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Widespread Myth about Jobs

From: "Karma Rasa" To: AM-GLOBAL Subject: Widespread Myth about Jobs Date: Thu, 28 May 2010 22:48:32 +0000 Baba "Kenoi va' ele, dola' diye gele, na' bale gele cale, phele a'ma'y..." (PS 1995) Purport: Baba, You have been gone so long, why did You come and stir my heart only to then go away without saying a word-- thereby leaving me all alone. Baba, neither do You have any love for me nor do You understand the aching pain of my heart. Baba, after coming and reciting one fairy tale, where did You go. Baba, I want You to remain here with me. Baba, amongst all the dear ones, You are my dearmost. Why then do You not reside eternally in my heart. Baba, You are my dearmost and innermost, then how can You justify going so far away from me. Is it proper to leave me isolated and all alone. Please tell me. Baba, You are so dear to me, no matter what I will never forget You; Baba, I will never leave You. Not at any cost will I ever wipe You away from my mental plate-- from the memories of my mind. That I will never do. Baba, even if You do not desire to remain with me-- even if You want to hide-- I shall always keep You in the golden casket of my heart. Baba, You are eternally mine; my everything is surrendered at Your lotus feet... == WIDESPREAD MYTH ABOUT JOBS == Namaskar, In today's capitalistic economy, jobs are becoming more and more scarce. Indeed, in the USA - the most capitlistic nations on the planet - the unemployment rate reached as high as 9.9% a month ago (April 2010) and is still hovering around that extremely high rate. In Germany, Europe's biggest economy, the unemployment rate as been around 8.5% throughout the first quarter of 2010, peaking up to 8.7%, and still is hanging around 8%. This numbers are way to high to have a productive economy and a healthy society, yet this is what capitalism breeds: A more and more static economy. HERE'S WHY: IN A NUTSHELL Most of the population has been reduced to laborers-- either physical laborers (blue-collar) or mental laborers (white-collar), but with the increase in mechanization and the profit-oriented culture, executives are hiring less and less people and instead resorting to machines and / or cheaper labor markets elsewhere. In short, those with jobs are losing them; and those without jobs are not finding them. And this problem is only mounting, even with Obama's hands-on approach in comparison's to Bush's radical laissez-faire manner. CAPITALISTIC MYTH: INDIVIDUAL'S RESPONSIBILITY TO GET A JOB Over the decades, capitalists have successfully brainwashed the public into believing that it is the individual's responsibility to get and maintain a job. And if one is not getting a job, then, well, that is just too bad-- try harder. That is the capitalistic maxim-- the myth that capitalists propagate. So that is what everybody thinks, 'That it is the duty of each and every person to find their own job, and if they lose their job it is their responsibility to find another one'. And still that is in vogue. As things continue to tailsping the public is bound to think that they are in a no-win situation. But that extreme disgust with capitalism has not yet come. Most are still thinking that capitalism needs to be fixed, not replaced.
For these reasons and more, human beings have just been turned into mere commodities wherein they have to shine and polish themselves-- like apples or potatoes-- in order be attractive in the marketplace. To that end,common citizens try tirelessly to get more and more qualifications in order to assure themselves of a job. But it is an uphill battle. Because due to increased mechanization, less and less jobs are being done by humans. With the development of more refined computers and fancier machines, a work that used to take 300 people now takes only 5. In that case 295 are suddenly out of a job. And then, since top capitalists are only interested in increasing their profit, then at any time they can and do move their entire factory or business to another land or country where labor is cheaper. In that case, an entire sector of the workforce may suddenly lose their job. And in the end, it is the common citizen that gets blamed for not making themselves marketable. That is the ugly predicament in capitalism. But it is continuing on since everyone has gotten duped into thinking that every individual is responsible for securing their own job, while the government bears little or no responsibility. Today, more and more college graduates are in the hunt for a job and it is becoming harder and harder to get one. However, the theme remains the same: Make yourself more marketable. The realisation has not yet come to change the system. Similarly with older adults who have lost their jobs, one result is that more and more are starting their own businesses. The big protest against the market economy has not entered the people's psyche just yet. So they suffer and try harder in these desperate times. Soon the time will come to rise up and we should be ready to feed them the answer as well as hasten that moment by preaching the gospel of Prout.
To combat this nasty, capitalistic spiral and bleak outlook, Baba has put forth one very special socio-political principle: No one should lose their job without first have been offered and given a different job, of a comparable of higher standard. Baba says, "Cardinal socio-political principles should never be violated. First, people should not be retrenched from their occupations unless alternative employment has been arranged for them." (PNS-16) Unfortunately all around the globe this important principle is not be fulfilled. Because people are being released from their jobs and are not being replaced. From stock-brokers to shoe salesmen, so many are out of jobs, and every week this is increasing, leading to a totally unhealthy situation in society. Here Baba describes further about what happens when people lose their jobs and are not given a different job. Baba says, "There are many instances where these three cardinal principles have been violated, causing much suffering and disturbance in individual and collective life. Let us discuss what happens when people loose their livelihood. Take the example of rickshaw pullers in India. The work of rickshaw pullers is exhausting and poorly paid, but if it is declared illegal, many rickshaw pullers will become unemployed and their lives will become more miserable. Those who cannot find alternative employment will either die of starvation or become criminals in an effort to survive. In either case, society will be adversely affected. So, before this occupation is prohibited, rickshaw pullers should be provided with suitable alternative employment." (PNS-16) Because of losing their jobs and not being given other employment, people are suffering from depression, abusing their spouse, developing health problems, dying early, even committing suicide. Such reports are commonplace in the news these days. Or look at it this way: Since 1964, the U.S. crime rate has increased by as much as 350%. Unemployment plays a huge role in crime - it is one of the fallouts of job loss.
So the myth that the individual is 100% responsible for getting a job and the government need not play any role in this is totally harmful and stands as one of the worst aspects of capitalism. Even thought Obama's government is getting very involved in economic reform, still being part of the sinking ship of capitalism, they cannot control unemployment which is going through the roof. Still that is the myth that big vaeshyas have successfully instilled in the minds of the people: People are responsible for finding their own job. So the whole affair is awful. Everyone is trying to increase their stature and skills in order to get a job, yet those jobs are being sucked up elsewhere or getting totally eliminated. Hence it is an uphill battle; the cards are stacked against the common person. Jobs are disappearing left and right and there is no replacement in sight. When in reality, in the case of jobs being reduced due to mechanization, and then firing 100 or 200 people, instead everyone in the factory or plant should simply work less hours-- allowing everyone to keep their job. That is how it works in family life. If a new stove is purchased which dramatically decreases the amount of cooking time, then the wife or daughter is not kicked out of the house because they are no longer needed. Rather, everyone works less in the kitchen and people get time to spend in other pursuits. Same should be the case with regards to mechanization in the workforce. All should work less and then devote more time to psychic and spiritual pursuits. Then everyone is benefited because even though people are working less their purchasing capacity remains high. In Prout, it works that way. Now however, many jobs are subject to furlough, because companies and the government do not have the money to pay workers, yet the cost of living is higher. That only leads to more crime, not the upliftment of society. The capitalist model just creates more and more problems, whereas Prout's local and cooperative economic model solves the problem. As for the second problem-- i.e. the outsourcing of jobs to cheaper labor markets-- the answer is creating a local economy. Capitalists should not be allowed to exploit human labor all over the globe. Rather the cooperative system should be developed wherein all in a locale are guaranteed work as well as a proper purchasing capacity. This can happen if the natural and human resources of an areas stay within that samaj. So there are lots of Proutistic solutions. And among them all, it has to be fully recognised that governments must be held responsible and they must ensure a job to each and every member of society. There is no other way. The current capitalistic myth that an individual must find their own job must be eradicated. Then and only then can society progress..
By Baba's grace the myopia of capitalists is being exposed and soon all will be aware of the pitfalls of this vaeshyan age, thereby allowing society to make that step forward into that bright, new era. By Baba's grace the overall climate and environment are changing. People will soon awaken to the crude reality of capitalism and they will be looking for answers. The era of Prout will come - we should be ready to do our part Baba says, "If any group tries to violate any of these three cardinal socio-political principles, you should immediately oppose them with a thundering voice and sufficient force. Victory will be yours, because you are supporting the collective psychology. But before launching any movement, you should make sure that the masses are conscious of their exploitation, otherwise the movement will not be successful. Although it may take some time to raise the consciousness of the masses, ultimately you will be victorious." (PNS-16) Namaskar, Karma Rasa
*********************************************** Deserts Needed
Baba says, "Ecologists claim that some deserts are essential for keeping the global ecology in a balanced state. The high day temperatures and the cold night temperatures that occur in desert regions create a useful effect. The hot, dry desert air rises and creates a vacuum which sucks in cool air, generating a chain reaction. Moist air is sucked in from the sea and formed into clouds which then rain on the land. If deserts vanish entirely, the overall rainfall will be reduced." (PNS-16, p.37)

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