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Why Unnaturalness

Date: Thu 17 Apr 2008 23:23:16 -0000 To: AM-GLOBAL Subject: Why Unnaturalness From: "Ishvara" Baba "Egiye calo, egiye calo..." (PS 156) Purport: My brothers and sisters, we should move on towards our goal, Parama Purusa. Today the glorious dawn has come. We should take everyone along with us; no one should be left behind. Everyone is ours. Nobody is other. We all belong to one family. Our father is Parama Purusa; we have to move together on the path of His teachings. Human society is one and indivisible, let no fissiparous tendencies be allowed to destroy this. Baba's grace is with us....
Namaskar, As we all know, Baba has given the guideline, 'naturalness in life'. That is why in AM we do not espouse the ways of homosexuality. Because, sexual relations are for purposes of procreation, not for the mere base expression of the lower vrittis. In that case there can be no logical support for homosexual or lesbian behaviour. Of course, that does not mean gay people should be banished or purged from our society; rather our approach is to lovingly rectify their anti-social conduct. Then, once reformed, they will be able to play a leading role or hold any post, appropriate to their skill level & knowledge etc. So we do not condone any sort of discrimination against homosexuals. Now here comes the essence of this letter.
One or two persons have raised in the past that as some animals have the tendency towards homosexual behaviour, therefore homosexuality is part of the natural world. Hence, homosexuality is in tune with naturalness in life and should be supported by AM. That is what one or two persons are claiming.
Firstly, there is no documented scientific proof that homosexual is part of the natural order of animal life. Nonetheless there are documented cases of homosexual acts among animals. And this may occur for two basic reasons.
First, when human beings manipulate or interfere with the animal habitat and living conditions, then there is the possibility for deviation in animal behaviour to occur. For instance, human manipulation has devastated the unique ways that salmon lay their eggs, as fewer and fewer salmon are swimming upstream since the creation of man-made dams etc. Plus in the factory farms, chickens are deceived into laying huge numbers of eggs because of the gross interference in their normal living patterns, such as by keeping the lights on for 22hrs in a day. Likewise, due to human manipulation in zoos etc, animals may deviate from their normal behaviour and indulge in homosexual acts etc.
Second, it is seen that on occasion some animals do act in unnatural ways. For instance, some animals that do not normally attack their offspring may eat their young; and some animals may invite harm unto themselves by licking all the fur off of their body etc. Thus at times, animals indulge in 'unexplainable' or 'unnatural behaviours'. At times, animal homosexuality may fall in this category as well. In that case, just as no sane person will try to justify killing human babies by this witnessing animal behaviour, one should not try and justify human homosexuality by it either.
The clear-cut example is that in 99.9% of the cases, animals follow their natural living pattern of heterosexual relations-- and that only done during their short mating season. And in those few known observations of deviation, then humans should not appeal to those cases as a justification for immoral or unnatural human conduct. All in all this is short conversation about what should be an open and shut case. It is quite clear that homosexuality is not part of our AM way of life. However, when some persons have their own agenda, then they can argue for anything-- whether it be justifying the distortion of Baba's books, the destruction of the BP system, or human homosexuality. And that is why they will say that since homosexuality has been seen in the animal kingdom, then it should be accepted in human life as well. But again, ours is the path of naturalness-- that is what Baba advocates and that is what we should follow. And the natural way of family planning and society building amongst humans is through heterosexual relations-- where maximum control & restraint is exercised. Baba says, "So as regards the question of restraint and lack of restraint, the more one practises restraint, the greater will be his or her well-being." (CC-3) And in those rare cases of human homosexuality, then with love and affection, it is our duty to steer away from their ways through sadhana and 16 Points. Then they will be cured of their deviance and brought into the proper flow.
By Baba's grace He has given us all the proper methods for building a healthy human society. In Caryacarya He has clearly discussed the natural ways of society building and human family life. All the instructions and directives have been given. And nowhere does He advocate or condone human homosexuality, just as nowhere will one find any unnatural way of living supported by our AM ideology. So we should be caring-- as well as strict-- to ensure all humans develop properly and follow Baba's rule of naturalness in life. Baba says, "That which impairs the naturalness of the life of individuals and society is the sa'dhana' of the dead. It is not the sa'dhana' of the living because the seeds of injustice, immorality and destruction dwell in unnatural life only. The wise and the well-wishers of society therefore, never support unnaturalness in life." (AV #10) Namaskar, Ishvara
*********************************************************** METHOD OF PADMASANA
Baba says, "Padma'sana is the posture of sitting with the right ankle over the left thigh and the left ankle over the right thigh, the tongue pushing the teeth out. In padma'sana alone, the vision can be fixed on the trikuti-- the middle point between the eyebrows. Just as the lotus blossoms forth in water, so also in this posture the mind tends to evolve. That is why this posture is termed padma'sana (padma - lotus, a'sana - posture). This is the best a'sana for meditation." (Tattvik Diipika', pt 5)

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