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In Him,


Deliberate Neglect by AM Publications



With so many things going on in the organisation, nowadays, more than ever, around the globe margiis and workers realise the need for the proper transcription, printing, and publishing of Baba’s discourses.

Everyone understands this is the urgent need of the day.

However, this task of redoing all the books is not so easy to execute. There are many angles & complexities to the issue; hence the matter can indeed seem quite arduous. The question then becomes: How to manage this mighty endeavour and where to begin.


First off, it needs to be decided which books are proper – i.e. authentic, and which ones need attention. Is it that each and every Ananda Marga book needs to be redone entirely; are all the printed discourses in terrible shape. Or is it that some published discourses are properly done. If so, then which ones. That is the first consideration.


Second, once it is decided which books need to be reprinted, then what will be our means for republishing the discourses. Shall we merely accept the current printed Bangla edition as the original and print all the discourses from the so-called original Bengali. Is that enough to settle the matter.

Unfortunately if we adopt this pathway, then we may face the crisis which has occurred in Ananda Vacanamrtam part 1, where all the printed discourses in AV-1 are missing 95% of Baba’s original words. Because those publishers only printed the few paragraphs which Baba spoke in English and they outrightly deleted scores and scores of paragraphs which Baba spoke in other languages, especially Hindi.

Here it should be noted that if Baba has spoken in Bangla on that occasion, they would have discarded the English and used only the Bangla, just like was done with Ananda Nagar discourses. In Ananda Nagar Baba spoke in 3 languages and only the Bangla portion was put in print.

But since those discourses from Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1 were mostly delivered in Patna, Baba spoke primarily in Hindi, and that they deleted. Certain "powers-that-be" do not like to recognise Hindi, and other languages. That is why all the discourses in AV-1 are so short and appear incomplete. Because the Hindi section was cut. Thus they verily are incomplete – miserably so.

And that is not just the case with AV-1, but with numerous titles and editions. The problem is rampant.

This then is the second consideration: Once we decide a book or set of discourses needs to be reprinted or republished, then what are we to use as the original material for republication.


There are other considerations as well such as who can and will do this work, and so many logistical matters as well. Nonetheless, these two aforementioned issues stand as the main areas which must be worked out: Parameters need to be established on these two points. Otherwise how is one to move ahead and get the desired result: A properly published discourse.



Although, there are many angles to the issue, there is one standard measuring rod for determining which Ananda Marga book is authentic. As we all know, some of Baba’s discourses were recorded live via audio cassette and some were given by dictation where margiis or Dadas noted down and wrote what Baba said.

For example, these books or series contain discourses that were recorded:

(1) Ananda Vacanamrtam: There are audio files for parts 1 thru 29; for parts 30 and 31 some discourses are on audio file and some not; part 33 has no audio files; part 34 does have audio file. In addition, there are so many discourses from this series That means there are many discourses that are not printed. that have yet to be printed.

(2) Subhasita Samgraha: There are not audio files for parts 1 thru 8; there are audio files for parts 9 thru 25.

(3) Prout Nutshell: There are no audio files for parts 1 thru 5; for parts 6 and above, there are audio files for only some of the discourses.

(4) Discourses on the Mahabharata: There are audio files for this entire book.

(5) Microvita Nutshell: Some of these discourses have audio files & some not.

(6) Liberation of Intellect - Neo-Humanism: Some of these discourses have audio files & some not.

(7) This is only a partial listing as there are many more books etc.

Then there were other books that were not recorded at all; these were given by dictation:

(1) Tattvika Praveshika,
(2) Ananda Sutram,
(3) Caryacarya (all parts),
(4) Namah Shivaya Shantaya (some chapters dictated),
(5) Shabda Cayanika,
(6) Varna Vijiana,
(7) Human Society (Parts 1 & 2),
(8) Strange Experiences, etc.

Thus some discourses were recorded and some were dictated and the books were formed accordingly.

So what to to do.

[A] Those discourses which were recorded need to be checked word for word with the original cassette or audio file to ensure that each and every word was properly transcribed, regardless of the language in which Baba spoke. Then if the discourse measures up – if it contains all that Baba spoke – then we can consider that discourse or book as being authentic.

[B] And those discourses which were dictated & noted down by pen, we must review them to ensure that every portion of the book is consistent with Ananda Marga ideology. If so, then we must accept that book as being authentic. We have no other recourse.

These then are are two basic parameters for determining authenticity of our Ananda Marga books.


Every dedicated Ananda Margii clearly understands why this work is so critically important - even then a few may wonder.

Essentially, if the teachings are unclear and imprecise, then it is sure that religion or community will become divided - into numerous factions or sects. Specifically, whenever any person interprets aspects of the scripture in their own way, then that group or religion is at high risk to undergo division. This is the long-standing historical precedent. Selfish-minded people will either interpret edicts for their own benefit, or they will unabashedly insert wrong ideas and points of contention. In either case, the body of scripture is now compromised, and further conflict is inevitable.

In contrast, if the teachings are pristine and exact, then there is no scope for reinterpretation or misinterpretation. In that case, there will be no grounds for division. One might break away for purely selfish reasons, but that can never be done based on ideological measures. So keeping Ananda Marga scripture in perfect condition will keep our Ananda Marga society unified and strong. That is why, our scripture should be perfect. What Guru says should be clearly documented.



The next matter of what medium to use as the original for those discourses that were recorded.

For those discourses that were recorded and wherein there are gaps and discrepancies between the original audio tape and the printed discourse, then obviously we must use the recorded audio as the original. To use anything else would be injustice and we would only be asking for trouble.


Right now, there are some who are relying on the Bangla text as the original for redoing various discourses, but when the Bengali books have omitted huge portions of what Baba originally spoke, then how can those books be depended upon for republishing His discourses.


Let us remember that our job is to print the discourses “as is” – what Baba spoke needs to be published, regardless of what language He used. In that case, the only viable option is to resort to the audio cassette as the medium for republishing those discourses.


And of course for those discourses that were not recorded and have no audio cassette, then we have to ensure those books are consistent with the teachings of AM ideology. Where any inconsistency appears, then a responsible committee should be in charge of informing all of the problem and marking a pathway for correcting the matter.

Keep in mind Baba Himself was checking and editing those older published books, so really most of them are just fine.

Books like Ananda Sutram, Ananda Marga: Elementary Philosophy etc, have been meticulously used by our Marga over the decades and they are basically approved by Guru Himself.

Only we have to ensure that no nonsense was placed into the Appendix by various Dadas such as when they added the gross dogma of mahaprayan to the appendix of Caryacarya - 1 etc. Other than that, in most cases, the original text in our older AM books is alright. Even then there should be a comprehensive review.


The final piece of the puzzle is how do we know there is an original cassette for those recorded discourses.

For example, let’s say we ask the folks in Tiljala and they say there is no cassette etc– when in fact we know the discourse was recorded. Then what are we to do.

Actually, already we know which cassettes exist. Because Baba’s demand was that all cassettes must be kept. He was adamant and forceful on this point. After each and every discourse, the cassette - recorded by PA - would go to the proper authority such as PRS Dada. And by that way the original casette was maintained. This was the working style.

Furthermore, since 1990, in their archive meetings, and when asking for money, and when reports come about which discourses have been put in digital format, and when announcements were made about this or that preservation project, then we have a concrete idea about which cassettes have been kept and preserved. Because, always the in-charges would give reports about what was done.

And not only that, so many margiis, Dadas, Didis, and LFTs who have worked in the Tiljala archive etc have talked about which discourses they were working on. So it is known those cassettes exist. Plus, in the Editor’s Note, of so many books, Publications personnel neatly describe which discourse has come from which cassette etc. By all these avenues and by all these accounts, we can easily determine how and where to get the original cassette to do this greatly needed work of checking and publishing Baba’s discourses “as is”.

Thus, although it is a complex issue, there is a definite and clear-cut pathway by which to move ahead.


"Everyone's work is to establish it with collective support. You people know that when clothes are woven white ants and mice try to eat them. So the cloth has to be saved from the destructive activities of white ants and mice. So whenever you make something, establish a protective fence to protect it from the evil forces. In days of old, when womenfolk used to prepare dried mango cakes, the young boys used to sit by the side to keep the crows away with a stick in the hand. Similarly you should be careful and alert always." (Discourses on Neo-Humansist Education - Gurukul: History and Planning)

   "The spiritual world is the source of all the actions of passion and dispassion in human life and is the life-giving current of all the codes of conduct of existence. Thus in the spiritual world, there should not be anything which will divert human beings from the path of synthesis to that of analysis, which will provoke divisive tendencies and restrict collective existence within narrow confines."
   "Nothing should ensnare people in the illusory net of pettiness in any sphere of life, from the general code of spiritual conduct to the universal and eternal principles of life – lest the voracious fangs of the all-consuming Máyá devour them. Thus the scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless, and the pioneering personality must be a strict and benevolent guardian with unyielding conviction."
   "Thus I repeat: Shásanát tárayet yastu sah shástrah parikiirttitah. There is the necessity of scripture in all the four vargas of human life."
   "The scripture which is required in the spiritual field is called dharma shástra, the treatise of spiritual injunctions, as discussed above; and Brahma in the form of guru is the controller of the scriptures. The third factor is the philosophical treatise relating to the mental world, called darshana shástra; and with this third factor there must also be a fourth factor, darshana pravaktá, that is, a propounder who will train the people in philosophy, for the philosophical treatises may be wrongly interpreted."
   "For instance, it was written, Vidhavá agre gamiśyati [“The widow will go first.”]. But later, due to a defective interpretation, this was misread as Vidhavá agne gamiśyati [“A widow should go into the fire”]. As a result, hundreds of thousands of innocent widows were burnt alive on the funeral pyres of their husbands. Hence the necessity of a proper trainer, well-versed in philosophy."
   "In the scripture of the psychic world, generally called darshana shástra, there should not be the least sprinkling of dogmas, because this sort of philosophically-oriented dogma cumulatively increases the distortions in the psychic world. These dogmas enter the human mind like fine needles and come out like iron ploughs. If one tries to cast them out, then the whole psychic structure is demolished. If a tender banyan plant grows at one corner of a fine mansion, and if its growth is unchecked for long, then that small plant develops into a gigantic tree, and when one tries to tear it down, the entire mansion crumbles to the earth."
   "In the mundane sphere, as well, there is the necessity of a scripture which will systematically control the undulating waves of the psychological, political, social and economic aspects of human life. There must not be the least dissonance in the social harmony. Along with a scripture for the mundane world, there must be the powerful control of an enlightened and fiery personality; otherwise the swarms of self-seeking ants, greedy for enjoyment, will devour all the sugar prepared with such arduous human labour; otherwise the gluttonous cattle, thrusting their heads through the holes in the hedgerows beside the road, will ravage the tender green plants of the psychic world of human beings."
   "This controlling scripture is the samája shástra, or social code [the fifth factor of shástra vyákhyána], and the special spirit which this social code generates in human minds is the social spirit." (Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 14)


In the post 1990 era, the Publications Dept has been run by Tilajala and they have given overwhelming emphasis to discourses given in Bengali - less importance to discourses given in English, and far less attention to those given in Hindi. What Baba spoke in Bengali they transcribe and record and they toss aside and give much less value to those discourses given by Baba in other languages. That is the sorrowful state of affairs. Their intention was not to publish books on Ananda Marga ideology, but rather to create books for highlighting the so-called superiority of Bengali. Operating from this mindset - so many wrongs and injustices were done to our AM books.



Some naive margiis are under the wrong impression that nowadays the books are being properly corrected like Ananda Vacanamrtam parts 9 thru 12. But that is wrong. Still the wrong approach is going on.

For instance, in the latest edition Ananda Vacanamrtam part 12, both chapter 33 ("Permanent Shelter") & chapter 34 ("Towards the Noumenal Entity") were delivered in Mumbai and Baba spoke in Hindi. Yet when "correcting" those discourses, they did not use the original Hindi audio file. They did not listen to Baba's voice and ensure His discourse was transcribed correctly and then translate that into English. They did not follow this authentic and direct method. Instead they treated the Bengali version as the master, when in fact the Bengali version was already an incomplete and compromised rendition of the discourse. So that was an entirely faulty approach. And the outcome was skewed and not representative of what Baba exactly spoke that day - rather it was just a summary. Anyone who has the original audio file of Baba's discourse in Hindi, and plays it and compares it with the printed text can easily understand that what was printed in the English edition of Ananda Vacanamrtam part 12 was not a translation of the full Hindi discourse, but rather a summary based on the Bengali printed version of Ananda Vacanamrtam part 12. The proper method would have been to update the original Hindi printed version by matching it up exactly with the original Hindi audio file. And then translate that corrected Hindi printed version directly into English. That is the right way to proceed. Then those two chapters - chapter 33 ("Permanent Shelter") & chapter 34 ("Towards the Noumenal Entity") and the rest of AV-12 - would have been printed properly. And some margii volunteers working with Tiljala publications had this idea in mind and they inquired about getting the original Hindi audio file, but Sarvatmananda Da never gave it. He gave lip service that it was all rechecked by some ghost Dada.


By Baba’s grace we will fulfill our dharma of properly preserving and publishing all His original discourses.

Baba says, “The scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless.” (NSS)

In Him,
Prabhat Samgiita

"Tumi kato liila' kare ja'o, ke bujhibe kii bha'vana'y..."  (P.S. 3164)


Baba, there are varieties of liilas which You go on playing. Who can understand the mystery behind all these. As You like, You do. You are dancing in the flow of Your liila and that same flow makes everyone else dance too. Everything is happening according to Your desire.

Baba, You have been ever-present since eternity; and You will remain up to infinity - emanating with Your unbroken flow. Through Your ota and prota yoga, You remain with everyone - always. You are ever-effulgent in every nook and corner, in all the directions.

Will this unit mind ever be able to understand Your glory with its own strength? Baba, You Yourself are the ultimate shelter. You have blessed me and made me understand all this. As You told, accordingly I will go on fully utilising all the strength and capacity which You have graciously give me. This is the path upon which You have guided me - and I will go on following this, by Your grace.

Baba, my final desire can only be quenched when I receive a wee-bit of Your grace & assurance that no matter what I will never forget Your lotus feet...

Sometimes Forgetting Is A Boon

Forgetfulness is a providential decree. Usually human beings forget their past lives. Is this forgetfulness a blessing or a curse? It is a blessing because human beings feel burdened by the weight of one life. It would be impossible for them to carry the burden of many lives together.

The human mind is sentimental – full of love, affection, camaraderie, etc. People have a deep attraction to this world; they remain preoccupied throughout their lives with fears and anxieties for the safety of their families. So many problems have to be confronted. The problems of one life alone are enough to make people restless. If they had to face the problems of several lives, they would be unable to lead a natural life. The problems of the past lives, compounded by the strife of the present life, would drive them to the brink of insanity. Secondly, it is difficult for people to be detached from love and attachment for one life. So much effort is required to overcome the bondages of attachment and march towards Parama Puruśa. If the memory of the past lives is revived, the bondage of attachment will tighten its grip, putting a halt to spiritual advancement. One will be caught in the grip of worldly attachment. Thus the decree of merciful providence is, “Let human beings be oblivious of their past lives.”

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