sadhana, this decline checks. Even an eighty year old person is able to keep the memory as fresh as a twenty five year old person. In the mental sphere, the result may be much more evident than in the physical sphere. Normally people hear, learn, and forget. But by the practice of sadhana, when the nerve cells get strengthened, dhruva smrti comes. Then one does not forget easily. In exactly the same way, by the dint of higher spiritual practice, one can bring about the expansion of oneself...Human beings become omniscient, become one with Parama Purusa. Nothing is impossible through the practice of sadhana." (Discourse on Krsna and the Giita)

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