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Forgive & Forget?
Date: 24 Jul 2009 07:17:29 -0000
From: "Satyanarayan Mishra"
Subject: Forgive & Forget?
"Tumi ele, a'lo a'nale, a'ndha'r du're sare gelo..." P.S. #1036
Baba, You have come and brought a showering of grace and divine
effulgence along with You. By Your auspicious advent the thick fog of
cimmerian darkness has been vanquished. And all the fear which I had has
vanished in a flash-- by Your grace.
Baba, You are so magnificent. With Your soft, sweet smile You have
told me, 'Look towards Me and remember that I am the Fear of fear. By
taking My name and ideating on Me, then fear itself gets terrified'.
Baba, You also have said to me, 'By taking proper ideation look towards
Me.' O' my Dearmost Baba, You have also lovingly told me:
'You must not forget that in this cosmic play the divine rule is not
that there is only effulgence and no darkness. Or that there are only
rose flowers and no thorns; or only high tidal waves of bliss and no
stretches of sadness. This Divine play has both qualities, side by
side-- darkness and light.' 'You should also always remember this
divine truth: That I (BABA) am always along with you, all the time, in
pleasure and pain. I love you-- you are mine and I am yours. Remove and
throw away all the loneliness and inferiority complexes from your mind.
I am ever-gracious on you.'
Baba, You Yourself have blessed me like this. Baba You have come and
showered Your causeless grace on me...
Now all around the globe people are gathering left and right to discuss
the extreme nature of the problems in our AMPS.
Even then we know that by Baba's grace and with the strong efforts of
sincere margiis and acaryas alike, our Marga will get turned around and
headed in the right direction. It will take a determined effort-- a
right effort, keeping our gaze fixed on His divine teachings.
However, amidst it all, some are still talking that we should just
"forgive and forget-- so we can move on". How far this approach is
proper or not we should all take a look. Because using the wrong
"solution" to resolve our problems will not bring a pretty outcome.
Here following are some of Baba's famous teachings on forgiveness.
Baba says, "Ks'ama', or forgiveness....What is forgiveness?...How should
a virtuous person behave? If one is satisfied that the wrongdoer's habit
has been rectified, one may pardon him. If someone is perpetrating
atrocities on thousands of Ananda Margiis, however, one has no
individual right to excuse the wrongdoer because that wrongdoer has
harmed thousands of innocent people. But if a person commits atrocities
on me alone, and if I am satisfied that his nature has been transformed,
it would be proper for me as dharmika to show forgiveness. However, if
his nature has not been rectified, my forgiveness may result in that
person becoming even more of a reckless scoundrel and in such a case
forgiveness would be considered as a sign of my weakness. This is the
dharmik interpretation of ks'ama'." (AV-4)
And here is another of Baba's mandates on the point of forgiveness.
Baba says, "In collective life one has no right to forgive
anyone...Forgiveness is something personal; it is not a collective
matter. Suppose you are an inhabitant of India. If someone harms the
collective life of India, you must not forgive them. Likewise, as you
belong to the entire human race, you must not forgive anyone who harms
humanity." (SS-10)
Thus in these above guidelines Baba is instructing us that:
1) There is no forgiveness in collective life. If someone has harmed the
society no individual has the right to forgive them.
2) Forgiveness is limited to individual life only-- even then it must be
done only under certain special conditions. That is only if the guilty
party has fully rectified their wrongdoing.
3) Rectification is a pre-requisite for forgiveness. If the wrongdoer
has not corrected their defective behavior then they cannot be forgiven.
4) Premature forgiveness results in further harm done to the society.
These then are some of Baba's key points on forgiveness.
So the whole sense is that forgiveness is one particular practice that
can only be be done under very limited or special circumstances. It is
not something that can be handed out freely or done indiscriminately.
Rather doing so will undermine the whole scene and create more problems
and lead to more injustices.
So when someone is claiming that we should "forgive and forget and start
afresh" then we should apply our vivek.
Because since 1990 countless misdeeds and unjust dealings have been
committed by those very certain group leaders and not a single
wrongdoing has been corrected: They have gone against Guru's system and
sidelined margiis and taken away basic rights, margiis have been cast
aside from running the organisation, the Bhukti Pradhan Manual has been
altered, AM scripture has been distorted and the significant paragraph
about margii rights has been deleted entirely.
Like this countless wrongdoings have been committed yet not an ounce of
rectification has been done-- nor has there been any admittance of such
Yet day after day there have been so many opportunities to correct these
things, but not one wrong has been undone. Nor has there been a peep
about it from those responsible for doing that damage.
Means those groupist kingpins who are at fault for taking away margii
rights and those who are to blame for not reinstating those rights do
not express any iota of repentance for their wrongdoing. Yet they want
that we should revere an follow them.
So that is just nonsense when all such crimes and injustices have been
done by various group & sub-group leaders. About their identity everyone
is already aware-- names need not be mentioned.
The whole idea being that when someone is calling out that 'so and so
number of groupist honchos should be given a blanket pardon and forgiven
entirely', then we should be alert and stand firm to Guru's guidelines.
Because Baba pointedly tells us not to forgive those who have harmed
society and not to forgive those who have failed to rectify their
behavior. Such wrongdoers must not be pardoned. This is Baba's teaching.
So when there has been not any hint at rectification and when not an
iota of repentance has been expressed, then in that case where is the
scope for forgiveness. Rather under such conditions we should pay heed
to Guru's stern warning.
Baba says, "Do not forgive till one's nature is reformed. Immediate
forgiveness is a special weakness of mind. It results in worse harm to
society." (CC, part 2, p.8)
Hence Baba's key point is that there must be repentance and
rectification from those sub-factional heads and group leaders. Without
that forgiveness should not be done.
One other thing to mark: When exploitative leaders commit injustices for
years on end then their whole being becomes distorted: Their heart
becomes hard and their skin becomes thick. In that situation, it becomes
almost impossible to repent and rectify oneself. So we should beware,
keep sharp eyes, and not get befooled.
Because as we know, following and adhering to Baba's do's and don'ts on
forgiveness is one mandatory point for building up a healthy, well-knit
human society.
Here following is Baba's special grace and blessing.
Baba says, "He will do what is necessary. You just go on observing Him,
just go on doing His work and adhere to what He says with all your
energy...Let that golden day come at the earliest and make your life
effulgent." (SS-18, p.38)
Note 1: Sometimes innocent persons think we should "forgive and forget
and start afresh". And by that way of overlooking wrongdoings, they are
thinking that this will bring peace, harmony, & unity etc. But Baba's
clear-cut guideline is that by not evaluating the situation properly and
by offering forgiveness to those who are unrepentant and granting
pardons arbitrarily when collective harm has been done, this is not the
proper approach nor will it yield good results. Rather that will invite
more negativity.
Note 2: From the tearing down of the Bhukti Pradhan system, to
victimising and expelling innocent margiis, to the distortion of Baba's
teachings, across the board in all these realms huge damage has been
done by a few self-serving group leaders like Sarvatmanandji,
Rudranandji etc. Those who are hungry for power and post. And never do
they show the least bit of repentance or remorse for their unjust and
sinful actions. In that case how can they be pardoned. Anyway, let us
have hope-- and keep sharp eyes also.
Note 3: Here following is Baba's special paragraph about margii rights
which those groupist forces have removed from the electronic edition of
Baba's books and from so many printed versions.
Baba says, "Ananda Marga does not discriminate between a family person
and a sannyasi (renunciate). The place given to a family person in our
Marga is greater than the place given to a sannyasi, based on the reason
that the former is not dependent on anyone for his or her maintenance,
while the sannyasi has to depend on others. A family person is like a
strong tree which is self-supporting, while the sannyasi is like the
vine which twines around the tree for its support. A family person
therefore deserves more respect than a sannyasi, according to the trend
of thought in Ananda Marga. This itself is a revolutionary idea. No
philosopher or thinker, whether eastern or western, had ever dared to
declare a family person as deserving more respect than a hermit or a
sannyasi. It needed the courage of a revolutionary to say so." (PNS-11,
Multiple Points of Interest
Baba says, "Large, ancient animals used to die at previously selected
places. The wild elephants of today still follow this habit. At such
places the bones of the animals became a hill which became deposits of
calcium sulphate, calcium carbonate, etc. with the passage of time."
Baba says, "Wherever cretaceous animals lived in groups, limestone will
be found. In Assam, for example, lime stone and petroleum can be found.
The fat of these huge animals petroleum and the bones became limestone."
Baba says, "In Ra'r'h, in Jalda and Jaipur, limestone can also be found.
Limestone is good for manufacturing cement and helps oranges grow well."
(Above quotes from 'Integrated Farming', Prout-16, p.38)
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