Subject: Re: Dada's Books: Are They Misleading #3
Date: Wed 24 Oct 2012 30:38:05 +0530
~ Part 3 ~
(Note: This is the third letter in this series, links to the two earlier letters on this thread are appended below. -Eds)
"The thing is when PA Dada Keshavanandji misunderstood Baba's reaction of the Yamara'j story then such a mistake can happen to anyone. After all, PA is around Baba 24hrs per day - 7 days a week - so naturally PA will develop a strong understanding of Baba's way of communication. Even then PA himself is susceptible to not properly understanding Baba. And that is proven by Keshavanandji's wrong manner of interpreting Baba's reaction to the Yamara'j story."
It was quite remarkable and eye-opening to see just how "off" Dada Keshavananda was with his explanation. I have always had great respect for Dadaji - and I still do - as he served so faithfully as PA. I remember those years well. To see that Keshavanandji can badly misunderstand Baba's expression just shows that this could (and does) happen to anyone.
What Baba has told on the public platform and in His discourses is the word of dharma. When others tells us "this" or "that" about their personal experiences with Baba then we have to think in multiple directions how far this is correct or not.
Individual people have their own limited way of understanding and interpreting things. So we cannot always depend on their individual reports as being accurate, perfect, & dharmic.
We can only accept those accounts which are consistent with His divine discourses - i.e. which follow the code of rationality etc. Otherwise, without that, we cannot accept any single individual's report or interpretation as being Baba's actual guideline for the humanity.
At a minimum, we should always evaluate how far any Baba story or account is wholly consistent with Ananda Marga ideology. We should keep this in mind when reading any book written by a Dada. All too often their books are off the mark. This has been and continues to be a problem. Dada Keshavananda's book is a clear-cut example. Please watch for further letters in this series about books by other Dadas that strayed from the path.
Dada Keshavananda's book is not an isolated case. So many books written by Dadas veer off in the wrong direction. If you want to get the right guideline, read Baba's books.
Satiish Deva
After reading this account of how Keshavanandji misunderstood Baba, a related point comes to mind: The bogus "merge in mission" quote. That so-called quote is against ideology and against Ista. Baba surely never spoke such words. Only a few innocent margiis misunderstood what Baba spoke when they visited Him in jail, and then that got printed in an unauthorised publication.
Remember, understanding Guru's expression is not always easy. Plus when visiting Baba in jail then He often remained silent and only wrote a few words on his small piece of slate / chalkboard. This was because speaking took a lot of energy and He was weak from fasting. When He did speak, then it was done in a low voice as the the security guard was always close by when Baba spoke with visitors. Not to mention that no pens, paper, or recording devices were allowed to be used when sadhakas visited Baba. So they were forced to try and remember what Baba conveyed. And nobody can remember a spoken idea or paragraph with word-for-word accuracy.
All this goes to show that the bogus "merge in mission" quote really is bogus. There is no rational or logical grounds for its existence other than people misunderstood what Baba wished to convey. As Keshavanandji did not understand, in a similar manner these margiis also lost the point. They could not understand what Baba told and instead they wrote something else.
First they mis-recalled what Baba spoke and the proof is that the bogus quote goes against Ananda Marga ideals, and then they tried to publish that quote in Baba's name. Hence two wrongs were committed.
Finally, what a sadhaka remembers about their meeting with Baba is exactly that: Their personal account. What they recall from their meeting with Baba should not be quoted and then added to the shastra of Ananda Marga. That is not the way. What they remember is simply their memoir of their time with Baba. It cannot be reclassified and published in Baba's name.
For those not aware, here are the two versions of the bogus quote:
(1) Here is the quote as it appears in the unofficial book - Supreme Expression I - which was published by an outside group / agency:
"If you want to see Me, do my Mission because I am merged with my Mission. I am not this physical body, this physical body is not me. I am in your hearts and you are in mine. Only devotion can demand my physical presence." (Supreme Expression I, p. 57 (1978)
(2) Next is the version of the bogus quote concocted by Ac. Sarvatmanandji & other Dadas in Oct 1990:
"I am not this physical body, this physical body is not me. If you want to know me, work for my mission, because I have merged myself with my mission."
Here is a link to the most recent letter of the bogus quote series and within that are links to all prior letters about the so-called merge-in-mission quote.
Important Point: Some margiis are using part of this bogus quote to convince others on their own point. Such margiis think that this section proper and correct, but it is not fine. Because when the whole quote is bogus then any part of that quote is also bogus, i.e. not Baba's real quote. It is just like when one bucket is filled completely with cow dung, then any part of that bucket is also cow dung, not nectar. That is why this part "I am not this physical body, this physical body is not me" is also bogus
Here are the two earlier letters about Dada Keshavanandji's misunderstanding of the god of death story.
"A'jake sa'njhe madhur sa'jhe ke else go, ke ele..." (P.S. 5006)
In this sweet and intoxicated evening, Who has come, Who has come? Who is that Entity Who has created this new wave in everyone's life and in everyone's heart. Those who are sitting with their doors and windows closed, please come out and forget about the differences of own and other. That divine Entity Who is always sitting in the mind, He has come in front of us. We should enjoy His august arrival all together...