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Handling of DMC Discourses
Date: 23 Sep 2008 22:18:29 -0000
From: "Indrajit Rai"
Subject: Handling of DMC Discourses
"Kato je d'eke gechi toma're, shon'o ni, tumi a'sa ni..." (P.S. #2207)
Baba, I have so much longing for You. With that feeling I go on calling You. But neither do You listen to my call, nor do You come close.
Although they say that You listen to the feeling of the mind. That You listen to all the thought waves which sprout in the mind, because You are sitting right there in the mind. Although they say like that, to me it seems like You are not residing in the mind. You are not there. That's why You do not understand the feeling of longing which I have for You.
I do not know whether You do not have capacity to listen to my feeling, or whether You listen to my feeling of the mind but knowingly You do not respond. This is Your divine play. But this divine play of Yours is very painful for me. You are giving me pain by not caring about my longing. It may be possible that my cry reaches to Your ears, but it does not touch Your mind. That's why You do not give any response.
Baba, please tell me that except You who is mine? You know nobody is mine, that's why I open my heart to You. Many tales which up till now I did not tell You, those feelings of my heart I will tell You. Baba, I have so much longing and yearning for You. Why are You not listening. Please pay heed to my call and come close...
As we all know in DMC Baba would often speak in three languages. Nearly all the DMC discourses are like that. For accurate depiction of these historic and dharmic discourses, then various steps can be taken. And about this very matter various acaryas and margiis have gathered and the following are a couple of the top suggestions and recommendations which they have given.
1. When transcribing or printing Baba's DMC discourses then each and every word must get printed. But not only that, it should be indicated throughout the printed discourse in which language Baba is speaking. Because we know it was Baba's normal manner that in DMC discourses He would rotate from Hindi to Bangla to English, though not necessarily in that order.
So just as in the general darshans when Baba is mostly using only one of the languages then the discourse is marked as being from that particular language, such as English or Hindi etc. Likewise when Baba is delivering His DMC discourses then all along our transcription should be marked in italics or in some other distinguishing manner in which language Baba is speaking for each particular section.
By this way it will provide one excellent historical and linguistic record of exactly what way Baba has spoken. And it will also allow the transcriptions to be more accurate and ethically honest renditions of Baba's discourse-- as it will print each and every word. Thus if the book is in English then the entire printed version of that DMC discourse will be in English, but step by step it will indicate which of the languages Baba was speaking in.
So that way the reader will know which is Baba's actual word and which is a translation from one of the other languages. And no matter which languages the book is written in-- whether it be German, Bengali, Chinese, Tegalo etc-- all the while it will indicate what language Baba was using throughout His discourse. And by this way we will have one accurate and highly indicative version of Baba's discourse.
Of course thus far this has not been done. Rather there is no way for the reader to know which is which and what is what when reading Baba's DMC discourses. And not only that but in their present way of dealing much of the content of Baba's talk is left our altogether-- i.e. it is not included at all. And the only way to know what was the original language of a particular section of the discourse is to have the audio cassette itself. Otherwise there is no way to know.
2. Another reason for printing the whole, entire transcription of Baba's discourse is because during His speech Baba did not merely repeat Himself when switching over from one language to the next. That means those same ideas were not rote translations from one language to another and then spoken by Baba. That was not His approach. Rather in newer and newer ways Baba was unfolding the subject matter according to the knowledge, cultural understanding and spiritual feeling of the devotees of that particular linguistic background, as well as according to the strengths and limitations of each language.
So in that way Baba's explanation is more colourful, interesting, and lucid for the audience. And thus even though many people attending those DMCs knew all three languages-- Hindi, Bangla, & English-- they never got bored by listening to Baba's talk. Because Baba's style of expression, use of examples, and way of talking and introducing the topic would vary considerably from one language to another. Of course the topic and the theme were consistent throughout, but according to the aforementioned variables, Baba's style of speaking and way of expression was unique and would vary widely throughout His entire discourse. Hence there is much to be gained by printing the entire transcription of Baba's DMC discourses.
But up till now this is not at all being done. Rather only small sections are being taken from each and mixed together or only 1 language was taken, i.e. Bengali, and everything that Baba spoke in Hindi and English was discarded entirely, when in fact what Baba told in those languages was not mere repetition of the Bengali section.
Yet when we know that Guru's word is mantra then everything should be included. Strict attention should be given to perfectly transcribe each and every syllable.
(b) With regards to the discourse titled "Macrocosmic Conation And Microcosmic Urge" from the Ananda Purnima 1985 DMC, there is one story to tell.
Not long back I was searching that discourse for many reasons-- one being that I personally attended that DMC discourse in May '85-- and finally I found the contents of the discourse in one of our Subhasita Samgraha books. But there was no date or place marked along with it. Those key points were missing. Some of the contents of that discourse were printed in that SS-24 book. But by seeing it there nobody can identify what it is. Because the publisher did not print that this belongs to that DMC of May 1985. Means the date and place and all specifics about the discourse are missing from the SS-24 publication.
However by Baba's grace from my diary I confirmed that this is indeed the discourse from that DMC of 26 May 1985 when Baba delivered His discourse, "Macrocosmic Conation And Microcosmic Urge".
But there is one other serious point. Namely that what actually got printed in the SS-24 book is just one very small fraction of the discourse. Most of the discourse is missing, entirely gone. Because in actuality, Baba Himself took about 35 minutes to deliver that very discourse on that very day of 26 May 1985. Thus He spoke for more than half-an-hour. But what is printed in the book SS-24 is the material of maximum 5-7 minutes worth of talk-- or even less than that. So most of Baba's discourse from that 1985 Ananda Purnima DMC is missing from the Subhasita Samgraha book. So that is the situation about this.
Overall then a few critical points are there. One is that the discourse is not properly brought into printed form-- it is just a fraction of the discourse. And second, the place and date are not mentioned. Nor is it mentioned whether this is a DMC discourse or not. All these important matters are gone regarding Baba's historic annual DMC discourse of May 1985.
Guru's things are important. So if the scripture is left like that this then that is a very delicate and sensitive affair-- the door will be wide open for adulteration. So we will have to be vigilant. Please write your opinion.
Here following is Baba's blessing for making one human society.
Baba says, "You will have to build a society in which no one is forced to weep, where everyone smiles joyfully all the time and gets ample scope for laughter. Seeing such mirth and merriment, Parama Purusa will feel immensely pleased. By giving joy to Parama Purusa you will feel even more joyful and will feel His close proximity. This is the actual social code...You should all move along this path - you are sure to meet with success." (AV-4)
Baba says, "The scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless. And the pioneering personality must be a strict and benevolent guardian with unyielding conviction." (NSS p.200, Edn 1995)
Here above, by pioneering personality Baba is referring to all those margiis and Wts who have the feeling in the core of their heart to watch over and safeguard Baba's timeless words.
And as we know usually all the DMC discourses are collected and printed in the Subhasita Samgraha series. So if anyone is fluent in Hindi, Bangla, and English then they can see that "all" the DMC discourses from 1955-90 have been published in the Subhasita Samgraha series. Some of the DMC discourses prior to 1970 may be exceptions to the rule in this regard. But for the post 1970 period, in some way, shape, or form those DMS discourses are printed in Subhasita Samgraha books.
Of course for we Ananda Margiis, DMC is one very significant thing where Baba gives Varabhaya Mudra. And Margiis go to attend and get His blessing. In addition, most of the time people like to write down the discourse name which they can later refer to and type. Because recording the discourse on audio tape was not permitted those days.
When there is this type of negligence has occurred with Baba's historic DMC discourses then you can imagine what is the condition of Baba's other DMC discourses, what to speak of all those General Darshan discourses that Baba has delivered.
Subhasita Samgraha parts 1-24 are not available in any single language. Some are in Hindi, and some are in Bangla, and some are only in English print. But between the Hindi and English editions, that is enough to cover all the parts of the Subhasita Samgraha series. But some parts are only available in one language. Just like parts 21 and 24 of the Subhasita Samgraha Series are not available in the other two languages, only English.
With regards to this whole issue of scripture, on the top margiis do not have access to the cassettes of all the discourses and the second thing is that margiis are not being provided the books. And in the midst of all this now those at the helm are involved in group and clan clashes like primitive people. So this whole chaotic situation is occurring because of lack of awareness of the grand ideology which has been given by Baba.
So it is our request that bringing out Baba's discourses in printed form should be given utmost importance.
Far Reaching Effect
Baba says, "In the world today a handful of people who do no physical work, but live by their wits, have appropriated to themselves most of the wealth of umanity, so they are able to buy comparatively expensive foods, and use them to satisfy their taste buds. As result, they, on the one hand, swell their unnecessary fat, while, on the other hand, those people doing hard manual labour are forced to live in poverty and deprived of the ghee, butter and sweets they need to maintain their bodies; they have nothing to compensate properly the energy they expend, and they become weak, emaciated and broken in health. On account of malnutrition and excessive hard labour, they fall victim to tuberculosis." (YT, p. 82-83)
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