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Disastrous Effect of Buddhist Meditation

Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 06:11:05 -0000 To: AM-GLOBAL From: J. Erikkson Subject: Disastrous Effect of Buddhist Meditation Baba "Toma'r pathe cali a'mi, kon ba'dha'y pechoba na'..." (P.S. 1390) Purport: Baba by Your infinite grace I am moving forward on Your divine path. By Your grace I do not care about any types of obstacles. I will never look behind in frustrated mood. You are my everything; You are my Goal; You are my sadhana. Baba, fortified with the strength of Your divine name my life is moving. Your name is like the lamp on my path of forward movement. By Your grace You have made me realise that there is no comparison to the strength which is residing in Your holy name. Baba, by this way days and months are passing. Our closeness is getting more and more intimate, by Your grace. In my heart I realise that You are my everything. Baba because You are and I am. Except this I do not know anyone. By Your grace I am moving on Your path without bothering about any sorts of hindrances. It is Your grace...
Namaskar, As the title suggests, Buddhist meditation is more than a little problematic. Here is the underlying logic.
Manaeva manus'ya'n'a'm'
Baba says, "This human mind is a peculiar entity. It is the cause of all our sorrows and predicaments, and it is the cause of our supreme bliss. It is the cause of bondage, and it is the cause of liberation." (AV-30) So our mind is the determining factor of our movement in life - either towards liberation or bondage. Here is another way of thinking about it.
Ya'drshii bha'vana' yasya' siddhirbhavati ta'drshii “As you think, so you become.” (DT-1)
In a nutshell, since Buddhist meditation focuses on "nothingness" or "emptiness" then the practitioner will become one with nothingness. Or in a phrase, they will get turned into microvita like vidhealiina. Baba says, "A spiritual aspirant attains the state of videhaliina as a result of shunya dhya'na or ideation on nothingness. Through such ideation a sa'dhaka develops a psychic pabulum of nothingness. Yet even in this state there remains the possibility of rebirth. Those who embrace nothingness as their absolute goal develop a void in their citta in the absence of Cognitive Faculty. As a result they are unable to establish themselves in the Supreme Cognitive Stance and attain salvation. The spiritual cult which encourages this practice is certainly defective." (AMIWL-9) So the practitioner of Buddhist meditation is marching straight toward the unfavourable destiny of becoming videhaliina - inviting all kinds of pain and suffering. Baba says, "People with this type of psychology attain the state of videhaliina after their demise – an unbearable condition." (MVNS) The entire outcome of Buddhist meditation is not at all good.
The question then is why raise the point here and now. As Ananda Margiis, in our sadhana, we channelise the mind toward the Supreme in which case there is no question of falling into the trappings of Buddhist meditation or becoming microvita. However the point hold great relevance for us. A growing phenomenon seems to be on the move these days. The world over people are resorting to yoga to stretch and tone their bodies yet they are turning toward Buddhist meditation to calm and steady their minds. In the popular culture, many do not seem to equate yoga with meditation - they see it only as a form of exercise and they then turn to Buddhist and pseudo-Buddhist principles for their psychic thirst. One clear cut proof of this is that a famous so-called yoga teacher wrote a book titled, "Yoga Body - Buddha Mind." And indeed all over the contemporary yoga movement or fake yoga movement that is attracting millions and millions of people around the world, there is a fascination toward Buddhist meditation and its related themes like watching the breath and "mindfulness" etc. Thus, as ineffective and as harmful as it is, Buddhist meditation has become the fashion these days. As quickly as the population is turning towards yoga asanas, at a similar rate they are turning toward Buddhist meditation. As Ananda Margiis, we should be aware of this trend - have our logic firmly in mind - and be ready to steer this hungry mass toward AM sadhana.
Here is one other point to keep in mind. Nowadays, so many margiis are teaching yoga and meditation in the general society. This manifests in all kinds of ways. Some do it openly under the banner of AM, some not. Since much of the general population may not be ready for tantric diiksa, then some may be teaching other techniques of meditation and relaxation etc. What we're getting at here is that some in AM, knowingly or unknowingly, may be using the principles of Buddhist meditation in their yoga classes with the general public. Some margiis may be saying, 'Become one with your breath', or 'Empty the mind of all thoughts', or 'Still the mind', or 'Be mindful' etc. These are all related with the defective approach of Buddhist meditation. Yet this is what is popular these days and some margiis might be doing this as well in order to skirt the issue of mantra, or Parama Purusa, or God. Here then is just a reminder that no one in our Marga should resort to the misguided ways of Buddhist meditation in their yoga preachings or classes with the general public.
We must remember that every human being has the freedom to do what they will on this earth. All have the power to choose. Most live life in an ordinary way and are subject to inchworm like progress along the path of pratisaincara, staying far from the Cosmic hub. Those who pointedly goad the mind in a particular direction, move in one of two ways: Toward the Supreme or toward degradation. As Ananda Margiis we are speeding toward Parama Purusa, but those practicing Buddhists are not. With their practiced and pointed mind, they are moving toward nothingness, nihilism, and degradation. They will become microvita. That is Baba's exact teaching. In this regard, having free will becomes a liability if one acutely guides the mind in the wrong direction. Of course we all know that thievery is bad and that such bandits & hardened criminals will suffer the consequences. But what people often fail to realise is that Buddhist meditation will also lead one in the wrong direction. It is not a joke - that is the reality. Yet right now, hoards of people are innocently embarking on this dark pathway thinking it will bring them into the light. Once this point is crystal clear in our own minds, we will best be able to help and serve the general populace. We must not watch idly as they transform themselves into microvita - suffering endlessly in that way.
In Ananda Marga, our approach is to positively goad the mind toward Parama Purusa and the main technique is the use of mantra. Baba says, "You cannot call all the sounds of the world mantras. Why? Because they do not possess the capacity to liberate a person from bondage. There are so many sounds, so many syllables and so many words in this universe...but only that sound whose acoustic expressions or acoustic waves have the stamina to goad the subtlest portion of the human mind unto the supreme stance can be a mantra." (SS-24) We do not subscribe to the theory of nothingness, rather we knowingly fill the mind with a divine thought in the form of our ista mantra or dhyana mantra. And by His grace with that mantra we can become one with Ista. Buddhists have no Supreme Ista. Their meditation leads to a total void. But in AM we move towards our Ists with love and sincerity by His grace. That is our Goal and that is what clearly separates AM sadhana from the trappings of Buddhist meditation. Baba says, "You are all spiritual aspirants. You are yogiis and you should know that the only interpretation of yoga is “Samyoga yoga Ityukto Jiiva'tma' Parama'tmanah”. All other interpretations are baseless. And you should also remember that for your movement toward your Is't'a, you have only to practise, your unification with your Is't'a is your only goal." (SS-12)
By Baba's grace He has given us the correct approach in meditation and He has also directed that "it is the bounden duty of every Ananda Margii to being all onto the path of bliss." Thus we should be cent per cent involved in not allowing the general people to fall prey to the nothingness of Buddhist meditation. We should guide and teach them to move towards the Supreme, lest they become microvita. Baba says, "As a yogic practice, pratya'ha'ra means “withdrawal of the mind from external objectivity and goading the withdrawn mind toward Parama Purus'a”." (YP) Namaskar, Jayanta
********************************************* Crow and Cuckoo
Baba says, "It is said that there is a particular species of the cuckoo bird that is incapable of nesting and raising its own offspring. So to protect and save her babies, the mother cukoo gently places her own eggs in the crow's nest, even though the crow is her dreaded enemy. But since the eggs of both the birds looks the same, the crow carefully cares for those cuckoo eggs which were placed in her nest-- thinking them to be her own. At the time of birth, the newborn birds of both species are black; so seeing the baby cuckoos, the mother crow does not initially realise that the baby cuckoos are not her own offspring. It is only when the baby birds become a little bigger and start to call out and cry, that the crow realises those are not her babies. Then and there the mother crow becomes very angry, suddenly understanding that it has gotten duped. But because of having given long-term care and developed sincere love for the baby cuckoo, the mother crow gives up the idea of attacking and killing the cuckoo. And instead the mother crow raises the baby cuckoo as one of her own." (SC-10)

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