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Three Women Equal One Man...

From: Amriteshwar Verma
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 11:46:17 
Subject: Three Women Equal One Man... 


"A'loker ya'tra' pathe, tumi prabhu theko sa'the..."   (P.S. 2779)


O' Baba, please remain along with me on the path of this effulgent journey. By Your grace, do not allow me to lag behind and get caught in the crest & troughs of my forward movement. Let my pathway be smooth by Your grace.

Baba, I do not care about any bondages or samskaras. My only request is that You please give me strength to do Your work and serve You - implement Your ideals. This single request I humbly make at Your lotus feet.

O' my Dearmost Baba, this whole entire creation is revolving round and round - propelled by the laws of karma. The great Cosmic Entity and the unit being exist in this system of brahmacakra. The divine Entity is that nucleus that the jiivas rotate around. So now Baba, in this very cycle of brahmacakra, please also include me. Make it so that I shall always remain as Your designated machine (yantra). In that way, I will go on executing Your task. Let my life be completely devoted unto You.    

Baba, by Your grace, please remain with me on this journey of effulgence - all the while keeping me moving ahead in an unhindered way...




The below excerpt is missing from the printed English and Bengali versions of Baba's discourse, "Liberation of Intellect". The discourse was originally given by Baba in Hindi. And the original Hindi of the missing section is given below, followed by an English translation. But in the printed English version of the discourse, this section has never appeared. So here it has been translated by some Hindi-speaking margis, so that all can understand the meaning of the section.

From "Liberation of Intellect" (Patna, 26th January 1980)

"Do ca'r maha'purus' bhii to aese the, ham to maha'purus' kahate haen kyonki aor shabd ka' vyavoha'r karna', ucit nahiin hoga'. Kahate the, ki ek aorat pu'ra' manusy nahiin hae. Tiin aorat sama'n ek purus'. Adbhut! Aor jo log un ko ma'nenge un kii buddhi par avarodh d'a'la' ja'ega'. Ve du'sare kisii praka'r ke vica'r ko ve barda'sht tak nahiin kar sakenge. Jis vica'r se man ka' sva'bha'vik vika's hoga' buddhi ka' sva'bha'vik vika's hoga', us vica'r se ve du'r rahenge, vica'r se d'arenge. Dogma ne un ko is tarah se jakar' liya' hae." "Kuch log to aesa' bhii kahenge ki-- "Majahab men akl kii dakhal nahiin hae." Artha't jaha'n akl nahiin hae jaha'n manus'y aklmand nahiin hae jaha'n manus'y vica'rshiil nahiin hae ve majahab ke cangul men phasenge." "A'j ka' a'locy vis'ay hae-- "buddhi kii mukti". Jiivan ke har pahalu' men hamen buddhi se ka'm lena' par'ta' hae aor ham adhik se adhik buddhi ca'hate haen, ca'henge. Aor ham ja'nte haen, pra'krtik vika's ke anusa'r manus'y kii buddhi bar'htii rehegii aor is buddhi ke parivartan men aor bhii kaii sa'lon tak vah jo dogmas hae badha'en d'a'ltii rahegii. Ham tumlogon se yahii kahenge, ki tum logon men yaha'n tak to buddhi a' gaii hae ki kaon dogma hae kaon dogma nahiin hae. Yah samajhane kii buddhi tum men a' gaii hae. Ham yahiin kahenge ki jaha'n dekhoge ki tumha'rii buddhi ke vika's men dogma ba'dha' d'a'l rahii hae, vaha'n himmat ke sa'th dogma ko cu'r-cu'r kar a'ge bar'the raho!" Patna, 26th January 1980, RU Discourse


(Note: The following is an informal translation of the above, made by some Hindi-knowing Margis, so that all can understand and have a sense of the above excerpt which is missing from our AM books.)

"There are also a few "great personalities" (maha'purus') - we call them "great personalities" because it would not be proper to use any other term - who say that in the social sphere one woman does not hold the value of an entire man. Rather, three women equal one man. What an absurd notion! Those who are the followers of such "great personalities", their own intellectual growth will be impeded. They will not be able to tolerate even, any rational ideas. They will keep away from and fear all rational ideas which bring the natural growth and development of mind. In this very way, dogma has captured their minds. Some people also say that- "In religion, there is no place for the intellect". That is, where people are not intelligent, where they are not rational, where they are fools, in that very state they are liable to get caught in the clutches of religion. The subject of today's discourse is, "The liberation of intellect". Indeed, we have to utilize our intellect in all spheres of life. And because of this, we want to increase our intellect as much as possible. Further we know that, according to the law of nature, human intellect will go on increasing. And, dogmas will continue to hinder this mental progress for many more years to come. I will say this to you all that you have understood well what is dogma, and what is not. And I will also say, that wherever you see dogma creating a hindrance to the growth of your intellect, there you should courageously go on crushing the dogmas and moving ahead!"


This discourse, "Liberation of Intellect", is a truly historical discourse. It was given by Baba in 1980, two years prior to His visionary book "Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism". In 1982 this revolutionary new idea of the liberation of intellect, would be spread like fire via that book. And at that very time, its fame would move throughout the world. But actually two years prior, in 1980, with the discourse "Liberation of Intellect", Baba launched the new idea. Although at that time in 1980, no one realized a revolutionary new era of thought was in the process of being created. Because it was not until two years later that the idea was given in full by Baba with the book ("Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism"). However the seed of that very book was actually given two years prior with this discourse, "Liberation of Intellect". So verily this is a historical and ground-breaking discourse. It was given in Patna, on the 26th of January, 1980.


And for Margis, in 1980 the term "Liberation of Intellect" itself was something quite new. Until then, Margis had only heard the phrase "the liberation (mukti) of a person". When this discourse was given in 1980 with the new phrase "the mukti of intellect" on center stage, to all it seemed quite unusual and strange. Could it also be the case, people wondered, that there were such a thing as the "the moksa of intellect" as well? Margis could not understand just what this new thing was, "the mukti or liberation of intellect". Because they were used to hearing the word "mukti" or "liberation" used regarding human beings, and not just a human's one part, the "intellect".


And there in Patna, Baba demonstrated the unique and all-important nature of this discourse, right at the moment He gave it. Because He gave it using a highly unusual medium. For it was an established tradition, that the RU discourse was mostly given in English. But Baba gave the RU Discourse, "Liberation of Intellect", given in Patna, 26th January 1980, was given in Hindi.


Now, as all know, in those days the publications department was being run by Bengali-speaking WT's. And they took great pride in the discourses Baba gave in Bengali-- due to which the Bengali discourses were transcribed and printed with great care. The printed Bengali discourses were well done-in them was printed very accurately just what Baba had spoken in the actual discourse. But unfortunately with the Hindi discourses, such care was not taken. Rather, often sections were missing or passages were very poorly transcribed. And such is the case with this discourse, "Liberation of Intellect". As it is in Hindi, so it is very poorly done.


Indeed, perhaps the most important section of the discourse about the rights of women, has been deliberately taken away. Indeed, how can it be that this entire section was left out by mistake. It could only have been removed intentionally, in order to shorten the length of the discourse. So that in the long term, the number of printed pages in AM books would be less in Hindi and more in Bangla. So that Bengla would supercede Hindi altogether and be accepted as the most important language in AM scripture. And the proof that Bengali-speaking WTs had this desire, is that this was done not with one discourse only, but with virtually all. This became the overwhelming trend in the publications department, that any discourse in Hindi should be shortened as much as possible, and all Bangla discourses must be kept at full length.


And this discourse "Liberation of Intellect", although given by Baba in Hindi, was actually printed first in Bengali in AV part 18. And it was presented to the Margi public as the original language of the discourse. This very Bengali language edition was used by our publishers as the original also-- that is, Hindi and English editions were translated from this so-called "original" Bengali version. Although Baba had given the discourse in Hindi, but the translated Bengali version was used to re-translate a new Hindi version, rather than using the original Hindi which Baba gave the discourse in. So the Hindi and English editions of the discourse when they were later printed, were translated from Bengali. And it is even printed in the Hindi and English editions, that the discourse is "Translated from the original Bengali". And any subsequent other-language editions whether Spanish, Russian, Japanese etc, were all translated from the so-called "original" Bengali-- when actually this was not the original at all. The Hindi was the real original, but our Calcutta publishers befooled the Margis and general WTs into thinking that the Bengali version was the original. So in that very so-called original Bengali printing, the section about women's rights was removed. This was done out of a desire to minimize the Hindi discourse-- for in their own minds, our publishers knew that Baba had given the discourse in Hindi and for this reason they wanted to minimize it. So they removed the section about womens' rights. And Margis were not aware, no one could know that anything was missing. There was no note about it in the book, nothing at all was mentioned. And in these 25 years since then, the discourse has remained just like that. After the first printing, it was later published in "A Few Problems Solved" in 1987. Several years had passed since the first AV-18 printing, but still the section on women's rights remained missing. And this is a major discourse-- "Liberation of Intellect". It can be called the very first discourse in the Neohumanism series.


In this discourse Baba is speaking against dogma in the society. And the principle example He gives-about the fact that in Muslim society, one woman is not considered to be of the value of an entire man. Rather, three women are considered equal to one man. --All this was removed from Baba's discourse. Baba is explaining in the discourse, that we must fight against dogma-- and just what Baba says against dogma was itself removed from the discourse. How painful it is.


Here then, the removed excerpt of the discourse "Liberation of Intellect" is being given anew. The section of the discourse which was removed 25 years ago by our Calcutta publishers and never replaced since, is here below shown in its literal entirety. It should be again included in the printed discourse, as Baba intended when He gave the discourse. So it is requested that all margis should check their AM books against the pravacan cassettes which they have collected over the years, find the deletions and distortions in the printed version, and request that our publishers fix the respective discourses. In Bengali language discourses, such is never the case that sections are removed, distortions are added, and discourses are ruined. Whereas in Hindi discourses, this is a regular occurrence. The Hindi discourses are cut, distorted, minimized. It is of great importance, then, that these be carefully checked and repaired. In this very way, by checking the discourses that we margis have, it will be found that 90% of the Hindi discourses are cut and distorted in one or another form. The discourses which Baba has given in Hindi, and those given in English as well, have been ruined by our publishers. By this way it will be seen that overall, the condition of our scriptures is not good. And by Baba's grace, with the collective efforts of all Margis, our AM scripture-- the printed discourses-- can be corrected and perfected so that they become true and accurate representations of what Baba actually said.



The missing paragraph where Baba exposes the dogma about three women equaling one man has been removed from the English and Bengali version of the discourse. That is why that para does not appear in any of the following books:

(1) NHNS-1, '87 Edn, English
(2) NHNS-1, '99 Edn, English
(3) AV-18, '80 Edn, Bangla
(4) AFPS-4, '87 Edn
(5) Electronic Books (3 Editions. incl 2006)

The missing paragraph would be the second to last paragraph of the English version of the 'Liberation of Intellect' discourse. So it would appear just AFTER the words "severely hindered in many countries.", and just BEFORE the opening words of the last paragraph, "On one side the malevolent forces".

Note 2: IRONY

The irony of this entire ordeal is quite apparent. Because in this very discourse, 'The Liberation of Intellect', Baba is guiding us to fight against all types of dogmas. Yet that same crude, dogmatic way of thinking is what motivated our Dadas to remove Baba's special paragraph from the discourse. So that is the irony. On the one hand Baba is inspiring one and all to wipe away all dogmas from this earth; and, on the other hand some dogmatic minds removed the paragraph from this very discourse where Baba is exposing a long-standing dogma against females. It seems that such Dadas do not want to free females from this very dogma; and they prefer that females continue to believe that 3 females are equal to one male. Otherwise what can be the reason why they removed this specific paragraph from this discourse.

Health Guideline: Cause of Cancer

Remaining awake after midnight and sleeping after sunrise comes under the definition of being awake at night and sleeping during the day. And that very condition invites cancer:

Baba says "Persons... [who] sleep during the day and keep late nights are most likely to be attacked by cancer." (YT, p. 19) Note: Sleeping during the day does not just mean at taking a nap in the afternoon or in the late morning. Sleeping during the day also means not getting up in the early morning for paincajanya.

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