From: Hariish Deva
Subject: Ananda Margiis' Status
Baba says, "Most people spend their lives on this planet eating and drinking. Sometimes they contract diseases, their stomachs become distended, and they die. But there are certain exceptional people who say, 'No, we have not come to eat, drink and make merry.' Those who lead licentious lives foolishly get involved in brawls and fights, but the exceptional people say, 'No, we don't want to live such a life, we have to lead an ideological life on the path of "A'tmamoks'a'rtham' jagaddhita'ya ca."
"Those people who are society's exceptions are extraordinary people. They alone will build human history. Others cannot and will not do it."
"These exceptional people are sometimes seen as lunatics by the naive public, but the fact is that these exceptional people do something new and constructive for society."
"You should also know that you are exceptions. You too will do something great, will build up something historical." (9th January '79)
The life of each and every good margii is looked upon as something peculiar in the eyes of the common people. The reason is A-grade margiis are not involved in the religious dogma or materialistic ways of common people; plus all margiis are practicing yoga, kiirtan, sadhana, eating only sentient food, and following progressive ideas. So margiis' thinking and living
and socializing are quite different from the common public. That is why the common public thinks margiis are peculiar people. But sincere margiis are not worried about this; rather they know that this is one merit. Such margiis are great exceptions and they are also the vanguards of the entire society. All sincere margiis are making the path which the common public will
tread in the very near future.
Hariish Deva