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...Bringing It To Fruition

To: AM-GLOBAL Subject: ...Bringing It To Fruition Date: Mon 26 Oct 2009 09:58:26 +0500 (IST) From: Ram Sahay Kulshresth Baba "A'lo eseche ghum bheungeche, phuler vane raun legeche..." (P.S. 2253) Purport: With the arrival of effulgence, all drowsiness & sleepiness have been vanquished. In the flower garden, new growth has come. The buds of those flowers which were in hibernation have now all bloomed. And they have filled the flowers with nectar; it is overflowing. Each and everyone's heart is vibrated with the new color. Each and every movement in life is vibrated in His flow. The air, the water, the earth, and the sky-- everything is filled with His vibration and charm. The advent of the new dawn has come; now there will not be any more cries or laments due to the darkness. In the language and expression there will no longer be any bitterness-- rather it will be saturated with sweetness and love. Love will be the source of all inspiration. This transformation has all happened due to the causeless grace of Parama Purusa; He created this momentum and changed the whole vibration of this entire universe. He filled it with His own color. The new dawn has come and the drowsiness of staticity and dogma has disappeared. The sweetness and charm of spirituality has come...
Namaskar, Nowadays with Parama Prakrti raising her magic wand and with so much corruption in the uppper echelons of government and with the vaeshyan era at its full height, now more than ever this world is aching for the call of Prout. Even then for Prout to appear on the scene is not a joke. Even with all the conditions apparently ripe, there is a specific system for bringing the Prout revolution-- and without adhering to Baba's prescribed method, Prout will remain on the sidelines.
Since the inception of Prout in 1959, there have been numerous & on-going efforts by various Proutists to bring revolution; but unfortunately mostly they were thinking in their own way how a Prout government can be quickly established-- and they overlooked Baba's system. No doubt in various units field wts and margiis are doing very good works, but the overall flow of PU from the top down has not been like that. This is evidenced in multiple ways including the time in 1970 when Proutist candidates first contested in the local elections. That time those Proutists thought that the golden age of Prout had come. And they thought they were there just to eat gravy and collect the prize. But in that election those Proutist candidates got blown away like the dust. They hardly got even a vote. And another example is how after 1970, huge enthusiasm was created in Tripura, Bengal that there itself would be the first Proutist government. And in that naive excitement, huge money was poured into Bengal from around the globe to establish a Proutist government in the A'mara' Bengali area. But beyond the terrible waste of money and resources, nothing could happen. And still today there are hardly any margiis in Tripura-- and not even the shadow of a Prout movement, let alone Prout leadership. So the whole program turned into one fly-by-night affair. And like this all across the entire globe there are countless examples how various Proutist Dadas and margiis became enthusiastic and tried their own various 'quick-n-easy' methods to usher in a Proutist government. But in those poorly thought out ways, so many persons got killed, so many Wts left, and so many Margiis were misled because of those misguided efforts. In that manner countless attempts have been met with failure.
So this is the common rule that if the path is wrong then one cannot reach the goal. And the answer is very simple. The Lord Himself has given the theory of Prout and He has given the pathway for how to establish it. But because His guidelines have been overlooked that is why little has happened thus far. Or what has been accomplished could be increased multi-fold. So this letter is based on Baba's teachings-- i.e. the way to bring forth the revolution along Proutistic lines. Here following are a few of Baba's well-known guidelines. In His discourse 'Nuclear Revolution', Baba has given a phase-wise plan and program. In the first phase, His expressed teaching is that Margiis should first be created. Have new people start doing sadhana and social service. And gradually they will get the teaching and training about out Proutistic socio-economic policies. And also education will be given as to how the present-day exploiters are cheating the common mass. Because if the society is not educated properly and not awakened to the exploitation going on, then the common mass will not support the call for revolution. So education is highly needed. Here education does not mean the learning of a-b-c-d. In this case education means developing an awareness how the exploiters are cheating everyone to the bone. On this point Baba has given various meaningful guidelines in the chapter "Nuclear Revolution". As we have seen, certain of our Prout leaders are thinking that on the point of money everything will be purchased and Proutist government can be formed. This is one of their misguided views. And some others are thinking that simply by shaking the hand of this or that President then Prout will be established. But both of these approaches are faulty and one important ingredient is missing. Such types of Proutists never tried to do any psychological preparation of the masses. When in fact this is Baba's guideline. Baba says, "Revolution may not take place unless the exploited masses are psychologically prepared for revolution. If the people do not support revolution, the clarion call for revolution will not be heeded." (PNS 21 p.63) Baba's above teaching proves that first of all, the common members of society should be taught and prepared. Just by purchasing some political leaders or cadres, Prout cannot be established.
On this very point about education, in one samaj meeting, Baba has given some discourse. He told, that, "In one common public meeting the political leader raised the slogan that we should die for our land, Angabhumi. Then several hundred of the simple villagers seated in that room rose up because they did not like the idea of literally dying for their motherland. Some of them even stood up and told that "I am not going to die here. Better I should die in Varanasi. By dying there, I will get salvation." Baba says like this, in that very discourse. The sense is that because villagers were not educated about the local socioeconomic political problems, that's why they took it in a completely literal way. 'Dying for motherland' does not mean that you are absolutely going to die there. Rather it means 'dedicate for the cause of one's motherland'. So that was one misnomer. And secondly, villagers have dogma about "Death in Varanasi brings heaven". Because of all this, combined with the villagers' blatant lack of understanding about exploitation, they opposed the program of anti-exploitation movement because they were oblivious to the exploitation of the land. So, that very time Baba's sole teaching was that first the society should be educated, and once done if the other factors are ripe then revolution should be launched. But unfortunately in our Prout programs, sometimes we moved in a different direction. Here is another historical example. BY reviewing this, certainly we will be able to learn from the past and bring Prout to the fore at the earliest.
In the past, 1857, one attempt of revolution happened from India, to shoe
away the Britishers. But it completely failed. Rather the revolutionaries were crushed mercilessly. That time society was not educated, socio-politically. But in 1947, it was a different case. In 1947 India got freedom. Reason being that this time in 1947 the common mass possessed the requisite social awareness about how the Britishers were cheating everyone. So the public supported the revolution. Thereby the exploitative Britishers were forced to leave the country-- India. So the overall idea is that in 1857 the public was not educated. Then the revolution was crushed right away. And not just that but, those people could not raise their head for the next 90 years. So prematurely trying to bring revolution brings complete negative result. Baba has taught this very ideas in His Nuclear Revolution discourse.
The whole point is that society should first be educated. That is the first and foremost work. If political consciousness about the presence of exploitation is not aroused amongst the common mass, then the result will be negative. But unfortunately up till now most of the plans and program taken by the Prout department are not moving in the direction which Baba has taught. Many margiis and wts are working hard and doing good things, but certain top Proutist Dadas etc are moving in their own selfish way-- greedily thinking that all the power will fall into their pocket. For example, attempt after attempt has been made to buy the leaders and capture the power. Or buy the cadres, make the leaders, win the election, and make the Prout government. But a proper plan and program has not been not made to raise the consciousness in the public against exploitation. But Baba's distinct guideline is that if this is not done, there will not be an iota of success. So our first duty is not to fall prey to the negative strategies employed to date by some Proutist Dadas etc. Rather we are to follow Baba's teachings step by step. First create margiis and educate them about Baba's teachings and practices and help them to develop revolutionary qualities. And if it will be done on mass scale, then there will not be any delay for changing the whole society and bringing revolution. This is the critical first step. Because without the creation of new and upcoming sadvipras, how will there be sadvipra leadership? Collecting corrupt persons from the general society and trying to take their help in forming a Prout government is nothing but an ill-fated strategy.
By Baba's divine grace, Prout will be established very soon. As we understand how to work according to His direction, our efforts will be efficient and effective and so many great things will happen in the realm of Prout. Things are coming together, by His grace. Baba says, "Victory is sure to embrace you. Difficulties and encrumbrances cannot be more powerful that your capacity to solve them. You are the children of the great Cosmic Entity. Be a sadvipra and make others sadvipras also." (PNS-6, p.30) Namaskar, Ram Sahay Dev Note 1: In HIS discourse BABA gives very explicit instructions about Prout: Baba says, "According to PROUT, the rule of Sadvipras is the ideal form of leadership. The establishment of Sadvipra leadership will require the systematic and rational application of PROUT by the collective effort of many highly intelligent people. Sadvipra rule cannot be established by blind physical force or idle intellectual extravaganza." (Prout-18) So from the grass-roots level the creation of sadvipras should be done to establish Prout society. This is the practical approach, not just some theoretical analysis. Note 2: Baba also guides us as follows. Baba says, "The revolutionaries will have to fight against three forces-- outside exploiters, internal exploiters and other inner evil forces." (PNS 21 p.65) Note 3: Whether in the general society or in the organisation, the necessary requirements for establishing a revolution are the same. Note 4: From 1959 to 1990, for 31 years, Baba taught us via various Prout rules & regulations, discourses. And then in reporting sessions He has given plans and programs for how to implement Prout. And that plan and program was for certain phases. We should keep in our mind that when Taraka Brahma takes human form, then He does not keep that very body for thousands of years. So Baba is a Mahasambhuti, He has also a limited span of time to play His divine liila. And along with that, He went on teaching and educating us about different aspects of His grand philosophy, plans and programs, & so many things. He chose to use about 35 years of time to talk about Prout and Ananda Marga. And He has given different plans, program, and teaching. And in that very concentrated period, He taught the plan for perhaps the next five, ten, twenty, hundred, or several hundred years. Those who are senior Margiis and WTs and anyone following 16 Points can easily understand all this. But those who have superficial knowledge of Baba's teaching, for them this may be difficult to comprehend. And they always confuse the matter. They think that what Baba has told in a particular year, that was the plan of that very year only. When in fact what Baba has told in a few years, that is the plan for the entire phase of one era. And it depends upon the progress of society, how many years it will take to develop from one step to another step. For example, if the society is educated in five years, then the first phase is finished. And the second phase program can be started. But to educate the society on socio-political consciousness might also take 50 years. In that case then the first phase will go on for 50 years. And as Baba says, that not until the fourth phase will there be revolution. So it will come in its own time. Not prematurely. One time I heard myself, in Patna, Baba was telling that "I don't speak for those who are attending the General Darshan or sitting next to me. I speak for the entire humanity -- present and future." Similarly, Baba's plan, program is for the present and for the near or far future. So before making plans we should be very careful about how we are going to execute His teaching, plans and programs.
*************************************** Like New Born Baby and Mother
Baba says, "It is a law of nature that nature provides a mother with sufficient breast milk to feed her newly-born baby. In the same way, nature provides sufficient resources like food and other essential requirements for all human beings. Human beings need only utilize these resources in a proper way. Shortages of food and space cannot be blamed on nature. These problems have been artificially created by the folly of human beings." (PNS-13, p.45)

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