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Why Unity Fails
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O' my eternal Bandhu [1], by coming close, break my slumber. If I am intoxicated in crude, mundane thoughts, arouse me.
By coming close please break my slumber, O' my eternal Bandhu.
Baba, nothing is unknown to You. You are ever-present in each and every pore. If ever I am oblivious of You, and get lost in this crude world, please pull me back onto the path of dharma.
By coming close, please break my slumber, O' my eternal Bandhu.
Baba, in this beginningless and endless divine liila, searching for You becomes hard and painful. The illusion created by maya obscures the vision. Please light the lamp.
By coming close please break my slumber, O' my eternal Bandhu, arouse me and bring me at Your lotus feet... NOTE FOR PRABHAT SAMGIITA #3002: [1] Usually people think that the term 'Bandhu' means 'friend', but in our AM devotional life the term Bandhus means something much more. Baba says, "'Bandhu' means 'those within the bondage of love'. That is when one can not tolerate the idea of separation it is called 'Bandhu'. Now you see in this world have you got any Bandhu? No. Even your friend, your best friend-- he also did not come at the same time as you and after leaving the cremation ground, there is permanent separation. He will be with you up to the cremation ground. After your cremation he won't be with you. So he is not Bandhu-- he is not friend for he can tolerate the idea of separation." "So who is the real friend? Parama Purusa. When you are in this physical framework-- in this quinquelemental framework, He is with you, with your body, with your mind and with your spirit. After death, He will be with your mind, with your soul. When the body will be lost, the body will become one with the earth but mind and spirit will remain, He will be with you. So He is the real friend, He is the real Bandhu. And there cannot be any mundane friend, mundane Bandhu." (AV-12)Policy on Comments
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Baba nam kevalam