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ADDENDUM- Ac Diary: Spirit of Being WT

Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 15:32:18 -0400 From: Donald_G To: Subject: ADDENDUM- Ac Diary: Spirit of Being WT
Namaskar, Here following are some points of addendum to my earlier posting of 12 Mar 2008 on this very topic of madhukarii and ajagarii vrtti. You can find that initial letter in its entirety at:
1. As important as it is for our wholetimers to adhere to the codes of dedication and renunciation as expressed in the madhukarii vrtti and ajagarii vrtii discussion from Senior Acarya Diary, it has to be added that margiis' support is needed. That is to say, if our workers are not to fall prey to materialistic desires and, more importantly, if they are not going to think about their own existential problems in order to better serve the society, then it is the duty of family margiis to make arrangements for the welfare of our workers. This is part and parcel of the system of coordinated cooperation which Baba has outlined for us. So the overall idea is that workers must adhere to the codes of madhukarii and ajagarii vrtti-- by not using more than they need and by not spending their days chasing after food and material goods etc. But this cannot happen in isolation. They must get the financial support of family margiis. Then then system can work properly. At the same time, if our workers are not dedicated to the ideal of serving humanity and instead pass their time in idle or materialistic pursuits, then no family person is going to feel inspired to financially support that Dada and their social service projects. Thus the two must go hand in hand. Our workers must be dedicated to the service and welfare of the society and we margiis must be ready and able to support our Wt cadre through financial contributions, other resources, and by participating in those service projects. Then the system will be complete. Of course, we have had a falling out in this entire process and that is outlined in the initial letter on this very topic. Primarily in that certain Dadas are wholly involved in material wealth and not involved in serving the society-- i.e. they are not at all involved in the spirit of madhukarii vrtii or ajagrii vrtii. And in order for the system to be revived it is going to take the cooperative efforts of both family margiis and wts. None should think that that Wts must follow strict codes of renunciation and that we family margiis have no supportive role. Rather all must work together and this is generally understood within our Marga, only this point was not expressed in my earlier letter so i wanted to make the point clear here.
One final aspect of this entire discussion is that we can catergorise our margiis and workers into one of the following basic classifications. On the Margii side: 1) Unmarried margiis who are only involved in their own existence and do not participate in regular or ongoing social service projects. This is the lowest category of margii. 2) Family margiis who are completely immersed in their unit family and have little or no time or resources to help with the development of society. This is also low, and just slightly better than the prior category. 3) Family margiis who neglect their family responsibilities because they are totally engaged in serving the humanity. This also is not the ideal way. 4) And of course the best is those family margiis who neatly balance their unit family responsibilities with those of the greater universal family. This is highest way of life for family margiis-- and although not an easy stance to attain-- this is the ideal that Baba has given. Of course, those single margiis must either be students who are involved in their studies or they should be deeply involved in social service projects, failing that their lives are not in accordance with our Ananda Marga. On the WT Side: 1) The lowest category of WTs are those selfish workers who chase after material wealth for their own indulgence. Neither do they follow ajagarii or madhukarii vrtti, nor do they care about the society. Such wts are basically pashus-- animals. 2) The next grade of Wts live in the spirit of either madhukarii or ajagarii vrtii-- as they are not blindly chasing after material gains-- but they are not involved in serving humanity. 3) Then of course there are those Wts who are living in a proper way and this has two subsets. The first are those wholly involved serving the society and living according to the dictates of madhukarii vrtii, and the second are those living a service oriented life and adhering to the higher code of ajagarii vrtti. These are the only two acceptable ways for a worker to live on this earth.
The overall theme of this addendum is that the whole approach to madhukarii and ajagarii vrtii is based on coordinated cooperation between margiis and wts. The workers must be selflessly involved in serving the society and the margiis must be ready to support the wts in a multitude of ways. Then and only then can our Marga live up to Baba's high ideal. Namaskar, Divyajyoti


  1. You had written: "Of course, those single margiis must either be students who are involved in their studies or they should be deeply involved in social service projects, failing that their lives are not in accordance with our Ananda Marga."

    Most people, including governments, assume that singles have no family responsibilities. This is an erroneous assumption. Singles may have to take care of their aged/sickly parents, orphaned nieces/nephews or help out in the families of their siblings. Hence, singles are also family people unless proven otherwise.


  2. What you (C) wrote is true...

    ...but read Baba's below quote.

    If due to circumstances anyone has not married, then they should dedicate for the society-- not just their parents or nephews etc.

    Baba says "You'll see many people in this world who are bachelor but they are neither monks nor they have got the sacrificing spirit to serve the society. Such people are actually, they are liabilities, not assets to the society."

    A trend of libertine life has started in the west and that is why Baba's above quote is so relevant. Neither they marry nor dedicate-- just they indulge in sexual activities and run away from the responsibility of producing children.

    That is why millions of children are living in foster care, especially in the west.

  3. Let me add one more point.

    If one is a male then they run away from the responsibility by leaving that female relation when they get pregnant; and if one is female then they abort the pregnancy.

    In that way both males and females indulge in more sexual activities in future without ever taking on any responsibility...

    this is the problem now facing materialistic culture

    - rajesh (I posted the 2nd comment also)


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