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Bangalistan: Part 2
Date: Fri, 04 Jul 2008 22:14:38 -0600
From: "Paul Paltrow"
Subject: Bangalistan: Part 2
"Tumi eso mor mandire..." (P.S. 1018)
Baba, please come into my mental temple (Guru cakra). Since ages I have
built this temple in the hope of Your grand arrival. Baba, please shower me
in Your divine effulgence...
Our AM books need to be proper-- that we all know.
Unfortunately, one team spends all their time convincing & lobbying innocent margiis that their false method is right, rather than actually making the books correct by rectifying all the errors which they themselves have committed. Day and night the Tiljala camp spreads their propaganda about keeping Bengali on top, and in result some well-intentioned margiis get led astray thinking that: Bengali is and must be the original text for each and every discourse. And indeed recently one sincere margii wrote like that publicly to one and all. When in fact that is not at all correct; nor is it Baba's system.
So let's take a closer look how this is all going on, lest other good margiis get entangled in that sticky web of Bangalistanism.
Throughout the many years, that Baba graciously delivered His divine discourses, the transcription of the recorded discourse was seen as the original version. For years and years this was Baba's system and that was why He was adamant that each and every discourse be recorded. This was especially the case after 1978. If any discourse was not recorded or not transcribed, then Baba would become furious at those Dadas. This was commonly known to all.
So the recorded discourse and the transcription thereof, in the original language, is Baba's system. That is the designated process for putting His discourses into printed form. And indeed, Ananda Vacanamrtam part 34 (2000) is a wonderful & faithful example of this approach.
Unfortunately, since 1990, the Tiljala camp has most often employed other tactics when publishing AM books in order to put Bengali permanently on top. And this is the false logic they use.
In the early days, before Baba's discourses were recorded, when Subhasita Samgraha parts 1 & 2 were being prepared for publication, then Baba Himself elaborated greatly on those DMC discourses that were initially given in Hindi speaking areas. And in that process, Baba was giving dictation in Bengali to certain Dadas and adding long explanations to the original discourse. So in the case of Subhasita Samgraha Part 1 and Part 2, Bengali was then used as the language. That is why on the title pages of SS-1 & SS-2 Hindi editions, there is an Author's note by Baba indicating that Bengali was used as the original version, even though some of the discourses were originally delivered in other languages like Hindi. But this only applies to SS-1 and SS-2. Only those books were made in that way. That is why no other book carries such an Author's note. And indeed, after that, when the recording of discourses started, Baba implemented the system that the recorded version is the original. End of story.
But those advocates of Bangalistanism fail to convey this history in its entirety. And they merely state to innocent margiis again and again, that Bengali must be the original version-- always and forever. Indeed they repeat this hundreds and thousands of times until finally some innocent margiis fall into their trap of Bangalistanism. And that is why, just recently one margii sister B earnestly recently wrote like that on one public forum. Because she really believes that Bengali must be considered as the original in all cases, when in reality it only applies to SS-1 & SS-2, wherein Baba explicitly wrote like that in the Author's note.
Unfortunately, the Tiljala camp has swept up various innocent margiis into their Bangalistan dogma with their ongoing justifications and false logic.
(Note: Since Baba is the Author of AM books, He could add onto discourses when He wished, such as in the case of SS-1 & SS-2, if He felt more clarification was needed. But even that He did only in select cases and He always made a note of it when it was done. Once the recording of discourses started, He no longer did like this. Not ever. Lastly, as no dada and no margii is the author of any AM discourse, we have no right to change or edit any discourse. Rather they must be printed "as is", according to the original cassette.)
Throughout the 1990's, Sarvatmananda and his B group cohorts committed a lot of sins by attempting to permanently destroy and alter Baba's divine words. They ruined AM Revolution, created the Fake BP Manual, inserted "translated from the original Bengali" at the beginning of every book, plus they invented the Fake Ananda Vaniis and countless other dogmas like Mahaprayan etc. In short, they made a black stain on our Marga.
In the wake of all the protests to these crimes, they felt they needed to respond to margiis appeals not to distort Baba's words. They had to prove themselves to the margiis. So they ordered Acyutananda to create one book that was true to Baba's words. And that book was Ananda Vacanamrtam part 34 (2000). In that publication, Acyutananda wrote every word down "as is" and what could not be heard, he wrote "inaudible". In a phrase, he transcribed everything perfectly from the original cassette and they did not impose any of their Bangalistanisms. A discourse from AV-34 is appended below for your review.
Why did team Tiljala do like this? Why did they create book "as is" from the original cassette. Because they KNEW-- they knew in their heart of hearts-- that this was Baba's system and in order to get back the trust and faith of margiis, they felt they had to follow Baba's system-- at least once. So they did it.
This printing in 2000 of AV-34 indeed proves that they know what this is the proper way to publish an AM book. They did not invent this approach themselves. This is the way given and approved by Baba Himself. That is why team Bangalistan adopted this "as is" technique. Because they knew it was Baba's system and they needed to get themselves out of "hot water" and earn back the trust of margiis.
After 2000 though, B group broke away from AMPS and in result, they felt they could again publish books according to their Bangalistanism.
So it was in that phase that they created their Tiljala Publications Committee and implemented the dogmatic rule that all discourses must be translated into Bengali first, irrespective of the original language. So they reverted back into their crude ways.
In that sense, it is just like one thief who steals and steals and steals, and then stops when the police are watching. But then again as soon as that thief is beyond the watchful eye of the police, then again they start stealing and stealing and stealing.
Similarly, during the 1990's the Tiljala distorted His discourses by committing one Bangalistanism after another, then in response to margii criticisms they published one book properly in 2000. And then thereafter when they created their breakaway faction and were out of the limelight, again team Tiljala started doing one Bangalistanism after another.
How then are they different from that thief?
Nowadays, some close to the Tiljala faction are saying that the new books coming out are again better. But until we see, how can we say.
One thing for sure however is that team Tiljala is not at all honest.
Because honest people admit their mistakes and rectify their errors and apologise for their wrongdoing. Team Tiljala does none of the above.
They have yet to apologise for distorting AM Revolution, for creating Fake Ananda Vaniis, for wrongly putting Bengali on top, for inventing the Fake BP Manual, for falsely inserting "translated from the original Bengali", or for any other heinous crime they have committed with regards to Baba's divine discourses. They never admit any fault.
Just they go on cheating margiis by ruining Baba's books and when they get caught red-handed, then they change their ways for a short while, yet all along they hold onto their negative dogmas of Bangalistanism.
That is why to this very day, they continue to wrongly teach margiis that Bengali is the original version of every discourse. And that is why good margiis-- like Sister B-- write to networks telling how all Baba's discourses must come from the Bengali version. Indeed, just recently sister B wrote like that on 07/03/2008 06:08 PM. All because team Tiljala taught her this dogma.
That is why it is quite clear by their behaviour and tactics, that team Tiljala's agenda is not to rectify their misdeeds and make AM books proper, rather they have some other ulterior aim that is best known to them.
Those with eyes to see understand however that team Tiljala continues in their shady ways because they wish to protect their prestige and not be forced to follow the true approach. Otherwise they would openly state that, "We were wrong to put Bengali on top and from now on we will transcribe precisely from the original cassette and use that as the true version". But such claims they never make.
This shows they are only trying to protect their image by not admitting any fault and also leaving scope in the future to again put Bengali on top.
Taken altogether, B group continues to misguide people that Bengali is the original version of each and every discourse, and that is why a good margii like sister B recently wrote like that. Because she was indoctrinated into that dogma by the Tiljala camp.
Theses Tiljala chieftains are no different from the priests of the various dogmatic religions who preach one dogma after another until finally they dupe the public into believing all kinds of crude isms. That is how good margiis like Sister B get dragged into this mess of Bangalistanism etc. Here Baba shows how this all happens.
Baba says, "By concocting many spurious and absurd stories, the cunning exploiters made others dance according to their wishes, like marionettes dressed in gaudy, coloured clothes in a puppet show. The exploiters would pull the strings from behind the scene, and the common people would move their hands and feet according to the whims of their masters. The people were kept dancing, stamping their feet and moving their hips, so they were never able to find the path of rationality. In fact, the very attempt to find the path of rationality was considered blasphemous." (PNS-16)
The rational approach is to print Baba's divine discourses "as is". And that is indeed His system. But because of their concocted Bangalistanism, a few good margiis have been deceived.
By Baba's grace, everyone is realising step by step the need to have His discourses in proper shape. This is one of our main duties and indeed soon we will have all His divine discourses printed in proper form, "as is" according to the original cassette.
Baba says, "The crimson light of that future breaks on the eastern horizon. We should welcome it – we must welcome it. There is no alternative but to welcome it." (AFPS-5)
In this below published discourse, from Ananda Vacanamrtam part 34, they did an "as is" rendering of the Baba's darshan and were careful to note if they could not understand a particular word from the original cassette. There are lots of notations indicating as such. Of course the goal is to be able to understand every word, that accepted, being faithful and true to Baba's original word is the needed and proper way to publish a discourse. That is why this printed discourse is such an excellent work.
'Every Word Is Meaningful'
[The first forty seconds or so of the author’s voice are almost inaudible on the tape.]
In “Bha'rata”(1) there are two root verbs, Sanskrit root verbs. One is bhar [bhr], and the other is tan. In Sanskrit bhar means “to feed”. Bhara means “feeder”.(2) Parama Purus'a is called sam'bhara, which means “the Supreme Feeder”.(3) So this verb is bhar, and the suffix is al: bhara. Bhara means “he who feeds”. Bhar means “to feed”, bhara means “he who feeds”. And the root verb tan means “to expand”.
Now, a child’s body may be called tanu in Sanskrit, because it is expanding at each and every moment. But the body of an [older] man is not tanu, it is shariira; shariira means “fast-decaying”, “waning”, becoming shiirn'a.
Tan means “to expand”. And tan plus the(4) suffix d'a becomes ta. Ta means “he who helps you in your physical, mental and spiritual expansion”; that is, he who helps you in your all-round expansion is ta. So bha'rata means “he who feeds you and helps you in your all-round expansion, all-round development”.
In Sanskrit the word vars'a has three meanings, three imports. One meaning is “year”; another meaning is “rainy season”; and another meaning is “country”. For “country” in Sanskrit there are three popular words – desha, vis'aya and vars'a. This country, this land where we are living, is called Mahis'a Vis'aya in Sanskrit [Mysore]. Mahis'a Vis'aya.(5) So the vars'a that helps you by feeding you and in your all-round development, physical, spiritual and mental, is “Bha'ratavars'a”. We shouldn’t say “Bha'rata”. The name of this country is “Bha'ratavars'a”. In this great and ancient country of ours, it is a tradition to use meaningful(6) words.(7) Everywhere you will find words with certain meanings. Each and every word(8) has got its peculiar significance.
For the Supreme Father, for God, we use so many words, and each and every word has got its proper meaning. One name is Na'ra'yan'a. What’s the meaning of Na'ra'yan'a? Na'ra + ayana. What’s the meaning of na'ra? In Sanskrit, the word na'ra has got three meanings. One meaning is niira, that is, “water”. Another meaning of na'ra is “devotion”, bhakti. He who distributes bhakti is “Na'rada” – Maharshi Narada. And the third meaning of na'ra is the Supreme Operative Principle, the Causal Matrix, the Supreme Creative Principle, the Maha'ma'ya'.(9) And ayana means “shelter”. So Na'ra'yan'a means “Shelter of the Supreme Operative Principle”, “Shelter of Maha'ma'ya'”. Now who is the shelter of Maha'ma'ya', who is the shelter of Parama' Prakrti, who is the shelter of the Supreme Creative Principle? Parama Purus'a, Purus'ottama. Hence Na'ra'yan'a means Purus'ottama.(10) So each and every word is meaningful.
Another popular word is “Ma'dhava” – do you use that word in this portion of India? Yes, you do. Ma' means Parama' Prakrti, the Creative Faculty, the Guiding Faculty, the Operative Principle. And dhava – the word dhava has got two meanings in Sanskrit.(11) And another meaning is “husband”. A lady who has lost her husband is vidhava'. So dhava means “husband”. So “Ma'dhava” means “husband of Parama' Prakrti”. Ma' means Parama' Prakrti, so “husband of Parama' Prakrti”, “controller of Parama' Prakrti”, “the ideal of Parama' Prakrti”. So “Ma'dhava” means Parama' Purus'a.
Then Iishvara – do you use this word Iishvara? In Sanskrit iish means “to control”, “to regulate”. He who controls everything, everything on earth, is Iishvara. That is, “the Supreme Controller”. Another meaning of Iishvara is “he who has aeshvarya” – an'ima' [to become small (small enough to enter any physical particle or any crevice of another’s mind)], laghima' [to become light (a light body can fly through air, a light mind can study the minds of others)], mahima' [to become large (an expanded mind is omniscient, and feels love for the universe)], iishitva [to control (this supreme control may be used to guide others’ minds)], vashitva [to psychically dominate others], ka'mavasa'yita' [or praka'mya, to materialize the desired outcome of events], vyapti [or antarya'mitva, to know the inner thought-wave and the inner need of any entity], pra'pti [to obtain any desired object] – these are all aeshvaryas. He who has developed all (12) the aeshvaryas – aeshvarya means “occult power” – is Iishvara. That is, the Lord having so many aeshvaryas is Iishvara.
Maharshi Patanjali says:
Kleshakarmavipa'ka'shayaerapara'mrs't'ah Purus'avishes'a Iishvarah – “The Purus'a, the Cognitive Faculty, who remains unassailed by the waves of actions and reactions, physical and mental, and who does never require any physical or mental or spiritual pabulum for His maintenance, is Iishvara.”
Kleshakarmavipa'ka'shayaerapara'mrs't'ah Purus'avishes'a Iishvarah. So the word Iishvara is also meaningful.
In the “Savitr Rk”, for the divine effulgence, we use the word bharga. Why do we use the word bharga?
Can any boy stand up and say the entire mantra, the incantation of Savita', the “Savitr Rk”?(13)
[Voice from the audience: Onm bhu'r bhuvah svah / Tat – ]
No, no, no.(14) Another onm. After Bhu'r bhuvah svah another onm. Onm' bhu'r bhuvah svah onm' / Tat savitur…
[Voice: … varen'yam / Bhargo devasya dhiimahi / Dhiyo yo nah pracodaya't.]
Here also we have used the word bharga for the divine effulgence. Why do we use bharga for the supreme effulgence?
I said, each and every word is meaningful. What is the meaning of this mantra? You boy, you say.(15) What is the meaning of this particular incantation? On'm – what’s the meaning of on'm?
[The member of the audience replies in terms of a – u – ma, and a short dialogue with the author follows, which is not clearly audible.]
Very good. Whenever we do something, a sound is created. [Author utters a sound. His next sentence, not clearly audible, ends “is a sound, is a colour, is of so many inferences.”] Now, the Supreme Progenitor, when He created the universe,(16) the first sound, the first created sound, was a. The first syllable a was present in the creation. And that’s why a is the first letter of the Ta'ntrika varn'ama'la' [Tantric alphabet]. A is the first letter of the Indo-Aryan varn'ama'la'. [Here the author discusses the Aryans who “came here from Central Asia,” and the rs'is (sages) and munis (saintly intellectuals) “who created the Vedas.” He says that at that time “There was no alphabetical knowledge.”] That is, our Indo-Aryan alphabet is a Tantric alphabet. It is not of Aryan origin, it is of Indian origin.(17) The first letter is a, first letter is alpha, first letter is aliph, first letter is “a”.
A represents creation, u represents maintenance,(18) ma represents destruction: onm. Onm represents the entire creative faculty of the Supreme Progenitor. A-u-m. Bhu' bhuvah svah mahah janah tapah satya – during the phase of creation, the creation started from subtle to crude, and the return phase is from crude to subtle. So Bhu' bhuvah svah mahah janah tapah satya – these are the seven strata created by the Supreme Father. [Your] body is in the stratum bhu'. Your mind remains in the stratum bhuvah. These are the seven strata; they are called loka in Sanskrit. So these seven lokas have been created by the Supreme Progenitor.
Tat savitur varen'yam. Savitur means “[of the] Creator”, “[of the] Father”. Varen'yam means “venerable”. Bhargo means “divine effulgence”. Dhiimahi means “[we] meditate on”. “We meditate on the divine effulgence of the Supreme Father who created these seven strata.” For “divine effulgence” the word bharga is used.
Why has the word bharga been created? In bharga there are three letters – bha, ra and ga.
Bha – Bha'sayate loka'n iti – “Because of His presence, because of His effulgence, the entire universe has become effulgent.” Bha'sayate loka'n iti [“that which illumines all the strata”]. And what is the first letter of bha'sayate? Bha.
Rainjayati. Rainjayati means “to charm”, “to colour”.(19) It starts with ra. So he who charms the Supreme is rainjayati, and the first letter of rainjayati is ra.
And the last one is Gacchati yasmin a'gacchati yasma'd.(20) Gacchati yasmin – “goeth back to whom”. A'gacchati yasma'd – “cometh from whom”. You see, everything is coming from Him and going back to Him, coming from Him, going back to Him. So Gacchati yasmin a'gacchati yasma'd. What’s the first letter? Ga. Gacchati yasmin – the first letter is ga.
So bha – ra – ga. Bha – ra – ga bharga ucyate [Bha, ra and ga compose bharga]. That’s why His divine effulgence is called bharga. Sah bha'sayate, sah rainjayati and gacchati yasmin. That’s why bha – ra – ga. In the “Ga'yattrii Mantra” [a popular name for the “Savitr Rk”] we use the word bharga for “His effulgence”.
So now I think you have understood the meaning of “Bha'ratavars'a”? So each and every word in this ancient land of ours is meaningful.
date not known
(1) A popular, but not precise, name for India; also a name of Krs'n'a, as a king of India. –Eds.
(2) Several words here were inaudible on the tape. –Eds.
(3) A word here was inaudible on the tape. –Eds.
(4) A word here was inaudible on the tape. –Eds.
(5) Several words here were inaudible on the tape. –Eds.
(6) Another adjective here was inaudible on the tape. –Eds.
(7) Several words here were inaudible on the tape. –Eds.
(8) A word here was inaudible on the tape. –Eds.
(9) A Sanskrit phrase here was inaudible on the tape. –Eds.
(10) A Sanskrit phrase here was inaudible on the tape. –Eds.
(11) The first meaning was not clearly audible on the tape. –Eds.
(12) A word here was inaudible on the tape. –Eds.
(13) Several words here were inaudible on the tape. –Eds.
(14) A word here was inaudible on the tape. –Eds.
(15) A word here was inaudible on the tape. –Eds.
(16) Several words here were inaudible on the tape. –Eds.
(17) A few words here were inaudible on the tape. –Eds.
(18) A word here was inaudible on the tape. –Eds.
(19) Another equivalent here is inaudible on the tape. –Eds.
(20) A few words here were inaudible on the tape. –Eds.
Published in:
A'nanda Vacana'mrtam Part 34
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