Subject: How to Remove Negative Thoughts in Sadhana + Story
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 21:49:53 +0530
Note: Be sure to read the special quote at the bottom of this posting. The headline is, "Look What Priests Did - Human Sacrifice." Just scroll down and you will see it.
By Baba's divine grace our AM system of sadhana is that most comprehensive and blessed path which leads each and every aspirant to the Goal. It brings one to that highest state of attainment and supreme fulfillment - receiving His eternal shelter at His lotus feet.
At the same time, we all know the theory that human life is that movement from imperfection to perfection - from animality to divinity. And in this grand endeavour, in this course of movement, in the practical sphere one is bound to encounter so many obstacles and difficulties.
That is why it is said that the life of a sadhaka is wrought with innumerable hindrances - both external and internal. Sometimes the challenges come from outside such as from an employer, one's parents, local dogmas, or religious exploiters etc. And other times the enemies come from within, from one's own mental arena. One may suffer from an inferiority complex, a fear complex, or countless other psychic defects.
Plus when the mind is in a lower state, it easily gets caught up in the net of allurements of those baser propensities. At the point the mind gets flooded by crude, instinctual desires and cannot concentrate on anything subtle. Then mind is not even interested in sadhana. Just it is rushing after carnal pleasures.
So any or all of these external bondages and internal hindrances - including one's baser propensities - may confront a sadhaka at any point in their journey. But by Baba's grace, through our devotional link with Him, He blesses us with the sustenance to march ahead.
Baba says, "...Obstacles are inevitable on the path of movement. In fact, in all actions, auspicious and inauspicious, obstacles arise, but the innate force lying in each thought and every action, from the cosmic perspective, provides the necessary stamina for forward movement. Let us not forget this fact." (A'nanda Va'nii #62)
The whole spirit and essence of tantra is the systematic fight against avidya maya and become one with Parama Purusa.
Because mahamaya - that creative principle - wants to keep living beings in her bondage. She does not want anyone to progress and escape from her grasp. She wants to dominate and rule over human beings for ever and ever. That is her dream-- her desire.
Naturally then she does NOT want sadhakas to advance such that they can become mayadhiish - the controller of maya. Rather mahamaya wants to lord over sadhakas. So she continually binds them in her vast array of internal and external obstacles.
Due to the dark force of avidya maya, so many negative, degenerating, and sinful thoughts arise in the mind of a sadhaka. Because maya wants to frustrate and discourage aspirants on their path of forward movement. She wants sadhakas to feel so burdened and encumbered by negative thoughts that they give up the idea of even doing sadhana.
That is why we see that so many people take initiation into AM but very few actually move ahead on the path of sadhana. Most leave quite quickly - never to be seen or heard from again. This is the common outcome which we have all witnessed innumerable times.
So avidya maya or mahamaya is that binding force that tries to hinder one's growth and development. Because she never wants anyone to escape from her grip.
And the perfect and indeed only way for completely freeing onself from the suffocating ways of avidya is to sincerely take up the practice of Tantra. Because it is only through the intutional practices of AM - by developing a link with Parama Purusa & thinking of Him-- and thereby getting His divine grace, that one can become liberated from all these worldly bondages.
As we all know in our tantric system of Ananda Marga sadhana, Baba has given various lessons. And that particular aspect of sadhana which comes under the practice of pratyhara and clears the mind of all encumberances is known as Guru Puja. This every Ananda Margii has experienced.
So by Baba's grace it is our practice of Guru Puja, or varnarghyadan - 'the offering of one's mental colours', that enables one to be cleansed from any impure or sinful thoughts.
Baba says, "...To dispel [the] clouds of ignorance and spiritual slumber. 'Tasmae Shrii Gurave Namah'-- to that Guru I offer my pranama." (Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, p.16)
But, as we have all seen, to gain success in this endeavour one cannot merely half-heartedly repeat Guru Puja in a mechanical way. That will not do. That will not work at all.
Rather just like in all our AM sadhana practices - whether that be first lesson or dhyana - when doing Guru Puja one must awaken their innate devotional faculty. One should feel that sweet, devotional yearning in their heart. And with that longing one should see our Sadguru sitting in front of them and think that in this vast universe they are helpless and only Parama Purusa can save them.
The aspirant must say: 'O Baba, You are my Guru and You see that I am helpless. I cannot move ahead. I want to reach to You but my mind is not allowing me to advance. I am sunk in sinful thoughts. I cannot repeat my mantra for even one second without my mind getting disturbed. Time passes in sadhana and my mind becomes only more and more burdened - suffering from the onslaughts of negative thoughts. O' Baba, I have no other way out, You are my Saviour and only You are my shelter. By Your grace I am surrendering everything unto You. Please be gracious.'
With this type of inner feeling and sincere desire - and by feeling helpless - one is sure to get His grace.
So surrender is needed in the practice of Guru Puja and for that one should cultivate the devotional feeling of helplessness in the heart. By that way one can fully rely on Him and develop more and more prapatti - complete dependence on Him.
In contrast, those who think that by their own effort they can shatter the bondage of maya will never get success. To overcome the grip of avidya maya one has to have the feeling of surrender and helplessness - one must take His shelter.
Baba says, "Now by individual effort it is very difficult to fight the overwhelming effect of maha'ma'ya'. The easiest way is to take shelter in the Supreme Purus'a. As ma'ya' is the faculty of Parama Purus'a, when one has taken shelter in Purus'a, naturally ma'ya' will surrender before him, and actually ma'ya' surrenders before him." (Subhasita Samgraha - 24, 'The Causal Matrix')
So by Baba's grace when one takes shelter in Him then they are able to surmount the negative effects of avidya maya.
Thus before, or after, or during sadhana - or whenever sinful thoughts enter the mind one should sincerely engage in the practice of Guru Puja and seek His divine grace. And by cultivating the feeling of helplessness one is sure to get His krpa' - divine grace. In which case one will easily be able to reach up to the Goal and become one with Him.
Here is Baba's special grace upon all aspirants for how to immediately overcome sinful thoughts in sadhana-- or anytime.
Baba says, "If those human beings who are getting degenerated remember Parama Purusa even once, for a moment, if they think that 'I belong to Parama Purusa, what am I doing, in which negative path am I treading, I am a human being, I am a devotee, I belong to Parama Purusa, I will remain His forever', if they think like this then their degeneration will stop immediately." (Bhagalpur, 3 Feb 87, General Darshan)
By Baba' grace each and every Ananda Margii will progress along the path of sadhana and reach that divine stance.
Baba says, "In the history of the world, you will see that against this type of spiritual aspirants who make spiritual progress with the grace of Parama Purus'a, all the degrading and degenerating forces will easily concede defeat. You too should keep moving forward, and you will also attain victory after victory -- there is no doubt about it. Therefore continue your efforts tirelessly, do your duty and you will surely be crowned with success." (Subhasita Samgraha - 18)
Girish Deva
In His role as Dharma Guru, Baba graciously guides us how to overcome negative ideas and advance along the path of Supreme Positivity.
Specifically in this below story from Shabda Cayanika, Baba Himself is blessing the aspirant by showing him how to rid the mind from sinful thoughts. In the described circumstance which the sadhaka is facing below, the 'dog' - or thinking about the dog - is representative of all sinful and undesirable thoughts.
The story begins here with the aspirant, Khagen, telling his problem to Baba.
"Yes," he said, sobbing. Then he cried out: "Forgive me. Help me to forget all these [negative] things."
"I also want that," I [Baba] replied. "Come on, let us return to town."
We continued walking side by side. I kept hold of his left elbow with my right hand and pulled him along in a fashion. Glancing behind, I noticed a point of light following us. Since I was looking at the point of light, Khagen also glanced in that direction. He shivered and said: "That dog, again that dog, again that dog is chasing me."
"Wipe that dog out of your mind," I said. "Repeat your Is't'a mantra."
"I am trying," he said. "But I am not able to."
"Think of Me for a little bit," I said. "Think that I am pulling you along by the hand. Then, while thinking of Me, fix your mind at your Is't'a cakra. Try it. Then you'll be able to do it." (Shabda Cayanika-2)
So by Baba's grace, by thinking of Him and surrendering to Him, we can certainly escape even the darkest and most sinful thoughts. By His grace those devilish and distorted ideas will completely vanish from the mind and with that pure mind one will reach that Supreme Stance at His alter.
Here Baba guides us how Parama Purusa is that Supreme Cosmic Entity who rules over the dark forces of maya. Thus one of His infinite attributions is Mahadhish-- the Lord of maya.
Baba says, "The Macrocosmic mind remains unassailed in all circumstances, for He is the only one, He is the Supreme Authority. The Entity who becomes active within His vast cosmic body, exerting a tremendous influence over the microcosms is Ma'ya', His immanent power. Brahma Himself does not do anything but remains unassailed as Ma'ya'dhiisha (Lord of Ma'ya')." (Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 7, 'All Shine With His Effulgence')
And by His grace, by doing sadhana and becoming one with Him, sadhakas can escape the sticky ways of maya also become mayadhiish. Sadhakas can become completely liberated & fully emancipated, and thus being relieved of the negative effects of maya, one can do great things on this earth by His grace.
Baba says, "When a person attains an exalted state of spirituality, they can bring welfare to millions of people, and they can do so due to the grace of Parama Purus'a." (Subhasita Samgraha - 18, p.14)
"Toma'ke ca'i a'mi jiivane, a'loke a'ndha're sabkha'ne..." (PS 3238)
Baba, You are my everything. In the effulgence as well as in the darkness, all the time, in all the places-- everywhere, in my life I only desire You. Baba, You have blessed me with the feeling that, "You are mine and mine alone." I want to keep You with me always. Baba, please be gracious and remain in my heart eternally.
Baba, I long for You in the depths of my heart. Baba, except You, I do not have any other desire. By Your grace You are my shelter & You are my base. Baba, You and I-- the two of us-- will remain in one corner of my deserted heart forever and ever. By Your grace, we will be there together, always. That is my longing; that is my desire.
Baba, You are with all; nobody is lowly or insignificant, everyone is Yours. We are all part of one divine family. Baba, to those who went away in the past and to those who will come in the future, I go on telling the tale of their heart: No one is downtrodden - all belong to You.
O' my dearmost Baba, Your qualities are endless and You have infinite forms. Baba, all the flora and fauna - all that is mobile and immobile - everything is Your divine expression. You are so gracious, You are manifesting Yourself in countless ways. Baba, whatever right or wrong I do, by Your grace I always keep You in my mind, in my heart. I always surrender unto You. Baba, in my shravana* and in my manana*, I go on singing Your song - Your glory. It is Your grace.
Baba, You are the Polestar of my life; You are my everything. Baba, please keep me under Your shelter...
*Manana & Shravana: Here Baba explains both the special meaning and intrinsic value of the devotional practices of manan and shravan.
Baba says, "To attain Him human beings have to take recourse to shravana (constantly hearing His name), manana (constantly ideating on Him) and nididya'sana (constantly meditating on Him). The Supreme Entity is Gurha, that is, He is lying hidden in the innermost recess of the human entity. To attain Him one must penetrate deep within oneself, and for that the development of an introversial outlook is essential." (Tattva Kaomudi-3)
Look What Priests Did - Human Sacrifice
Baba says, "Though it may be a bit irrelevant, I should still say that in the age of Vajraya'na the Buddhists used to sacrifice human beings in order to gain material boons from the deities. During the period of Vajraya'na in India, particularly in Bengal, thousands and thousands of innocent people were sacrificed in order to propitiate Vajrayoginii, Vajrata'ra', etc." (Namah Shiva Shantaya, Disc: 4)
Note: The Buddhists strayed far from Buddha's original teachings. Buddha himself was preaching the gospel of love and compassion and that maximum respect should be given to life. His slogan was, "live and let live." He opposed all kinds of sacrifices - including animal sacrifices, let alone human sacrifices. But over the course of time those Buddhist priests went directly against Buddha and issued edicts that humans should be sacrificed. In that way, Baba tells us that thousands and thousands of innocent people were killed.
We should keep the above in mind. Because now our Sadguru Baba has come and already so many Dadas are turning around Baba's teachings. They are distorting Baba's books, eradicating the BP system, and changing everything in order to grab the post and power.
Thus what happened with Buddhism in the past is happening today in our Marga. In AMPS, certain top Dadas are marching down this same road. If they keep going, it will not be long before innocent family margiis are burned and slaughtered for the sake of group fight. Neo-humanism will be finished. That is what happened with Buddhism.
Those who love Baba's teachings should stay focused and ensure that His teachings remain in pristine form and are followed. Parama Pita Baba Kii - Jai!!