From: Foster Davis
Subject: Easy Money
Date: Mon, 31 May 2010 13:48:21 -0400
"Cirka'ler bandhu nikat'e ese ghuma bha'ungio..." (PS 3002 )
O' my eternal Bandhu [1], by coming close, break my slumber. If I am intoxicated in crude, mundane thoughts, arouse me.
By coming close please break my slumber, O' my eternal Bandhu.
Baba, nothing is unknown to You. You are ever-present in each and every pore. If ever I am oblivious of You, and get lost in this crude world, please pull me back onto the path of dharma.
By coming close, please break my slumber, O' my eternal Bandhu.
Baba, in this beginningless and endless divine liila, searching for You becomes hard and painful. The illusion created by maya obscures the vision. Please light the lamp.
By coming close please break my slumber, O' my eternal Bandhu, arouse me and bring me at Your lotus feet...
[1] Usually people think that the term 'Bandhu' means 'friend', but in our AM devotional life the term Bandhus means something much more.
Baba says, "'Bandhu' means 'those within the bondage of love'. That is when
one can not tolerate the idea of separation it is called 'Bandhu'. Now you
see in this world have you got any Bandhu? No. Even your friend, your best
friend-- he also did not come at the same time as you and after leaving the
cremation ground, there is permanent separation. He will be with you up to
the cremation ground. After your cremation he won't be with you. So he is
not Bandhu-- he is not friend for he can tolerate the idea of separation."
"So who is the real friend? Parama Purusa. When you are in this physical
framework-- in this quinquelemental framework, He is with you, with your
body, with your mind and with your spirit. After death, He will be with
your mind, with your soul. When the body will be lost, the body will become
one with the earth but mind and spirit will remain, He will be with you. So
He is the real friend, He is the real Bandhu. And there cannot be any
mundane friend, mundane Bandhu." (AV-12)
Normally when someone shoots straight up into the sky they are an astronaut on a rocket ship. One could also be on a helicopter as that also rises directly upwards. But that is not what is going on here.
In 2011, a whole congregation of people will be rising straight up into the sky, so they believe.
Welcome to Rapture!! The belief that all "true Christians" will be gathered together in the air to meet Christ at his return. Such Christians believe that the date of the next rapture is May 21, 2011.
This will be a great event as we will see an entire mass of people defy gravity without the use of a single engine. Magically they will rise up into the sky.
Even more hilarious is how another section of society - confirmed atheists - are making a bundle of money off of this rapture mania.
All of this and more is described in the below letter.
The whole entire rapture agenda is based on fear. Namely, if you do not follow the Christian doctrine then you will not rise up into the sky and finally enter into heaven - rather you will be forced to remain on this heinous earth and finally rot in hell. That will be the awful plight of all non-believers and non-devout Christians.
With this fear psychology - all done in the name of god - such Christian priests get their followers completely engrossed in the rapture movement. That is how they sell their event. That is why so many Christians are packing bag and baggage and getting ready to make the great flight up into the sky and on to heaven in 2011 - May 21st to be exact.
Even more surprising is that this is going on during the age of science and reason.
In the past, such raptures were declared in: 1772, 1844, 1977, 1981, 1988, 1989, 1992, 1993, and 1994. As noted many of the dates have been declared in modern times.
And each time the leaders of the failed rapture were met with ridicule, teasing, critique and embarrassment. Mostly they justified their stance by saying, "Jesus will be meeting us up in the sky, only we made a mistake in the calculation of the date."
And then they promptly arranged a new date - and again all their followers became totally sucked into the frenzy all over again.
How is it that such people in this modern era get duped by the rapture dogma?
During their childhood they were indoctrinated into the Christian dogma and on those points their mind became inert. In other worldly spheres - with their job, house repairs, education, and food shopping - they can apply their logic and reasoning but not in the field of religion. On that subject their brain is totally frozen. They are unable to think - just they follow blindly. Such is the power of dogma.
And it is for this reason that modern day people get captivated by the rapture dogma.
Seeing all this, one group of confirmed atheists have come forward to make bundles of money off of the rapture program. Here's how they do it.
In the west - and in particular in the US - where the rapture dogma is at its height, people love their pets. They are alienated from other human beings and pour all their heart's longing into their pet.
Believers know that Christ has come only for them - not their pets. That means during rapture, when they get magically pulled up into the sky, then their pets remain on earth.
Hence, confirmed atheists capitalised on the situation.
Such atheists proclaim: "I am an atheist - I will be stuck here on earth after the rapture - so, my dear Christians, I will take care of your pets. After you make it up into the sky, I will be here on earth to ensure your beloved pet (dog or cat etc) is not left uncared for. Start paying me now - reserve your place - and I guarantee I will care for and feed your pet after the rapture for the next 10 years. Since I do not believe in Jesus I am bound to be here after the rapture. So put down your payment with me and invest in the welfare of your treasured pet."
This is the scam confirmed atheists are doing. There are thousands of such websites right now. And they are all collecting huge money from the rapture seeking Christians. So many believers have enrolled and deposited money for the care of their pet.
So atheists are making piles of easy money from the rapture dogma. Why easy? Because they need not invest any money and they will not have to care for those pets after the rapture. Because those pet owners will still be on earth as the famed rapture is nothing but one big sham or hoax.
Thus it is easy money and many, many atheists are taking full advantage. But don't take my word for it. Go on-line and check out all the websites.
Actually, none should think that only Christians are involved in this kind of rapture dogma.
As Baba points out in various discourses, numerous other religions and sects prescribe to the doomsday theory. Viprans in the form of religious thinkers and priests have and continue to preach that the world will be destroyed.
Certain Hindus also fall into this trap. To prevent the destruction of the earth they perform all kinds of yajinas and the businessmen sell truckloads of rotten ghee. This yajina (sacrifice) is all done to prevent the destruction of the earth.
So it is a similar mentality as the rapture but a slightly different outlook.
The Hindus do not believe that through their yajina they will rise up into the sky. Just they think that they will have averted disaster by saving the earth from destruction. And they will thus continue to live on earth.
In contrast, the Christians feel that during the rapture they are on their way to heaven and that they will be leaving this earth. That is the central difference.
Here the point is that many subscribe to various theories of this nature, but only certain radical Christians think that they will actually rise up magically into the sky without the use of a rocket ship.
Baba describes the mentality of such rapture & doomsday preachers perfectly in the below citation.
Baba says, "Hypocrites’ dogma is embraced knowingly by those with vested interests, although most people follow dogma unknowingly. Ordinary people are told by their priests, “You should not do this or that because it is a sin and is forbidden by the scriptures. If you do not follow the path that we have suggested, your family will be ruined.” If rational people challenge these illogical ideas, a priest may retort that he had a dream in which the Divine Mother appeared before him and said many things to justify his position. This is all hypocrites’ dogma." (PNS-16)
If truth be known though, no god can do like this. No god that is all-powerful and all-loving will senselessly destroy and ruin his creation. Nor will any god favour some and hate others. That is the loophole and hypocrisy of such rapture beliefs.
Such Christians preach that their god is great and all-loving and then in the next breath they attach all kinds of crude-negative actions to their god.
But who can accept such a personality as being god if that god abuses and harasses innocent and helpless beings. No all-loving god could also be so crude-minded and malicious.
That is the main defect of their rapture and doomsday agendas. By this way such Christians expose their own mentality.
Their situation parallels that of Freud. Freud super-imposed his own crude sexual lust on all human beings.
Baba says, "Those psychologists that give undue importance to sexual lust, betray their own vulgar and licentious mentality." (SS-3)
Thus by his theory, Freud merely exposed his own dirty outlook - nothing more.
Similarly, such crude Christian propagandists are putting for their own faulty ideas in the name of god. They are merely exposing their own mean-minded manner. That is all that is going on when they that that their god will damn and punish all non-believers etc.
Here it should be made clear that Parama Purusa is all-mercitul and there is no need for anyone to worry. He loves and looks after all.
Baba says, "His grace is for all – both for virtuous and non-virtuous. All are His children. Nobody is unimportant, nobody is insignificant...You spiritual aspirants, you should remember that Parama Purus'a is always with you and His grace is always with you, and you all are His loving children. You need not develop any fear complex regarding the Supreme Father. You should remember that He’s the Supreme Father." (SS-19)
Now in this modern era where still people's intellects are being captured by religious dogma, the only way out is to propagate neo-humanism.
People must be made to understand that whenever their mind is not allowed to think beyond the confines of a particular boundary line, then that idea is dogma. For instance, in the rapture agenda, no one is allowed to think beyond the confines of the rapture model. No logic or reasoning is allowed. Just one is forced to follow the mandate of rapture blindly.
Our job is to calmly and rationally convince people not to worry about nor get caught up in or duped by any type of rapture propaganda. We should encourage open and free debate on this matter and see the facts.
Side by side we must always remind everyone that Parama Purusa does not have any imperfection. He does not hate or curse anyone; He showers equal love upon all. He does not judge anyone based on whether they are a "believer" or not. He watches over all: the virtuous and the sinners, margiis and non-margiis.
Parama Purusa loves all - in that case all talks of doomsday and rapture are nothing but a farce.
Baba says, "He is everyone’s shelter, everyone’s refuge. Thus, human beings are never helpless, neither individually nor collectively. Always remember that He is with every individual. Some philosophers, quoting the scriptures, say that a day of final doom will darken the Earth when the dead will rise from the grave. Others predict that a doomsday (pralayá in Saḿskrta – “pra” means “complete” and thus pralaya means “complete destruction”) will obliterate all forms of life. One should laugh at such illogical doctrines. According to Ánanda Márga philosophy, this doomsday or pralaya will never occur....the flow of creation will continue...There will never be a complete thermal death. of the universe. Thus, predictions of an imminent doomsday should be of no concern to you. It is nonsense; pralaya will never occur." (AV-17)
Definition of Ideology
Ideology is any teaching that is beneficial to one and all: Humans, animals, plants, animate and inanimate objects, and the whole creation. Ideology is any theory or philosophy that works in 360 degrees and aims towards universal welfare.
The theory that is only for the benefit of a particular race, caste, group, clan, community, religion or nation is not ideology in our view. Theirs is just a narrow agenda. The term ideology means being concerned for everyone and everything: flora and fauna.
In addition, those drowned in personal problems who do not think about the suffering of others are living a life based on selfishness.
In all such cases, their approach is diametrically opposite to what what we mean by the term, ideology. We should help such persons give up their narrow boundaries and selfish agendas and live a life based on the tenets of universal benevolence. Then theirs will be a life based on ideology.
To do and die for ideology means working tirelessly for the service of all: To commit one's life, i.e. every waking moment from childhood up to the last breath, to this high ideal of universal welfare. That is the spirit of doing and dying for ideology. To do something selfless that is beneficial for all, not one particular group, always harboring the idea that everyone is my kith and kin.
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