Date: Sat, 02 Jul 2011 15:28:34 +0500
Subject: Bangalisation of Prout Books
Baba has given this following song to warn those who are demons in human form, who by their nefarious work are destroying the peace by spreading poison and bringing disaster.
"Manus' manus' ha'ra'ye hunsha kotha'y calecho tumi.
A'ka'sh ba'ta's bis'iye diye narak kare marttyabhu'mi..." (PS 1190)
Why have you lost your rational sense and started moving on the path of annihilation and ruination. You made this golden earth poisonous with the domination of your disastrous theories, i.e. the dogma of groupism etc. You threw away the high ideals of spirituality and you forgot the eternal truth that whatever strength you are getting, that is coming from Him...Parama Purusa...Baba... He is the source. So you lost the sense and you do not like to understand that, to pulverize your ego, the trident of Parama Purusa is active...
Ours is a universal society aimed at projecting Baba's ideals to one and all. So we have to be vigilant when any impediment within the Marga crops up and steers things in a different direction. Please read the following and together we can decide what should be done.
Here is the situation: One group has altered and distorted Baba's Prout books in order to highlight their own samaj. Let me explain further.
Specifically, two editions of the "Prout in a Nutshell" series, i.e. parts 19 & 20, were intentionally dyed in the colour of Bangalisation - i.e. extreme preference towards the A'mara' Bengali samaja at the expense of Baba's entire samaj theory.
In these two books (PNS 19 & 20) there are 13 full discourses dedicated to Bengal - and hardly a mention of any other samaj. This gives the false impression that the A'mara' Bengali samaj is the only samaj on the planet, or that Baba only gives importance to this samaj. But this is not the case at all. At present, there are 241 samajas around the globe and Baba in His own unique way gives equal importance to them all.
But after 1990, led by the heavy hand of Sarvatmananda, one group blatantly stuffed the pages of our Prout books exclusively with discourses on Bengal while discarding other samajas entirely. Indeed in Prout in a Nutshell parts 19 & 20, there are 17 discourses in total. And of those 17 discourses, 15 of those discourses address a particular samaj. And of those 15 samaj discourses, 13 of those those discourses are exclusively about Bengal. That means 87% of the samaj discourses in those two books are about A'mara' Bengali samaj. And interestingly enough, both Prout Nutshell 19 & 20 were printed just after 1990 when Sarvatmananda had full power.
So it is clear that with a partial hand someone's intention was only to highlight the Bangalistan area at the cost of other places. This is the wrong someone did to Baba's Prout Nutshell series, parts 19 & 20.
To make things look "natural", those at the helm those days included one samaj discourse on Bihar and one on Ireland. After all it would look too obvious if 15 out of 15 samaj discourses in those books were on Bengal. So they did included two other samaj discourses to make things look legitimate. Plus, Prout Nutshell part 21 contains no samaj discourses. And indeed this is the common tendency. When you want to distort something, then hide the fake or foul things in the middle, not at the end. Sarvatmananda understood this theory well. With the few Prout books first published after 1990, he followed this theorem exactly.
But we are not befooled by his "decoy".
Because we know that Baba delivered hundreds of discourses on so many samajas. Baba always expressed maximum interest in every samaj. But this fact Sarvatmananda did not wish to recognise. So he personally gave the order to fill PNS-19 and PNS-20 with discourses on Bengal. And all other samaj discourses were left out of those Prout publications.
In fact, one other decoy maneuver he did was print Baba's numerous discourses about other samajas of India in the name of Raghunathji. This was another trick used by Sarvatmananda to give less priority to other samajas and highlight on Bengal. After all if you make it look like Baba the Sadguru only spoke about Bengal - and ignored all other samajas - then Bengal stands in the spotlight all by itself.
Note: A reference to the "Raghunath Book" - which is really Baba's book - is listed in a note at the bottom of this letter.
Here the whole idea is that one group leader wanted to make it look like Baba gave utmost importance to Bengal, as if Bengal is the topmost and all others are second rate.
Yet we all know, the spirit of Baba's teachings and Baba's practical approach is completely universal in all respects.
Whatever samajas Baba visited and even those places He did not physically attend to, always Baba recognised the value of and encouraged the development of all samajas. Toward this end He regularly gave dictations about the plans and programs to execute in the various samajas of the world. And Proutists from all over the globe personally noted down and received these guidelines directly from Baba Himself. Indeed Baba gave tremendous import to all samajas.
Those aware know that Baba's Proutistic teachings are related with so many aspects of the development of the numerous samajas of this earth. He addressed topics such as agriculture, industry, irrigation, trade, culture, history, dance, archeology, music and so much more. Baba spoke in great detail about a wide and diverse collection of samajas. He personally designated large amounts of time for this.
Tragically, one group made sure that Baba's important guidelines about other samajas did not get place in the Prout Nutshell series. They made sure that only the Bengali samaj was given the spotlight in the Prout books.
Because as well all know, the first edition of Prout Nutshell parts 19 and 20 were printed after 1990. Thus those group leaders at the helm selectively chose - according to their own agenda - which discourses to place in those Prout books. It was a case of clear-cut manipulation. The proof being that there are 241 samajas on this earth. Baba gave equal importance to all. Yet 87% (13 of 15) of the samaj discourses in PNS 19 & 20 deal with only 1 single samaj: A'mara' Bengali.
This was done in such a way that in the future if anyone reads Prout, then they will conclude that Baba only cared about Bengal.
In this harsh atmosphere, along with B group's deep seated desire to impose their Bengali Raj, they made sure that only Baba's teachings related with Bengali areas got the upper hand. Only their own samaj discourses were highlighted in the Prout Nutshell books. And Baba's talks about other samajas did not get the place-- they were neglected and rejected outright.
Because if you look at the Prout 19 and 20 then you will find 13 separate discourses / chapters which are exclusively related with the Bengali samaj. While Baba's divine discourses about the samajas of South India, North India, and Western India - not to mention all the other parts of the globe - were essentially discarded from these Prout books.
But Baba has given similar guidelines to all those samaj leaders from other parts of the globe. Indeed Baba used to call them from far just to give special guidance about their samaj. Yet due to B group's interference, only the Bengali samaj plans, programs, and guidelines given by Baba have been published in Prout 19 and 20.
Why were Mara'thi samaj, Tamil samajam, Kannada samajam, Chhattisgarhii samaj, Dogari samaj, Nagpuria samaj, Maharlika samaj, Mauri samaj, and all those several dozens of samajas discarded from the Prout books? I think now the answer is becoming clear. Why were 87% (13 of 15) of the samaj discourses in Prout Nutshell 19 & 20 only about Bengal? I think now the answer is becoming clear.
Everyone knows that Baba's guidelines for these aforesaid samajas were given, but they were never allowed to have a place in the Prout books. Only Bangalistan got the place.
The reason being that those days in 1991-92, B group was controlling everything and they wanted to create an inferiority complex in the minds of margii members of other samajas. By this way they could keep ruling and put their samaj on top. So they deftly created the false impression that Baba has given special preference to Bengalistan by only including the Bangal samaj discourses in the Prout series. Sarvatmananda thought by this way he could best continue his group supremacy.
But the fact is that Baba guided equally to all the samajas.
Clearly then this is one type of deliberate distortion to Baba's Prout teachings. It is nothing but a black stain that only discourses related with the area and planning of Bengal were placed in Prout 19 & 20.
Till today B group does not have an iota of repentance for what they have done. They distorted the Bhukti Pradhan manual, wiped out margii rights, ruined the ACB system, invented expulsion as a weapon, gave birth to Fake Ananda Vaniis, implemented mahaprayan dogma, created religious tiirthas (holy land dogma) and so much more.
And they have imposed their dogmatic vision of Bangalisation unto Baba's Prout books. But even then that is not the totality of their ill deeds.
Here is another pertinent example how B group has altered Baba's books and manipulated His discourses on samaj.
A case in point: In the Proutist Economics book a total of 104 pages got dedicated for the Bengali samaj, and only 18 pages were allotted for all the five (5) samajas of Bihar. And Baba's talks on innumerable other samajas were discarded entirely. By this manipulation, so many of Baba's teachings related with the development of samaj did not get place in Prout.
Thus the distortion done to Proutist Economics is a carbon copy of the distortion done to Prout in a Nutshell parts 19 & 20.
Here the point is that wherever they got the chance to distort Baba's Prout teachings in the favor of their Bangalisation dogma, they seized the opportunity. In particular, those Prout books first printed after 1990 were wickedly distorted.
All this gives proof that since long B group has been strategizing and executing their plans of group dominance wherever and whenever they got the opportunity. Theirs is a long term plan not only to rule the Marga but to permanently scar and litter Baba's divine teachings with their various dogmas like Bangalisation and related distortions.
Indeed their plan was so deep-rooted that even after their fall from power, many of their distortions and dogmas still stand: Destruction of BP Manual, Bangalisation of Baba's Discourses, Fake Ananda Vaniis, Expulsion as a weapon, Mahaprayan dogma etc. The list is quite long.
In contrast, the other groups just wanted power - and that washes away relatively easily. When those group leaders reform themselves or pass on, then their lust for power is gone from this earth.
But from day 1 this has not been the case with those Bengali leaders. From the outset they had a deep-seated plan to permanently infuse all kinds of dogmas into AM society and Baba's books. They actually wanted to change Baba's teachings - permanently. As bad as the other groups are - no other group did like this.
Indeed it was only B group that brought this whole other agenda to the table. Only they planned on permanently deleting, manipulating, and distorting Baba's divine AM ideology. What dogmas they implemented in a few short years of their reign may take generations to remove. This is a big, big problem. No other faction did like this. Only B group led by Sarvatmananda imposed such dogmas and distortions.
Still today we are dealing with the mess they created - and tomorrow we will be as well. Because with a few short brush strokes Sarvatmananda and Co permanently changed so many of Baba's divine teachings:
1. Fake Ananda Vaniis, 2. Fake BP Manual, 3. Dogma of Mahaprayan insertion into appendix of Caryacarya, 4. "Translated from Original Bengali" into countless books, 5. Expulsion as a weapon, 6. Ruination of Prabhat Samgiita via filmy cassettes, 7. Tiljala as a Tiirtha site, 8. Destruction of the ACB system, 9. Wrong system of translation, 10, Bangalisation, 11. Elimination of Margii rights and so many more systematic and permanent wrongs.
This is the great gift that B group has bestowed on our AM society: The gift of dogma and ruination of Baba's teachings.
So the main idea we must convey is that all Baba's Prout books should reflect His universal love for all peoples in all places and all samajas. To promote the dogma that He was partial to Bengal is to undermine Guru's standing.
Together, with a rational mind, we must decide how Baba's Prout books should be reformulated. It cannot be that PNS 19 & 20 contain 13 discourses on Bengal. Nor do I suggest that all the A'mara' Bengali discourses be removed and replaced by discourses on other samajas.
As His disciples we must find the right balance and method for printing Baba's Prout discourses to ensure that they reflect the spirit and totality of His universal teachings for humanity. And all those devoted margiis who took notes from Baba's various samaj meetings must come forward with those writings. Already many samaj leaders are involved in this great work and more should participate. This is the way to safeguard Baba's teachings and demonstrate that He has given discourses and guidelines on all the samajas.
At the cost of the sanctity of Baba's treatises on Prout and the welfare of our Marga the crimes committed by B group must not be allowed to continue. The day has come for all margiis to come forward waving the banner of neo-humanism, doing away with narrow-minded, groupist traditions.
Baba says, "You must awaken those who do not realise the facts, and make them aware. Let the ideals of neo-humanism reach their ears, and be implanted in the core of their hearts. With their liberated intellects they will throw all their illusions into the dustbin." (NH-LOI)
These are the thirteen (13) discourses in Prout Nutshell 19 & 20:
East Wet Theory
Economic Exploitation of Bengal
Talks on Bengal – Section A
Talks on Bengal – Section B
Talks on Bengal – Section C
Talks on Bengal – Section D
Talks on Bengal – Section E
Prout Nutshell 20
Economic Self-Sufficiency for Bengal
Northeastern India
South Bengal
Contai Basin Planning
The reality of course is that Baba is Parama Purusa incarnate. He cares for and loves all equally. He has equal regard for every samaj. This spirit must be reflected in Baba's Prout books. To highlight only one samaj is a grave injustice against Guru; it is a crime and a sin.
As His disciples we must ensure that Baba's books fully reflect His teachings. So we have to sit collectively and think how our books on Prout should be formulated. Not all the Bengal discourses need be removed, nor do all the hundreds of other discourses about various other samajas be placed in the Prout Nutshell series. But whatever we choose to do, it must reflect Baba's universal care for the entire humanity.
And side by side, naturally all of Baba's samaj discourses and notes will have to be printed in some form. But the way things are right now is not at all good.
This letter details how they printed Baba's discourses and talks in Raghunathji's name because those discourses were about other samajas, not A'mara' Bengali. To minimize the importance of those talks and the respective samajas, they put them in the name of a disciple. And when Baba spoke about Bengal then it was printed for all to see in Baba's name.
Allopathic Medicines Not Good
Baba says, "When people take allopathic medicine to cure a disease, the medicine disturbs the ecological balance of the body because more negative microvita get concentrated at the point of the disease. Allopathic medicines do not kill diseases -- diseases die by their own natural death. Although the medicine may check the disease, the increased concentration of negative microvita can overcome the effect of the medicine. In fact, the increased concentration of negative microvita caused by allopathic medicines creates many new types of diseases, and due to this, two or three new diseases are presently being created every decade. So what is the solution to this problem? Our approach should be two fold -- external and internal. Externally we should take medicines to check diseases, but internally we should perform spiritual practice." (MVNS, p.136)