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Story: King of Lucknow Killin' Time
From: "Jorge Santana"
Subject: Story: King of Lucknow Killin' Time
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 22:34:51 +0100
"An'ur vyatha', etadine bujhale priyo, anuma'ne..." (P.S. 4593)
Baba, O' my Dearest, now by Your guessing You have understood the
feeling of this unit being. How You do not have time to come close to me;
rather, You remain sitting on the divine throne of Your devotees. On that
throne which is studded with jewels. So You do not have time to look
towards this little being.
People are demanding me that, 'Why do you go on crying and why do you
call that divine Entity who will not come and who will never pay heed to
your calling'. People also told, 'Don't you know, His heart is very hard
like a stone. He does not care. He knows all the scriptures all the shlokas
all the mantras and bhajans, there is no need to tell anything to Him. He
will not pay heed'. In spite of peoples' suggestions, I never get
frustrated or hopeless.
Because by Your grace I know that I must get You. I know for certain
that at some point in this life of mine, up to my death even-- I know that
You will come to me. O' Baba, I am hopeful that You will grace me and that
You will come in the lotus of my heart and that You will make my life
We all know that we have come on this earth for very short period. And that
in that short period there are many things to be done. Indeed there are
many great works to do. All margiis are aware about this fact.
Yet in various conversations sometimes you can hear people saying that to
'kill the time' and to cure their boredom they search millions of miles of
web pages-- just to pass the time. This is one type of person. Some margiis
may or may not come in this category.
Then there is a second type of person that thinks that actually what they
are doing is very important when really in their heart of hearts they
secretly know that they are just wasting away their time. But to justify
their actions they convince themselves that what they are doing is really
important. For example there are some who watch junk TV shows for their
crude enjoyment but they convince themselves that 'they are watching this
junkie TV show to learn about the collective mind-set of society so that
they can establish Prout'. This type of hypocrisy you may have seen now and
In any event in both the above cases time is not being properly utilised--
though for obvious reasons the second case is worse than the first as that
wastage of time is interwined with self-deception and hypocrisy.
About maximizing our use of time we should refer to Baba's poignant guideline.
Baba says, "I advise you not to waste your time any longer. Utilise your
time in worthwhile pursuits...While you are executing your noble task do
not waste your time. In this practical world, in this relative world, the
most valuable relative factor is time. Once the time has passed and gone,
it does not return again, so never misuse time." (AV-8, p. 45-6)
By this guideline it is quite clear that Baba directs us not to waste the
time-- in any way, shape, or form.
So which sadhaka, which margii, has the time to mindlessly search the web
from one corner of the universe to the other. Or who has time to pursue
games like chess etc. Because by searching the web just as a means of
entertainment and by playing chess, then those people forget everything--
and hours and days get blended together and time just passes. And indeed
who has time to watch low-grade TV shows for sheer entertainment,
simultaneously lying to oneself as well.
Surely such type of goal-less pursuits are not at all appreciated in our
Marga. And Baba is very strict on this point as it makes the mind dull and
soft and one loses their inner vision of life.
One story is there how one debauched King, King Wazid Ali Shah of Lucknow,
was deeply involved in the game of chess-- indeed he was addicted to chess.
And several weeks ahead of time, the King got the important report from his
ministers that the British army was going to raid his kingdom.
But when the King got this information from his intelligence officers then
the King's only answer was: 'How far they are?'
And then after that the King again joined his chess game.
From then on the King's military advisers were constantly giving him
information about the progress of the British army. And the only thing the
King continued to tell them was, 'Ok, the enemies are far off, let me
continue my chess-- the enemies are far away'. Like this the King was
And when the situation developed to such a degree that the British soldiers
reached just nearby in the local area. Then the king's intelligence
advisers were giving more and more warnings. And the King replied, 'It is
okay, I can still play chess till they come closer'.
Then when the British Army actually reached to fort door, then after
hearing this news all the other chess players quickly left the King's
palace. In fear they escaped. And the King remained there alone.
The King was completely oblivious to the threatening situation at hand. And
instead the King was just calling out to those chess players who left. The
King was just yelling and abusing those who escaped, 'Why you left! Come
here and play chess'.
Finally on that fateful moment when the Britishers reached into the
compound itself and actually entered into the King's room, then the British
Army personnel surprisingly exclaimed, 'Oh, King, you are alone here'.
And the British commanders saw that next to the King just his chess board
was there. And the King was still busily yelling into the void at those who
had left the chess game.
So this way the British Army officials got introduced to that King. And the
King said, 'There were many persons here but they escaped'.
Then the senior British officer asked, 'What are you doing here alone?'
Then the King replied, 'I am waiting for them return in order to resume our
chess match'.
In the last the British arrested the King and took him away to the jail.
And they told to the King, 'Finish your chess game here; indeed here you
will get a lot of opportunity to play chess'. And so accordingly the King
passed the whole rest of his life locked up there in the jail.
So this is how addiction happens. So the whole cause here was this useless
psychic pursuit. Chess brought the negative situation where the King lost
his senses and he could not retaliate even.
Unfortunately these days one or two people are commonly involved in useless
activities such as searching the web with no goal in mind etc, where they
just idle the away their precious time-- time just gets utterly wasted.
Baba says, "Now, everywhere, in cent-per-cent of the cases, there is
wastage of human psychic potentiality. The psychic potentialities of human
beings are immense, but people do not utilise them because most of their
valuable time is wasted in undesirable thoughts, in psychic extravaganza."
(YP, p. 134)
So Baba is adamant that we must not waste our time in useless pursuits such
as chess, uselessly reading thousands of websites just to pass the day, or
mindlessly watching junk TV.
Rather Baba guides us that direct intervention is need to stop this
degenerating free-fall into crudity.
Baba says, "This psychic extravaganza should be checked either by physical
approach, or psychic approach, or by spirituo-psychic approach. (YP)
So Baba strongly commands us not to ware our psychic faculty because if
anyone fails to stop such type of mental extravaganza, then ultimately they
cannot follow the path of sadhana-- they will become totally lost.
Here again, Baba guides that we should always cleanse the mind of needless
thoughts and mental engagements.
Baba says, "From the psychic sphere also, unnecessary waves are to be
removed. This will remove many burdens from the mind. 'I must not bother
about petty things, because that will waste my time' -- people should
remember this. This removal or rather withdrawal of unnecessary and
undesirable thoughts emanated from the mind, will help you in rationalising
the major portion of your mental faculty, and so this must also be
practised." (YP)
Baba guides us how when good sadhakas gather for satsaunga then they never
like to waste the time in useless activities like chess or needlessly
roaming the web, rather they prefer to goad their minds toward that Supreme
Hub, the Parama Purusa.
Baba says, "Whenever the devotees of Hari assemble together they do not
like to gossip, but prefer to do Hari Kirtana, and nothing else." (AVM-7,
Baba has graciously blessed us with all the psycho-spiritual tools to
become 100% successful in life. Toward this endeavour His varabhaya mudra
remains eternally with us by His grace.
Baba says, "Inner channelisation and one-pointed conversion into
psycho-spiritual pabulum brings about radical changes in individual and
collective life. The psycho-spiritual approach makes a person deeply
introversial, one-directional, strong and dynamic." (Baba)
Only Remedy
Baba says, "It is the duty of all human beings and especially those who are
devotees, it is their mandatory duty to always think that, 'I am a machine
and the controller is Parama Purusa. He is the machine man and I have to
work according to His desire. I have to fulfill His desire. This body of
mine is a machine and it belongs to Him. This is His machine and this
machine has to do His work.' If one constantly thinks in this way then the
vanity of action will never sprout. This is the only path to save oneself
from vanity. One has to think 'I am just one machine; I am a tool and
according to His desire I have to work'."
(SS-16 (H), p. 81, DMC Agra 19 Feb 84)
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