Subject: Revolutionary Angle of Vision
Date: Wed 27 Jun 2012 21:39:02 -0000
"Jhar'er ra'te a'ndha'rete kendechilum van-ma'jhe..." (P.S. 3199)
Baba, on that very dark night when a big hurricane & thunderstorm was raging, I was crying alone in the deep forest. Nobody was there to understand the tale of my suffering. Nobody was close to me. Certainly You were there along with me, but due to my narrow outlook I could not feel Your presence.
In the height of that wild storm big branches were breaking off from the trees and crashing down on the ground. And all those tender buds and
beautiful flowers were also completely blown off from the limbs of the trees; those buds and flowers were crying bitterly. That very dark, horrendous night was so disastrous.
Baba, O' Parama Purusa, in the madhuvan [1] of my mind when that hurricane finished, then a sweet, soft, breeze started blowing by Your grace; and I began to feel Your divine, blissful vibration. And ultimately by Your great compassion that deadly night of the cimmerian darkness has passed away entirely; it is completely gone. Baba, You are the Saviour of all, the Benevolent Entity, the dearest one of my heart.
Baba, my most dear One, please grace me by coming closer and closer with Your sweet, charming, & attractive smile...
[1] Madhuvan: Literally meaning "sweet forest"; But it refers to that remote, isolated, garden in the mind that is filled with spring blossoms, sweet
fragrance, aromatic flowers, and a gentle & fragrant breeze. It is that tranquil mental abode where nobody is present except the devotee and the
Lord. And there the bhakta and Parama Purusa sit together ensconced in that very divinely intoxicated atmosphere and they share the loving feeling of
their heart in a very close, intimate, and loving way.
Baba says, "The people who have committed some misdeeds driven by want (be that want of food or clothes or of physical or mental gratification) make society responsible for it. They want to convey to us that their want was created due to flaws in the social system, which is, however, substantially
true." (Human Society - 1, '87, p.77)
Here following are some observations about Baba's above teaching:
1. This tragic scene which Baba is describing is happening throughout the globe. In "third-world" countries and in so-called advanced nations, often
the common mass is denied getting their basic necessities - in which case, with no other option, they are pressured into committing crimes.
2. In turn, the "powers-that-be" wrongly blame and convict that individual and label them as a thief or criminal.
3. However, in His dharmic & revolutionary approach, Baba views the situation completely differently. He holds the society at fault for putting its own citizens in such a dire position wherein they cannot even get their minimum requirements (food, clothing, shelter, education and medical care).
4. We should pay heed to Baba's guideline and also make it known that the real culprits are those who are hoarding all the material wealth and not
allowing general society members to get their basic needs met.
5. Parama Purusa has given an enormous amount of wealth for maintaining the human society; but, because of the terribly improper ways of distribution. drastic inequalities have emerged and so many problems have erupted around the globe.
6. Everyone should remember Prout's unique approach that 100% of the wealth belongs to Parama Purusa. He is the owner. It is everyone's birthright to utilise this wealth in a rational way, but He is the Creator and the Owner.
Baba says, "None of the movable or immovable property of this universe belongs to any particular individual; everything is the common patrimony of all, and the Father of all is Brahma. All living beings can enjoy their rightful share of this property, like members of a joint family in the Dáyabhága system. As members of a joint family, human beings should safeguard this common property in a befitting manner and utilize it properly. They should also make proper arrangements so that everyone can enjoy it with equal rights, ensuring that all have the minimum requirements of life to enable them to live in a healthy body with a sound mind." (Problems of the Day, Point #1)