From: "Naresh Mitter"
Subject: Baba Story: Brave Margii Fights For Ista
There are countless Baba stories related with Ista and Adarsha; here I am sharing one very devotional story about one sadhaka's non-compromising strictness and faith in the sanctity of Ista and adarsha.
One very senior margii, Shrii Bhagavanji, from Pathargama Village, Godda district (Bihar), was an LFT and working as an Ananda Marga schoolteacher.
This was the pre-emergency period: Baba was in jail, and many negative articles were printed in the newspaper against Ananda Marga. Not only that, anti-social elements were making jokes about and ridiculing Ananda Marga whenever they saw any of our respected avadhutas or Wt's in dress.
Sometimes, with their inimical outlook, crude people would try to intentionally taunt and harass margiis. Such callous people were thinking they also could take advantage of the situation and abuse Ananda Marga since the newspapers, government and CBI were already propagandising against AMPS.
Side by side, many good people in society were very sympathetic to our cause. They were notably impressed with Ananda Marga social service projects as well as with the honest and strict moral conduct of Ananda Margiis. So they felt a sense of kinship towards Ananda Marga. In their own quiet manner they were very supportive. Only on the public front, they were forced to be reserved because of the ghastly attitude those in power had towards Ananda Marga.
That was the climate those days. Now here is the real story.
The LFT teacher Bhagavanji arrived with an application to the food supply officer in order to pick-up the food quota (allotted amount) for the Ananda Marga children's home. When the corrupt officer saw the application from the children's home in-charge (Bhagavanji), then in a mocking manner the officer used abusive language towards Baba and Ananda Marga.
Actually, this official had a history of corrupt dealings, and Ananda Margiis had lodged complaints against him in the past. So this corrupt official harboured a lot of anger, resentment, and ill-will towards Ananda Margiis.
Note: Before continuing on with the story here I should say something so this story will be very clear. In Hindi the pronunciation of the terms 'Murgii', 'Murti', and 'Margii' are very similar. And the meaning of 'Murgii' is hen (female chicken).
Now the story continues:
So in taunting tone, the communist-minded officer said, "Oh, you are an Ananda Murgii, how is it you are outside the jail? How is it you did not get arrested? Where is your Guru AnandaMurgii."
Hearing this, the margii Bhagavanji's whole existence was burning. He became furious and one great, strong burst of energy came into his body.
Both parties were sitting face to face and in between them was one table.
Bhagavanji scanned around and saw a 1/2 lb, solid glass, paperweight. Without saying a word, within a fraction of a second Bhagavanji grabbed that glass paper weight and pounded it directly on the corrupt officer's face, in a strong way with full strength. The officer's nose and front teeth were totally smashed. Some of the teeth actually fell onto the ground.
Hearing the cry of the officer, other officials rushed to the scene. They were terrified by what they saw. They were horrified and stricken with fear. They froze and could not retaliate against Bhagavanji. In a roaring voice, the margii Bhagavanji threatened them: "If anybody utters one word against my Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, they will invite their death."
With fear nobody could utter any word. Those corrupt officers stood there frozen with fear and shock.
Later on a police complaint was made and Bhagavanji got arrested.
When news of this reached to Baba, He smiled and blessed Bhagavanji. Then those margiis understood that nothing bad was going to happen and they conveyed this to Bhagavanji.
So although Bhagavanji got arrested, he was very happy to have had opportunity to serve Baba in this way. And he was feeling very determined and optimistic that everything will be alright.
Sure enough, after 2 days, Bhagavanji was released from jail. There was never a court case against him. Actually, that corrupt officer was so terrified and worried that he requested a transfer and never brought the matter to court. Nor did he ever give testimony. As far as the legal system was concerned, the whole incident never happened.
Yet we know the sinner's face got smashed and deformed; and margii Bhagavanji got victory by Baba's grace. All the margiis who heard about this event got the lesson that where there is Ista there is victory. They understood that they should never tolerate any abuse to Ista and adarsha.
News of this event spread like wildfire throughout the entire district. Good people in society remained supportive of Ananda Marga and impressed with the conduct and service-minded approach of margiis and wts. Those people had a sympathetic view and watched for our well-being. There were many, many such supporters. It was only those anti-social elements who became alert upon hearing of this incident. They understood that on the point of Ista and adarsha, Ananda Margiis are very one-pointed and strict. Actually this helped Ananda Margiis immensely. Otherwise, surviving as an Ananda Margii those days was very difficult. The corrupt leaders of society and communist government officials were totally against Ananda Marga. The tendency was then for those negative officers to harass Ananda Margiis. But Bhagavanji's fierce approach put them on the alert: If they taunt Ananda Margiis, their face will be smashed.
On paper, the point of Ista may look small; but, in reality, it is a big, big point. Strictness and faith in Ista is the foundation for every Ananda Margii: Only then one will have the courage to march forward towards the Goal.
Dedication and surrender to Ista is the pre-requisite factor for progressing in spiritual realm. Those who lack this basic devotional feeling Ista cannot advance. Those who have embraced Ista with the inner core of their heart have verily taken the path of Ananda Marga as their way of life and Baba is their Goal. For such blessed sadhakas, success is sure.
Baba says, "Ista means Parama Purusa...Where there is dharma there is Ista; the two are inseparably connected, and thus those who follow dharma are sure to follow Ista also. Dharma cannot exist where there is no love for God." (Subhasita Samgraha - 12, p. 40)
In society there are all kinds of people. Sometimes innocent, naive, or confused persons may make a disparaging joke or even ridicule you. Then that is a different matter - because you can convince them and they will feel repentant for their words. It is just like if a child makes a joke about Ananda Marga, then that child can be easily taught. As workers and margiis, we do not take those incidents seriously. In stark contrast, in the above story, the margii was confronted by a deliberate sinner - a corrupt official with staunch hatred toward Ananda Marga. That officer was not a good man; he knowingly and intentionally abused Ista. There was zero scope to convince him of his wrongdoing / wickedness and bring him onto the right path. Again it should be understood: That officer was a deliberate sinner.That is why Bhagavanji took such a strong stand.
Certainly all in Ananda Marga are aware about these two following conduct rules:
"Non-compromising strictness and faith regarding the sanctity of Ista." (Sixteen Points, #10)
"You should always bear in mind that you should not try to convince by argument anyone who criticises your Is'ta (Goal), Adarsha (Ideology), Supreme Command or Conduct Rules. If this occurs you should adopt a hard and uncompromising attitude." (Caryacarya - 2, Sadhana, pt #21)
All Ananda Margiis are aware about these two teaching and these are the very backbone of our AM spiritual cult. Without the faith and love for God (Ista), sadhana is meaningless. It is just like trying to plant and grow seeds in the dry, hot desert sand.
Love for God is basic a quality of every sadhaka. It must be carefully preserved.
Baba says, "This element of devotion, the most precious treasure of humanity, must be preserved most carefully. Because it is such a tender inner asset, to preserve it from the onslaughts of materialism..." (Neo-Humanism: Liberation of Intellect, p. 3)
Every Ananda Margii carries this in their heart. They believe these above quoted teachings from Baba and they put these teachings into practice.
Baba, O' Parama Purusa, by Your grace my closeness with You is not only since the last few hundred or even few thousand years. Nor is it only since the last one or two epochs or ages. Baba, from before the beginning of time You have been along with me; by Your grace I have always been in Your shelter. Baba, I have been singing Your divine glory since eternity. It is Your grace.
Baba, by being ensconced in Your divine love, my heart became satiated and fulfilled. All my needs and longings have become completely quenched and satisfied. Baba, by constantly ideating on You - day and night, all the time-- by Your grace my mind may become one with You.
Baba, please be gracious and do not keep me distant. Always keep me close to Your lotus feet-- under Your shelter. Baba, please remain along with me constantly - all the 24 hrs. And please grace me and saturate my mind with Your divine nectar. Baba, make my life full by utilising me all the time in various deeds, in whatever way You like.
Baba, our intimacy and relation has been since eternity. By Your divine krpa', it will go on up to infinity. Baba, You are so gracious...