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Worthless & Sinful Jobs
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 23:01:42 -0400
From: Pradiip
Subject: Worthless & Sinful Jobs
"Nutan jiivan labhiya'chi mora' nutan us'a'r kiran'e..." (PS 5015)
Baba, by Your divine grace we all got new life-- in this new light wave
of the dawn. The new dawn has come and vibrated our body, mind, and
soul. Baba You have graciously shown us the path: The path of bliss,
Ananda Marga. By Your grace, we have left all those outdated, rotten,
old dogmas. Except Ista, except You, there is no charm in the life. Your
love and grace is resonating in our entire existence. Baba, we all
belong to the same gotra, one family. This whole world lies within this
same gotra. With the love of our heart we will awaken the entire world
by Your grace. Baba, You have blessed us with new life in this new dawn.
This is nothing but Your causeless grace...
Our means of livelihood should be samyak ajiiva - right occupation. That
is Baba's teaching. Engaging in jobs that go against this code (samjak
ajiiva) hinder our own spiritual growth by encumbering us with negative
samskaras; plus such jobs have a grossly detrimental effect on the society.
Unfortunately, in this early 21st century - when capitalism is at an
all-time high - there are many occupations that come under this category
of sinful earning. We should all be aware about these, keep arms
distance from them, and alert others.
Here is Baba's pointed discourse about worthless jobs. You may have seen
this list before.
Baba says, "People’s means of livelihood should not depend on the
quarrel of individuals, as in the case of lawyers. Lawyers usually set
one person against another and in this way they serve their personal
interests. Similarly no one should be a trader in religion, because in
the name of religion, many people are exploited. Nor should one earn
one’s livelihood by dealing with dead bodies because such people want
more and more people to die, so that they may thereby increase their
income. People should also not earn their livelihood by lending money
and taking interest. Such persons want to lend more and more money to
gain more and more interest, and they do not want the borrowers to
refund the capital. The scriptures stipulate that people should not
accept food from such people, because their occupations are despicable."
In the above teaching, Baba distinctly names the following professions
as "despicable": Lawyers, religious traders, undertakers, and
money-lenders. As described above, both the intention and execution of
such jobs is harmful. In one way or another, those involved in such
occupations do not want that society should grow. Instead, they profit
by having society remain downtrodden.
Yet at present there are millions of people holding such jobs, many of
whom may also be in the Marga. Hence just because a job is "acceptable"
by society's standard does not mean it is accepted in our Marga. We
should all take notice and be careful.
Tragically, a small pocket of wholetimers are involved in money-lending,
as well as some margiis who are involved in lawyering. And there are
others involved in various other sinful earnings. We should help them
escape from this unworthy line of work.
Here it should be clarified that our Marga is not against the banking
industry like Islam is. Banks are needed. But the big business and
underhanded ways of money-lending at high interest rates as occurs in
Indian villagers and by corporate credit cards is a sinful way to make a
living. Banks help people manage their finances and enable them to make
purchases, whereas this latter group of professional money-lenders aim
to keep people permanently in debt. We should all be aware about this
Here Baba identifies more jobs that should be avoided. They include
things like selling intoxicants and thievery, i.e. selling adulterated
goods and cheating people.
Baba says, "So one must have a clean occupation, that is, one must not
do anything antisocial, one must not encourage anything antisocial,
anything that goes against collective interest. That is samyak a'jiiva
in physical sphere. One may earn money by selling wine. One may earn
money by stealing. These are not samyak a'jiiva. Your occupation should
be neat and clean – not going against the interest of the society." (AV-30)
In the above category, we can also include those involved in imposing
pseudo-culture on society. Just as wine-sellers degrade and degenerate
society, similar is the case of those who make erotic movies, i.e. most
of Hollywood, exploit women in advertisements, make junk food / fast
food, and so many other things that bring society down.
Plus every those who do not produce anything at all but just make their
living as a "middle-man" also go against the code of samyak ajiiva.
Because they do not contribute anything to society, rather they only try
to take a profit before passing something onto the next person. In a
Proutistic society where goods are produced and sold locally, there will
not be any middle-man.
At this point, one might think that only those above jobs are against
the code of samyak ajiiva - but there are more. For instance, where
there is an overpopulation of doctors such as in India, then those
medical professionals often want that more people should be come sick so
they can make more money. This is also a dirty profession.
Then of course there is Wall Street and the whole financial scene of
investors, speculators, and stock brokers etc. This whole entire
financial world is a sinful way of earning and will be totally outlawed
in a Proutistic society.
Some may think, 'Well, nowadays everybody knows that Wall Street is
bad', but at the same time we should note that it will take a huge push
to get these Wall Streeters to change.
For years and years all the top students in the US and even Europe
became financial investors, and averted fields like science,
engineering, and other worthy fields of study. In extreme capitalism
those with money were honored and those jobs held the highest prestige.
Hence, many students rushed headlong in that direction and those on Wall
Street were worshiped as demi-gods.
Even with the recent economic downturn, Wall Street is not going to
leave easily. Capitalism may fall at any moment, but it is sure those on
Wall Street will be there to the very end. They will not give up the
fight easily.
On the street, common people may be saying that Wall Streeters are bad.
But those same Wall Stret kingpins just got loaned hundreds of billions
of dollars by the Federal government. And there was NO STIPULATION on
that loan, whereas when the US auto companies were given a Federal load
there were many rules attached.
All this goes to show that Wall Street's ties run deep - their pockets
are deep. Those in the height of America's government are wedded to Wall
And this is also the case in so many other countries that have emulated
the Wall Street model. Because right now, capitalism is rampant and
these financial districts are down but not out. They are still
manipulating and directing the flow of money in their land.
So the Wall Street breed clearly falls outside the realm of samyak
ajiiva (right livelihood) and such parasites will not be allowed to
exist in the Proutistic society. They will be forced to change and use
their talents in productive ways.
In capitalism, the number of worthless and sinful jobs is at an all-time
high. Everyone is trying to make money at any extent. Morality is gone
and money is king. There are so many jobs where people literally do not
contribute anything to society, just they exist to make a profit. This
includes Wall Street, middle-men, and so many other pieces of the
capitalistic puzzle. Nowadays, something is produced somewhere and then
that product goes through a long chain of middle-men before it reaches
the buyer. Such middle-men are not doing anything except grabbing money.
Such type of social parasites are a hindrance to society yet nowadays
they are flourishing everywhere. That, combined with the fact that Wall
Streeters still command huge power in the society remind us that
capitalism is now mature - nearly overripe. Its end is soon. We should
all be ready.
The future of those involved in such financial schemas and negative
occupations is not at all bright. They will undergo harsh samskaras in
the future. So none should emulate or revere such persons. Rather we
should work to expose them and bring in the new era of Prout. Such
persons are bloodsuckers and survive off of cheating others.
By His grace, as Ananda Margiis we should follow Baba's code of samyak
ajiiva and not get caught in the negative and sinful ways of capitalism.
Baba says, "Your occupation should be neat and clean – not going against
the interest of the society." (AV-30)
Capacity of A'tma
Baba says, "Till you have a human body go on doing great work. After
death in absence of the brain the mind cannot function in which case one
cannot do anything. But the unit consciousness (atma) can still work. It
has the capacity to work in subtle form." (Delhi DMC 1984 Discourse)
For Optimal Health-- III
Date: Thu 29 Jan 2009 23:23:17 -0000
From: Mishra"
Subject: For Optimal Health-- III
"Tumi a'ma'y hrdaya ma'jhe eso go priyo madhurata' ma'khi..." (P.S. 747)
Baba, please come in my heart and saturate my entire being with the
showering of Your sweetness, O' my dear most.
Baba please remove my all impurities and negative samskaras-- and
whatever other things I have that got accumulated over the ages. Please
inundate my entire existence with the showering of Your love and divine
Baba, this entire universe, these seven lokas, nothing is beyond Your
reach. Everything is within You. And because everything resides in You,
that is why You know all my merits and demerits-- whatever I have. By Your
Grace today I am surrendering whatever that is mine unto You. With the only
desire that You please look towards me with Your compassionate eye, eyes
full of karuna'. This wee-bit of grace I long from You.
Baba, since ages, since many lives, I have been crossing through the
negative path, path of dogma. But today by Your grace, this is the first
time in my entire life when You awakened my samvit and now I understood my
mistakes. And I rectified them by Your grace.
Baba, all my actions, my entire being, my whole heart, everything I
offer at Your lotus feet. I do not want to keep anything as my own from
henceforth onward. With this pointed mind I am doing sastaunga pranam to
You. Please accept it...
As we all know fasting is special practice whereby one's entire system gets
cleansed and purified. Because by allowing the organs to rest and collect
the toxins, the body gets the opportunity to rejuvenate itself. And of
course, breaking the fast properly with a thorough cleansing process is an
indispensable feature of fasting-- otherwise much of the benefits are lost.
So by doing the whole fasting and breaking in a sincere and complete manner
then an innumerable amount of "health and wealth" is aroused in the human
structure such that the body and mind glisten with purity and lightness.
That is why we all know that Baba Himself is very strict with all margiis
and acaryas on the point of fasting. And in multiple ways He reminds us
that always He is watching. And this following teaching is leading in that
exact manner.
Baba says, "Suppose, a gentleman is undergoing fasting, and secretly in a
closed room, he takes chocolate. 'No one will know, nobody will know.' But
it is not so. His unit cognition will know that he has taken chocolate. And
similarly, the Cosmic Father will know that in a particular room one unit
body took chocolate very secretly, and that unit body is still thinking,
that the fact that he took chocolate on a fast-day is not known to anybody.
It is known to everybody. Nothing is a secret." (AV-12)
Hence Baba is acutely aware of exactly what happens-- as well as what does
not happen-- on our each and every fasting day. And He wants that we
sincerely follow His guideline as this is for our welfare.
That is why in dharma samiiksa and in all types of reporting sessions, Baba
used to point out sadhakas on the point of fasting in front of one and all.
And if one person got pointed out it was understood that if others are also
falling into this same category then they should also rectify themselves.
That was the spirit. It was not just that Baba was speaking to only one
individual on such occasions.
Some people would wonder why Baba was pointing out margiis or Wts in front
of the collective, as opposed to informing them individually. And surely
the reason for this is that Baba did not have the time to speak to each and
every individual on each and every particular point. So by highlighting a
particular sadhaka's mistake in public, then if 4 or 5 others were doing
the same wrongdoing then naturally they would get also alarmed. And the
feeling would come that they too should rectify themselves. As they
understood that Baba is very concerned and strict on this point.
Plus, another reason is that naming the defects on the public platform was
a good way of reminding one and all. Because day after day or every few
days if He was pointing out a different margii or Wt on the point of
fasting, then it automatically became a reminder to all those present that
this was something important. So if anyone was attending the reporting for
an entire week or two week period, then numerous reminders they would get.
And invariably they would spread that idea to others who did not attend.
Hence overall there were at minimum two distinct reasons for pointing
people out in front of the collective: lack of time to speak to everyone on
an individual basis and by this way it was a good reminder to one and all.
Thus within a short period Baba could rectify and instill proper practices
within countless sadhakas within the entire Marga. Overall we can say it
was His special technique and blessing.
And surely every Margii and Wt will readily admit that Baba is very strict
on the point of fasting. And He wants that we should all be sincere on this
very point. As He tells us again and again in various ways that indeed He
is always watching our each and every action.
I hope others will also come forward and share their experiences on this
very topic.
Here following is Baba's Blessing:
Baba says, "You boys and you girls do you realise why you were born? You
were born to do something to please Parama Purusa. Always move towards
Parama Purusa through your actions, through your thoughts, through your
contemplation, and your goal will be attained, your purpose in coming to
this world will be fulfilled." (SS-18)
1. First mix 1/4 piece of lemon or lime with some salt in a dry container--
preferably a plastic or ceramic container, but not metal.
2. Then add 1/2 litre to 1 litre of warm water and stir.
3. The lemon salt water mixture should be distinctly salty to taste-but not
overly salty.
4. If your mixture is not sufficiently salty then little by little more can
be added. And if really it is already too salty then simply dilute your
mixture by adding more warm water.
5. Then one should begin to drink this lemon salt water. Not in one gulp
per se, but in a series of comfortable sips and swallows over the course of
a few minutes, without bloating the stomach.
6. After finishing that initial round of salty lemon water then one can
walk nearby for a minute or two-- either in the fresh air or indoors.
7. Plus you can gently stretch the upper body by raising the arms on the
inhale and then exhaling and gently bending to the side. And repeat by
bending to the opposite direction. This gently helps to hasten the
cleansing process.
8. Then as soon as one feels ready to again drink, then the next round of
lemon salt water should be taken. Note: It is important not to wait too
long in between rounds. As soon as the stomach feels comfortable one should
again drink.
9. And like this multiple rounds should be done of drinking lemon salt
water and then walking slowly. This process should be repeated until one
feels the need to go to the toilet. And overall upwards of 2-3 litres of
lemon salt water can be ingested in this way. (Note: But under no
circumstances should solid food be taken yet. Rather this will wreak havoc
on the system as fresh food will be sitting on top of waste material. So no
food should be taken at all until the entire system gets clear.)
10. By this process of drinking round after around, a strong urge will come
to go to the toilet-- within 1/2 hour to one hour, depending. And initially
when in the toilet a very strong smelling brown waste matter will be
released. And thereafter progressively more and more liquids will be
released via the rectum. This will also be brown at the beginning. But one
should not worry that they have been stricken with a severe case of
diarrhea. It is not like that. Rather this is the initial stage of cleaning
out the digestive track.
11. Once one has begun the process of defecating & clearing the stomach and
bowels. Then you can switch over from drinking salty mixture and instead
begin taking pure fresh water without any salt. This fresh water will help
hydrate the body and will also aid in the cleansing process.
12. In this process of cleaning one might have to visit the toilet anywhere
between 3-5 times, or more. And one important thing to remember is that
never should the urge be suppressed and "held in". Rather as soon as the
impulse comes one should go straight to the toilet.
13. Gradually then the matter released from the rectum will go from being
brown and somewhat solid to being yellowish and liquidy until finally being
a completely clear liquid. And once completely clear liquid comes then in
this case one can feel assured that indeed the entire digestive track has
become clean-- including the intestines, colon, and stomach. Everything has
become perfectly clean.
14. And by this entire process of cleansing a very light and healthy
feeling will consume the body. And one will fell very happy, fresh, and
15. Within ten to fifteen minutes a slight feeling of hunger will come. And
at that point one can eat 2-3 ripe bananas, depending on the size. But the
bananas should be soft and ripe-- not green and hard.
16. And then after taking a few bananas-- and do be careful not to overeat
and fill the stomach completely-- then after waiting 25 minutes it is
important to again drink some fresh water. This will help in digesting the
17. And thereafter when stronger hunger comes one should take some easily
digestible food-- like well-hydrated rice and vegetables, or whatever is
conveniently available in your area or locale. But neither strong food like
citrus fruit nor heavily spiced or oily food should be taken. These should
be avoided and instead more simple food should be eaten.
18. And throughout the day care should be taken to continue to drink fresh
water in small amounts, but not at the same time as eating. This will help
ensure the solid food gets digested properly and it will also keep the body
Attention: One should also keep in mind that breaking fast is a highly
individualized thing. Everyone should be gentle and listen to their own
body when undergoing this entire process.
Baba says, "When a swift horse runs its hooves make a turtur sound. That
which makes a turtur sound as it moves is called turaga or turaunga or
turaungama (that is, "horse"). That animal which makes a kurkur sound as it
runs is called kuraga or kuraunga or kuraungama (that is, "deer"). In this
way human beings have created many word forms and verb forms to express
their mental ideas. This process of word formation is called "acoustic
derivation" and the original verbal roots in all the world's languages were
created in this way."
"The first word forms in all the world's languages were the original
verbal roots. By adding prefixes and suffixes many different words were
derived. Among the established languages of the world, mainly four can be
considered as the root languages. They are Vedic, Latin, Hebrew and old
Chinese. If one examines the derivation of the vocabulary of these
languages one will find that their method or process is identical. (Varn'a
Vijina'na, Disc 19, p. 270)
Groupist Financial Schemes
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 23:47:16 -0000
Subject: Groupist Financial Schemes
"Esechile a'ma'r ghare kon se pu'rn'ima'y..." (PS 4075)
Baba, by Your divine grace You came to my house on one full moon night.
It was such a memorable and unforgettable occasion. With Your infinite
grace, in song, in dance, and with the pull of the heart, You made me lose
myself in Your divine splendour. Baba, I became fully enthralled and
captivated by Your exquisite beauty.
Baba, by Your grace on that special full-moon night You compassionately
listened to all the inner feelings of my heart. You intimately understood
all my suffering. Baba, by Your grace You gently removed whatever pain I
had. With the august presence of Your sweetness, on that very full moon
night, You created one beautiful époque in my life.
Baba, it is beyond my understanding why You suddenly went away-- leaving
me all alone. Since then so many seasons have passed in waiting for You.
Now after such a long time, that distant memory of Your divine arrival to
my house on that full moon night has become completely covered by the thick
fog of time.
Baba, please be gracious and come to me. Please do not forget that You
are mine and I am Yours...
It is well understood that an on-going schema of the various groups is to
make money for their selfish cause-- for their agenda to grab the power.
All are involved in this. Here below is a look into the matter.
Up until 1990, the financial structure was clear as a bell. That means it
was all quite traceable and orderly-- everything being where it needed to
be. Not only that, but what works that were done were 100% dharmic, i.e.
for the welfare of all. That is why margiis from around the globe were
giving whatever amount of money they could afford to give. Because everyone
had deep understanding that in Baba's kingdom, justice was being served.
However nowadays things are moving along in a different rhythm.
It is an ongoing problem in our Marg these days, that certain groupist
leaders get caught up in their selfish plans and programs and resort to
pressure that under one or another excuse Margis must give a heavy
donation. And when one sentiment fails to overpower Margiis and field WTs,
then without delay those in charge created another sentiment which is
pleasant to hear. And in the end that brainwashes or at least pressurizes
the listeners, that something great is going to happen. When in fact this
sentiment has been given just raise to money.
Over the past months, pressure to donate has come under the name of a
variety of court cases and building projects like this or that tiirtha in
Jamalpur or Tiljala. Thus either to post bail etc for those who have been
jailed from the B and H group camps or to increase their pile of bricks,
huge money is being requested.
So here the matter arises that, as Margis and field workers we must think
carefully whether donating money is the best service we can do in the
current time.
Many margiis have expressed what they see to be a tragic aspect of the
crisis in our AM today. That is, that from the side of both H and B groups,
their program with margiis has only one apparent purpose: Inspire margiis,
for their own selfish ends.
First captivate Margis' minds with cheap sentiments or pleasing Baba's
stories. Or, any court case. And then inspire them to dedicate everything.
And here 'dedicate' does not mean mind and soul. Dedicate means pocket
dedication. "What you have in your bank, just you dedicate. Nothing more is
If you look in the past, then you will get hundreds of such examples which
happened already. Every Margi knows that when Dada Sarvatmanandji gave the
slogan of building the memorials in Ananda Nagar and Tiljala, then he gave
a similar sentiment. And in a manipulative way he created the negative wave
by playing on margii's devotional sentiment. In that way huge money was
contributed by Margiis for these projects. But never has transparency of
accounting for those projects been shown. Where the money has gone, only
Baba knows.
In the same way, as mentioned above, over the last 16 years money has been
collected for tiirthas. Such as those tiirthas designated by the respective
groups in Tiljala and Jamalpur. And still collection for these tiirthas is
going on-- as this is an endless race.
From their direct supporters, each group openly asks for its own group's
support. That means, B group asks from B supporters and H group asks from
their supporters etc.
But those who are in power or were in power, in addition they always give
some ear-pleasing, high ideal of neohumanism or unity point, to mobilise
the margiis. Means, to inspire the margiis to give money to them in "Centre".
In practice, however, those in power themselves do not follow the ideals
which they used to mobilise the margiis. Instead, they do just the
opposite. Busy in their group propaganda and group monopoly. And in the
past if anybody raised their voice against the groupist behaviour, then
those very persons were treated as "troublemakers". And removed from the
Irrespective of who is in the administration now or who was in the past,
they always tried to misuse all money and power for their group or selfish
interest. But now already 19 years passed with these wrongdoings. So
general margiis and WTs have experienced a lot. Cheap slogans and
high-sounding lectures are not going to overpower anymore. Now Margiis are
very careful. Margis are alert to what is going on, and are seeing the
situation on the scale of Baba's teaching in Caryacarya.
Because they have seen that in the name of collecting money for schools
or food distribution or disaster relief, all those funds get sipphoned towards
some groupist court case. Millions of Rupees and hundreds of thousands of dollars
get diverted in this way.
Baba says, "Do not be misled by anyone's tall talk. Judge merit by seeing the
performance." (CC-2, p.14)
So here the main point is, that performance or conduct is the scale by
which Baba wants us to judge. After seeing the way requests have been
lavishly made for Margiis' money over the last 16 years, and how this has
been used in a narrow-minded group fight for power in the Marg.
Then any Margii can easily see that such requests for Margii donations are
negative and crude, and are just tall talk.
In this time of darkness in our AM organization, when we are not aware into
which hand our donation will go. We do not know what will be the
utilisation or misutilisation of this money. Then in this situation,
donating money to the negative hand will be against dharma.
In "A Guide to Human Conduct", Tapah chapter, Baba's teaching is enough to
guide us for clear vision.
Baba says, "Tapah devoid of discrimination is bound to be misused. The
opportunists will misuse your energy by extracting work from you to serve
their selfish ends, and at the same time this will deprive the real
sufferers of their due services from you." (GHC, p.36)
The above teaching of Baba is clear, that our money or donation should not
go in any wrong hand. If our donation is misutilised, then we have to reap
the negative consequence along with those wrongdoers. So we have to be very
In this situation there seems no any other way than to do some social
service work locally. And not to give any money where transparency of
accounting is not there and distrust is all around. And not only that-- we
have seen that money has been misused for the past 19 years, with no sign
of change.
Anyhow with Baba's grace, this negative phase is not going to continue much
longer. Margiis and rational WTs are getting united, and when Baba's grace
is there, then victory is sure. By this following Baba's blessing,
everything will be alright soon.
Baba says, "By your collective efforts let Satya Yuga be established on
this dusty Earth as soon as possible. May you be victorious." (AV pt 7)
Until there is a transparent accounting system, many Margis in and around
the various sectors have been commenting that there should not be money
given as donations because it is unknown how the money will be used.
But once in the future a transparent accounting system is in place and
money is being spent for dharmic purposes, then we must donate money
because Baba has entrusted us with this, our AMPS organization.
Here below are but a few of Baba's strict guidelines with regards to
scooping up donations and keeping black money.
Baba says, "No worker can keep unaccounted money (black money) with him."
(WT Rules)
Baba says, "Each amount of collection should be deposited properly a drawn
after submitting requisition." (WT Rules)
Baba says, "No worker can accept any money without giving a proper
receipt." (WT Rules)
Selection of Males and Females
Baba says, "It is very beneficial for society if people of sublime
intelligence and brilliance reproduce more off-spring. The responsibility
of rendering proper nourishment to the progeny of such persons will have to
be taken by society and the government itself." (PNS-13, p.47)
Problem Will Linger Until...
From: "Satiish G.D. Bose"
Subject: Problem Will Linger Until...
Date: Tue 27 Jan 2009 23:49:16
"Andha tamasa' sariya' giya'che, arun' prabha't ha'se..." - P.S. 2340
The cimmerian darkness has disappeared; the crimson dawn is smiling
today. In my mental plate He is emanating His divine effulgence with the
expression of His divine love. I am floating in His grace.
Now there is none which I feel is alien; everyone is mine, my own. This
entire universe-- flora and fauna, mobile and immobile-- everything is my own.
Among this entire expressed world I only see Him, Parama Purusa Baba.
This creation is nothing but His divine play.
I do not go to any holy land or to any external places in search of Him.
And I also do not observe any external rituals or penance in order to get
Him & have His grace. What way He has taught me to cultivate devotion for
Him, in that way I love Him in the deep corner of my mind and heart.
There He always resides in my mental lotus in Guru cakra. There is the
attraction of love and His grace. I only yearn to become one with Him...
This letter discusses the clarity of the translation of Baba's shloka,
"Jiivankii dha'ra' saunkoc-vika'shii..."
Certainly, we know Baba's teachings are straight-forward and perfect.
Baba says, "I keep no ambiguity, I am clear, concrete, conclusive. My
philosophy is a complete philosophy." (SE)
Hence we should ensure that our AM books are up to the proper standard--
and that includes the translations of the various shlokas like,
"Jiivankii dha'ra' saunkoc-vika'shii..." .
Before looking at any particular teaching, let's examine Baba's overall
use of shlokas. By Baba's grace He has provided us with a crystal-clear
explanation about this.
In His historic "Author's Note" to the Hindi edition of Subhasita
Samgraha part 2, Baba has issued a statement regarding His use of
shlokas. The basic idea of what Baba writes in His Author's Note is as
'I (Baba) am not the interpreter of the Vedas, rather my purpose in
using any shloka is to explain and put forth Ananda Marga ideology. The
shlokas I have selected from the Vedas are used with this expressed
intention. Hence sometimes I expound upon a shloka far beyond than what
was the original meaning of the shloka; and other times I may use or
explain only one word of a shloka when the Vedas have given a lengthy
interpretation of that shloka. Because again My purpose is to set down
the tenets of AM ideology, not explain the Vedas.'
Thus in His special Author's note, Baba clearly states that in His
discourses His intention is not to explain or write a commentary of any
shloka per se; but rather, He is using those shlokas as a means to
illustrate His AM philosophy.
By all this there are two basic points which are paramount:
(1) In His discourses, Baba is using the Sanskrit shlokas of the Vedas
as a springboard to explain His AM ideology.
More specifically, when Baba first began giving His discourses, people
were aware about the Vedas but not about AM ideology. Hence those known
shlokas of the Vedas were a needed stepping stone for putting forth the
ideals of AM. Baba had to move from a point of familiarity (i.e. those
ancient Vedic teachings) to a totally new concept that people were
unaware about, (i.e. AM ideology). And those ancient Vedi shlokas served
as a linking point.
(2) Many of the Vedic shlokas are full of wrong and dogmatic teachings
which Baba does not wish to include in His discourses. Sometimes He
openly corrects the Vedas and many, many times He just ignores the
various dogmatic interpretations of those Vedic sermons and instead
explains about the dharmic perspective of AM.
Hence as important as the various ancient Sanskrit shlokas are, Baba
mainly uses them as a tool for putting forth AM teachings.
This we should always keep in mind when reading Baba's discourses. We
should not become fascinated by the shloka itself but should focus on
what Baba's intention is by the use of that shloka-- what is the
teachings He is giving.
In His discourse, "The Culmination of Devotion" from Ananda Vacanamrtam
part 1, Baba is guiding us that our lives should be clear and pointed.
Baba says, "Man should be clear, clean and conclusive. There should be
no ambiguity in any sphere of life." (AV-1)
To illustrate this point, Baba gives the following shloka:
Jiivankii dha'ra' saunkoc-vika'shii hae kintu jiivan siidha' hona' ca'hiye
So far so good.
Unfortunately, the translators or publishers then gave this following
explain in English.
"Movement is always systaltic, but the moving entity must be straight."
The above line is what they printed in the Ananda Vacanamrtam Part 1
English Edition.
But this poor translation makes everything totally convoluted and muddy.
The "moving entity" might be a cloud, a star, a giraffe, a celestial
body, a chair. Who knows what it means.
In our AM ideology Baba uses the word "entity" to mean everything from
inanimate objects and a blade of grass to elephants and sadvipras. Baba
uses the word entity to describe every living and non-living being that
is moving around the Cosmic Hub.
Hence, those translators totally muddied the English printing of this
In this Hindi discourse given in Patna, Baba is using a shloka in a
particular way to talk about the clarity of human life, but by inserting
the term "moving entities", those translators totally puncture and
defuse Baba's teaching.
When in fact Baba's point is quite clear.
Jiivankii dha'ra' saunkoc-vika'shii hae kintu jiivan siidha' hona' ca'hiye
Jiivankii = Of life
dha'ra' = flow
saunkoc-vika'shii = systaltic
hae = is
kintu = but
jiivan = life
siidha' = straight-forward
hona' ca'hiye = should be
The translation of that shloka should be: The flow of life is systaltic,
but (human) life should be simple and straight forward.
Baba is telling us that human life moves in cycles of speed and pause
but there must not be any hypocrisy.
Because, again, Baba is talking about human life in the line directly
before the shloka.
Baba says, "Man should be clear, clean and conclusive. There should be
no ambiguity in any sphere of life." (AV-1)
But those editors moved away from Baba's intended meaning and translated
"jiivan" as "moving entities".
"Movement is always systaltic, but the moving entity must be straight."
That is why the printed English meaning of this shloka is so poor,
confusing, and ambiguous. Who can say what "moving entities" means.
In our AM ideology Baba uses the word "entity" to mean everything from
inanimate objects and a blade of grass to elephants and sadvipras. Baba
uses the word entity to describe every living and non-living being that
is moving around the Cosmic Hub.
That is why the translated version of the shloka is so hazy. If they had
properly translated "jiivan" as "human life" - since in the prior
sentence Baba is talking about human life - then everything would be
crystal clear.
The irony of that poor English translation is that in the "Jiivankii
dha'ra'..." shloka Baba is telling us that human life should be clear
and straight-forward, yet the very translation of that shloka into
English is totally convoluted and confusing.
It is just like if someone posted a note, "The kitchen must be kept
clean", yet that note was written on a totally dirty piece of paper that
was stained with rotten food, blood, and mucous.
Thus better care should be taken with the translation and understanding
of Baba's use of shlokas.
He is pointedly guiding us that our human life should be clear and
pointed and the translators wrote that "moving entities" should be straight.
Baba has given all His discourses in such a sterling and beautiful
manner, yet often we find that our scriptures are incorrect and
lopsided. The mistakes are pervasive and sweeping, with critical errors
occurring on every page.
These mistakes are preventable, yet when those publishers only have
interest in making the Bengali edition accurate and treat all other
languages like English, Spanish, Hindi, Japanese, and Tagalo etc as the
unwanted step-child, then always these books and translations will be
Up till now, that is what Sarvatmananda & Co have done. They have paid a
blind eye to other languages and treated them as some distant cousin
whom they do not care about. That is why the books are so bad. Despite
repeated requests, reminders, and letters raising the serious nature of
the problems in our Hindi and English books etc.
But Sarvatmananda continues to disregard the matter.
That is why it is an ongoing problem.
The situation will only be repaired when concerned and dedicated margiis
or wts come forward and take over the duty of translating and printing
our AM books. That type of total switchover is needed.
Till that time, Sarvatmananda will continue to treat Bangla as the
privileged language and treat AM books printed in other languages as
inconsequential, even meaningless.
Such a liila: The world over people are bonding together and overcoming
racial differences, but in our Ananda Marga, differences in race have
led to the distortion and ruination of so many books. In this regard, we
seem to be a step behind when in fact we should be leading the society
Our AM ideology is the balm for all of humanity. That is why Baba warns
us that there should not be any weak point or "loophole" in the
translation or printing of His AM teachings.
Baba says, "There must be an excellent and all-embracing philosophy, in
which there should be no loophole in any sphere." (NSS, '95 Edn, p.196)
Difference Between Literate & Educated
Those who have studied the books but did not bring those teachings into
practice may be termed literate but they are certainly not educated.
Baba says, "Educated are those who have learnt much, remembered much and
made use of their learning in practical life." (PNS-18, p.38)
For Optimal Health- II
Date: 26 Jan 2009 21:38:53 -0000
From: "Mahesh Rastogi"
Subject: For Optimal Health- II
"A'loya bhara' toma'r dhara' saba'r tare, saba'r tare,
A'sa' hetha'y toma'r krpa'y, toma'ri ka'j kariba're..." (4767)
Baba, by Your grace, everyone comes on this earth to do Your work.
Everyone has come here to chant Your holy name. Baba, this earth, Your
land, is filled with Your divine effulgence. It is for everyone; it is for
Baba, since eternity You have been my Dearmost. Baba whatever way You
want to keep me in Your shelter, I accept-- whether that be in tears or
smiles. Whatever You like, You give; that will be best for me. And from my
side, those things which I have lovingly prepared with my full heart to
offer (arghya*) at Your lotus feet, please accept them.
Baba, You were mine and You will be mine up to eternity; I am also
Yours-- forever, trika'l*. Baba, in this universe we all dance around You
by Your grace. Baba, You are the focal point; in the end everyone will
finally merge into You.
Baba, Your world is for all-- for all. Your shelter is for all...
*Trika'l= The prefix 'tri' means 'three'; and the stem 'ka'l' means
'time'. Hence trika'l refers to the three phases of time: Past, present,
and future.
*Arghya= The term arghya means 'offering' though more specifically it
refers to that offering which is purely psychic or mental in nature-- the
offerings of the mind. In contrast to offer those things which are physical
in nature is nirma'ly. Hence in the above song since the term arghya is
used, the sadhaka is offering all his mental colours and longings at the
lotus feet of Guru. The sadhaka is offering all the love of his heart to
his Lord. Thus the devotee's offering is purely psychic or psycho-spiritual
in nature. Whereas the offering done to various gods and goddesses in the
dogmatic religions is called nirma'ly since on those occasions those
followers are offering physical objects like food, incense, animals etc.
Baba has outlined this distinct difference between arghya and nirma'ly in a
few different discourses.
As we know fasting is one special process for achieving and maintaining
optimum health. As Ananda Margiis, we have all realised, to some or more
degree, the various positive effects of fasting. And the initial mail on
this topic touched on some of these universal benefits such as ridding the
body of toxins, increased longevity, and enhanced quality of life etc.
Those points I collected from various family acaryas.
Certainly then fasting is a unique purification process and one most
significant aspect of this practice is the approach to breaking the fast.
So this mail will focus primarily on a gentle yet thorough system which was
told be senior sadhakas by which one can break the fast. Since we all have
experience in this, it will also be interesting to hear what others have to
Of course one important thing to be aware of is that by doing a 24-36 hour
dry fast-- i.e. without water-- then the body obviously becomes dehydrated.
Hence the body is in a very delicate and sensitive state. In that case, if
one breaks the fast in an abrasive or hasty manner then not only will they
be unable to derive the many benefits of the fast but it will create harm
to the body.
So one key point to keep in mind is that after a dry fast sufficient water
is needed to properly restore the body and help it reach that pristine
state. As we all know water is an indispensable part of the functioning of
the body and since the human body itself is comprised mostly of water,
naturally then an adequate amount of water must be taken. And multiple
reasons are there behind this.
First off, after fasting there remains undigested food & waste material
sitting in colon as well as in the large and small intestines. Often enough
this waste matter is collected on the linings of the intestine, thus
causing blockage. So on the one hand sufficient water is needed in order to
deliver a proper and thorough cleansing of the intestines-- as well as the
entire digestive track. This is one point.
It is similar to if your kitchen floor gets dirty or stained and if you try
to clean it with only a few drops of water, that will never suffice. In
that case it will not get clean. Whereas if sufficient water is applied
then that floor can be properly cleaned-- and it will regain its shine.
Now here is another point.
Additionally, it is well known that water is one of basic ingredients for
the functioning of all the organs. Thus after fasting a sufficient amount
must be taken to compensate for the deficit. Plus, as discussed, water is
needed in order to clean the waste from the body. So on both these
accounts, and for other reasons as well, the body needs an adequate amount
of water on the morning of breaking fast.
Before getting into the specifics of breaking fast, it should be mentioned
that one, two, or even three glasses of water is not nearly enough for the
breaking process. In their ignorance, some people might drink 1-2 glasses
of water and then immediately start eating varieties of foods etc, but that
way of doing is totally off base and should never be done.
Rather on breaking fast morning first the digestive system should be
cleaned thoroughly-- from top to bottom-- with water. And when that has
been done completely, then solid food can be taken, but not beforehand.
1. First mix 1/4 piece of lemon or lime with some salt in a dry container--
preferably a plastic or ceramic container, but not metal.
2. Then add 1/2 litre to 1 litre of warm water and stir.
3. The lemon salt water mixture should be distinctly salty to taste-- but
not overly salty.
4. If your mixture is not sufficiently salty then little by little more can
be added. And if really it is already too salty then simply dilute your
mixture by adding more warm water.
5. Then one should begin to drink this lemon salt water. Not in one gulp
per se, but in a series of comfortable sips and swallows over the course of
a few minutes, without bloating the stomach.
6. After finishing that initial round of salty lemon water then one can
walk nearby for a minute or two-- either in the fresh air or indoors.
7. Plus you can gently stretch the upper body by raising the arms on the
inhale and then exhaling and gently bending to the side. And repeat by
bending to the opposite direction. This gently helps to hasten the
cleansing process.
8. Then as soon as one feels ready to again drink, then the next round of
lemon salt water should be taken. Note: It is important not to wait too
long in between rounds. As soon as the stomach feels comfortable one should
again drink.
9. And like this multiple rounds should be done of drinking lemon salt
water and then walking slowly. This process should be repeated until one
feels the need to go to the toilet. And overall upwards of 2-3 litres of
lemon salt water can be ingested in this way. (Note: But under no
circumstances should solid food be taken yet. Rather this will wreak havoc
on the system as fresh food will be sitting on top of waste material. So no
food should be taken at all until the entire system gets clear.)
10. By this process of drinking round after around, a strong urge will come
to go to the toilet-- within 1/2 hour to one hour, depending. And initially
when in the toilet a very strong smelling brown waste matter will be
released. And thereafter progressively more and more liquids will be
released via the rectum. This will also be brown at the beginning. But one
should not worry that they have been stricken with a severe case of
diarrhea. It is not like that. Rather this is the initial stage of cleaning
out the digestive track.
11. Once one has begun the process of defecating & clearing the stomach and
bowels. Then you can switch over from drinking salty mixture and instead
begin taking pure fresh water without any salt. This fresh water will help
hydrate the body and will also aid in the cleansing process.
12. In this process of cleaning one might have to visit the toilet anywhere
between 3-5 times, or more. And one important thing to remember is that
never should the urge be suppressed and "held in". Rather as soon as the
impulse comes one should go straight to the toilet
brown and somewhat solid to being yellowish and liquidy until finally being
a completely clear liquid. And once completely clear liquid comes then in
this case one can feel assured that indeed the entire digestive track has
become clean-- including the intestines, colon, and stomach. Everything has
become perfectly clean.
14. And by this entire process of cleansing a very light and healthy
feeling will consume the body. And one will fell very happy, fresh, and
15. Within ten to fifteen minutes a slight feeling of hunger will come. And
at that point one can eat 2-3 ripe bananas, depending on the size. But the
bananas should be soft and ripe-- not green and hard.
16. And then after taking a few bananas-- and do be careful not to overeat
and fill the stomach completely-- then after waiting 25 minutes it is
important to again drink some fresh water. This will help in digesting the
17. And thereafter when stronger hunger comes one should take some easily
digestible food-- like well-hydrated rice and vegetables, or whatever is
conveniently available in your area or locale. But neither strong food like
citrus fruit nor heavily spiced or oily food should be taken. These should
be avoided and instead more simple food should be eaten.
18. And throughout the day care should be taken to continue to drink fresh
water in small amounts, but not at the same time as eating. This will help
ensure the solid food gets digested properly and it will also keep the body
One should also keep in mind that breaking fast is a highly individualized
thing. And one should be gentle and listen to one's own body when
undergoing this entire process.
So altogether, this is one very important and a delicate subject; it needs
personal interest and proper care to see what is good and working well for
I can never forget how in one general darshan, Baba has given the guideline
that although animals know how to fast, only humans know how to break their
fast properly. And those who are not aware about this technique then they
should be taught at the earliest. In that way Baba spoke
Baba says, "When you are in a mood of pleasure, you should distribute it
throughout the universe-- let all the hearts of the entire created universe
dance in ecstasy. This is the goal of the day: you are for all, you are for
the Neo-Humanistic progress of the entire universe." (AFPS-5)
In a follow-up email some further points about this important topic of
fasting, healthy, and wellness will be sent. At the same time others should
also share their insights and experiences
We know that our AM system of fasting is based upon the cycle or phases of
the moon. Yet Baba also guides us that when human beings move to other
planets then accordingly the system of fasting will be based on that
planetary system etc.
Present Day Music
Baba says, "The world of music today is like a person without a proper guru
or proper training. People want to show they can play without having paid
their dues. They are selling themselves for gold without realizing that the
real value of music is being lost thereby. Gold is becoming even cheaper
than glass. Whenever a ra'gin'ii is a little difficult they only show that
they can play the notes without going deep into the music. There is no way
of doing this with sindhubhaeravii, the same with mu'lta'nii vasanta (not
vasantaba'ha'r), so you no longer hear either one of them." (SC-2, p.129)
How to Deal with Capitalists...
Date: 25 Jan 2009 23:02:46 -0000
From: "Divyacaksu Deva"
Subject: How to Deal with Capitalists...
"Lukiye path cala' ekii liila', lokalocane keno na'hi a'so..." (P.S. 3698)
Baba, You are Ajana Pathik, You go on and on moving all about but in
Your journey You always keep Yourself hidden. You move around secretly.
Baba, You do all the things but nobody can see You; You do not like to come
within the field of vision.
To whom You love, they want to search You in their mind; they want to
hold You in their heart by the process of shravan, manan, niddhidhya'san &
dhyana. But You do not care and You do not like to be seen. You go on
moving secretly. Why like this. Why is Your style so jagged? You do not
like to move around following the straight, clear-cut path whereby everyone
can see You. That type of movement You do not like.
The eternal truth of straightforwardness which has been established
since ages, even a wee-bit of that You do not follow in Your movement.
Rather everything You do in hidden fashion; and that is no good.
It may be also possible that my understanding is not complete so that I
do not properly comprehend You. Baba, by the ordinary measuring scale You
are immeasurable. If anyone wants to understand You and get You, then You
escape and never get held. And remaining distant, You just smile.
Baba, what type of liila is this. You go on doing everything while
remaining hidden...
Now that governements are trying to cure the ills of capitalism by
granting stimulus packages of 800 billion dollars and bailing
out captialists from their cataclysmic fall, we should refresh
ourselves on Baba's guidelines for dealing with capitalists.
Here we should know and understand exactly how to deal with both
capitalists and capitalism-since this greedy way of life is on its last legs.
In all the realms Baba's teachings are clear and conclusive. Likewise
Baba's policy about the followers of capitalism is equally straightforward.
Unfortunately a few in seem to have a slightly hazy vision of this. Here
following are some key points for everyone's review and comment. And also
think if you can recognise such persons in our Marga-- or not.
We all know that the hoarding wealth is the practice of capitalism. And
that those who do like that are known as capitalists. Here following Baba
directs us to take a strong stand against such capitalist exploiters.
Baba says, "I have discussed above that each of the crude things that we
endure or enjoy is limited and so it is not desirable that any of them
should be stockpiled in any of the individuals' possession...Individual
hoarding of mundane resources and wealth must be stopped, even by force if
need be." (Universal Humanism)
Further, it is a known fact-- as Baba describes above-- that material
wealth is limited. And nowadays the globe is becoming even smaller. So if
anyone is hoarding huge wealth then surely they are depriving others of
their due and pushing them towards the brink of starvation etc.
Baba says, "Human hunger is limitless. If it is channelised in the
direction of worldly objects, conflicts between one human being and another
are bound to persist because mundane wealth is limited. Excessive hoarding
of wealth within one group implies scarcity in another." (POD #37)
Hence by these above mandates, it is clear that Baba is adamantly against
the capitalist practice of hoarding wealth and that those capitalists who
do like this must be opposed. Indeed such capitalists are enemies of the
But in their silly way, some are thinking that all capitalists should be
pardoned-- irregardless of what way they are behaving, even if they are
still exploiting others. Obviously though this is not correct.
Because Baba opposes both exploitation as well as those immoral forces that
are doing the exploiting. Exploitation does not exist in a vacuum. Someone
is doing those nasty things. And those misguided people must be opposed.
Similarly those very greedy capitalists who are exploiting others and
involved in the over-accumulation of wealth, such persons are the
worshippers of capitalism. Thus we cannot pardon them or allow them to
continue in their negative ways.
But some simple people are getting confused and thinking that:
'Alright he is a capitalist-- no problem; we should oppose capitalism, not
capitalists. If a capitalist is moving here and there and doing big
business that is fine. We oppose capitalism.'
But this is just one mirage which innocent people suffer from.
Now here comes the straight-forward point. Means for those with just a
little bit of a pointed mind it is clear-cut and easy to understand.
Whereas for those whose mind is more scattered and disconnected, only they
get confused.
Baba's basic theory is that we do oppose capitalism, not capitalists. And
the unique meaning of this is as follows.
Namely that we are not against capitalists so long as they refrain from
following the avaricious & exploitative tendencies of capitalism. If anyone
gives up their wealth and adopts a harmonious way of living then we will
not wage a campaign against that person. But if any capitalist continues to
pursue the path of capitalism and goes against the collective interest by
hoarding huge wealth, then that is unacceptable and must not be tolerated.
Hence when it says that we are not against capitalists, that only refers to
those capitalists who have entirely given up the ways of capitalism and are
no longer hoarding wealth. Means they have come down to a common level of
socio-economic dealing.
Think of it this way. The greedy US capitalist, Donald Trump, cannot
separate his existence from his capitalist ways of living. As it stands now
he is the embodiment of capitalism. Thus under such conditions he cannot be
pardoned. But if he donates all his excess wealth & properties etc, and if
he does social service and comes down from his economic mountain top, then
his standing will be okay. But if not-- if he does not abide by these
regulations-- then he should be vehemently opposed.
Likewise Bill Gates-- the Microsoft entrepeneur-- is loaded with billions
of dollars yet side by side nowadays he is getting the praise of admiration
or many for his "fight on poverty". But his helping the poor in Africa is
just one slimy ploy while side by side his Microsoft empire exploits
innocent people all around the globe. That is why Baba call such
double-faced people like the greedy Mr Gates as demonic capitalist cheaters
who must be tackled down by the moralists.
And same is the case with those infamous capitalists from here in India
like the Birla and Tata families. So long as they do not give up their
wealth then they are not to be trusted and not to be pardoned.
Here following is Baba's special dharmic guideline on this key point.
Baba says, "Can't rich people who are moral and virtuous be sadvipras? In
reply I would say: Yes they can, but...they should not relax comfortably
with their immense wealth and eat idly. In order to observe and abide by
the rules of Prout (Progressive Utilisation Theory) they have got to fight
against sin and injustice, and in order to continue this fight properly
they must give up their wealth. A sadvipra is a strict moralist and
ever-virtuous person ready to fight against immorality. Earning money
sinfully or hoarding inordinate wealth runs counter to the fundamental
principles of Prout." (HS-2, ed. 1987, p. 100)
So no one should get befooled that we are not opposing capitalists but
rather capitalism. Because those hoarding the wealth and still exploiting
others and increasing their wealth are not merely capitalists but the
worshippers of capitalism.
However if any capitalist openly rejects the ways of capitalism and gives
up their wealth, then they will be a welcome member of Prout society. But
those not giving up their wealth and not coming down, they are the
worshippers of capitalism. In which case their mode of living cannot be
Overall it is just like how in our Marga we oppose the negative dealings of
those dogmatic religions. Yet if someone wholeheartedly gives up those
dogmas and desires to join AM, then that is fine. But if one clings on to
those dark beliefs and engages in all sorts of casteism, genocide, elitism,
or communal hatred, then we will oppose that individual. We cannot defend
the matter and proclaim that this dogmatic fellow should be pardoned
without his mending his ways.
Because if someone still embracing negative isms like casteism or
capitalism then it is our dharmic duty that we should oppose them-- until
they are not rectified.
Here is another example related with this entire issue.
As we all know, a few tell that it is just the practice of stealing that is
bad-- not the person who is doing the stealing. They claim that the person
is good. But Baba does not appreciate such faulty justifications. Because
how can a person be good when he is stealing and leading sinful life.
Rather he should be treated as a thief. And thieves cannot be pardoned on
the logic that stealing is bad and the thief is alright. Rather the thief
and his stealing are mixed together-- the two cannot be divorced from one
another. Indeed so long as that thief embraces stealing then he is not to
be exonerated. But if he gives up his nasty ways of stealing, then fine.
Likewise those capitalists who stick to the ways of capitalism will have to
face the consequences.
Here, in conclusion, Baba points out the extreme negativity of those greedy
capitalists who indulge in the degrading tendencies of capitalism.
Baba says, "The person who cannot cheat others, cannot become a millionaire
overnight. You know as I told many times, the goddess of wealth is
established in sin. Only the person who is a terrible sinner and knows how
to cheat others as quickly as possible, only they can become a millionaire.
The goddess of wealth is the goddess of sin." (Discourse: 'Introduction of
Various local Gods and Goddesses', AV-11 [H] p. 7)
And here below is Baba's next warning:
Baba says, "Those who only use their intellect for the purpose of hoarding
wealth ...humanism gradually fades from their minds as they turn into blood
sucking leeches. Not even a spot of humanism remains in them as a residue."
By all this it is clear that those capitalists who have not given up the
ways of capitalism are the enemies of the humanity. And their dealings
should not be tolerated-- let alone be allowed to become one leader.
Baba's divine blessing is with us in this noble endeavour to build up one
great human society.
Baba says, "Human beings have to march forward to victory on the path of
all-round fulfillment in life." (Ananda Sutram)
Here is the quote which a few people are terribly confused on:
Baba says "We are to fight capitalism and not capitalists." (PNS-4, p.6)
By now everyone understands the matter. Namely if those capitalists are
still wedded to capitalism then their actions cannot be tolerated; rather
they should be dealt with using a strong hand. Because so long as they are
cheating others and advocating the greedy methods of capitalism then they
are an enemy of humanity and should therefore be opposed. But if they give
up their wealth and renounce the ways of capitalism then those
former-capitalists are welcome members of society.
These days a few in our Marga are not living in accordance with Baba's
aforementioned guidelines. Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm they deeply engross
themselves in living the capitalist ideal-- hoarding and collecting huge
amounts of mundane wealth. And they happily indulge in that enjoying all
the respect given to top capitalists in this crude era. And then during DMS
or dharmacakra they humbly dress up as sadhu and temporarily show
themselves as great Marga devotees. And some are even trying to use their
money and nudge their way into top leadership positions or trying to direct
their own movements. This is not the case with all margiis-- indeed not
even close. Only we are talking about 2 or 3 margiis. Perhaps you know
them. Needless to say, this approach is not at all proper and indeed Baba
Himself condemns anyone following such a pattern. Those with excess or
inordinate wealth cannot be considered Proutists nor true margiis. That is
Baba's guideline.
Divine Social Duty // Pracara Tips
Baba says, "Whatever you have done with reasons thereof. Also, make it
clear to them what you want to do and why you want to do. The result of
this highly useful (helpful) preaching is that the inferiority complex
disappears from the mind of the common men. They are encouraged when they
see that a common man like themselves is inspired with such a high ideal.
The second result of this is as follows. The common result of this is as
follows. The common people are not generally aware of your usefully high
ideas. In every work, big or small, they cling to selfishness. So, learning
everything pure and high through your easy and simple language they will
co-operate with you, with a mind free from wrong notions. The third outcome
of this is that they will be shorn off the wrong notions that may have
crept into them by the propaganda made by the selfish persons with vested
"Win over their heart by propagating Satya but without abusing anyone.
When, they will feel the ideal of Satya and come to know of your untiring
Karma Sa'dhana', naturally, they will abandon their wrong notions about
you; they will even start respecting you."
"Even in private life when a person behaves with you badly or uses
harsh words, don't behave with him in the same manner. You shall explain
to him his duties gently. In case, anyone has a wrong impression, you
shall show him the right path without scolding (abusing) him. Make it
clear to him if possible with practical demonstration how harmful may be
the effect of such habits. But always keep this in mind that in such cases
your behavior must be like that of a friend, and never like that of an
instructor. Your only object will be to get your advice accepted by him.
the idea that he is fool and you are wise is not desirable in any party."
(Ta'ttvika Diipika': Dvitiiya Parva)
1) Those suffering from a superiority complex are unable to properly guide
or teach others. For them, doing AM pracar is basically impossible.
2) However, in the Supreme Command, Baba has allotted us the special duty
"to bring all to the path of bliss"-- to bring all to the divine path of
AM. So this is a very sacred task which our Guru has given. Indeed it is
the greatest social duty of human life.
3) Plus, we know that when Parama Purusa advents on this dusty earth then
He does not waste His time in becoming a millionaire or a billionaire;
rather, He dedicates His each and every for the all-round development &
emancipation of human beings.
4) The conclusion is that the most virtuous aspect of human life is serving
others. And the best service-- the most lasting service-- is doing dharma
pracar. For this reason we should sincerely follow Baba's above guideline.
Dog Analogy is Right One....
Date: 24 Jan 2009 23:27:36 -0000
From: "Subhash Dholakia"
Subject: Dog Analogy is Right One....
"Sukhe ele na'ko, shoke sa'ntvana' dite ele..." (PS 3091)
Baba, when I was feeling happy and content that time You did not come.
Those days I was so enamoured with myself and I was so involved in my
own glory that I did not even think to call You. So You did not come.
But when I lost all that happiness and when I become drowned in my
sorrows of self pity and when I was suffering and overwhelmed by various
problems, then by Your grace You immediately came and consoled me. Baba
in that desperate moment You graciously relieved me of my grief. Baba, I
did not ever feel that You are mine. In this life I was always suffering
from the vanity and ego of my own I-feeling. Those days I was thinking
that 'I am everything'. Due to my ego I did not accept You as the
Supreme One-- as my Goal. I did not take You as that most loving One who
can solve all my problems; I did not surrender at Your feet. Baba, even
then by Your grace You advented deep inside my heart and became mine.
And now I understand that You are ever helpful and that You remain with
me always.
Baba, those days when I was overwhelmed by that severe suffering, I did
not outrightly tell You about my problems. I did not openly say
anything. I did not express my pain to You. But because You are
ever-present in my heart and because You are my eternal shelter, with
Your infinite compassion You fully understood the desperated state of my
mind-- You understood my sorrow. And by Your grace You instantly poured
Your eternal sweetness and love. By Your grace You filled my whole
existence with Your divine bliss.
Baba, due to my ego and vantiy I could not recognise you. You were
showering huge grace on me but I could not recognicse that. I thought
that due to my own qualities everything was happening. In those happpy
times I could not recognise You. Only did I begin to recognise You in my
sorrow. Baba, in my state of terrible suffering, when the mountain of
misery started falling on my head, then all my friends left me. I was
all alone. When I was happy then they were along with me but when I
became sunk in misery all those friends disappeared. Baba, You are the
exact opposite. When I was sunk in woe then by Your grace You
immediately came and removed all my pains and troubles. Baba You bathed
me in Your infinite love. Filling my I-feeling with Your bliss, You
surrounded me each and every second. Baba, You showereed Your grace and
saturated my heart.
Baba, You are so gracious. You are love Personified. You have done
everything for me. Baba, I surrender at Your alter...
Throughout His teachings Baba has presented us with various analogies
that shed light onto our journey on the spiritual path.
These following two analogies-- about the musk deer and the dog chewing
the bone-- contain golden nuggets of guidelines about how we should
proceed in our spiritual life as well as how we can avoid the missteps
of material cravings.
Baba tells again and again that we must not seek Him in the external
world, rather we are to seek Him within. In His discourses and in
Prabhat Samgiita He emphasizes this point repeatedly.
Always He warns us of the danger of looking for Him externally.
Dura't sudure...
By looking for Him externally, the sadhaka only pushes Parama Purusa
further and further away, beyond the grasp. Even then, in their dogmatic
worship, so many seekers and religious fanatics fall into this negative
By worshiping idols, taking pilgrimages, declaring jihad, and following
so-called Mahaprayan, various people think they are doing things that
will enable them to attain Him. But this is not just not so. He is
within and they are going without. Their pitiful plight is just like
this analogy about the musk deer.
Baba says, "The other meaning of gandhacelika' is “sweet scented musk
accumulated in and around the navel portion of the musk deer.” The musk
deer lives in cold countries and looks ugly, but the hormone secreted
from its glands gradually accumulates in the navel. Eventually the
liquid portion evaporates and the remainder becomes hard, and the harder
it gets, the stronger its fragrance becomes. The female deer does not
have this musk scent. The male deer becomes so intoxicated with its own
fragrance that it goes berserk searching for the source of the smell. It
fails to realize that the source of the smell is its own navel.
Ultimately, after much running, the exhausted musk deer falls down
dead." (MVNS)
Just as the musk deer falls down tired and ultimately dead after its
failed pursuit of trying to find that aromatic smell in the external
world, the same is true of those idol worshipers and jihadists who seek
their god through external objects and displays. In the end they do not
get Him, and instead fall down tired or dead. Then in their next life
they get transmuted into rock, iron, or even stone.
So we should be sure that our approach is introversial and
psycho-spiritual, where we seek Him within. We must not run around
senselessly like the musk deer, as those religious fanatics do, not
knowing that that what we ultimately seek lies within. That is Baba's
teachings about the musk deer analogy.
In this next analogy, Baba shows us how chasing after temporary or
worldly enjoyments occurs at the expense of our own self, of our own
vital energy.
Baba says, "The situation is likened to that of a dog when it chews a
dry bone. The bone contains nothing – no marrow, no flesh, nothing.
While chewing that dry bone, its lips get cut and blood oozes out, and
when the poor dog tastes the blood, it thinks that it is tasting blood
from the bone, and licks even more. If you forcibly snatch the dry bone
from the dog, the dog will whimper, because it will feel that its food
is being taken away." (SS-21)
In the above analogy the dog is chewing its bone and getting nothing in
return. Rather it is depriving itself of its own life force-- its own
blood-- yet thinking that it is getting something very tasty in return.
Such is the fate of so many who chase after material things.
Those who drink liquor think that they are drinking the nectar of life
and getting so much happiness. But in fact they are not getting
anything, and their drunkenness is coming at the expense of their own
liver. That organ is getting destroyed by alcohol, yet the drinker
thinks that the alcohol is giving him so much joy.
Such a person is no different from the dog that is merely sucking on its
own blood when chewing the dry bone.
Then of course there are those who think that sensual / sexual pleasures
are giving them so much happiness in the world. But those escapades are
merely depriving a person of their own lymph which is the seed of
spiritual knowledge and bliss.
So again it is a losing scenario. The person thinks that in having sex
they are getting everything, when in fact nothing is gotten, rather one
is losing their own vital force.
And same is the case with so many things including sumptuous food,
money, prestige, automobiles etc. People mistakenly think that they are
getting an abundance of pleasure from this mundane world when in fact
they are getting fleeting joy, i.e. nothing at all, at the expense of
their own inner vitality.
The basic ideas is that in the mundane sphere we are always spending
something to get nothing. That is what dog and the dry bone analogy is
all about. That is what Baba is teaching us.
It is only in the spiritual sphere that we can get something. Only
through spiritual practice can we get lasting happiness. When the mind
rises up and feels His touch then nectar secretes from the pineal gland
and we feel a'nandam, or bliss.
In worldly spheres, our "happiness" comes from depleting our own
energies. In the spiritual sphere, our happiness comes by enhancing our
energy by receiving spiritual nectar.
That is the dramatic difference between mundane pleasures and spiritual
By His grace He has given us graphic analogies whereby we can clearly
understand His important life teachings and progress along the path of
Supreme Benevolence by seeking Him within and not wasting our time with
chasing after mundane pleasures.
A Nagging Issue: The Book...
From: "Girish Chandra Mitra"
Subject: A Nagging Issue: The Book...
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 23:48:43
"Toma'r ka'che ca'i na' kono ma'n, ca'i na' kono yash..." (P.S. 825)
Baba, by Your grace I am not asking for any name, fame, or prestige from
You. These types of desires I do not have. By Your grace, I do not want to
plunge myself into the vanity of all those worldly things. Rather I want to
keep my mind exclusively focused upon Your lotus feet. This devotional
longing I have, by Your grace.
Baba, since the crimson rays of the dawn, You have colored my days with
the rainbow color. You have decorated everything. It is Your grace.
When evening falls, then I feel Your close proximity and Your divine
dance. I see Your liila in the form of countless stars shining in the sky.
Baba, all the time You are with me-- in all the spheres of my life. You
make everything charming and colorful.
Baba, what You have graciously done for me is enough. You have granted
me everything. By hearing the chirping of the birds, I listen to Your
songs. In this way, I feel Your blissful presence. And when the sky is
covered with clouds and by the dance of the peacock, You create beauty in
my life.
Baba, everywhere I feel Your divine grace-- Your eternal presence in
this divine liila. Baba, You are behind each and every expression of this
universe. You are in every form. Everywhere I feel Your presence. I am
never alone. In my good days and bad times, always You are with me. And in
this way everything becomes meaningful and joyful. Baba, You are so
In public e-mails the following praises were heaped on Dada Maheshvarananda
by leftist-socialist-communist leaders. Such things were said because
Dadaji has granted them shelter in his tainted version Prout:
(a) Hugo Chavez is a friend of Fidel Castro, the Communist Dictator.
President Hugo Chavez then said, "Dada Maheshvarananda has given us a book
that we appreciate very much....After Capitalism: Prout's Vision for a New
World includes...contributions by our good friend Frei Betto and others.
(b) Hugo Chavez then said,
"And what a coincidence: on page 127, I (President Hugo Chavez) see where
you (Dada) write about food cooperatives, just like the food cooperatives
in the food plan of our Agricultural Minister Efren Andrades."
And here are more examples how Dada has made negative alliances by becoming
"buddies" with certain communist leaders.
(c) At another gathering the following scene took place:
The Cuban Vice President spoke, as did former Sandinista President Daniel
Ortega, and many other international leftists. I (Dada M) passed my book
(English version) to Pakistani socialist Tariq Ali, Guardian correspondent
Richard Gott and others. Cries of "Viva Cuba" were regular.
(d) My (Dada Maheshvarananda's) hope is that when I print my book in
Spanish, I will be able to speak personally with [communist minded] Chavez
and members of his team, in part because they all saw me sitting in the
first row of the theater in support of their (Communist) struggle.
(e) And so many more proofs and evidences are there how Dada
Maheshvarananda has made a link with communist and socialist leaders.
Thereby granting them shelter under the banner of Prout.
Certainly every Ananda Margii knows that Baba's Prout philosophy is the
guiding light for building a universal human society. Because Prout paves
the way for everyone's progress and welfare by exposing and finally
eradicating all forms of exploitation, including communism, socialism, and
leftist philosophies.
Unfortunately, nowadays in the general society some are coming to know
about Prout though the book "After Capitalism", wherein one
presents Prout in a different way-- one which sacrifices
the ideals of Prout. When in fact this book "After Capitalism..." drifts
far away from our path. Because Dadaji writes in such a way as if Prout,
Marxism and Communism are all complementary. As if Prout accepts and is
sympathetic to the communist approach.
But true Ananda Margiis know well that:
(a) Baba strongly condemns communism/Marxism;
(b) that negative philosophies of Marxism/communism have nothing to do with
our Prout;
(c) that communism has caused untold harm and destruction in this world.
Tragically, by compromising Prout's stand and accepting the exploitative
ways of communism, Dada has sacrificed our Prout Philosophy-- thus
creating a very dangerous situation. Because by allowing communists to live
under the banner of our Prout philosophy, society will not be able to move
along the path of progress.
Baba says, "Liberation from exploitation is impossible when the exploiters
themselves find shelter in the philosophy." (PNS-21, p. 63)
Here exploiters means communist/Marxist party dictators, leaders, and
cadres. And philosophy means this Dada's defective presentation
of Prout.
Because when our Dada is propagating Prout he does not point
out the inherent evils of communism. In that case Dadaji has given shelter
to communists to live there in his philosophy. That is the point of danger.
In his book he is accusing only capitalists, as if only
the capitalistic philosophy and practices are harmful to the society. In
this way communists have found a refuge in Dadaji's presentation of Prout.
Indeed this place was made for communists by Dadaji himself, or so it
seems. That is why communists, leftists, and Marxist leaders are publicly
supporting Dada Maheshvarananda's stand and showering him with praise.
And the overall outcome is that when these communist exploiters themselves
are taking shelter in the philosophy then true revolution is not going to
come, and society will be unable to escape from the suffocating noose of
All this means that in Dadaji's defective presentation of Prout philosophy,
communists have been granted a shelter to survive. And one negative pact
has been created: 'I (Dada M) will not tell about your hypocrisy,
anti-social elements, exploitation-- the communist atrocities. I will only
expose the greedy capitalists'.
Then in response those communist party dictators of certain countries and
leftist leaders started supporting Dadaji. But such persons are the
exploitative leaders of their respective countries and communities. And
they are given shelter in Prout due to Dada Mji's work. In
that condition, how can the exploitation of communism/socialism be removed
from the society? Here again is Baba's warning.
Baba says, "Liberation from exploitation is impossible when the exploiters
themselves find shelter in the philosophy." (PNS-21, p. 63)
So see the danger of how he is painting our Prout
philosophy and granting shelter to communist exploiters. By Dadaji's
methods exploitation will live on and on. And by this way nuclear
revolution or Proutist revolution is not at all possible. It is clear then
that in his book "After Capitalism... ", Dadaji has tainted
the philosophy.
Because the establishment of Prout philosophy means the eradication of
exploitation, including communism. We must remember that in its true form
Baba's Prout philosophy is the perfect solution and the key to solving all
sorts of problems.
And we know that all the teachings which Baba has given are mantra for us.
Thus in the realm of socio-economic planning, Baba's Prout philosophy is
our mantra. For it is this very mantra which will relieve the globe of its
suffering by solving all the mundane and supra-mundane problems.
Unfortunately Dada Maheshvarananda has tainted the purity of our Prout by
mixing in certain negative elements like communism. Thus passing his book
around to others will not yield the desired result.
When Baba is talking that Prout is the solution that means His full Prout,
not some tainted version of Prout like Dadaji's faulty text.
By Baba's divine grace, many margiis around the globe are propagating the
true ideals of Prout in which case peace and harmony will come on this earth.
Baba says, "PROUT is the only panacea for all the world's mundane and
supramundane ailments. There is no alternative." (PNS 17, p.30)
The following points clearly demonstrate how Dada Maheshvarananda's Prout
book, 'After Capitalism', is communist-minded:
1. On pages 21, 22, 145-46 etc Marxism is highlighted as a very lofty thing.
2. The introduction to the book has been written by one Marxist leader,
Marcos Arruda. And in the preface itself Arruda wrote as follows: "Prout's
critique is revolutionary because it examines capitalism...The diagnosis is
deeply critical: capitalism is a system...Global capitalism with its single
minded desire to consume..."
3. And he praised Marx in the preface itself as follows: "In my opinion the
actual essence of Marx works is fighting for superior human values...I
compared the thought of 4 important authors…Karl Marx..."
4. On p.145-46. Because in those two pages also communism has been praised
by writing like this: "Sarkar echoes Marx...". It is obvious that this is a
negative statement.
5.Here in this following teaching Baba says that communism is worse than
capitalism but Dada Maheshvarananda's book refrained to talk on communism
adversities. How we can say that his book is propagating Prout in reality.
Baba says, "The plight of the people in so-called democratic countries is
not as miserable as those in communist countries because in communism the
political and economic system is imposed on society by party officials,
causing untold human suffering and severe psycho-economic exploitation."
(PNS 21, p. 43)
Note: Initially Dada M received so much praise from these socialist leaders (which is noted below) but then when they discovered via various channels that he is with AM and that AM is not a materialistic approach then they dumped Dadaji. So it is not that still today Dada has these politicians in his pocket. They were only aligned so long as Dadaji was giving them a voice and not attacking them. Since Dadaji was soft with such leaders they became friends etc. And only when they found out from other avenues that he is part of AM that they turned on him. If Dadaji had been properly representing Prout from the beginning then all this mess would not have happened. It happened because Dadaji's book is like a journal of a socialist thinker. That is the cause of the problem. See here how closely he was befriending that communists.
Not long ago someone reported that they have given a copy of "After
Capitalism" to the leader of one imbalanced political regime in South
America. So the whole situation is choatic. Because the poor people of that
country are seeking relief from their current crisis and now the leaders of
the country will be using Maheshvarananda's communist minded book as a
means to solve the situation. But communistic values only brings hell into
the life of the people so to whatever degree Dadaji's book is used, that
will only create more and more problems for the people. And in the end the
public will wrongly conclude that Prout is at fault-- as if we are to
blame. So for multiple reasons the whole situation is tenuous.
Here in the following parable Baba warns that if negative elements-- like
ghosts or communism-- are allowed to take shelter, then even good things
will become ruined:
Baba says, "Some people say that if mustard seeds are sprinkled over any
person possessed by a ghost, the ghost takes to its heels. But if the ghost
hides in the mustard seeds themselves, then of course there is not the
ghost of a chance of escape from the ghost." (PNS-6, p. 22)
Method to Make Ideal Human Beings
Baba says, "Some people may ask: Why does A'nanda Ma'rga run many
kindergarten schools and not many high schools, degree colleges and
universities? A kindergarten school is something basic and the mission of
making human beings is accomplished here. If one has already become a thief
or a criminal, in that case university education for such a person is of no
avail. One is to be moulded in one's childhood. If one receives the
fundamentals of education in the formative period of one's life, one will
keep oneself alright in the teeth of the greatest trials and tribulations
in life. A bamboo, when green, can be shaped or bent in any way you like.
Once it ripens, any attempt to reshape it will break it. This is why more
stress is to be laid on kindergarten schools. Such schools are the first
phase of making human beings." PNS-18 p.37
Dark Path
Date: 21 Jan 2009 23:14:27 -0000
From: "Gregory Hamick"
~ I Remember Everything But My Ista Mantra ~
In this extreme era of gross materialism, the society is spiraling
downwards into a bottomless chasm. There may seemingly be many explanations
for this but ultimately the root cause behind this horrific degeneration is
singular, i.e. one.
And here it is...
In various discourses, Baba warns us that in this era of peak materialism,
money is regarded as the cream of the life. That is the most cherished
thing. And for money, people are willing to do anything and everything.
This we see happening day in, day out. And this brings their total
For example, people will make themselves or their spouse naked and sell the
pictures; they will kill their wife; they will sue their children; they
will sell their daughters; they will cheat anybody, anytime. In sum, in
this havoc ridden era of materialism people will do anything & everything
to get money.
>From prostitution to gambling, from arms dealing to drug trafficking, from
lawyering to junk bond selling, from heaven to hell people are willing to
go to any extreme for the sake of the dollar.
Any day one can open the newspaper, go on the web, or take a look around
town and see all these things going on. Some are legal and some are
illegal, but much of what people are doing in the name of acquiring money
is totally outrageous-- and destructive, either to themselves or others.
But for their own selfish desire to acquire wealth they do like this.
Here is another way of looking into the matter.
No doubt people resort to innumerable illegal concoctions to make money
such as: Drug trafficking, child pornography, gangs, extortion, stealing,
smuggling, etc.
But there are countless legal ways that have been invented where people
sell their souls to make money. That means they indulge in crude and lowly
dealings to make money and they think it is ok since it is legal.
Now in so many places gambling has become legal and the latest projection
is that in a couple years legalised gambling will exceed $100 billion dollars.
Then, of course, in some countries prostitution has also become legal.
Plus in the US, one of the biggest sectors of the economy is the weapons
industry. Where agencies sell arms and promote wars various "third-world"
nations in order to make a strong economy. This is one of the favoured
tactics of the US.
Then there are the usual array of various commodities such as cigarettes,
meat, alcohol, harmful medical drugs etc-- all of which are legal but have
a very harmful effect on the society. But to make money people pass their
days and years engrossed in such things.
Why has it become such the rage and so easy to make huge amounts of money
doing crude and degenerated things. Primarily because that is the path of
least resistance. All have come from animal life and it is easy to submerge
themselves in satisfying their base propensities. So if someone puts
pornography on the web, they a huge sector of the population will chase
after that. Because their mind easily runs in that direction. And seeing
such pornography leads to the further degeneration of the society.
Perhaps that is why Baba has unleashed this following statement blasting
the ways of capitalism etc.
Baba says, "Crude materialism has done much harm to human society during
the last one century. It has misguided the entire human society, it has
converted human beings into animals." (AV-2)
Tragically & typically, common people think that by getting money-- by hook
or by crook-- then they are paving their golden future. This is their
misguided outlook. When in reality they are thrusting themselves onto path
of death and destruction as they sink backwards onto the path of negative
pratisaincara-- converting themselves into stone etc.
Baba says, "If a person continually gloats over crude material things, his
entire existence will be converted into crude matter. In mythology the
story goes that Ahalya' was converted into a stone due to his constant
crude ideation. So people who accept matter as their goal, totally denying
the existence of Parama Purus'a, tread the path of degeneration and become
prakrtiliina devayonis [negative microvita] after death." (APH-6,
Hence by rampantly chasing headlong after money, people totally ruin their
human existence and their future is bleak, if not torturous. And that is
what the bulk of the population is doing nowadays.
Thus as Ananda Margiis, we should be extremely careful and conscientious on
this matter. We should ensure we do not adopt this same harmful path that
is being followed by countless people around the globe.
That is why now more than ever we should pay strict adherence to Baba's
guideline of samyak ajiiva (right livelihood). Gaining money through any
type of sinful or anti-social means is not at all good for one's development.
Baba says, "So one must have a clean occupation, that is, one must not do
anything antisocial, one must not encourage anything antisocial, anything
that goes against collective interest. That is samyak a'jiiva in physical
sphere. One may earn money by selling wine. One may earn money by stealing.
These are not samyak a'jiiva. Your occupation should be neat and clean --
not going against the interest of the society." (AV-30)
So Baba wants that we have a healthy and clean way of earning a living--
and certainly most margiis are doing that.
Even then, the pressures to go counter to this mount each and every day as
all around us people stoop to depraved levels in order to make a buck. But
we should not be tempted or allured.
And all these following quotes also lead in the same direction. Namely that
indiscriminately running after money will ruin one present life and destroy
one's future. This is Baba's explicit warning.
Unfortunately around the globe all are chasing after the supposed glories
of American materialism. Little do they know that already, the US
population has become sunk in soot-- in the pool of selfishness, where
countless suffer from depression, anxiety, obesity, and so many physical
and mental diseases.
So one should beware and pay heed to Baba's following warnings:
Baba says, "You may know some people whose minds always run after money.
You might have asked them to sit down for a while and have a chat, and been
surprised by their excusing themselves, saying they were so busy and had to
rush off to the stock exchange. If their pursuit of money is hampered in
any way, if it eludes their grasp, if they are totally severed from it,
their minds will lose their base and they will die." (APH-6, 'Ekendriya-3')
Baba says, "Do not be extrovertial, do not go ahead towards your own
destruction since once you have fallen into the grip of crudeness it is
well-nigh impossible to get released from it. The abyss shall devour you
and you shall miss the pole star of your life." (SS-1, p.20)
Baba says, "All crude objects on which people base their hopes and
aspirations will certainly disappear one day, for the nature of this
relative world is 'ta agacchati sah gacchati' - whatever comes goes. When
people are deserted by their crude objects of desire they are eaten away by
frustration and disappointment, and die a miserable death. (APH-6)
Baba says, "I heard that once, when the currency was devalued, a wealthy
jute merchant suddenly died because all the aspiration of his life were
based on money. He could not face the prospect of having to part with his
cherished object of desire." (APH-6)
Thus none should get duped by the horrific ways of materialism.
As Ananda Margiis we should keep ourselves neat and clean and guide the
society as well. All should earn a clean living and pass their days doing
virtuous deeds like serving others, practicing sadhana, and inspiring
others along the path of welfare. And by Baba's grace this is what is going
on in our Marga; many are progressing along this benevolent path. And none
should step backwards into the mud of materialism-- which is surrounding us
in all directions.
Baba says, "Unscrupulous people earn a lot of money from actions which are
by nature sinful and harmful for the world. Human beings should not earn
their livelihood in this way. Their means of livelihood should be pure and
sacred and should not harm anyone." (AV-7)
By Baba's grace, under the banner of neo-humanism & Prout our human society
will flourish. Where none should be allowed fall prey to the false hopes
and dangerous avenues of materialism. All should be encouraged to advance
on the sentient path in all the realms of life. By His grace that day is
fast approaching.
Baba says, "Today or tomorrow the entire world will accept PROUT as the
only panacea for all of the world's mundane and supramundane ailments.
There is no alternative." (PNS-17, p.30)
WT Conduct Rule: Dealings
Baba says, "Supervisory workers will have to take proper care of each of
their supervised staff in all respects." (Pt #2 of 'Six Additional Rules')
Note: This is a very significant rule but these days supervisory bosses are
more focused on emptying the pockets of their subordinates. This is the
only "care" they do. In future when standard of devotion in supervisory
workers is higher, these rules are likely to be followed in which case the
situation will be better.
== Section 2 ==
~ I Remember Everything But My Ista Mantra ~
"A'mi a'r kaono kichu bhuli na', shudhu bhule tha'ki tavo na'm..." (P.S. #838)
O' Parama Purusa, it is so unfortunate and painful that I do not forget anything mundane; but I always forget Your divine name. I cannot remember it constantly, because worldly things always come in my mind. And those mundane things I always remember, only I forget Your name. O' my Dearmost, please grace me. I want to remember Your name all the time - within each and every breath and respiration - but alas I forget. O' Divine Entity, although I don't chant Your name and remember You, even then I can see that You love me. By Your grace, I always feel Your love, especially when I look towards You. You are very charming and gracious.
O' Parama Purusa, You are the most magnificent One. When by Your grace the stars shower from Your heavenly effulgent bosom, then the effulgence from those particles fills my heart with divine ecstasy.
Baba, the Parama Purusa, You are the most compassionate One. The divine love which You have poured in my heart - the affection that You saturated in my mind - always vibrates my being and brings me to the divine world. The melody that You played within my mind, in its tune, today I do sastaunga pranam to You again and again with that very tune and melody which You have resonated in my heart & mind.
O' my Lord Baba, please shower Your causeless grace on me so that I always chant Your divine name...
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