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Name of Your Baby

Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2008 07:12:16 To: From: "Pavitra" pwKlauss@springnet... Subject: Name of Your Baby Baba "Ruper mela'y bose tumi arup ga'n shun'iye ja'o..." (PS 3331) Purport: O' Formless One, O' Divine Entity, You have situated Yourself in the festival and grandeur of form. You have created Your advent in this colourful world. You are playing Your flute-- singing Your song for me. By Your grace You have come emanating Your eternal call. Baba, bathing Yourself in the ocean of form You resonate Your divine sound in my heart. That is: by leaving Your eternal formless stance of Nirguna Brahma, You graciously descend upon this earth as the Taraka Brahma and come into the world of form. By Your grace, You fill the heart with devotion and with the irresistible urge to get You. O' my dearmost, You have come into the world of form and showered Your grace by playing Your eternal flute. Baba, Your sound-- Your divine flute-- resonates eternally in animate and inanimate beings, in flora and fauna, in mobile and immobile beings, everywhere. You saturate Your divine love in every thought and in all expressions. Baba, You play Your flute and by Your grace it vibrates in all atoms and in every molecule-- in everything and everywhere. O' Parama Purus'a, You are the Na'dtanu of the ages, You are beyond time; You are Ka'la'tiita. You are immutable. You remain in one unaltered state in all times: past, present and future. Because of Your immutable characteristics, You are not only beyond the bondage of time (Ka'la'tiita) but also beyond the bondage of space (Desha'tiita) and beyond the bondage of form. O' Na'dtanu, O' Parama Purusa, I do sastaunga pranam at Your alter... *Na'dtanu: This is one of the countless names that describes one of the infinite attributions of Parama Purusa. Specifically Na'dtanu refers to that Divine Entity who is the Lord of all music and dance. That is, the One whose very body is made out of the na'da-- the primordial sound-- is Himself the Lord of the dance.
Namaskar, When Baba held DMCs in our Berlin Sector, then Baba Himself was emphasizing the importance of Sanskrit names. Time and again He beautifully explained the meaning of various names and on multiple occasions He also corrected the then PA Dada Ramanandaji's pronunciation of Sanskrit names, or even changed the name itself to one having a spiritual meaning. Surrounding this, one beautiful scene comes to mind.
During one DMC we held our usual kaoshikii and tandava contests & when Dada Ramanandaji called out the names of those involved then he announced the name of one sister named Ama'vati. Immediately Baba pointed out that this name meant 'darkness' or 'new moon'; and then and there in front of one and all Baba graciously told that her name should be Jyotismati, meaning 'divine effulgence'. In that special way our sister took on this new name - one with a truly spiritual meaning. Certainly this was Baba's blessing upon that sister and the society, and the overall idea is that Baba gives great emphasis on the proper use of Sanskrit names, both with respect to pronunciation and meaning.
A name then is not just a word per se. It is an important reminder to both the named and the person addressing that individual that we live in a God-centered universe. This helps spiritualise one's daily life experience and reminds us of our Goal. Thus not any name will do - names should be given based on this ideal. (1) Choosing a name based on the sound of the word, or (2) issuing a name that lacks a devotional meaning is not part of our AM system. Yet, on occasion - or even more frequently - this has been known to happen. When names are such an essential element of our life as sadhakas, we should take the opportunity to carefully review this important topic.
As we all know, Baba has placed tremendous emphasis on the use of Sanskrit names. We are to use them in all circumstances - cent-per-cent of the time. Baba says, "At the time of initiation or shortly afterwards, those who do not have a Sanskrit name should be given one by the A'carya." (CC-I, p.6, 1995 Ed.) Baba says, "The Sanskrit name should be used in all worldly dealings." (CC-I p. 7, 1995 Ed.) That is why in our Marga, we all receive a Sanskrit name as soon as we enter AM and that name should be used pervasively, in all aspects of our life. Unfortunately quite commonly, outside of India, many use their Sanskrit name only at the time of dharmacakra or only when talking to margiis etc. In their daily or professional life, or even when communicating with their spouse, they may fail to use their Sanskrit name. This is one point for us all to be careful about.
At the same time we must be aware that not every Sanskrit name is appropriate, as depicted in the above story of that DMC. To ensure proper Sanskrit names are given, Baba has specifically detailed names that are of spiritual value. Every acarya has this list / booklet. Those are the names that are to be used in our Ananda Marga at the time of initiation. But it does not always happen like that. Of course, a large majority of the names in Sanskrit are "good" or "acceptable" for use in AM. By "good" or "acceptable", we mean that that Sanskrit name directly refers refers to Parama Purusa Himself or one of His divine qualities. Names like Purusottama (Cosmic Nucleus), Liila (His Divine Play), Kpra Devii (Personification of His Divine Grace) and Divyamurti (Embodiment of God) are ideal in that they remind us of the presence of Parama Purusa. However, there are many Sanskrit names that fail miserably in this regard. Names like Brinjal (eggplant) as well as other Sanskrit names meaning rice, chili, and other food items are not our ideal. Yet these Sankrit names are also used in the general society and on occasion sneak into our Marga. Plus various names such as the highly popular surname Singha, meaning lion, are based on the animals. Yet we know that according to the cycle of brahmacakra, human life is the veritable movement away from our baser animalistic vrittis towards our inherent sublime nature, i.e. life divine. So there is no value - rather it is detrimental - to have a Sanskrit name that refers to an animal. This is also a point of caution. Finally, there are some Sanskrit names like Khendi and Puddan, which do not mean something very glorified. And there are so many other examples. Then there is the so-called Sanskrit name, Pheku, meaning garbage. That also is obviously not up to the requisite standard. In addition, in India, they've begun giving Sanskrit names that are actually verbs or adjectives, not nouns. One such name is Chalati which is a verb meaning "to go". People choose such names because they feel they are unique. That is the new trend. Whether one is born inside or outside of India, regardless of our local traditions etc, we should ensure that our Sanskrit names are of proper meaning. If you have any question, consult your local acarya.
Another critical facet of this discussion is the use of nicknames. All too often our family members or close friends give us a nickname. Normally we are given these names when we are very young, such as when we are 4 or 5 years old. You have all heard them. Names like Pinky, Rinky, Tee-tee, Lulu, Bessy, Beansie etc. Often these names rhyme with our given name or are given for just some silly reason, albeit with good intention. Actually, when I was in India, I was surprised to see how each family member often has a non-spiritual nickname which all the other family members call them. In that way, they pass the bulk of the life being called a name that has virtually no sense and zero spiritual import. Wherever we live, we should all be wary and conscious of the use of nicknames - they should not replace our given Sanskrit names.
Finally, there are two other common words to discuss associated with naming. The first is Kumar and the second is Deva. At present, many in AM seem to attach Kumar to their name. Names like Devesh Kumar, Krsna Kumar, Jayanta Kumar, Chandranath Kumar and the like are quite common. Yet Kumar (kaoma'ra) refers to that state of life when one is immature. Baba says, "Childhood, or kaoma'ra." (SS-21) In those early years of life, children needlessly break and destroy their toys for no apparent reason and constantly switch from one task to the next, unable to concentrate on anything for any period of time. That is what kaomara means: the life of a child when all kinds of silly or senseless things are done. Here I am not trying to criticise children - they have their natural dharma. Childhood is part of the growing process. Only the point is that we should not attach that idea or identity with our Sanskrit name by adding the suffix Kumar. That is not our AM system - that is some folk manner from the traditions of old. If we wish to append any word to our Sanskrit name then that name should be Deva. Baba says, "Now, the word “deva” comes from the root word “div”. “Div” means “a divine existence”. So “deva” means “a divine existence”." (AV-3) Baba says, "The word deva should be suffixed to the name. Every person is at liberty to use his/her own surname, but the more the usage of deva as a title, the better it is." (CC-1) Thus we should link our Sanskrit names with Deva, not Kumar.
By Baba's grace when a proper Sanskrit name is given that that brings all kinds of beauty in life: Both to the individual and the society. It reminds of the eternal presence of Parama Purusa and keeps us ever-focused on the divine nature of human life. When we seek names for our own children we should keep in mind all of the above. Then their names will serve them well for this life. Those who are devotees can easily understand all these points - others may not. We should be vigilant to ensure that only proper Sanskrit names are used in our units and that we use these Sanskrit names in all circumstances and conditions. Baba says "If Sam'skrta is used human unity will be encouraged and human beings will move closer together." (PNS-17) Baba says, "Today not even the Pacific Ocean between Asia and America is difficult to cross. The people of Asia and America are touching each other's minds and have learned to accept each other sympathetically as their own. Europe, Africa, Australia, Mercury, Jupiter, the stars, the comets, the constellations - none of them is alien to the other, none is distant from another. Gradually everyone has begun to realise the vibration of the One Integral Mind." (AFPS-1) Namaskar, Pavitra
Baba tells in SS part III that those who are not established on the path of spirituality are shy to practice in front of others. Those who lack a deeper sense of deep devotion feel shy to reveal themselves as an Ananda Margiis, and most of the time they do not like to tell or use their own Sanskrit name - or the Sanskrit names of others. But this is only because of their weakness of the mind and lack of proper moral strength. So we should not be affected by this. Rather we should instill within that person the requisite strength, courage, and devotional confidence to move ahead in the right way. In Subhasita Samgraha part 3, Baba explains that those who suffer from such a weakness of mind due to materialism or other negative philosophies suffer from such psychic complexes. Baba says, "Those who are reared in the cradle of materialistic ideologies, feel shy or ashamed at first to sit in meditation in the presence of others." (SS pt 3, p.86)
*************************************** One Should Always Remember
Baba says, "However little one's capacity might be, if one constantly remembers that Parama Purus'a is always with him, that they are in the closest contact with Parama Purus'a, they will be able to do everything. They are not as small as they think themselves to be. And as long as they remember this closest association with Him, they can do much more than ordinary human beings. When this idea becomes permanently established in their minds, they become great. This is why no one should be disappointed or depressed in any circumstances; let everyone constantly perform great deeds, remembering that the flow of their capacity is coming from Parama Purus'a, and thus they can do everything." (AFPS-3, p.62)

"Ba'ngla' and Ba'nga'lii"

From: "Ramlal Sharma" To: Subject: "Ba'ngla' and Ba'nga'lii" Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 07:44:19 +0530 Baba "Ye ga'ne toma'ke shon'a'i tumi ki shon' na' priyo..." (PS 4471) Purport: O' my dearmost Baba, why don't You listen to the song which I am singing for You? Why do You neglect that song which is coming from my heart. The song which expresses the longing and yearning of my heart. That very song You do not care about-- why like this. When the flower which blossoms on this earth and emanates aroma all around, when that very flower is lying on the dust & crying, can that be forgotten? If it pleases You, You can take back all those mundane things which You have given me. Only one request I have-- that please remain constantly in my ideation. That is my sole desire...
Namaskar, These days, one group is spreading dogma that their samaj is the gifted one. And Baba did a special favor. At the centre of the favor was, a special book about their samaj which Baba wrote. And that book is "Bangla and Bengali". So this type of message is spreading around. And it is creating confusion in the entire Margi society. So on this point, certain critical facts I gathered, that I am enlisting here for your consultation. And at the same time, it is my request that what is your opinion about this point. You should also share. So here are the points about the "Bangla and Bengali" book, which that group is bragging about. This book is not any special book. Rather it is just one in the series of collections of discourses, made from various previous AM books. And not only that. It is not even a collection of complete discourses. It has a few discourses, which are complete -- which have been collected from other AM books. And yet most are just excerpts--a few paragraphs from discourses which are found in other books of AM Publications. Following are the facts. 1. To say or give logic that this book is specially about Bengal and given by Baba specially for that. And similar thing Baba did not do in relation with other samajas, does not have any sense. 2. For example, see the first discourse in this 'Bangla and Bengali' book, entitled "Tantra and Indo-Aryan Civilization". - In Bangla, "Tantra o Arya Bha'ratiiya Sabyata'". This is one very old discourse from the book "Abhimata". In English, that book is called "The Opinion". The discourse is now also in A Few Problems Solved (AFPS) and Discourses on Tantra. Those who are senior Margis, they know that this discourse was commonly known many, many years back. That time when Ananda Doot was published in Hindi, there it got published. When Central Office was in Jamalpur. And this book "Bangla and Bengali" came only recently. So in "Bangla and Bengali", that old discourse has been added and made the first chapter. So the point here is, that the discourse "Tantra and Indo-Aryan Civilization" is not originally published in "Bangla and Bengali". Not at all. To suggest so is to mislead. Rather, this discourse has been published since many years in various AMPS books. It has been brought into this book "Bangla and Bengali" only recently, but this discourse has come from other published AMPS books. Here in "Bangla and Bengali", it is just an appended discourse, part of a collection. Yet one group is claiming, that this book "Bangla and Bengali" was specially written by Baba as a favor to them, to reveal that their samaj (socio-economic unit) is gifted above all others. When this discourse and so many others from the book, already existed for years and were simply republished and reprinted in "Bangla and Bengali". Then if anyone is using this book to say their samaj is more gifted than others, that is looking like something false.
3. Usually wherever Baba visited, He gave huge talks on the various points of that local area / socioeconomic unit / samaj. Wherever DMC was, there Baba made a special tour and invited samaj Margis to join in the discourse. And then He gave various types of informations, about the local area and its development. But Sarvatmanandji did not like these discourses on samajas (socio-economic movements) outside Bengal, so those discourses did not get printed. Margis of those areas where Baba visited, they are living proof of this. If Sarvatmanandji had continued as the leader of AMPS, then Baba's discourses on other samajas all over India outside Bengal, they would never have come in the picture. Because in this world everything is changing. Those who are born, they will die. So those who are living proof, i.e. Margis of all those samajas (socio-economic units) outside Bengal where Baba visited. After their passing away, proof of Baba's visits to those places would have been lost. But instead now these Margis are the proof. Means, Baba gave huge information about all these samajas (socio-economic units) throughout India. Each and every samaj where Baba visited, such things happened. And such "Bangla-Bengali" type of book can be made about all the samajas. So saying this-- that Baba only spoke about Amra Bengali and none else, that is the notion of mental illness. 4. This "Bangla and Bengali" book is made of excerpts from previously published discourses. That is, discourses which have already been published in other AMPS books. Excerpts or limited selected parts of those discourses have been re-printed in "Bangla and Bengali". So one group is claiming that Baba has specially given this book for their samaj. That it is one special grace He made. When the discourses are published already in other AMPS books, then it is clear this is false news they are propagating. 5. Most of the discourses in "Bangla and Bengali", either they are full discourses available elsewhere in previous AM publications, or they are partial excerpts taken directly from other chapters of Baba's discourses. 6. One more example I will give you. The Samskrta grammar book series Shabda Cayanika from book 1-26. One of the chapters of this 'Bangla and Bengali' book is called "Bengali ki Viiresh Vijay Ke Bhule Jabe?". This very chapter is an excerpt from the Samskrta grammar Shabda Cayanika book, Part 1 pages 93-115. It is also available in the ZY-Find electronic edition. So in that way, what is printed in "Bangla and Bengali" is just excerpted from other AMPS books. Chapter after chapter in this Bangla-Bengali book is like that--taken from other books. But groupist persons are bragging that this book proves Baba favored their samaj. Compared to other samajas, they falsely claim that Bangalistan was given "top priority by Baba". And the book "Bangla and Bengali" which they say proves Baba gave more attention to their samaj, is full of discourses reprinted from other books. Here above I have given one example, and I will provide further examples below. 7. Those who were in power those days, wherever they got anything from Baba's discourses related with Bengali, they collected those paragraphs. And those very things, which Baba spoke about other samajas, they avoided. They rejected such things which are unrelated with their samaj, like straw. Then with the excerpts about Bengal which they collected, they created different titles and made them look like various independent discourses. And in that way a special book was created, that is -- "Bangla and Bengali". This is a sort of hypocrisy. To claim that "Bangalistan was given top priority by Baba in all the Samajas." And they try to prove Baba's "favoritism" on the basis of the book "Bangla and Bengali". But such claims are nonsense, as all Margis know that Baba's discourses about other samajas are plenty. But the group in power those days ignored and refused to print those other samaj discourses. And the book "Bangla and Bengali" which is supposed to prove Baba focussed only on Amra Bengali-- that book is full of discourses reprinted from other books which themselves have nothing to do with Bengal. So such claims to the "special status" of Bengal are completely false, unfounded. 8. We know that Namami Krsna Sundaram, Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Ananda Sutram, Guide to Human Conduct, and so many books. They are all complete books of Baba. Everything in these just-mentioned titles is original to those very books. It was never published before it came in those books. These are the volumes of Baba's originally published material. While after that, so many books came which are collections of other books. And these collected books such as AM Philosophy in a Nutshell, are "collection books". Because discourses from other AMPS books like Ananada Marga Elementary Philosophy, Idea and Ideology, Tattva Kaomudii, Faculty of Knowledge, Prama, Namami Krsna Sundaram, etc. So many discourses of all these books have been collected. And one series has been made, whose name is AM Philosophy in a Nutshell. But here, one thing we should remember. That in the Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell series, excerpts or sections of discourses from other books of Baba are not treated as independent chapters. No partial discourses have been brought. Rather, certain chapters have been brought in full, and this collection book, has been created. 9. To create collection books, there is a standard style which Baba has shown us: Collect the complete discourses given on one particular idea. And then gather those discourses, print them together and create one book. But collecting the paragraphs of various chapters and treating them as a special chapter. And on the top beating the drum, that "This special 'Bangla and Bengali' book is given by Baba in favor of Bengal only. No samaj could get that favor from Baba's side." Those who write like this, or propagate like this, they are imbalanced. 10. Here are some more facts, about the "Bangla and Bengali" book. From so many other books, like Ananda Vacanamrtam, Subhasita Samgraha, Prout, etc, different paragraphs have been collected and treated as though they are independent chapters of "Bangla and Bengali". In that way, this "Bangla and Bengali" book has been created. For example, Kuru Punyam Ahoratram - "Do Virtuous deeds Day and Night". And "Seven Secrets of Success". And so many more such discourses already printed in other books. They just took the discourse and branded it as a discourse of "Bangla and Bengali". They gave a new title and put it there. As though it had never been published elsewhere. By this way, fanatic Bengalis, those who are suffering from the psychic disease of narrow-mindedness or racial supremacy.(see note 1) They created the book. And now they are puffed up in the vanity of the supremacy of their race. And they think that they are specially God-gifted. So one should understand the hypocrisy of hypocritical people. With their dogmatic mind what they say, what they write has nothing to do with dharma, morality, or standard human practice. When hypocrisy is the be-all and end-all of life, then what noble guideline can you get from such people? Now in our organization, group clash is up to its brim. Its peak. Both the groups are creating huge problem. I did not have any desire to write on such point related with group politics. And when these groupist people, they falsely propagate their glory in silly manners, then usually I keep quiet. But in this case of "Bangla and Bengali", they brought Baba into their periphery. (see note 2) And they wrote in such a way as if Baba did a special favor to them. By writing the "Bangla and Bengali" book. But that was not the Satya, or eternal truth. Rather to give proper answer, all these above narrated facts have been collected. To give proof that Baba is impartial. He did not bestow special favor to Bengalistan. Only psychically diseased (see note 3) people are painting the rosy picture in a different way from the reality. No one should forget that Baba loves equally, one and all. He teaches us to work for the entire universe. Mind should be 360 degrees. It must not be narrow. Please write your suggestions.
In these difficult days, Baba blesses us with the following inspiration. That these times of narrow minded thought are giving way to a new, more enlightened age. "Narrow sentiments are gradually fading away and a universal outlook is arising in the minds of human beings. Science and technological development have exposed the blind faith and dogma that have suffocated many sections of society, and gradually humanity is advancing towards an age of rationality and common interest." (PNS-13, p.18) Baba further graces us, "We have a bright future--the crimson light of that future is breaking through the dark horizon of the present. We must welcome it." (PNS-9, p.36) Namaskar, Ramlal * In one of his group propaganda letters entitled "SUPPORT BANGALISTAN & SAMAJ MOVEMENT", Kalyaneshvaranandji has written the following: "Bangalistan was given top priority by Baba in all the Samajas." And to support his claim, Kalyaneshvaranandji has written: "Baba published the book "Bangla and Bangali." No such book was published by AMPS about any other Samaj, because - Baba never spoke so much about any other Samaj" ** These Shabda Cayanika discourses Baba has given in the Bangla language. That is why innocent and confused people, they think this is a book of Bengali grammar. But those who have gone through the book very carefully, they know this is Samskrta grammar. This book has nothing to do with Bengali grammar only. It is the grammar mainly of Samskrta, and then other Samskrta-related languages. Because hundreds of languages' vocabulary is from Samskrta. A huge percentage is there. Mostly Indian languages, some have more than 90% Samskrta and some a little less. But they carry these roots. That's why this Shabda Cayanika book is the grammar of all those languages. So it is our duty to remove this dogma that this Shabda Cayanika is a Bengali grammar book. It is just like when a mad dog bites anyone, then the germ spreads to and spoils that very living being. Similarly these diseased people, whatever comes in their contact, they tried to color it in their Bengali color. And went on and on singing the chorus in the favor of their samaj or their language. And so many things. *** In "Bangla and Bengali", most of the discourses are like this -- that is, excerpted from somewhere else. Two examples I have given you, above. But almost all are like this. Here follow more. Other chapters in "Bangla and Bengali" taken from Shabda Cayanika include: - "History of Bengal" from AFPS parts 3 and 5. They made this into the chapters 9 and 10 of Bangla and Bengali. - "Bengali New Year" -- This was AFPS-5, and they put it in as the chapter 11 of Bangla and Bengali. - "Spring Festival" is from AFPS-5 . And they put it as chapter #12 in Bangla and Bengali. - "Light Festival" from AVM, also taken and placed in Bangla and Bengali. And so many such discourses of AVM and Prout, and AFPS. And the Samskrta Grammar book. They just collected some full discourses and some excerpts. Some excerpts have been taken also from the Varna Vijinana and Varna Vicitra series of discourses. Uprooted from their original place and printed there in "Bangla and Bengali". note 1: Regarding those who suffer from the psychic disease of narrow-mindedness or racial supremacy. Those who are puffed up in the vanity of the supremacy of their race. And they think they are specially God-gifted. About the path followed by such persons, Baba says, "The followers of ism foolishly consider themselves to be God's chosen ones... They think that the Supreme Father bestows His grace only on them, not on the rest of creation." (PNS-16, p.6) And regarding such people, who consider their race to be higher than that of others. Baba condemns such persons on the point of their racial supremacy. Baba says, "Those who...believe in the artificial distinctions of caste and class, etc., or beat drums proclaiming racial supremacy, follow the path of self-contraction. Their sa'dhana' is the sa'dhana' of ignorance and annihilation." (DT-2, p.45) Baba concludes below, explaining about the outcome of those who misguidedly follow this crude path of racial supremacy, by viciously exploiting others. Baba says, "They talk about universalism like parrots. They have no defined ideology in their individual and collective lives, and merely dedicate themselves to the deception of the human race as they strive to serve their petty self-interests by any means, fair or foul. We cannot expect any beneficial contribution from them." (DT-2, p.13) Note 2: My situation is like suppose, if you are sitting in your quiet lonely room, doing your own job. And one dog started barking outside the window, constantly. Then how long can you tolerate such noise? So under the pressure of circumstances, you have to go and solve the barking problem. So when some people give wrong notion that Baba gave a special favor to their samaj or their language, then it is the duty of any Margi to remove the dogma which is getting spread. Because of this reason, I was forced to write. Note 3: Baba explains that only psychically diseased persons can develop interest to propagate their own so-called racial supremacy. And paint one falsified picture that Taraka Brahma favors their samaj above all others. Here Baba explains about the origin of this serious affliction. Baba says, "Those who do not follow the spiritual path may perform harmful actions at any time. Even those whom society respects as intelligent or learned may, in reality, be no better than "polished satans", or what the scriptures call "demons". Our modern society is full of such people." (DT-2, p.13) And ultimately, Baba tells the fate of such persons. Baba says, "Those who accept differences of lineage and caste degrade themselves, and are ultimately converted into foxes, dogs, pigs, worms, or even trees and stones." No one can prevent their degradation." (DT-2, p.45)
*************************************** About Rich People
Parama Purusa Baba says, "It must always be remembered that the value of money lies in its proper use. If more money is accumulated than what is necessary, it becomes valueless for want of use. To the extent that you keep idle and valueless money with you, to that extent you become responsible for the injustices done to the hungry and the naked. Your valueless hoard will have to be made valuable by providing opportunities for use by others. Those who do not know the right use of money on the basis of the exchange of mundane resources are in fact the enemies of society." (HS-1, p. 41)

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