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In Him,


Think on This

Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 22:25:41 -0500
From: Jitendra Deva
Subject: Think on This



Baba says, "You are social beings. One cannot live in isolation. When
you feel thirsty, you can't manufacture a spade, dig a well, and draw
water yourself. One person will make a spade, another will add the
wooden handle, and another will dig the well -- this is how we work
collectively. This is the way for human beings to live. In all spheres
of human existence, in the aesthetic sphere as well, humanity should live
collectively. You should live in unison. You should vibrate together to
the same music. You should move in a common psychic flow. You should fight
collectively against your common enemies. Unitedly you should face all
problems, mundane and supra-mundane. In a word, you must reflect the
spirit of harmonious collective living in conformity with the spirit
of the Vedic mantra Sam'gacchadhvam' sam'vadadhvam." (5 April 1981)

Baba's above teaching is the special guideline for arousing
social conscious-- which is lacking these days in the society. It is also
commonly known that some top dadas have gone far off from this
above Baba's teaching.


Re: A’nanda Pu’rn’ima’ Celebrations: Baba's Guidelines

Date: 29 Apr 2012, 19:43:45

From: “Shivadayal Deva”

Subject: Re: A’nanda Pu’rn’ima’ Celebrations: Baba's Guidelines



~ Part 2 ~

Note: This series of letters, "A’nanda Pu’rn’ima’ Celebrations: Baba's Guidelines", has four parts. Each part, presented by a different margii, offers complementary ways and descriptions for celebrating Ananda Purnima. Together, these letters paint a picture for how to commemorate this grand festival. We wholeheartedly welcome your suggestions as well. - AM-GLOBAL Moderators

Revered Baba has lovingly instilled within us all a vision for how to move ahead in life and He has graciously blessed us with the divine feeling of devotion, or bhakti. And indeed in each and every sphere of existence – whether physical, psychic, or spiritual– He has paved the way for humanity’s growth, generation, and enlightenment. Thus the divine and holy
advent of Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is the most significant event this earth has ever seen. Naturally then the blessed day of Ananda Purnima is recognised as the greatest and most celebrated of all our AM social functions.

Here following are further suggestions and ways to celebrate this divine day.

As we all know, this year Ananda Purnima falls on 6 May.


Unlike centralised events like DMS etc, the occasion of Ananda Purnima is meant to be joyfully celebrated in each and every unit. It is a local function for one and all. Thus every unit is highly encouraged to host their own Ananda Purnima celebration. And, sure enough, many ideal units do everything – more than a full day program. Thus margiis and sympathizers
often arrive the evening before for initial programs and presentations and then continue the next day of Ananda Purnima with a special paincajanya and celebrate the whole day through with a varied array of activities and programs, culminating and concluding late that evening. Here the main point being that, to one or another degree, blissful Ananda Purnima programs should take place locally in each and every unit– this is Baba’s prescribed system. And more about this idea is also appended as note 2 at the end of this letter.


As everyone may remember, Baba has beautifully given the system of making extended Prabhat Samgiita programs whereby gathered margiis to sing the blissful song: Several compositions of Prabhat Samgiita. Just like we often have our long akhanda kiirtan programs of 3, 6, or 12 hours – in the same way these programs of Prabhat Samgiita can also take place.

Many may recall how Baba used to sit on the dais and call for the beginning of Prabhat Samgiita programs for the grand celebration of our Ananda Purnima social function. And it would proceed step by step where first one purport was read out by a selected margii and then the singing of that same song would begin and small young children of 8 or 9 years of age would dance to that song. And then as soon as that song was completed then another would begin with the reading of the purport followed by the singing and dance performance of that very song. And in this grand fashion several songs were linked together – all the while maintaining a nicely formatted sequence where the first song celebrated Baba’s holy advent and then the next song depicts His divine blessings etc. And by that way several songs are linked together creating one panoramic, devotional picture.


Plus Ananda Purnima is a wonderful opportunity to bring forth one and all in collective harmony.

Baba says, “At the outset of any festival or social ceremony, the Sam’gacchadvam’ mantra is recited, the purpose is to impose the common ideal on all. The love for the entire humanity.”  (Prout Nutshell - 4)

Thus on the festive occasions of Ananda Purnima small kids, youths, university students, parents, seniors and devotees of all walks of life - everyone moves together in one thread. So these social functions offer something for everyone, thus building the bridge of an ideal human society.

Indeed the joining and gathering for Ananda Purnima is a special event as it represents the union of everyone’s heart. This function is not like some crowd at the movie cinema, which is just a rag-tag collection of people with
their own individual agendas and separate thoughts. That is nothing but a crowd totally devoid of any family feeling. That is like one fake flower that is superficially colored yet carries no aroma. In contrast, our devotional, heart-felt gathering of Ananda Purnima reflects society in the deepest sense of the term where everyone is moving and smiling together as one integrated whole – ready to do each and everything for Baba and the humanity.

Thus at Ananda Purnima all are invited to sit together – money or other factors are not at all important. Everyone comes together regardless of one’s social status, career, educational background, or family history etc. It is a time for all grades of devotees to join together and gather for sweet celebrations, non-margiis are also invited – so long as they follow according to the sentient ways of the gathering. Only those anti-social elements, not at all interested in following the spirit of the program, should not be invited. Beyond that Ananda Purnima is a grand occasion for one and all.


In addition, during Ananda Purnima all the trades and departments of AMPS partake in their respective social service programs. VSS optees do CSS, i.e collective social service such as public cleaning or repair work or other physical works for the security, safety, and welfare of the society etc. Side by side AMURT can operate their free medical clinics. In this way, Ananda Purnima is a day for doing all types of services because we Ananda Margiis are declassed and perform all the sevas.


Universal festivals like Ananda Purnima are also a time for forgetting about past differences and starting new relations. They are a time for a fresh new start where we bury old issues, forgive and forget, sit together, and invite a clean new beginning.

Baba guides us that in personal life it is best to forgive others with our full heart. Of course on matters of ideology or collective welfare we have no right to forgive anyone. But on personal affairs, forgiving others is the best course of action and what better time to do this than on the blissful occasion of Ananda Purnima.


Here following Baba is describing the great import that festive occasions like Ananda Purnima have on the human psyche. And that such social functions lead to the formation of a unified humanity.

Baba says, “When people become tired and uninspired, when they can no longer look towards the future with hope, when their colourful dreams are shattered, at that time the sweetness of a festival brings new joy and vigour in life. Thus in individual and collective life, the importance of festivals is tremendous. One should always remember that festivals should be such that all can take part in them without any ostentatious display of wealth, and with an upsurge of their life force. And these festivals should be conducted in such a way that people take part in them from a spontaneous inner urge. I hope that you will make such arrangements so that all are attracted towards your festivals which will be more and more charming – and this will bring about your collective welfare.” (A  Few Problems Solved -5, p.18)


Shivadayal Deva



Baba’s original and true Ananda Vaniis are His divine gifts for one and all as they encapsulate the spirit of Ananda Marga and the spirit of humanity. Thus, they are truly timeless and eternal treasures of humanity.

However, since 1990 certain respected leaders have been creating their own vaniis. They cut and paste quotes from previously posted discourses and call them Ananda Vaniis; when in fact the sentences they select are nothing but a small part of a greater discourse. They are taken out of context.

Baba’s original and true Ananda Vaniis are discourses unto themselves – complete, pointed, and stand alone as eternal truths and as spirited messages for the humanity. They are not mere quotes from other discourses. Baba's every Ananda Vanii is totally unique and original.

So what these leaders are doing is nothing but manufacturing Fake Ananda Vaniis. Yet they name these as Ananda Vaniis and read them on the occasion of A’nanda Pu’rn’ima’ etc. But again, these are nothing but Fake Ananda Vaniis.

What should we do?

While certain leaders continue creating Fake Ananda Vaniis, in each and every unit margiis should select one of Baba’s original timeless Ananda Vaniis and read that out at their Ananda Purnima celebrations.

Naturally, in due course, with circumstantial pressure, such persons will stop making Fake Ananda Vaniis. That day is fast approaching.


If any group is recommending that people come “to their place” – such as Tiljala, insinuating that theirs is best place for Ananda Purnima etc, then in our hearts and minds we should all know that Baba’s system is for Ananda Purnima to be celebrated locally in every unit, as His divine grace and presence is felt throughout this entire universe.


Baba says, “When He comes, after creating His own body with the help of the five fundamental factors– solid, liquid, luminous, aerial, ethereal – to create an ideological tidal wave, that is called as Maha’sambhu’ti. Maha’ means ‘great’, ‘having a form which is supra-natural’. And bhu plus ktin equals bhu’ti. Hence Maha’sambhuti means ‘The Great Creation’, ‘The Great Appearance’…[He comes] to push humans society forward, to resuscitate the half-dead human race, to awaken society– to create a wave in the field of ideology, in the social field, and in the field of humanity; [He comes] to
 create a tidal wave in every dimension and on every level.” (Discourses on Tantra - 1, p. 136)


“Maneri gahane tumi a’cho, a’cho prabhu sada’ jege a’cho…”  (Prabhata Samgiita 4380)


Baba, O’ Divine Entity, You remain always in the depths of my mind – You never leave me. I am never alone. Baba, You are always awake. You go on working day and night, beyond time. You never tire or stop. Baba, whatever You want to do, You go on doing.

O Parama Purusa, this whole expressed universe is Your eternal game. You are ever-present: beginningless and endless. You are ever intoxicated in Your divine flow. You are the Goal of everyone – everyone wants You. You are remaining with one and all.

Baba, only those trying to come close to You by their virtuous deeds, shravan, manan, nididhyasana, & dhyana, are able to come to You. Only they are able to realise You and have Your grace and proximity.

Baba, You are grace-Personified…

A’nanda Pu’rn’ima’ Celebrations: Baba's Guidelines

From: Amriteshwar Deva

Subject: A’nanda Pu’rn’ima’ Celebrations: Baba's Guidelines
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2012, 17:34:21



~ Part 1 ~

Note: This series of letters, "A’nanda Pu’rn’ima’ Celebrations: Baba's Guidelines", has four parts. Each part, presented by a different margii, offers complementary ways and descriptions for celebrating Ananda Purnima. Together, these letters paint a picture for how to commemorate this grand festival. We wholeheartedly welcome your suggestions as well. - AM-GLOBAL Moderators


The auspicious and grand occasion of A’nanda Pu’rn’ima’ is coming soon.

The official day is Sunday, May 6 – though in many units celebrations start before then since A’nanda Pu’rn’ima’ is the most significant social function in our Marga.


Of course we all know that the holy day of A’nanda Pu’rn’ima’ means Baba’s Birthday in colloquial parlance. And that on this wonderful and blissful occasion there is a morning and evening dharmacakra, collective bath, all-round merrymaking, and a sentient feast etc.

Yet there are also other special components to the celebration of Ananda Pu’rn’ima which Baba has outlined. Some of these are listed and described below and other margiis and WT’s are kindly requested to contribute other plans and programs which they know about that are associated with the celebration Ananda Purnima .


Here first though is one of the special ideations linked to the holy festival of A’nanda Pu’rn’ima’.

A’nanda Pu’rn’ima’ signifies the advent of Mahasambhuti who has come to wipe away all the tears and fog from this dusty earth and infuse within all a sense of peace, hope, tranquility and bliss. But He has graciously come to establish the lost humanity in divinity – elevating everyone’s standard, and paving the way for the reign of dharma.


Here below are a few of Baba’s many recommendations and guidelines for how to make the occasion of Ananda Purnima an even more memorable, joyful, and charming gathering for one and all.

(A) On the grand festival time of Ananda Purnima, all types of age groups should have their own programs that will be appealing to them. Certainly there will be one central place for the entire gathering, yet at the same time specialised plans and programs for the various age divisions should be organised.

For the younger children there should be games and sports and / or a drama production etc.

For adolescents & teenagers there should be competitions in the various realms from kaoshikii and tandava to music, art, and literature. And their day should also include sporting events etc.

And likewise for adults, there should be a range of activities and programs from the devotional singing of kiirtan to service projects, plus spiritual talks, dance competitions, and general socialising.

(B) In addition, on Ananda Purnima the head of household can utilise this as the time to arrange annual new clothes for all family members. Plus there should be toys for the children and the sharing of sweet treats. By this way one and all will know that something great is happening and that Ananda Purnima is a grand event.

(C) Ananda Purnima can also be made special by offering moderate gifts and presents or cards etc to those around you as a showing of love and affection.

(D) And like that many, many more points and suggestions are there in relation with the grand and blissful celebrations of Ananda Purnima.


In this way social functions and festivals are a time for us all to move together in His divine flow, regardless of one’s standard or status. Where one and all gather round in the spirit of unity. And top of all our special duty as devotees is to propagate the greatness and grandeur of Sadguru Baba. In a phrase we can say that this is the key point behind the auspicious occasion of A’nanda Pu’rn’ima’: To highlight Baba’s greatness.

Baba says, “The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings— That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidya (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamurtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty.” (Caryacarya II, p.1)


Amriteshwar Deva


The magnificent characteristic of all our Marga social gathering is that they welcome one and all irrespective of age, colour, race, profession, educational standard, etc, all types from all places are welcome. Indeed everyone comes together for sadhana, games, a feast, and other celebratory activities and by this way one social flow is formed thus making way for a healthy, unified human society.


On the celebratory occasions of our AM festivals like Ananda Purnima, Baba has graced us with this special blessing.

Baba says, “That which renews human existence and makes it full to the brim and overflowing with the joy of living is termed a festival...Inspire all people to live with a new spirit like true human beings. Let it inspire them with the fact that all humanity is an indivisible entity. On this auspicious day this is my inner wish.” (Ananda Vanii #48)

“A’sha’r pasara’ sahasa’ elo, a’lor tupha’n nikat’e elo...” (PS #3644)


Suddenly Baba, the Divine Effulgence, has taken advent. The cyclone of divine effulgence has come close. His divine effulgence is immense, like a huge mountain covering the entire world. The whole world is inundated with the flood of divinity.

Even in remote corners, not even an iota of darkness was left. Not even a tinge of darkness or dirt could remain in anyone's mind. Everyone’s mind has become cleansed and purified. Parama Purusa Baba, with His divine effulgence, has taken advent and attracted everyone by the outpouring of love from His heart.

Everyone has received His special grace: Those bound in the cimmerian darkness and tied up in the deep, dark chasm, and those whose mind had accumulated dogma the size of a mountain. All are now basking in His divine grace. They have been blessed with the opportunity to look toward that divine effulgence. Their dogma and staticity vanished away with the advent of the new dawn.

Baba, the Parama Purusa, with His divine effulgence has come and showered His divine effulgence and graced everyone...

Highly Refined Language

From: Jagadnath Deva
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 21:44:12
Subject: Highly Refined Language


"Toma'ri katha' bheve ma'rmika anubhave..." (P.S. 3006)


O' Baba, by thinking of You with all the feelings of my heart, my ba'ndha-bha'unga' mana [1] is ensconced in bliss and floats towards infinity. O' Lord of the divine and mortal worlds, the Soul of the soulless, even a wee-bit of Your great love is enough to fill my heart with spiritual bliss and give me goose bumps, horripilation, throughout my being. Baba, is it You who brings that devotional surge within me.

Baba, O' Divine Entity, thinking about You, my mind is ensconced in bliss.

Baba, You are incomparable in rhythm and most pleasant in aroma. You have no comparison. In all vibrations, in the quintessence, deep down, You are the Dearest One to all; You are the nucleus of all the vibrations. In the garland You are the flower. In the necklace You are the jewel. In everything You are the best. Remaining in viitara'ga [2], You smile with the beauty of divine love like flowers.

Baba, O' Divine Entity, thinking about You, my mind is ensconced in bliss.

Baba, in the severe heat, You are those first, cool showers that bring relief and respite. In the space between the monsoon clouds, You are the effulgent pole star. In the darkness, You are the beauty of the moon's enchantment. Under the hot sun, You are cool shade beneath the trees. In each and every circumstance, You are the Saviour. Baba, even staying afar, You stay in my mind’s divine haven.

Baba, O' Divine Entity, thinking about You, my mind is ensconced in bliss.

O' Parama Purusa, keep me eternally at Your lotus feet...


[1] Ba'ndha-bha'unga' mana:
This is when the mind is overwhelmed with joy. Such as when one is extremely happy and bursts into tears or when one jumps for joy or exclaims or dances. In actuality though it is more than the joy experienced in worldly circumstances. It is that inexpressible bliss from the spiritual flow. It happens in the spiritual realm when one's mind is totally ensconced in His bliss and one starts crying uncontrollably. This is a state wherein one completely loses their composure.

[2] Viitara'ga: This is the state of being beyond any worldly attachment or attraction - i.e. perfect equanimity in all circumstances. One of the qualities of Parama Purus'a is vaera'gya. Baba has demonstrated this on countless occasions. Even when all kinds of serious and critical problems came in the organisation, then He remained totally unaffected, keeping perfect composure. For social reasons He may have showed sympathy or concern, but internally He was totally unaffected. Those bhaktas close to Baba understand this well.

For instance, before going to jail & whenever there was serious any catastrophe going on in organisational life, Baba had the divine ability to give discourses of eternal value. That can only happen when one's mind is in viitaraga.If anyone reads that discourse they will not get any hint about the extreme upheaval going on in the organisation. Such composure ise not possible by human beings. Being human means being affected by the bondaage of maya.

Whereas in viitraga the mind remains 100% unassailed by any negativity, and is just the embodiment of universal welfare. Viitara'ga does not mean that the Entity in viitara'ga is unpetrubed by the suffering and tears of human beings. Everyone knows that Parama Purusa loves and cares so much.



Baba says, "Pra'krta was the language of the common people. The scholars of those days used to neglect this language and compose their literature in Sanskrit. For this reason this highly refined language was called "Sanskrit" which implies that it was not the people's language; it was written by refining the people's language...When Krs'n'a would speak with Duryodhana he would use Sanskrit but when he spoke with the Pandavas he would speak in Shaorasenii Pra'krta because he had a close relationship with the five Pandavas." (Varna Vijiana, p.65)

In our Ananda Marga society, the Sanskrit language is part and parcel of our daily existence. Baba has infused the system where every initiated margii receives a Sanskrit name, most of the chants are in Sanskrit, many of His discourses are interwoven with Sanskrit shlokas, and the names of the various wings of our organisation are mostly in Sanskrit etc. In that way Sanskrit is part of the very pulsation of life in AM. Given this, we should understand why Baba has selected Sanskrit to have such a special place in our Marga. As Baba tells in the above quote the language is called Sankrit because it is highly refined. That is the meaning behind the name. And we can rationally conclude that Baba given this highly refined language a sacred spot in our Marga because it nicely reflects the subtle aspects of human existence and life divine.

The term 'Shaorsen' refers to an area outside Delhi near Mathura and the language from that area is known as 'Shaorasenii'. So the linguistic relationship between Sharosen and Shaorasenii is the same as that between Italy and Italian, Japan and Japanese, Russia and Russian, Bengal and Bengali, Bhojpur and Bhojpuri, Spain and Spanish. The first term refers to the place and that latter term refers to the language.

Jagadnath Deva

Practical Aspect of Mysticism

Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2012 22:35:29 -0000
Subject: Practical Aspect of Mysticism
From: "Ram


"Toma'ke cena' na'hi ja'y..."  (P.S. 2089)


Baba, You are so loving and close - even then it is not possible to recognize You. Just when I think that I have recognized You, then my consciousness gets completely enveloped by the Cimmerian darkness. Baba, Your divine Presence shifts from one extreme to the next. On the one side You are so tough and other times You are very soft and sweet.

Baba, sometimes You are vehemently sounding Your sermons by the beating of the marching drum and blowing of the military trumpets; and on other occasions You are smiling sweetly and showering Your causeless grace with the flower pollen. Baba, such is Your beauty. O' Baba, in the end, in the lonely, isolated moment, I see that everything happens by Your grace. What You desire, that is what happens - that is the final truth.

O' Parama Purusa Baba, in Your grand Kingdom, everything belongs to You. I cannot boast that anything is mine; indeed to think that something is mine is a crime. Because everything is created by You - this whole expressed universe is Your mental projection. Then how can I say that anything is mine.

Baba, only You are mine; everyone is Yours. Baba, everyone longs for Your karuna' - divine compassion. Baba, to recognize You is not possible without Your grace. Baba only with the showering of Your grace can one realise You - otherwise not. Baba please grace me...


Baba says, "Mysticism is a never-ending endeavour to find a link between finite and infinite." (Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, p.101)

Note: Here Baba is indirectly giving the guideline that in the realm of devotion one should have a particular personal relation with Parama Purusa. And these relations are known as "bhava" - whether they be sakhya bhava, dasya bhava, madhura bhava etc. So these various bhavas are that very "link between finite and infinite". Because with the help of these relations devotees gradually come in closer and closer proximity with Parama Purusa. Until finally by linking up in this way the sadhaka becomes one with Him.


Baba Story: How Baba Saved From Islamic Thugs

From: Amriteshwar Verma
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2012 22:56:44
Subject: Baba Story: How Baba Saved From Islamic Thugs




Here is one beautiful story of how Baba attracts, protects, and saves all His devotees, regardless of their worldly status and qualification.

Back in the early 80′s there was a relatively poor, village farmer named Khush Mohammad, originally of Islamic faith. The farmer – from hereon referred to as ‘Bhakta’ – lived in a Muslim community in Kashiya village (Padaraona) in Utter Pradesh (UP) India. But he was not satisfied and was in search of something more. Many margiis lived in the neighboring villages and Bhakta would talk to them regularly.

Sometimes when he was out in the fields and working by himself, Bhakta would hear a voice in his mind say, ‘My son come to Me’. He had no idea who was calling him or from where the voice came. It would only happen when he was alone – and, around every 15 days or so.


One day while talking with family acarya Dharmendra Rao and some margiis, they encouraged Bhakta to attend DMC. Bhakta had met many margiis over the years and had developed respect for Ananda Marga. So, without even taking initiation, he decided that he would make the long journey to DMC at Ananda Nagar. It would be an adventure since he rarely left his village.

Upon his arrival at Ananda Nagar, Bhakta became quite attracted by all that was going on. The scene was completely enchanting and the crowd was huge. This was 1982. Up until that time he had not been initiated, even though he knew many margiis. While at DMC, he thought it would be good to learn AM sadhana. Thus when he met one Dada, he took initiation. The acarya who initiated Bhakta was Dada Bhaskarananda ji.

Later on, inside the pandal, Bhakta became very, very inspired; his mind and body became completely vibrated. Our revered Sadguru Baba was about to enter the pandal and everyone was raising the slogan, ‘Parama Pita Baba Ki– Jai!!’. It was being repeated again and again, resounding all around; the energy was coming to a climax. The pitch was feverish and the spiritual energy palpable. ‘Parama Pita Baba Ki– Jai!!’; ‘Parama Pita Baba Ki– Jai!!’; ‘Parama Pita Baba Ki– Jai!!’ Suddenly, Baba graciously entered onto the stage and took His divine seat. The air was thick with His spiritual vibration.

With perfect composure and charm, Baba began and delivered His subject of discourse and when it drew to a close, He blessed everyone with His varabhaya mudra. In that auspicious moment, Bhakta could see nothing but a bright, white effulgence all around. He nearly lost consciousness and felt divinely intoxicated. All he could think about was Baba.

That special bhava – subtle spiritual feeling – continued throughout that DMC and for a few months afterward. When Bhakta returned to his village after that DMC, he was no longer the same person. He was often lost in Baba’s bliss.


He obviously had a very good samskara for performing sadhana. At DMC, he had heard from acaryas and margiis that Baba would teach sadhana sitting on tombs at the burial ground. Since returning home, Bhakta began the same routine. In the afternoon, he would sit for sadhana for 3 or 4 hours in a forested area nearby his house; and in the mid of the night he went out for sadhana at the cemetery. By Baba’s grace, Bhakta would easily slip into deep, sustained meditation for hours on end.


Here it should be noted that Bhakta lived in a Muslim community as he himself was a born Muslim; but those locals did not take kindly to Bhakta’s new way of living. They became furious. They concluded that he rejected and left Islam, and stopped his Muslim prayar namaz, and converted to the Hindu religion.

They wrongly thought AM was nothing but a Hindu cult because of various customs: The dress of the sannyasis, the Sanskrit names, the use of mantra, and the practice of sadhana. These Muslim villagers became completely irritated with Bhakta for various other reasons as well: His new diet whereby he was giving up all tamasik items, and his zeal for singing and dancing kiirtan. They could not tolerate this. Plus they were put off by the dress of acaryas who came to see him. So these Muslim villagers now considered Bhakta a Hindu; and, they became quite angry and disgusted with him.

This became a big problem as Bhakta faced tremendous backlash and pressure from his native small, Islamic community. They were totally outraged by his new way of living and would regularly harass and heckle him. They even pleaded with their god Allah to bless them with the strength to kill him. In their dogmatic minds there was nothing worse than the fact that Bhakta left their Islamic faith for some Hindu cult.

Thus those local Muslims began to stalk Bhakta when he did his sadhana, especially at night.


By Baba’s grace, ever since Bhakta started doing his night sadhana, a team of dogs would follow him to his meditation place and patrol the entire area – keeping any and all intruders away. Those dogs would encircle and patrol a large section of land and ensure no one came close to Bhakta during sadhana.

The strange thing is that these were not those ordinary, emaciated Indian street dogs, but rather healthy, well-manicured large dogs of around 150 pounds. They were breeds of dogs like big rottweilers and German shepherds. To this day, Bhakta is
unaware from where they came. Yet they accompanied him on countless episodes of night sadhana.

Those dogs would come out from nowhere and follow him to the cemetery. Then they would watch over him while he did sadhana. They would encircle him from around 10 – 15 feet away and guard in all directions. They were totally alert and on the prowl. If they heard anyone coming, those massive dogs would immediately scare away any intruders. Hours later when Bhakta finished his sadhana, those guard dogs would accompany Bhakta out of the cemetery back home. Just when they reached the outskirts of the village, those dogs would take leave of him and disperse in different directions. Often Bhakta tried to find those dogs but all his efforts were in vain. But when it was again time for night sadhana, invariably they would escort him to the cemetery and protect him.


Those Muslims, over time, realised that they could not get close enough to Bhakta to kill him during cemetery sadhana. This only caused their fury to mount. Undeterred, they hatched a plot to murder him. Because they felt it was their duty to curtail his life since he had left Islam. Already they had applied every measure to scare, abuse, and threaten him psychically. They felt their only recourse was to kill him in some isolated place when the dogs were not present.

Around that time, a crime occurred in the region and the police were looking for the suspect. In that search, Bhakta himself was detained by the police and thrown in jail.

While in jail, Bhakta became gloomy and sad, and was wondering why these false charges had been brought against him. Then one day while in jail he had a dream and in that dream Baba came to Him and said, “I had to arrange to have you arrested because that day those angry villagers had a plan to eliminate you. This was the only way to keep you safe. Plus you had an old and extremely negative samskara; that also contributed to your being arrested. Both issues – your safety and your samskaras – were fulfilled by your arrest. By this way your life was saved and your future pathway cleared.”

Realising this, Bhakta became immensely inspired how Baba had saved him and he became highly involved in sadhana again. Soon he was released from jail and again began his night sadhana program, and those dogs accompanied him to protect him.

Actually, to bring this full circle, when Bhakta was in jail then his local enemies were arrested for robbery. They were caught red-handed. When Bhakta was released from jail then those local enemies were facing a long prison term. So Bhakta’s pathway was cleared and his problems solved permanently.


Some time later, Bhakta was at home when there was a knock on the door. Bhakta’s younger sister went to answer the door and saw that it was some Divine Being with an illumined face. Seeing His illumined face, the young girl said, “You do not appear to be human; only Allah (God) can come with such brilliant effulgence.”

In reply, that Illumined Being only smiled.

Seeing this, the girl quickly ran throughout the house and informed everyone. They all immediately ran towards the door. But the Illumined Being was not there.

In his mind’s eye, Bhakta understood what had occurred. He quickly got a Baba photo and showed it to his young sister. With great delight she told, “That is the Illumined Being I saw at the door.” Then everyone understood that Baba had blessed them by coming to their abode.

Later that evening – reflecting on the day’s events – Bhakta fell deep into a bhava samadhi. He was nearly unconscious for four days. The whole town thought Bhakta had finally become crazy and mad. They felt justice had been done since he had left Islam. But the truth was that Bhakta was ensconced in the Lord’s bliss.


In that blissful way, the days of Bhakta passed ever in the thought of Baba.

Bhakta never had PC, never met Baba in person, and only saw Him once in a DMC Pandal; but due to his good samskara and Baba’s grace, Bhakta had a deeply devotional link with Him because he saw Him everyday in meditation.


This all goes to show how special Baba’s grace is. He can bring anyone close if He wishes. All the religions are riddled with dogma, but this is especially the case with Islam. That is why there are so few margiis of Islamic background; and that is why it is so difficult to do pracara in those Islamic nations. They will threaten, abuse and even kill any fellow Muslims who feel inspired to try meditation or any such practice that is outside their dogmatic faith. Even then, on this occasion, Baba brought Bhakta onto His very Lap.

AM is universal. Baba only looks at a person’s heart and never differentiates between rich and poor or any other relative factor. Those with a sincere desire get His unconditional love and affection. Baba graces all.


Amriteshwar Deva


The above incident teaches us many things, but the main idea is that one’s sadhana and virtuous deeds carry over from one life to the next. Devotion never evaporates; it is permanent. If one could not reach the Supreme Goal in one life then in the next life they will start off at that very level of spiritual growth. A sadhaka’s spiritual attainment is never lost. That was the case of Bhakta. He entered this life with a high degree of devotion due to the sadhana of his past life. That is why – despite so many external problems – he was able to quickly advance on the path of sadhana and get Taraka Brahma as the Guru. Because devotional achievement is permanent and stays with a sadhaka from life to life.

In contrast, all the skills and “progress” made in the physical and psychic realms are easily swept away. There is no guarantee one will have those talents and riches in their next life. If one is physically strong one life then in the next life there is no rule that they will therefore be an Olympic champion, rather they may be physically handicapped. It could easily be like that. Similarly a billionaire could be reborn as a beggar; likewise an intellectual giant might be reborn as a fool. There just is no guarantee of anything in those relative spheres. Only in very rare cases is one reborn with those same talents to a high degree: We call such a person a genius. Again, this is extremely rare and not at all the norm.

Whereas one’s attainment in the spiritual realm is beyond time, space and person. The degree to which one has advanced on the path and reduced the radius with the Lord marks their permanent progress toward salvation. Whatever spiritual growth they made in one life, they will resume their journey from that very spot in their next life. In this way one will go on advancing towards their cherished goal, birth after birth, until they achieve the Supreme Rank and become one with Parama Purusa.

So devotion is permanent; it carries over from one life to the next, while all other qualities are fleeting. Those with high devotion in their previous birth will begin their next life with that same high level of devotion. That is quite apparent in the above story about Bhakta.

Money and Peace

Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2012 21:33:04 -0000
From: "Deva"
Subject: Money and Peace


"A'ndha'ra sa'gara pa're ke go ele..." (PS 1065)


O' the Supreme Entity, who are You who has come to me from the divine world after crossing the dark ocean. You have come and done the impossible: You have made those flowers blossom, which had never blossomed before. Those whose minds were crude, You have made them spiritual. You have showered Your divine effulgence and filled this world with sweetness and love. O' Divine One, You have graciously come, broken the noose of death [1], taught Your sadhana, and shown the path of liberation. You have released me from the endless cycle of birth and death by granting me salvation. You have removed all my fear by keeping me close and helping me in all circumstances. You have satiated my heart with Your radiant love. You have showered Your causeless grace and filled my mind with divine bliss. O' Divine Entity after getting You, what is the need to have anything else. By Your grace, in getting You, I have gotten everything. All my longings have been quenched; I desire nothing else. All that I wanted, I got, by Your grace. O' the Unfathomable Entity, who are You.

Baba, O' Parama Purusa, in my march from imperfection to perfection, in all the arenas of life, You are always with me. You love me so much, that is why I do not have any fear that You are going to leave me. In all times, day and night, You are always with me - ever willing to help and guide me. Baba, You have removed the dark curtain of avidya maya. You have opened my eyes. After pulling me off the wrong path, You have lovingly brought me onto the right path. That which was unthinkable for me, You have given. I never thought I could get Parama Purusa; I could never even dream of such a thing. But today, You have made this possible and more than fulfilled all my hopes and aspirations. Baba, You are so gracious.

Baba, You have given me everything I need. You have given me all of life's requirements: Physical, psychic, and spiritual. O' my Dearmost, in my dhyana, in my sadhana, You always come and smile like the crimson dawn. It is Your grace; it is Your grace. In the past, I was longing for various mundane things. Now, by Your grace, my mind is pointed and I only long for You, the Parama Purusa. You have aroused my desire to attain You. And You have quenched that desire by remaining eternally in my heart. When I am with You, then what else do I need? Nothing. I do not have any other desire.

Baba, no matter how much I may know, in the true sense I do not know. O' Divine Entity, who is so loving and gracious, please tell me who You are...


[1] Noose of Death: Generally human beings are caught in the ongoing cycle of birth and death. When one comes in contact with Parama Purusa then that is the death of death, as by this way one escapes the endless cycle of birth and death.

Baba says, "“Mrtyurmrtyuh nama'myaham.” “Mrtyurmrtyuh” means “death of death”...Whenever a man dies, he comes back again in another form. Again he undergoes death, again he comes back. This cyclic order goes on, and on, and on. Birth after death, death after birth – the cyclic order goes on. But what happens when one ensconces oneself in Him, when one becomes one with Him? One will die, no doubt, but after death one won’t come back. So when one is in deep love with Him, and death comes, that death is the final death. After death there will be no rebirth. Along with that death, death dies. So it is mrtyurmrtyuh – the death of death. So He is mrtyurmrtyuh." (Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3)

Baba says, "Those who take the name of the Lord are really intelligent and clever, because thereby they accelerate the speed of their spiritual progress. Those who do not do so, continue to move in the vicious circle of lives and deaths. This cyclical order of movement from life to death to life again is called the sam'sa'ra cakra. What will be the fate of a person who directs all his psychic propensities towards crude materiality? He will be caught again and again in the serpentine noose of death." (Subhasita Samgraha -21)

Finally, the only way for one to escape the cycle of birth and death is to do regular sadhana. Then one is sure to get salvation and go beyond the noose of death.


Baba says, "With the acquisition of money people still feel that they have nothing; in spite of possessing a huge amount of money they often beat their chests in despair. So it is not money they seek-- what they truly desire is peace, not happiness. But it is only rarely that people attain peace in life...The answer [then] is that by attaining Parama Purus'a one no longer has any unsatiated hunger or unqueched thirst." And that is the stage of perfect peace. (Subhasitan Samgraha - 12, p.38)

M Deva

We Should Understand

Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2012 15:57:11 -0000
Subject: We Should Understand
From: Satiish K Bhatia"


PS Intro: In this song, Parama Purusa Himself is directly talking with the  devotee, however He has appeared in the form of one 'parii'-- (angel).

"Rauniir parii elo jiivane, bha'loba'sa' d'hele dilo bhuvane..." (P.S. 2757)


  The Angel with panoramic colours has graciously taken advent in life: It has saturated and inundated this whole universe with love. Now nobody is alien; nobody is distant; everyone is close-- my own kith and kin.

  The new dawn has come. Now the vast and meagre are sitting together on one seat. There is no difference between high and low. The divine Angel has captivated everyone's heart. It has coloured everyone with its own divine colour. The Angel is showering its smile with boundless affection upon one and all and narrating the tale of divinity.

   The Angel has inundated this entire universe with the flooding of divine effulgence - wiping away all cimmerian darkness. And it proclaims that, 'I am watching over one and all with love and care. I am eternally along with each and every one through my ota and prota yoga. I will always remain with you.' It also says, 'Bear in mind that humanity will be victorious and the staticity will be destroyed'.

  The divine Angel furthermore proclaims, 'O human beings, keep your mind free from all complexes. Do not consider who is "high" or who is "low". Do not think that any unit entity is lowly. Always remember that the collection of all the units is the Cosmic. No one is outside; everyone is part of the singular divine Entity. O human beings, throw away your heavy load of samskaras, wipe away the stain of the past, and surrender your heart to the Divine Entity-- Parama Purusa. Victory is yours'...

Note: In the above Prabhat Samgiita, this parii - this divine angel - is  none other than Parama Purusa Himself.



Baba says, "Human life is a mission; life itself is a mission; one's very existence is a mission. A'tmamoks'a'rtham' jagaddhita'ya ca: 'Whatever one is to do, one is to do for a'tmamoks'a-- for their own liberation-- and for the elevation of the entire world, elevation of the entire human society'. One is to do both of these things; that is, these two things are one's mission." (Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, p. 28)

By Baba's above teaching it is clear that AMPS is not the mission. But for their selfish reasons, certain opportunist or dogmatic type of people try to misguide or take advantage of the margiis by making them think that AMPS is the mission. So this is all done for their selfish interests. Yet in Baba's aforementioned guideline He explicitly tells us what is the mission.



Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 21:38:22 -0500
From: Jitendra Deva
Subject: Solution


PS Intro: This is one special type of song where Parama Purusa explains to the devotees what He does - how He carries out His liila.

"A'gun jva'la'te a'si niko a'mi, diipa'valii jva'li man ma'jhe..."  (Prabhata Samgiita #421)


I, Baba, do not come to light a burning fire in the heart. I come to light the lamp of devotion in the heart-- for that I come. I fill the mind with divine effulgence - devotion, not fire [1]. Even on the rough & jagged path I pour divine sweetness - I make even the dry heart full of devotion. In those trees that do not flowers, I decorate them with flowers.

I change the crude personality into a divine one. I fill them with the beauty of devotion. To the dry heart I bring the warmth of love and devotion. I give them inspiration to move towards divinity. In this way I bless. Through the melody and rhythm of song and dance, silently I fill the remote corner of the heart with love. Indeed I fill the entire universe with devotion through song, dance and music - Prabhat Samgiita. I do not come to ignite the heart with yearning; rather I fill the heart with devotion.   

To those hearts that are frustrated, sunken, and lost, I give them the strength for their forward movement. I fill them with bliss so they can forget their pain and misery and become ensconced in divinity. I remain with everyone through ota and prota yoga. I make everyone aware of this by My actions. I express this truth in all my work so that human beings can realise that Parama Purus'a is with them.   

I take advent of this earth to fill up the heart with devotion...

End Notes For Prabhat Samgiita #421:

[1] Fire:
Here fire means that devotees always lovingly accuse Parama Purusa that 'I am crying for You yet You just set my heart on fire, with no relief in sight'. But Parama Purus'a explains that it is not like that; rather He comes with the explicit motive to fill the mind with devotion...



Baba says, "This has been our failing: that we neglected the spiritual faculties of human life, we neglected the cardinal spiritual points of life. If we are interested today in the welfare of this beautiful universe, we should try more and more to accelerate the speed of spiritual progress. If the acceleration of spiritual progress becomes tremendous, then not only in the human world, but also in the physical, psychic and spiritual spheres of the entire world -- and not only of the entire animate world, but of both the animate and inanimate worlds -- there will be tremendous progress. And this is what we want. Now we are anxiously waiting for that crimson dawn on the eastern horizon." (A Few Problems Solved - 5)

Generally people do not realise this very point which Baba has explained above. To understand this fully it needs agraya' buddhi (pointed intellect). Only those who are blessed sadhaka can understand that sadhana is the panacea.

Jitendra Deva

Avoiding Junk

Date: Th, 19 Apr 2012 20:27:28 -0500
From: Ramesh Deva
Subject: Avoiding Junk



Here following is a key teaching that is highly related with life in this modern, technological era.

Baba says, "Now everywhere, in cent per cent of the cases, there is wastage of human psychic potentiality. The psychic potentialities of human beings are immense, but people do not utilize them because most of their valuable time is wasted in undesirable thoughts, in psychic extravaganza...wasted in petty or useless activities. How much time do people really get to devote to worthwhile tasks?"

"This psychic extravaganza should be checked either by physical approach, or psychic approach, or by spirituo-psychic approach..."

"I have already said that the scope of rationality and rationalization should be increased more and more, and for this, unnecessary waves should be removed from the plane of physicality. From the psychic sphere also, unnecessary waves are to be removed. This will remove many burdens from the mind. 'I must not bother about petty things, because that will waste my time' -- people should remember this. This removal or rather withdrawal of unnecessary and undesirable thoughts emanated from the mind will help you in rationalizing the major portion of your mental faculty, so this must also be practised." (YP, '91, p.134-35)

This wastage of mental potential which Baba is describing above is the common problem these days. Even contemporary researchers and scientists have also come to realise this. That is why nowadays such professionals advise people not to overburden the mind with mundane news broadcasts etc since these programs only invite tension. Various studies have been undertaken about the effect of the news media on people's mental well-being. And they've come to the conclusion that these news broadcasts and movies just burden the mind-- making people feel worried and hopeless etc.

That is why such researchers and sociologists recommend that people take a few days' break from watching those various news broadcasts and popular movies etc. Because these things create multiple problems in people's psyche. Not only are they not useful in one's practical life but the scenes are horrifying and terrible. Just sensationalistic reporting-- nothing more.

Hence Baba's above guideline is that we should think positive thoughts and not indulge or expose our minds to that type of junk. If one can avoid such things altogether then that is very good; that is the best solution. Otherwise minimizing one's exposure to those negative elements will prove helpful. Along those lines, certainly do not waste those delicate early morning hours exposed to such radio, TV, pop websites, and crude things. If one really wants to watch these programs then one should only schedule a specific amount of time after noon and then watch with a clear notion of when you will finish.

But of course better is to eliminate it totally and immerse oneself more in Baba's dharmic teachings like Ananda Vacanamrtam or Subhasita Samgraha. His unique discourses will provide a soothing touch and fill the mind with inspiration. So we should be extremely careful and wise how we engage our psychic faculty as this has a profound effect on our overall well-being and health-- as well as how useful and purposeful our lives become. On this topic all Marga brothers and sisters are encouraged to share their views and experiences.


Oslo Crime & Neo-Humanism

Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 21:33:29
Subject: Oslo Crime & Neo-Humanism
From: Jiivendra Deva




Due to the lack of pracara of neo-humanism, so many solvable problems remain unsolved. It has been 30 years since Baba propounded neo-humanism, but still the general populace is unaware. Because of this, humanity is not moving forward, rather backward.


For instance, last summer one white supremacist, motivated by racial hatred, killed 77 innocent teenagers at a political camp in Norway.  At present, this mass-murder trial is underway in Oslo. At the same time, throughout the west, and especially in Europe, there is a rise in extremist, right-wing rhetoric - and even political parties.


The current leaders are unable to address and solve this matter in a comprehensive way that will lead to the growth of society. Such leaders think they can control the situation only through punishment. But that alone is not the solution.

Those who commit racial hate crimes are tried in court, punished, and given hefty sentences. But this does not solve the problem; it merely heightens the hatred of those anti-social elements. It is like adding gasoline to a fire.


A new approach is needed. And that approach has already been given by Baba:
(1) punishment to criminals and (2) education about the defects and horrors of racism, in conjunction with the beauty and charm of neo-humanism. This is the only practical way to proceed. That is Baba's two-pronged method.

And we must propagate this widely.

Because some think that harsh punishment alone will deter and scare people from committing hate crimes. But that is not true. A shift of heart and mind are needed. And for that, the teachings of neo-humanism are a must.


Human beings are not animals and cannot be controlled only by punishment. Humans are sentimental, emotional, rational and logical beings. We need to be given teachings that satiate the heart and satisfy the mind. Every human being has a mind, and that mind needs answers.


When addressing matters of hate crimes and racial attacks - which are quite common nowadays in the west - then as outlined above the two-pronged approach is needed. Punishment should be meted out to the wrongdoer, and, side by side, the teachings of neo-humanism should be given to counteract racism in the greater society. The world is ready to go beyond the narrow boundaries of race, ethnicity, caste and gender etc.

In a psychological way we should discuss the origin of humanity and explain how we are all connected to one another. With that groundwork, this problem of racial hatred will be resolved.

All along, the divisive, fissiparous tendencies (i.e. the path of analysis) of humanity should be discouraged. And those unifying principles (i.e. the path of synthesis) should be encouraged.

When people are aware of their origin and understand that we call come from the same source, Parama Purusa, then all superficial differences (race, caste, gender etc) will vanish.


Only the two-pronged approach of Ananda Marga - punishment and neo-humanistic education - can lead the world away from hatred and racism, and build a loving feeling toward  all to form one universal human family.

Jiivendra Deva


That does not mean that we should give a "free pass" to those preaching dogmatic, illogical, and outdated ideas. This applies to the activities of both fundamentalist Muslims, and Christians, among others.


People often talk about the term tolerance as being something great. They say, "Have tolerance for others." But, in truth, tolerance is not at all a lofty sentiment. People can harbor very negative feelings towards others, yet still "tolerate" them. And anytime they may erupt and attack. So tolerance itself is not a high ideal; it does not reach the inner portions of one's heart and mind. Our approach is not that people should merely be tolerant of each other.

For example, if in your kitchen a mouse or raccoon enters then you may say that, "I can tolerate this so long as it does not eat my food." That gives the message that you do not like the situation but you can tolerate it. This means you have a negetive feeling toward what you are tolerating. Such a senitment should not be used toward human beings. This word - tolerate - is not appreciated in family life or with friends. If it is used, then others know that you hate that person, and by exercising tolerance you refrain from attacking them. Or it means that someone is doing bad things and irritating you but you control your anger and do not attack them. That is also tolerance. That type of feeling is not at all ideal. No one should preach: "We should tolerate others." In Ananda Marga we do not support such an lowly outlook.

According to the tenets of neo-humanism, we should strive to cultivate a truly loving feeling towards all, and see them as brother and sister. Then all feels of hatred and aversion will completely dissipate; that is the effect of love. Whereas with tolerance, that does not happen. So neo-humanism extends far beyond the rather static meaning of tolerance.
PS Intro: This song describes the feeling of one higher stage of devotional

"Prabhu, toma'y kii kahibo a'ro..." P.S. 447


  Baba, oh Prabhu, I love You so much. How can I express the deep love of my heart to You. Words alone fail to describe the feeling. With my vocal chords I cannot express the grace which You have showered on me. Baba, You have permanently drenched me in Your ahetuki krpa'. Since I have gotten You in my life, my life has become meaningful. I do not have any other type of longing in my mind except You. Baba, by Your grace, my mind is running always towards You & You alone. Baba, You have made my life blissful, in all the ways. It is just as if my whole existence is full of nectar.

  O' my Dearmost, the cimmerian darkness has vanished from my life; those black days have gone far, far away. There is no longer any trace of them. This has all happened since the divine effulgence descended in my life by Your grace.

  Baba, according to Your tune, melody, and rhythm, I am dancing. My days and nights, and my entire life, have become just like one bouquet of songs. Not even a wee-bit of dilemma or confusion is existing in my life. By Your infinite grace my mind is perfectly straight. This is all because of Your boundless karuna' (divine compassion).      

   Baba, O' Parama Purusa, my whole existence - my body, mind, and prana - is vibrating with the spiritual waves which You have generated by Your sweet touch. Baba, I have gotten You by Your grace. You have graced me immensely. Baba, I fully surrender myself at Your lotus feet...

Religious Dogma And Females

Date: Tue Apr 17 2012 15:38:11 -0000
From: P. Deva
Subject: Religious Dogma And Females



Baba says, "In the past it was the practice in India that if a woman heard the recitation of the Vedas even by accident, molten lead was poured into her ears. This was done because if women were not suppressed they could not be easily exploited and ordered about to do menial work, like maid servants." (PNS-16)

Note: Religions have always suppressed and exploited various sections of society in order to impose their dogmatic ideas. Weaker, minority groups always suffered terribly at the hands of religion. And always it was always the all-powerful clergy who soaked up the benefits. That is, all the rules and regulations were bent in favour of the dominant class, i.e. the male clergy etc.  

So since the birth of religion on this globe, various anti-social and harmful activities have been done in the name any particular religion. In that circumstance, in order to protect the downtrodden masses, the state or government has had to intercede and declare those religious decrees to be unlawful.  

For instance, in the US, the state has stepped forward and opposed the false rule that black and whites should not marry. Yet for years and years the dominant white churches opposed these inter-racial marriages. But, in the due course of things, the US government has declared such inter-racial unions, i.e white-black marriages to be legal. Likewise in India the government has come forward to make ordinances against the Hindu tradition that the wife must burn herself to death by throwing herself on the husband's funeral pyre. Now this dogmatic religious tradition is basically outlawed and not done anymore. Plus in the US, the government has declared that polygamy is illegal-- a man can no longer keep multiple wives. So the Mormon religion and others like it in the US can no longer impose rule that a man can have as many wives as he likes.  

In all these circumstances when religion has imposed hateful and harmful rules against the weaker sections of society, at some point the government was forced to take a stand against those religious dogmas by declaring them illegal. This we have witnessed in nearly every country around the globe.  

So today when the various Muslim communities impose the idea that women must wear a veil in public, then soon we are going to see this reversed by various governments. And in some places this has already begun.

Especially so because, at present, radical Muslims use the veil as a way to hide the face of their terrorist attackers. In that case, it is the duty of the government to intercede and declare such veils as illegal. Because in the present moment, in the name of wearing a veil, both male and female Muslim terrorist bombers sneak into public places to carry out their attacks. Because in many countries, male policeman are prohibited to ask females to lift their veil. Then that veil becomes a special tactic of Muslim religious radicals to sneak their attackers-- either male or female-- into public events and carry out their destructive plans. Because anyone can hide behind that veil and go where they like. All because of their dogmatic religious rule that females must cover their face with a veil in public.

Given this, states and governments have no other recourse than to outlaw the dogmatic provision that females must always move in public wearing a veil. And soon we will see this law come into effect pervasively. Because at present, dogmatic Muslim leaders are imposing this illogical rule on females and side by side using this as a means to carry out their heinous activities.



PS Intro: This following Prabhat Samgiita works in two ways. (1) Baba is depicting the idea behind the advent of Parama Purusa as Mahasambhuti in the play of His divine liila. And (2) this song refers to Baba's divine appearance in dhyana.

"Na'm na'-ja'na' ma'na' na'-ma'na' rauniin parii ese pa'she..." (P.S. 2983)


One shining, colorful angel of unknown name has come close to me. This angel was not concerned about getting respect or not. Just it came to me. Its eyes were glowing with golden effulgence, and this divine angel told something to me.

The angel told: "My abode is in the divine world yet to accomplish the work & for the welfare of all, I move around this entire universe. And all those who love me, I pull them close."

"Without stopping I move continuously around this entire universe." The angel furthermore spoke, "In the bond of love, I get caught also. And I float in the flow of divine songs."

From the divine world one angel has come, graced me, and told me all the secrets of its advent...

Note: In this song Baba is using the allegory of an angel, yet in true sense He is talking about Himself. Thus, although the word - parii - literally means 'angel', but in Prabhat Samgiita the real meaning of the term parii is: Baba the Parama Purusa.

Bengali New Year For All?

Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2012 18:30:12 -0000
Subject: Bengali New Year For All?
From: Gopal_Mukharjee@security-net...




On 14 April, respected Dada Kalyaneshvarananda of Tiljala announced to one and all the coming of the Bengali New Year. With due diligence and respect, let's take a moment to think and consider this announcement.


1) Our Caryacarya scripture is to be applied rationally across time, space, and person. For instance, one of our Ananda Marga festivals is Spring Festival, yet who can think that those in the southern hemisphere should observe spring festival the same day as those in the northern hemisphere. Because when spring is starting in the northern hemisphere then fall is starting in the southern hemisphere. Thus it would be silly and irrational for countries in the the southern hemisphere like Australia, Brazil, South Africa, and Argentina to celebrate spring according to the calendar date of countries in the northern hemisphere like Norway, Canada, Russia, and India. By this we can understand that the whole globe cannot follow one particular day for spring festival etc.


2) Similarly, the Bengali new year is for our Bengal – only. It is not meant for those other areas, regions, states, or countries. No one in the Tiljala faction should have the idea that the rest of the globe should also celebrate our Bengali new year.

3) Think about it. How would we feel here in Bengal if we were asked to celebrate the Cuban new year or the Greek new year. Probably we would not be inspired to celebrate that day. Similarly those outside our Bengal have little or no interest in celebrating the Bengali new year. Because it is a regional festival, not a universal one.

4) The situation is just like if someone living in a cold country in wintertime declared that everyone on the earth must wear heavy jackets. Then those living in tropical areas would laugh at such a suggestion. Because where they live the temperature is quite hot. So why should they wear an insulated snow jacket simply because someone in the depths of winter in a cold country makes such a proclamation.

5) The occasion of the Bengali new year is for Bengal – period.


6) Baba has already declared the international date of 1st January as the day of New Year’s celebration for our universal AM society. On that day, Baba would give the Ananda Vanii and hold DMC. So that is our New Year’s Day.

7) In Baba’s below Ananda Vanii it is quite clear that January 1st is our day of celebration for New Year’s:

“Struggle against evil forces is life. We have to remember this fact once again on this threshold of a happy New Year.” (Ananda Vanii #9,  1 January 1959)


8) As you may know, one approach in our Marga has been to select Ananda Purnima as New Year's Day and construct the calendar around the date of the advent of Mahasambhuti Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji in human form. To that end, some of the early magazines published in the Marga featured this approach. Such magazines were dated using the day of Mahasambhuti Baba's advent as the starting point of the calendar year. That was called Ananda Yuga. This was the regular style for some of those early magazines. By this approach of making Ananda Purnima as New Year's Day, the New Year marks the date of Mahasambhuti’s advent on this earth. That gives everyone a constant reminder of Baba’s eternal and divine presence. As the teachings of Ananda Marga spread, this approach may gain widespread popularity.


9) The overall idea is that ours is a rational society and we are to apply Baba’s teachings in a rational way. Here in Bengal, we will most certainly celebrate the Bengali New Year. But to expect that the rest of the world should also rejoice is not only unrealistic but against the sentiments of the people. No doubt Dadaji means well, but it should be clear to all that the Bengali New Year is for the people of Bengal - and should not be imposed on others. Naturally all brothers and sisters from our universal AM family should have full freedom to celebrate New Year's accordingly.

10) Please write in with your thoughts.

Gopal Mukharjee


Although not stated explicitly, the underlying message of Kalyaneshvaranandji's email was that all should celebrate the Bengali New Year. The proof is that his email incited an involved discussion on one margii email forum about how around the world everyone should celebrate the Bengali New Year.

I have great regard for Dadaji on an individual level, yet feel that in our universal AM society each area should celebrate and honor their own local and regional customs, so long as they are consistent with AM ideals. Keeping this in mind, it does not make sense for margiis around the world to celebrate our Bengali New Year, just as it does not make sense for members of the various samajas to sing our A'mara' Bengali songs. Rather they should sing songs of their own samaj, and they should be allowed to celebrate the New Year according to their region.

Let us never forget Baba's Proutistic guideline, "universal in spirit but regional in approach." (A Few Problems Solved - 9, Socio-Economic Groupifications)


"A'laker saurrathe saba'y nite tumi esecho..."  - P.S. 1089


Baba, O' my Parama Purusa, You have come with the shining chariot of divine effulgence. You have come to take everyone to the divine realm. You do not differentiate between who is great, who is meagre, & who is small etc. You listen to everyone's tales - to everyone's feeling of the heart.

Baba, O' Divine Entity, even without seeing You, I have loved You. By Your grace, I am always feeling close & loving towards You. And even when I have not heard about You, I have been attracted by Your divinity. Baba, You are so gracious. You do not make judgments based on one's merits or demerits. You love all, unconditionally. And I understand that You are always present - across all time and space.

O' my Dearmost, You have done so much for me, and in return You do not want anything. In spite of knowing about the hundreds of defects in me, You have made me Yours and accepted me as Your own.

Baba, You have showered Your causeless grace on me. You have come here on this dusty earth to bring everyone onto the path of divinity. Baba, You are so gracious...

How Culture is One

Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2012 21:27:44 -0000
From: Hariish Deva
Subject: How Culture is One



Commonly people think there are so many cultures: African, western, Native American, Chinese, Russian, Indian etc. Indeed, in the last two decades, various terms like multi-cultural, plurality of cultures, bi-cultural etc have come into vogue. People think humans differ according to their own "separate culture". Hence it is often thought that there are many different cultures on this planet. In that case there is no question of one human family.

But according to Baba's teachings, human culture is one - not many. This letter is an effort to better understand Baba's sublime teachings on culture, and why culture is one.


First and foremost, according to Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji, culture is the collective name of various human expressions.

Baba says, "Culture is the collective name of various expressions of human life." (A Few Problems Solved - 6)


Let's examine a few practical examples to better understand what is culture.


As we know, when people meet then they greet each other. This practice of humans greeting each other when they meet is pervasive. It happens everywhere. A person in the hills of North Korea greets their friend; and a person from a valley in California greets their friend. In both cases, in some way they greet their relations. This is a common practice. This is culture. And because it is everywhere, that is why culture is one.

Of course, people from different lands may express their greetings differently.

For instance, in Ananda Marga we do namaskar or pranam; in some lands, people bow to one another; in other countries people wave their hand and say hello; in some places people say shalom; in other lands people embrace one another or kiss; and many resort to handshaking also. Thus there are many ways that people greet each other. But these various types of greetings are not cultures, but rather demi-culture.

Culture is the act of greeting, irrespective of how it is done. On this point, all human beings share a common thread; they all greet one another.

Some may try and bifurcate the society by dividing people into this culture or that culture. But in truth there is a common thread that is shared among all. Greetings is one such common point. Again, there may be various ways of greeting a friend, but in reality people from all various places are all doing the same thing, i.e. greeting.

It should be very clear that the greeting itself culture, while the way people greet one another is a cultural expression or demiculture. Demiculture may be innumerable but culture is one. That is why all humans are one.

To some it may look like culture is many. However, the very act of greeting another person is itself our human culture. The practice of greeting a friend or neighbor etc is shared by all peoples in all lands.


All over the world people express their joy or happiness. This expression of happiness is common to all. This is culture. If someone is happy in Thailand then they express their happiness, and if someone is happy in Alaska or Siberia then they too express their happiness. Expressing happiness is the culture of human beings: When they are happy then they express themselves in some way.

It may be through art, dance, laughter, drama, music and so many ways. That is a common point everywhere. That is why human beings are one, irrespective of their geographical area. Because their culture is one, i.e. when they are happy they express their joy.

And they may do this in various ways: Some may laugh loudly; others might just smile; some might dance naked in the street; while still other might decorate their dress with flowers. Around the globe, people express themselves differently.

People of Thailand may dance in a way different from residents of Alaska or Siberia. But that difference in style is their demi-culture, or the cultural expression of that area. Human culture is one: To express happiness.

One should not confuse culture and demi-culture. Culture is the trunk of the tree and the demiculture refers to all those branches, and twigs.

So human culture is one, i.e. expressing happiness when they are happy.

In other words in different lands, people express their joy or happiness in various ways. Some sing, some dance, some clap, some whistle, some smile, some laugh, some slap hands, and others hug. There are so many ways how people express their happiness. These are not culture, but rather demi-culture. Demi-culture is different in various lands. The main theme is that when they are happy and they express their happiness. That is common everywhere. That is culture and that is one.


All human beings are one: (a) everyone greets, (b) everyone expresses happiness, and (c) many similar practices can be included in this list.

Irrespective of their so-called caste, language, so-called race or geographical areas, literate or educated, all have these common qualities. That is why inherently human culture is one. By superficial review, it may seem like people live in different ways and express themselves according to different cultural tenets, but these are just local variations of our singular human culture that we term as demi-culture.

The conclusion is that fundamentally human culture is one and there are various local differences and those differences are not cultural distinctions but rather expressions of demi-culture.


Ananda Marga wants to unite all and form one human society. This is one of our main themes: To unite all human beings.

Human culture is, by definition, one. It is singular. As Ananda Margiis, we propagate this divine truth - i.e. that human culture is one - to bring about one human society.

When people start thinking human culture to be one it will be very easy to unite all humans. Then peace can be brought on this earth. Disunity invites violence. People divide humanity on the basis of various platforms including culture. By that way so many problems surface. By propagating the truth that human culture is one we can unite everyone and bring peace.
Baba says, "The more human beings live in unity, shoulder to shoulder, the greater the welfare of the human race will be." (A Few Problems Solved Part 3 - Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 3)

"A'mi toma're bhuliya' chinu katodin..." (Prabhata Samgiita #4091)


 Baba, I was remaining forgetful and was oblivious of You for such a long span of time. My life passed like this. I traveled on the rugged, jagged path. Sometimes I fell down in the ocean current.

 O' Parama Purusa, my days, full of stains, were wasted in hopelessness-- without any achievement, without any genuine progress. So many lonely, isolated nights passed in crying in utter despair with no pra'na-- just frustration.

 Baba, sometimes I suffered and got hit by the cold northern breeze. And sometimes that northern breeze took away all my hopes, inspiration, and gains. Just I drowned in staticity and crudeness.

 Now, by Your grace, today spring has come. All the surroundings are filled with the colourful flowers and sweet aroma. The dark night has changed into a glittering moonlight, shining in the sky. Peacocks are dancing in happiness and expressing their joy by extending their feathers.

 O' Divine Entity, the sweet breeze has come. It is shaking my whole existence and making me quiver in the divine vibration. That sweet breeze is giving me the hint and telling me, 'Listen! the divine flute, which is resonating, it is calling you..."

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