From: "Jawaharlal Deva"
Subject: "Master Glossary" Blunder: The Term Acarya
In our ongoing investigation of the "Master Glossary" from the "The Electronic Edition (English) of the Works of P.R. Sarkar" (version 7.5), we examine the term: acarya.
As we all know, Baba has given a very clear and pointed definition of the term acarya.
Baba says, "'Acárańát pát́hayati yah sah ácáryah – “One who teaches through one’s conduct is an ácárya.” If you cannot learn anything from the conduct and behaviour of a certain person, why should you accept that person as an ácárya/á?" (Ananda Vacanamrtam, part 23, "Silent Action)
Thus, by His above definition, it is very clear that conduct is an integral aspect of being an acarya. Indeed, if one's conduct is improper, they are not an acarya.
Here below Baba emphasizes this very same notion that one's conduct - i.e. speech and deeds - is the central component of acarya life.
Baba says, "An ácárya or ácáryá should always instruct by his or her exemplary actions and words." (Ananda Vacanamrtam, part 31)
And in His next guideline, because conduct is the main theme of being an acarya, Baba once again stress this point.
Baba says, "I have already explained in the definition of ácárya, Acárańát páthayati yah sah ácáryah – “One who teaches through one’s conduct is an ácárya.” If one’s conduct is not exemplary, he is not an ácárya/á." (Ananda Vacanamrtam, part 23, "Silent Action)
So by all of the above it is quite clear that according to Baba, an acarya is one who teaches by their conduct and if one's actions are not proper then they are not an acarya. It is a very straightforward definition.
Baba furthermore states that in addition to maintaining an exemplary code of conduct, our acaryas should possess the following qualities.
Baba says, "Only those persons who are sincere, spirited and endowed with sharp intellect, and who understand and can make others understand the philosophy, will be considered eligible to become a´ca´rya/a´s." (Caryacarya, part 1, "Táttvika, Ácárya/á, and Purodhá")
Here below in this following descriptive explanation of an acarya, Baba emphasizes that one's dealing and conduct must be proper in order to be an acarya.
Baba says, "Those who have the responsibility to show the path to others should be of superlative character with the most refined conduct. They and their followers must move constantly towards all-round development and shreya [ultimate spiritual attainment]. Persons who teach such well-regulated behaviour to others by their own conduct are called ácáryas." (Ananda Vacanamrtam, part 31)
All in all, Baba's definition of an acarya is very clear: The main thing is exemplary conduct based on AM ideals.
Indeed, Baba's mandate is quite revolutionary and drastically different from the trends in other arenas of contemporary life.
In the so-called modern civilization, especially in the west, conduct has little or no meaning.
Dancers, singers, writers, politicians, movie stars, businessmen and athletes are often plagued by crude, if not lewd, behaviour; but since they say the right things, speak "high" words, and pledge promises etc, the common people have no objections. It is all fine and well. That is way things happen today in the general society.
So when we see that good conduct is distinctly lacking in the general society, that is why we should be even more vigilant to highlight the proper definition of what an acarya is. Otherwise it looks like we too are ignoring this critical aspect of life: conduct.
Hence any true definition of an acarya must include Baba's Sanskrit shloka, or at the very least reflect its meaning.
Acárańát páthayati yah sah ácáryah
In AM, conduct is everything - especially for our acaryas. On this point, Baba does not accept any compromise. The conduct of an acarya must be sterling - period. In countless reporting sessions, Baba expressed this very same ideal and always pointed out and corrected one's defects and character flaws - especially those of our acaryas.
Keeping all of the above in mind, it is unfortunate that in the "Master Glossary" from the electronic edition of Baba's books, the definition of acarya is missing this all-important aspect of conduct.
Here is how the term acarya is defined in the so-called Master Glossary:
"Acarya: Spiritual teacher qualified to teach all lessons of meditation."
("Master Glossary" from the "The Electronic Edition (English) of the Works of P.R. Sarkar" - version 7.5)
Thus in the above definition the publishers totally omitted the very essence, i.e. conduct. There is no mention of this in the above noted definition.
Yet the reality is that if one teaches "all lessons of meditation" but their conduct is not good then they are not an acarya according to Baba. So the definition given in the "Master Glossary" is wrong, or at the very least misleading and incomplete.
The matter is very clear. Baba says that a key defining element of being an acarya is possessing proper conduct. That is Baba's definition of acarya. So when that element is totally absent from the definition in the "Master Glossary", that is cause for concern. Then new readers will get the wrong idea and so many others will be misled. And still another segment of the society will be left unimpressed whereas they would have been duly impressed if they knew our Wt cadre is defined by their sterling conduct.
The main problem is that the "Master Glossary" fails to properly express Baba's real definition of acarya. For this reason this letter has been written. Because when our own publishers are unable to provide a proper definition of our AM terms, then how are non-margiis going to learn about AM ideology.
To view and read the first posting in this series about the term "gopa" click below.
Please watch for more entries in this series and write in with your own thoughts.
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