From: Pradiip Deva
Subject: "Baba Forgot One Thing"
Anyone around those days remembers well that each and every year Baba would make an announcement about the birthday of Lord Krsna.
Baba would refer to it as: Janma's't'amii.
There is an audio file on our blog where you can listen to Baba's announcement:
After bringing recognition to the day, Baba would invariably take some time to talk about the life of Lord Krsna, His dharmic teachings or scenes from the Bhagavad Giita.
This was a regular event.
But never ever once did Baba comment on the exact day, time, or place of Lord Krsna's passing. Never did Baba highlight this occasion as a point of remembrance or celebration. Rather He carefully avoided the matter.
As His disciples, we should pay heed to Baba's example and represent His ideals by our own conduct.
Unfortunately, some feel that "Baba forgot one thing" and they have taken it upon themselves to bring the "missing point" forward.
Indeed all those margiis and wts not attached to any form of geo-sentiment will realise the completeness of Baba's teachings and that only a few who wish to dogmatically highlight their own land as a pilgrimage etc. For them it is also a money-making venture.
That is why many say that their dogma is just based on selfish gratification or a'tma sukha tattva, and not anything dharmic. More about this point is written below.
Our view is to take Baba Himself as our pole star; He is our dharmic example. What He does we should do. And Baba never highlighted or talked about the exact day or date that Lord Krsna or Lord Shiva passed away. Not even in His books, Namami Krsnasundaram and Namah Shivaya Shantaya, does He mention the day or date. This type of commemoration Baba never did. He never mentioned that today we have to do something because this day is the observation of the passing of Lord Krnsa. This was never Baba's manner - not once.
Just Baba would highlight the birth of Taraka Brahma - every year He would mention Lord Krsna's janma's't'amii.
Even then, some group leaders have worked hard to drag their chosen dogma in through the front door of our Marga. This has been their life's endeavour since 1990.
In turn, we should be extremely careful because once a dogma arrives, it is not easy to kick out. A perfect case in point is the Shivaliunga or phallic worship with Lord Shiva.
In those prehistoric times, when people were less developed, they brought much attention on phallic worship. They thought therein lied their welfare and victory.
As people progressed, they realised that they should meditate God and not indulge in any type of ritualistic phallic worship.
But by that point it as too late. Already the temples of Lord Shiva had been completely overrun with Shivaliunga and phallic worship. And still today this type of worship and presentation is prevalent in all temples of Lord Shiva.
Here the point is that once a dogma enters the house it is not at all easy to get rid of it. But some feel that "Baba forgot one thing" and hence have taken it upon themselves to drag it into AM. We should be cent per cent ready, lest this become one permanent scar on our AM society, just like phallic worship became totally linked with Lord Shiva.
Indeed, in view of the pilgrimages of Haj and Mecca etc, such geo-oriented group leaders wanted some ritualistic event wherein they could dance and brag about their place. Hence they continue to host their annual dogmatic program at their HQ. In this way they derive selfish pleasure and side by side they say, "Baba forgot one thing so we have brought it in".
It is a dogma, but this is what makes them happy in life.
Baba says, "This dogma in its turn is entirely based on a'tma-sukha tattva. Human beings yield to this dogma with the sole intention of attaining selfish pleasures; even educated people knowingly submit to dogma. They know that they are surrendering their intellect to dogma, and that the outcome will be undesirable; they know and understand everything – why, even then, do they knowingly submit to it? They are all deliberate sinners and intentionally accept dogmas as truth. They observe that these dogmas are based on a'tma-sukha tattva; but they think, “I don’t care whether it does good or harm to others, because at least I have got some pleasure out of it!” Being motivated by this idea, they enslave themselves to dogmas." (NH-LOI, Disc: 6)
All in AM understand that Baba Himself only highlighted the birth of Taraka Brahma and never the day of Lord Krsna's passing. All in AM understand that Baba is omniscient and that AM teachings are complete in all respects. All know that Baba is Parama Purusa incarnate and that He can do no wrong.
Even then, one team continues to chant, "Baba forgot one thing." They say this because they have utterly drowned in their chosen dogma.
Some think that their chosen Deity will punish them if they do wrong, others think that their God will plunge them into the hell fire for their sins, and still others think that their Parama Purusa "forgot one thing."
Tell me, do you know which sect or group falls in this later category?
It is the Kolkata sub-faction. They think that Baba forgot to give the mahaprayan ceremony so they decided to create it themselves. This is the grand outlook and justification they give. They think, "Baba forgot to give the teaching of mahaprayan and that therefore it was our job to make it."
Such is their curious outlook in life.
By His grace all true Ananda Margiis, understand and realise that Baba is pure and perfect in all respects and that He never forgets anything. He is omniscient and all-merciful. All that was needed was given.
Just as Baba never talked about the actual date of Lord Krsna's passing - likewise He purposely does not give the program of mahaprayan in AM. It is that simple.
Blinded by their geo-sentiment, some within the Kolkata ranks feel that, "Baba forgot one thing" in the form of mahaprayan. Saving such persons from their own dogma is not easy. We will try, but do not have much hope. All rational margiis however can easily understand the point.
In the end, we should just let the day be forgotten as has happened with Lord Krsna and Lord Shiva. That is Baba's explicit teaching. Baba only highlighted Lord Krsna's birth - never the passing. We should do the same.
In His book, Discourses on the Mahabharata, Baba does mention how one hunter shot Lord Krsna. This story has been told to give the teaching of forgiveness. And indeed the proof that this is not meant to be a day of commemoration is that Baba never ever mentions or tells us the day of Lord Krsna's passing. And not even the dogmatic followers of Lord Krsna do not celebrate or observe His passing. They may be ritualistic but at least this much sense they have. So it is a shame that a few in AM have fallen below that standard and given way to mahaprayan. Baba Himself never approves of such things.
"Jiivane maran'e toma'kei a'mi ja'ni..." (P.S. 3570)
Baba, by Your grace this much I know that all the time You are with me - in good times and bad times, in life and death, in each and every situation. Baba, in darkness and in effulgence, all the time, I feel Your proximity. Baba You are everything; You are the quintessence.
Oh my dearmost, You are formless, but You have taken advent before me in form. In this way You have graced me. You are bhavatiita* and divinely effulgent. You are like the vast ocean and I am like a little droplet. Even then You love me. Baba You are ever-gracious.
Baba, by Your grace I have come on this earth by Your thought projection and the only longing I have is to get You. According to Your mental waves I am floating; my life is passing.
With Your rhythm and flow I dance; and, in Your divine effulgence I smile. My coming, remaining, and going is completely depending on You, Your grace. With that dream, by Your grace all types of colorful tales I weave in my mind.
Baba all the time, good and bad, every moment You are my everything....
* Bhavatiita= The Entity which is beyond ideation.
Health Guideline: Over-Indulgence and Paralysis
Baba says, "The people who have an over-active Manipura Cakra also show a dominance of the lust and anger vrttis. Such a type of person, though always found to be energetic, generally suffers from constipation owing to excessive anger and over-activity. If these pitta-dominated persons do not find a high ideal in their lives, they become weak in their lower bodies due to over-indulgence in sex and anger. Often the nerve-fibres of their lower bodies degenerate, and paralysis sets in there." (YT, p.29)