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Why Should Any Sincere Devotee Sacrifice for Factional Cause?
Date: Sat, 25 Dec 2010 05:48:38 -0000
Subject: Why Should Any Sincere Devotee Sacrifice for Factional Cause?
"A'ka'shabhara' a'jake ta'ra'..." (P.S. 2523)
Baba, the sky of this amavasya night is filled with the stars. The sweet, nectar-like breeze is blowing mildly. The mind is floating in divine ecstasy from the known to the unknown world-- towards its final destination. Baba, ensconced in Your ideation, my mind is getting lost in Your divine bliss. Baba, the lily flower is constantly looking towards the sky; the aroma of flowers is emanating all around. They have forgotten themselves and lost their awareness about their own unit existence. They restlessly move in the attraction of one call. Baba in Your longing I am sitting alone, counting the stars. I understand that by Your grace I have lost myself in this beautiful atmosphere and the attraction of Your love. Baba, You are ever-gracious and You are always remaining by my side and guiding me. Baba, on this amavasya night my heart is yearning and longing for You. Please grace me by coming closer and still more close...
The aim of any ideological sadhaka is not to preach any sermon per se. All that they share in their letters are the teachings of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. And we are simply passing on His message to our Guru Bhra'ta's, i.e. disciples of Baba.
The present group fight in our Marga is not an ideological fight. Here ideological means Baba's divine teachings, not any group agenda. This fight is all about their own selfish group interest. Here following the is the logic and reasoning in support of this fact.
Since 1990, so many injustices have been done related with ideology, yet none of these following points are ever raised by these group leaders - i.e. H, B, or EC. Rather they are the perpetrators.
1. Destruction of BP rights and imposition of the Fake BP Manual;
2. Expulsion used as a weapon since 1995 when all groups were living under one roof;
3. Countless intentional scriptural distortions such as placing "Translated from the original Bengali" on the cover page of all AM books, even if those discourses were given in English or Hindi;
4. Elimination of the margii based ACB system: Advisory Committees & Boards;
5. Curtailment of margii rights;
6. Creation of dogmatic pilgrimages in Ananda Nagar, Kolkata, & Jamalpur, and many other places;
7. Issuing of Fake Ananda Vaniis;
8. Victimisation of countless innocent Ananda Margiis;
9. Bangalisation of AM teachings;
10. Ruination of Prabhat Samgiita by using filmy singers etc;
11. Not recognising Silent Action as a fundamental right;
12. Rejecting English and Hindi passages spoken by Baba and only translating the Bengali portions of Baba's holy DMC discourses which were given by Baba in three languages;
13. Treating Baba as a mortal being by using the shraddha mantra for Sadguru Baba and the imposition of dogmatic Mahaprayan;
14. Construction of dogmatic memorials to limit Baba to a particular land or place;
15. And so many more ideological wrongs.
Note: Please do write us if you wish more information on any of the above points.
Yet, no group ever raises any of these universal points related with AM teachings / ideology. They only raise their own selfish claims based on their group agenda for post and power.
So all this infighting is nothing but a factional power fight. In that case why should margiis quarrel, give their resources and time, and do & die in such a fight when it is all about selfishness and grabbing the post - and nothing else.
Regarding the above listed ideological points related with margii rights and scripture etc, neither the factions of Tiirthananda & EC, nor B faction, nor H (i.e. Ranchi faction) support these purely ideological issues. Never do they ever raise these items - they only raise points of personal lust for post and power.
Then why should any sincere devotee sacrifice themselves for this cause of infighting and group agenda. There is no ideology on either side. That is Baba's teaching.
In addition to the quote about the two Buddhist groups noted in the original letter on this topic (see note 1), kindly review this below teaching:
Baba says, "About thirty-five years ago [in 1936], a war was going on between two countries, the citizens of which have the same religion (Buddhist). When the soldiers went to war, their mothers used to pray to Lord Buddha to save the lives of their respective sons. What will Lord Buddha do? Save this man or that man? Both have the same “Is't'a,” but both parties have totally forgotten their ideology. If they were established in the ideology, they would not have gone to war." (SE)
The above teaching is a sound file (titled "Baba is on my side") of Baba's voice from Purnea DMC 1971 which is posted to the left side of the AM-GLOBAL blog,
With all due respect, when the mind is filled with emotion then rationality fades away. So when two people want to talk on substantial issues, they should not pre-judge anything. Keeping an open mind and using one's power of rationality is of utmost importance.
One other point of note: As Ananda Margiis we are neither Indian, nor American, nor Filipino, nor members of any other nationality or group. We are universalists. Our outlook should not be pro-Indian or pro-American etc. Only we should see the world through the eyes of our neo-humanistic ideology.
Indeed there is a time to fight:
Baba says, "Fight for your Ideology. Be one with your Ideology. Live for your Ideology. Die for your Ideology." (Ananda Vanii #14)
So we should fight for ideology. But when two or more groups are just involved in their own selfish infighting and rush for power, and when no group is willing to stand up for any true ideological issue, and when margiis are getting confused by groupist propaganda, then the main job at hand is to awaken others.
Baba NEVER says, "Fight for your group agenda. Be one with your group agenda. Live for your group agenda. Die for your group agenda."
Now please read the following quote. It is very clear. Baba has forewarned us not to fall in this very trap of infighting as occurred with those Buddhist monks 2500 years ago, but now some Dadas are committing this same blunder.
Baba says, "Great differences in opinion developed among the bhikkus (monks) some time after his death. Two groups of bhikkus emerged – Sthaviravádii, the southern school of Buddhist doctrine, and Mahásáḿghika (the northern school), which later on became known as “Hiinayána” and “Maháyána” respectively. But that was not the end of it. Innumerable branches and sub-branches emerged, countless philosophies of Sthaviraváda, Vijiṋánaváda, Shúnyaváda, Mahásukhaváda, and Atisukaváda. Each one of these groups became so engrossed in their own so-called ideologies, doctrines and subdoctrines that they did not have any time to do any constructive work." (AFPS-4)
In His above teaching Baba is describing how the Buddhist monks divided into factions and spent all their days in infighting. For this reason they could not do any real service to the society. That is very real history and therein lies Baba's distinct warning.
Tragically, nowadays in AM, all our top Dada have separated into various groups - B, H, EC etc - and they are consumed in battling one another for supremacy. That is the unfortunate scene that has developed in the Marga. A classic example of this is the legal battle going on in NY. The two groups involved are committing all their energy, time, and resourceds etc into this group conflict, and hence they are unable to serve the general society. Is it not a mirror image of what transpired long ago?
==> This above note is an excerpt from the posting, Baba's Forewarning On NY Court Case. To read that entire letter visit:
Religious Dogma and Females
Baba says, "In the past it was the practice in India that if a woman heard the recitation of the Vedas even by accident, molten lead was poured into her ears. This was done because if women were not suppressed they could not be easily exploited and ordered about to do menial work, like maid servants." (PNS-16)
Note: Religions have always suppressed and exploited various sections of society in order to impose their dogmatic ideas. Weaker, minority groups always suffered terribly at the hands of religion. And always it was always the all-powerful clergy who soaked up the benefits. That is, all the rules and regulations were bent in favour of the dominant class, i.e. the male clergy etc.
So since the birth of religion on this globe, various anti-social and harmful activities have been done in the name any particular religion. In that circumstance, in order to protect the downtrodden masses, the state or government has had to intercede and declare those religious decrees to be unlawful.
For instance, in the US, the state has stepped forward and opposed the false rule that black and whites should not marry. Yet for years and years the dominant white churches opposed these inter-racial marriages. But, in the due course of things, the US government has declared such inter-racial unions, i.e white-black marriages to be legal. Likewise in India the government has come forward to make ordinances against the Hindu tradition that the wife must burn herself to death by throwing herself on the husband's funeral pyre. Now this dogmatic religious tradition is basically outlawed and not done anymore. Plus in the US, the government has declared that polygamy is illegal-- a man can no longer keep multiple wives. So the Mormon religion and others like it in the US can no longer impose rule that a man can have as many wives as he likes.
In all these circumstances when religion has imposed hateful and harmful rules against the weaker sections of society, at some point the government was forced to take a stand against those religious dogmas by declaring them illegal. This we have witnessed in nearly every country around the globe.
So today when the various Muslim communities impose the idea that women must wear a veil in public, then soon we are going to see this reversed by various governments. And in some places this has already begun.
Especially so because, at present, radical Muslims use the veil as a way to hide the face of their terrorist attackers. In that case, it is the duty of the government to intercede and declare such veils as illegal. Because in the present moment, in the name of wearing a veil, both male and female Muslim terrorist bombers sneak into public places to carry out their attacks. Because in many countries, male policeman are prohibited to ask females to lift their veil. Then that veil becomes a special tactic of Muslim religious radicals to sneak their attackers-- either male or female-- into public events and carry out their destructive plans. Because anyone can hide behind that veil and go where they like. All because of their dogmatic religious rule that females must cover their face with a veil in public.
Given this, states and governments have no other recourse than to outlaw the dogmatic provision that females must always move in public wearing a veil. And soon we will see this law come into effect pervasively. Because at present, dogmatic Muslim leaders are imposing this illogical rule on females and side by side using this as a means to carry out their heinous activities.
Subject: Why Should Any Sincere Devotee Sacrifice for Factional Cause?
"A'ka'shabhara' a'jake ta'ra'..." (P.S. 2523)
Baba, the sky of this amavasya night is filled with the stars. The sweet, nectar-like breeze is blowing mildly. The mind is floating in divine ecstasy from the known to the unknown world-- towards its final destination. Baba, ensconced in Your ideation, my mind is getting lost in Your divine bliss. Baba, the lily flower is constantly looking towards the sky; the aroma of flowers is emanating all around. They have forgotten themselves and lost their awareness about their own unit existence. They restlessly move in the attraction of one call. Baba in Your longing I am sitting alone, counting the stars. I understand that by Your grace I have lost myself in this beautiful atmosphere and the attraction of Your love. Baba, You are ever-gracious and You are always remaining by my side and guiding me. Baba, on this amavasya night my heart is yearning and longing for You. Please grace me by coming closer and still more close...
The aim of any ideological sadhaka is not to preach any sermon per se. All that they share in their letters are the teachings of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. And we are simply passing on His message to our Guru Bhra'ta's, i.e. disciples of Baba.
The present group fight in our Marga is not an ideological fight. Here ideological means Baba's divine teachings, not any group agenda. This fight is all about their own selfish group interest. Here following the is the logic and reasoning in support of this fact.
Since 1990, so many injustices have been done related with ideology, yet none of these following points are ever raised by these group leaders - i.e. H, B, or EC. Rather they are the perpetrators.
1. Destruction of BP rights and imposition of the Fake BP Manual;
2. Expulsion used as a weapon since 1995 when all groups were living under one roof;
3. Countless intentional scriptural distortions such as placing "Translated from the original Bengali" on the cover page of all AM books, even if those discourses were given in English or Hindi;
4. Elimination of the margii based ACB system: Advisory Committees & Boards;
5. Curtailment of margii rights;
6. Creation of dogmatic pilgrimages in Ananda Nagar, Kolkata, & Jamalpur, and many other places;
7. Issuing of Fake Ananda Vaniis;
8. Victimisation of countless innocent Ananda Margiis;
9. Bangalisation of AM teachings;
10. Ruination of Prabhat Samgiita by using filmy singers etc;
11. Not recognising Silent Action as a fundamental right;
12. Rejecting English and Hindi passages spoken by Baba and only translating the Bengali portions of Baba's holy DMC discourses which were given by Baba in three languages;
13. Treating Baba as a mortal being by using the shraddha mantra for Sadguru Baba and the imposition of dogmatic Mahaprayan;
14. Construction of dogmatic memorials to limit Baba to a particular land or place;
15. And so many more ideological wrongs.
Note: Please do write us if you wish more information on any of the above points.
Yet, no group ever raises any of these universal points related with AM teachings / ideology. They only raise their own selfish claims based on their group agenda for post and power.
So all this infighting is nothing but a factional power fight. In that case why should margiis quarrel, give their resources and time, and do & die in such a fight when it is all about selfishness and grabbing the post - and nothing else.
Regarding the above listed ideological points related with margii rights and scripture etc, neither the factions of Tiirthananda & EC, nor B faction, nor H (i.e. Ranchi faction) support these purely ideological issues. Never do they ever raise these items - they only raise points of personal lust for post and power.
Then why should any sincere devotee sacrifice themselves for this cause of infighting and group agenda. There is no ideology on either side. That is Baba's teaching.
In addition to the quote about the two Buddhist groups noted in the original letter on this topic (see note 1), kindly review this below teaching:
Baba says, "About thirty-five years ago [in 1936], a war was going on between two countries, the citizens of which have the same religion (Buddhist). When the soldiers went to war, their mothers used to pray to Lord Buddha to save the lives of their respective sons. What will Lord Buddha do? Save this man or that man? Both have the same “Is't'a,” but both parties have totally forgotten their ideology. If they were established in the ideology, they would not have gone to war." (SE)
The above teaching is a sound file (titled "Baba is on my side") of Baba's voice from Purnea DMC 1971 which is posted to the left side of the AM-GLOBAL blog,
With all due respect, when the mind is filled with emotion then rationality fades away. So when two people want to talk on substantial issues, they should not pre-judge anything. Keeping an open mind and using one's power of rationality is of utmost importance.
One other point of note: As Ananda Margiis we are neither Indian, nor American, nor Filipino, nor members of any other nationality or group. We are universalists. Our outlook should not be pro-Indian or pro-American etc. Only we should see the world through the eyes of our neo-humanistic ideology.
Indeed there is a time to fight:
Baba says, "Fight for your Ideology. Be one with your Ideology. Live for your Ideology. Die for your Ideology." (Ananda Vanii #14)
So we should fight for ideology. But when two or more groups are just involved in their own selfish infighting and rush for power, and when no group is willing to stand up for any true ideological issue, and when margiis are getting confused by groupist propaganda, then the main job at hand is to awaken others.
Baba NEVER says, "Fight for your group agenda. Be one with your group agenda. Live for your group agenda. Die for your group agenda."
Now please read the following quote. It is very clear. Baba has forewarned us not to fall in this very trap of infighting as occurred with those Buddhist monks 2500 years ago, but now some Dadas are committing this same blunder.
Baba says, "Great differences in opinion developed among the bhikkus (monks) some time after his death. Two groups of bhikkus emerged – Sthaviravádii, the southern school of Buddhist doctrine, and Mahásáḿghika (the northern school), which later on became known as “Hiinayána” and “Maháyána” respectively. But that was not the end of it. Innumerable branches and sub-branches emerged, countless philosophies of Sthaviraváda, Vijiṋánaváda, Shúnyaváda, Mahásukhaváda, and Atisukaváda. Each one of these groups became so engrossed in their own so-called ideologies, doctrines and subdoctrines that they did not have any time to do any constructive work." (AFPS-4)
In His above teaching Baba is describing how the Buddhist monks divided into factions and spent all their days in infighting. For this reason they could not do any real service to the society. That is very real history and therein lies Baba's distinct warning.
Tragically, nowadays in AM, all our top Dada have separated into various groups - B, H, EC etc - and they are consumed in battling one another for supremacy. That is the unfortunate scene that has developed in the Marga. A classic example of this is the legal battle going on in NY. The two groups involved are committing all their energy, time, and resourceds etc into this group conflict, and hence they are unable to serve the general society. Is it not a mirror image of what transpired long ago?
==> This above note is an excerpt from the posting, Baba's Forewarning On NY Court Case. To read that entire letter visit:
Religious Dogma and Females
Baba says, "In the past it was the practice in India that if a woman heard the recitation of the Vedas even by accident, molten lead was poured into her ears. This was done because if women were not suppressed they could not be easily exploited and ordered about to do menial work, like maid servants." (PNS-16)
Note: Religions have always suppressed and exploited various sections of society in order to impose their dogmatic ideas. Weaker, minority groups always suffered terribly at the hands of religion. And always it was always the all-powerful clergy who soaked up the benefits. That is, all the rules and regulations were bent in favour of the dominant class, i.e. the male clergy etc.
So since the birth of religion on this globe, various anti-social and harmful activities have been done in the name any particular religion. In that circumstance, in order to protect the downtrodden masses, the state or government has had to intercede and declare those religious decrees to be unlawful.
For instance, in the US, the state has stepped forward and opposed the false rule that black and whites should not marry. Yet for years and years the dominant white churches opposed these inter-racial marriages. But, in the due course of things, the US government has declared such inter-racial unions, i.e white-black marriages to be legal. Likewise in India the government has come forward to make ordinances against the Hindu tradition that the wife must burn herself to death by throwing herself on the husband's funeral pyre. Now this dogmatic religious tradition is basically outlawed and not done anymore. Plus in the US, the government has declared that polygamy is illegal-- a man can no longer keep multiple wives. So the Mormon religion and others like it in the US can no longer impose rule that a man can have as many wives as he likes.
In all these circumstances when religion has imposed hateful and harmful rules against the weaker sections of society, at some point the government was forced to take a stand against those religious dogmas by declaring them illegal. This we have witnessed in nearly every country around the globe.
So today when the various Muslim communities impose the idea that women must wear a veil in public, then soon we are going to see this reversed by various governments. And in some places this has already begun.
Especially so because, at present, radical Muslims use the veil as a way to hide the face of their terrorist attackers. In that case, it is the duty of the government to intercede and declare such veils as illegal. Because in the present moment, in the name of wearing a veil, both male and female Muslim terrorist bombers sneak into public places to carry out their attacks. Because in many countries, male policeman are prohibited to ask females to lift their veil. Then that veil becomes a special tactic of Muslim religious radicals to sneak their attackers-- either male or female-- into public events and carry out their destructive plans. Because anyone can hide behind that veil and go where they like. All because of their dogmatic religious rule that females must cover their face with a veil in public.
Given this, states and governments have no other recourse than to outlaw the dogmatic provision that females must always move in public wearing a veil. And soon we will see this law come into effect pervasively. Because at present, dogmatic Muslim leaders are imposing this illogical rule on females and side by side using this as a means to carry out their heinous activities.
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