Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 21:44:12
Subject: Highly Refined Language
"Toma'ri katha' bheve ma'rmika anubhave..." (P.S. 3006)
O' Baba, by thinking of You with all the feelings of my heart, my ba'ndha-bha'unga' mana [1] is ensconced in bliss and floats towards infinity. O' Lord of the divine and mortal worlds, the Soul of the soulless, even a wee-bit of Your great love is enough to fill my heart with spiritual bliss and give me goose bumps, horripilation, throughout my being. Baba, is it You who brings that devotional surge within me.
Baba, O' Divine Entity, thinking about You, my mind is ensconced in bliss.
Baba, You are incomparable in rhythm and most pleasant in aroma. You have no comparison. In all vibrations, in the quintessence, deep down, You are the Dearest One to all; You are the nucleus of all the vibrations. In the garland You are the flower. In the necklace You are the jewel. In everything You are the best. Remaining in viitara'ga [2], You smile with the beauty of divine love like flowers.
Baba, O' Divine Entity, thinking about You, my mind is ensconced in bliss.
Baba, in the severe heat, You are those first, cool showers that bring relief and respite. In the space between the monsoon clouds, You are the effulgent pole star. In the darkness, You are the beauty of the moon's enchantment. Under the hot sun, You are cool shade beneath the trees. In each and every circumstance, You are the Saviour. Baba, even staying afar, You stay in my mind’s divine haven.
Baba, O' Divine Entity, thinking about You, my mind is ensconced in bliss.
O' Parama Purusa, keep me eternally at Your lotus feet...
[1] Ba'ndha-bha'unga' mana: This is when the mind is overwhelmed with joy. Such as when one is extremely happy and bursts into tears or when one jumps for joy or exclaims or dances. In actuality though it is more than the joy experienced in worldly circumstances. It is that inexpressible bliss from the spiritual flow. It happens in the spiritual realm when one's mind is totally ensconced in His bliss and one starts crying uncontrollably. This is a state wherein one completely loses their composure.
[2] Viitara'ga: This is the state of being beyond any worldly attachment or attraction - i.e. perfect equanimity in all circumstances. One of the qualities of Parama Purus'a is vaera'gya. Baba has demonstrated this on countless occasions. Even when all kinds of serious and critical problems came in the organisation, then He remained totally unaffected, keeping perfect composure. For social reasons He may have showed sympathy or concern, but internally He was totally unaffected. Those bhaktas close to Baba understand this well.
For instance, before going to jail & whenever there was serious any catastrophe going on in organisational life, Baba had the divine ability to give discourses of eternal value. That can only happen when one's mind is in viitaraga.If anyone reads that discourse they will not get any hint about the extreme upheaval going on in the organisation. Such composure ise not possible by human beings. Being human means being affected by the bondaage of maya.
Whereas in viitraga the mind remains 100% unassailed by any negativity, and is just the embodiment of universal welfare. Viitara'ga does not mean that the Entity in viitara'ga is unpetrubed by the suffering and tears of human beings. Everyone knows that Parama Purusa loves and cares so much.
Baba says, "Pra'krta was the language of the common people. The scholars of those days used to neglect this language and compose their literature in Sanskrit. For this reason this highly refined language was called "Sanskrit" which implies that it was not the people's language; it was written by refining the people's language...When Krs'n'a would speak with Duryodhana he would use Sanskrit but when he spoke with the Pandavas he would speak in Shaorasenii Pra'krta because he had a close relationship with the five Pandavas." (Varna Vijiana, p.65)
In our Ananda Marga society, the Sanskrit language is part and parcel of our daily existence. Baba has infused the system where every initiated margii receives a Sanskrit name, most of the chants are in Sanskrit, many of His discourses are interwoven with Sanskrit shlokas, and the names of the various wings of our organisation are mostly in Sanskrit etc. In that way Sanskrit is part of the very pulsation of life in AM. Given this, we should understand why Baba has selected Sanskrit to have such a special place in our Marga. As Baba tells in the above quote the language is called Sankrit because it is highly refined. That is the meaning behind the name. And we can rationally conclude that Baba given this highly refined language a sacred spot in our Marga because it nicely reflects the subtle aspects of human existence and life divine.
The term 'Shaorsen' refers to an area outside Delhi near Mathura and the language from that area is known as 'Shaorasenii'. So the linguistic relationship between Sharosen and Shaorasenii is the same as that between Italy and Italian, Japan and Japanese, Russia and Russian, Bengal and Bengali, Bhojpur and Bhojpuri, Spain and Spanish. The first term refers to the place and that latter term refers to the language.
Jagadnath Deva