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Baba's Flying Messenger
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 22:41:18 -0000
Subject: Baba's Flying Messenger
From: RB_MAURYA@ecectronic...
"Sukhe dukhe a'mi toma'y bha'loba'si, toma'r tare ka'ndi ha'si..."
(P.S. 2679)
Baba, in both my pleasure and pain I love You. I cry as well as laugh
for You. My entire existence is revolving around You. You are my
everything. You are the jewel of my heart-- the most precious and
attractive thing. In my mental sky You are the only shining Entity, like
the full moon. You are my everything.
Baba, I do not know since which hoary past You came in my life. And
when You made everything effulgent. You created this world and since the
dawn of this creation You are. Since that time the divine effulgence is
still shining as it is--unchanged. It did not become faint. It does not
obey the time factor. It is eternal.
Baba, You are One but You are expressing Yourself in infinite ways.
You are that Singular Entity but also You have created many. This whole
creation is also Your form. So You are always playing Your divine liila
with this world which You have created. This divine liila is a mix of
darkness and effulgence. By this way and with the attraction of Your
love, sometimes You keep me close and sometimes You keep Yourself at a
Baba I am singing Your name and keeping Your warm feeling in my
heart-- all the time, day and night. 24hrs. It is Your grace...
As Ananda Margiis, the best memories and most beautiful experiences in
our life revolve around being with Baba-- either through our dreams, in
our sadhana, or being in His physical proximity. All these remembrances
bring a wave of sweetness and bliss. And truly we are blessed to have
His personal touch in this life. That is nothing but His divine grace.
One of the greatest things about Baba is that everything He does is
aimed towards bringing us closer to Him. His teachings, His stories, His
affection, His scolding, His directives, and His humour are all done for
one special reason: So that we may be drawn closer to Him and realise
His infinite love.
In that way, everything He does is for our betterment and growth and
this following story leads in this very same direction.
We have all heard the line, 'A flying buffalo or camel or lizard or
various other types of animals have come and whispered in my ear'. This
extremely humorous explanation was Baba's way of telling us that He is
aware about each and every thing and that He is always with us-- caring
and watching.
One time at DMC in April in Daltonganj, all the margiis and acaryas had
assembled and were excitedly waiting for Baba's divine arrival into the
Pandal. The year was 1984. There was so much anticipation and so much
electricity in the air and our Marga was on the rise. Everyday Baba was
giving new teachings and every week more and more devotees were coming
from around the globe to be with Baba. The days of Emergency were now
long behind us and everything in AM was thriving. New people were
swarming into the Marga.
So in that anxious moment when all were waiting for Baba's august
presence, the pandal was filled with the devotional chanting of kiirtan.
And after every round as the kiirtan was sung, we are were sure that at
this moment Baba would make His arrival. But alas it was not to be. And
again the devotional longing would mount in kiirtan until the thought of
Him still not coming was unbearable. We were all lost in His thought and
His rhythm.
Then just as it seemed that the kiirtan would go on forever, there was a
massive call from the front of the pandal, 'Parama Pita Baba Ki!' and we
all shouted 'Jai!".
Still there was no physical sign of Baba's arrival but we could feel
that any second He would come forth. Then again came the call 'Parama
Pita Baba Ki' and in unison everyone responded 'Jai!'. This went on for
4 or 5 more rounds until the sound reached its peak and every cell of
everyone's existence was totally focused on His coming.
And in that electrifying moment, Baba emerged from behind the stage and
did His folded hand blessing to all. A wave of bliss spread through the
mass of devotees who had gathered. And in a majestic way Baba walked
across the stage, using His cane in the most regal manner. Cries of,
'Baba, Baba, Baba' filled the air. And all the while there were Dadas
surrounding Him watching His each and every step.
When Baba reached the dais and turned to sit down, then immediately PA
Dada came forward and removed Baba's shoes and helped get Baba
comfortably situated on His seat. Pillows were arranged and everything
was made neat and clean. A glass of water was offered to Baba and He
sipped gently from the glass taking a small amount of water.
Little by little, the sound in the Pandal began to lessen as all eyes
became fixed on Baba. Everyone was watching Him intently to see what
would happen next. Then in a joyful mood, Baba asked, 'How is everyone?
Have you had enough to eat? Are you alright?'. And everyone responded,
'Yes Baba'.
Then came the call for brothers kaoshikii. Still at that time, kaoshikii
was relatively new, and everyone was learning to improve their rhythm
and form. So in that spirit, a kaoshikii competition wa to be done in
front of Baba. So many brothers participated and Baba gently nodded
approvingly as they did their dance.
At that time, many of the margii sisters were thinking to themselves
that they would not have to dance kaoshikii today as they were not prepared.
So after the brothers finished their dance, then Baba look around and
everyone was waiting for the inevitable-- for Him to request the sisters
to dance kaoshikii. But it did not happen. Baba delayed and the room was
And then in the next moment, in Hindi Baba said, 'A flying camel has
come and told me that the girls do not want to participate in the
kaoshikii competition'.
After saying this, then Baba was smiling and looking all around the
pandal and in response everyone started smiling and laughing.
Seeing this whole scene, then the sisters quickly came forward and said,
'We want to participate in the kaoshikii competition'.
Then Baba replied, 'As you like'.
And accordingly those sisters did their competition in kaoshikii and
Baba gave His approval.
So during reporting and dharma samiiksa etc, and in various
circumstances, Baba would tell that, 'A flying buffalo has told me...'.
This was His charming & sweet way of telling us that He is always with us.
In countless reportings He did like this.
By this expression, we are to understand that we are not alone and that
we cannot do anything in hidden or secret. We should always think that
He is watching. Through this approach, then the sadhaka will become pure
and sanctified as one will not indulge in negative things because they
will think that Baba is always watching.
And certainly, if one cultivates this habit and thinks that Baba is
always watching, then their real spiritual life starts. Furthermore,
when they start thinking in this manner all the 24 hrs, then they are
established in Brahmahood. In that stage they cannot do anything wrong.
Verily this entire process is one practical way of doing second lesson.
This process is also used in dhyana as well. Because a devotee serves
Parama Purusa then they should feel that He is watching.
We know that human life is for sadhana but obstacles invariably come
from avidya maya. One or another trick of maya keeps the sadhaka blinded
and gives them the feeling that materialism is everything. And another
form of avidya maya pulls them away still further by giving them the
false notion that spirituality is meaningless and garbage. Indeed we all
have to be very careful about these two negative forms of avidya maya.
By Baba's grace when a sadhaka moves one step closer to Parama Purusa,
then one feels the presence of vidyamaya and inspiration comes in the
mind that, 'human life is very short and my goal is Parama Purusa and I
want Him'.
When this feeling comes then the sadhaka rushes headlong to Parama
Purusa and in a very short span reaches Him. Then only does human life
become successful. In this entire approach, Guru's grace is everything
so we should always beg for His grace. O' Lord please be gracious.
Baba says, "The greatest human treasure is devotional sentiment,
devotional wonts. This devotional wealth must be preserved; otherwise
humanity will lose its most valuable possession. The people of the
present-day world have made considerable progress, so now they must not
permit this highest human treasure to be destroyed. Whenever we see that
the pressure of external circumstances threatens this life essence, we
should pray to the Supreme: 'O Lord, please be kind enough to protect
our inner vitality from total destruction. Save us from the agony of
total loss'." (NH-LOI)
First and foremost, it is the unquestioned truth that Parama Purusa knows everything.
And sure enough, there was one way for Baba to come forward and say, 'I
know everything'. But this He did not like to do as it sounds a bit
arrogant in this present era. In the past however, Lord Krsna did
proclaim as such because the society was ready to listen. But in this
present era, Baba chose not to say like this.
Instead, Baba opted for a more indirect approach. So He employed the use
of one 'messenger' who would tell Him everything. Sometimes that
messenger was a flying camel, or a flying buffalo, or a flying lizard
etc. There were so many animals who 'came to Baba as messengers'. This
was Baba's chosen style.
Yet internally we all know that Baba knows everything and no one really
believes that the messenger-- such as a flying camel-- is something
real. So this is not something to take literally. It is just Baba's
sweet way of telling us that He knows everything.
In the past however, people have taken things literally such as when
Veda Vyasa Deo told his stories and in turn the common people built
statues based on those tales. Obviously, this type of misunderstanding
should not occur in this present era. We should clarify the point now
that Baba was just joking and those flying camel messengers were not
real. Otherwise in the future people will take it seriously and make
statues of those flying buffaloes etc. So this dogma should not be
allowed to happen.
And it won't so long as we all know and propagate that those flying
animals were not real, just it was Baba's sweet way of telling us that
He knows everything and that always He is watching for our welfare.
Definition of "Real Discipline"
Lord says, "And what is discipline? The Sam'skrta term for `discipline'
is 'anusha'sanam'. And what is anusha'sanam? `Hita'rthe sha'sanam
ityarthe anusha'sanam.' When the code of discipline is imposed with the
spirit of welfare, with the spirit of development, it is called
'anusha'sanam' in Sam'skrta. There is no corresponding English word."
(AV-3 p.30)
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